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Psalms Chapters

Psalms 33 Verses

GUV : હે ન્યાયી લોકો, યહોવામાં હરખાઓ; શુદ્ધ હૃદયવાળા લોકો યહોવાની સ્તુતિ કરે તે સારું છે.
KJV : Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: [for] praise is comely for the upright.
YLT : Sing, ye righteous, in Jehovah, For upright ones praise [is] comely.
RV : Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: praise is comely for the upright.
RSV : Rejoice in the LORD, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright.
ASV : Rejoice in Jehovah, O ye righteous: Praise is comely for the upright.
ESV : Shout for joy in the LORD, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright.
ERVEN : Rejoice in the Lord, good people! It is only right for good people to praise him.
GUV : વીણા વગાડી યહોવાની સ્તુતિ કરો, દશ તારનું વાજીંત્ર વગાડી ગાઓ; સ્તુતિના મધુર ગીતો આનંદથી ગાઓ.
KJV : Praise the LORD with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery [and] an instrument of ten strings.
YLT : Give ye thanks to Jehovah with a harp, With psaltery of ten strings sing praise to Him,
RV : Give thanks unto the LORD with harp: sing praises unto him with the psaltery of ten strings.
RSV : Praise the LORD with the lyre, make melody to him with the harp of ten strings!
ASV : Give thanks unto Jehovah with the harp: Sing praises unto him with the psaltery of ten strings.
ESV : Give thanks to the LORD with the lyre; make melody to him with the harp of ten strings!
ERVEN : Play the lyre and praise the Lord. Play the ten-stringed harp for him.
GUV : યહોવાના નૂતન ગીતો ગાઓ; વાજીંત્રોને કુશળતાથી અને મોટેથી વગાડો.
KJV : Sing unto him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise.
YLT : Sing ye to Him a new song, Play skilfully with shouting.
RV : Sing unto him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise.
RSV : Sing to him a new song, play skilfully on the strings, with loud shouts.
ASV : Sing unto him a new song; Play skilfully with a loud noise.
ESV : Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts.
ERVEN : Sing a new song to him. Play it well and sing it loud!
GUV : યહોવાનો પ્રત્યેક શબ્દ ન્યાયી છે, તેનાં સર્વ કાર્ય ભરોસાપાત્ર છે.
KJV : For the word of the LORD [is] right; and all his works [are done] in truth.
YLT : For upright [is] the word of Jehovah, And all His work [is] in faithfulness.
RV : For the word of the LORD is right; and all his work is {cf15i done} in faithfulness.
RSV : For the word of the LORD is upright; and all his work is done in faithfulness.
ASV : For the word of Jehovah is right; And all his work is done in faithfulness.
ESV : For the word of the LORD is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness.
ERVEN : The Lord's word is true. You can depend on his teachings.
GUV : તે ન્યાય અને નિષ્પક્ષતાને ચાહે છે. પૃથ્વી યહોવાની કૃપાથી ભરાઇ ગઇ છે.
KJV : He loveth righteousness and judgment: the earth is full of the goodness of the LORD.
YLT : Loving righteousness and judgment, Of the kindness of Jehovah is the earth full.
RV : He loveth righteousness and judgment: the earth is full of the lovingkindness of the LORD.
RSV : He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the LORD.
ASV : He loveth righteousness and justice: The earth is full of the lovingkindness of Jehovah.
ESV : He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the LORD.
ERVEN : He loves goodness and justice. The Lord's faithful love fills the earth.
GUV : એમણે શબ્દોચ્ચાર કર્યો અને અકાશનું નિર્માણ થયું, અને તેમના મુખમાંના શ્વાસે આકાશના સમગ્ર તારાઓની રચના કરી.
KJV : By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.
YLT : By the word of Jehovah The heavens have been made, And by the breath of His mouth all their host.
RV : By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.
RSV : By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and all their host by the breath of his mouth.
ASV : By the word of Jehovah were the heavens made, And all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.
ESV : By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host.
ERVEN : The Lord spoke the command, and the world was made. The breath from his mouth created everything in the heavens.
GUV : તેમણે સમુદ્રો બનાવ્યાં અને મશકની માફક પાણી ભેગા કર્યાર્ અને તેના અતિશય ઊઁડાણોને વખારોમાં ભરી રાખે છે.
KJV : He gathereth the waters of the sea together as an heap: he layeth up the depth in storehouses.
YLT : Gathering as a heap the waters of the sea, Putting in treasuries the depths.
RV : He gathereth the waters of the sea together as an heap: he layeth up the deeps in storehouses.
RSV : He gathered the waters of the sea as in a bottle; he put the deeps in storehouses.
ASV : He gathereth the waters of the sea together as a heap: He layeth up the deeps in store-houses.
ESV : He gathers the waters of the sea as a heap; he puts the deeps in storehouses.
ERVEN : He gathered together the water of the sea. He put the ocean in its place.
GUV : સમગ્ર પૃથ્વી યહોવાથી બીઓ, અને પૃથ્વીવાસી તેનું ભય રાખો અને આદર કરો.
KJV : Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him.
YLT : Afraid of Jehovah are all the earth, Of Him are all the inhabitants of the world afraid.
RV : Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him.
RSV : Let all the earth fear the LORD, let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him!
ASV : Let all the earth fear Jehovah: Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him.
ESV : Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him!
ERVEN : Everyone on earth should fear and respect the Lord. All the people in the world should fear him,
GUV : કારણ, તેઓ બોલ્યા અને સૃષ્ટિ ઉત્પન્ન થઇ; અને તેમણે આજ્ઞા કરી અને તે સ્થિર થઇ.
KJV : For he spake, and it was [done;] he commanded, and it stood fast.
YLT : For He hath said, and it is, He hath commanded, and it standeth.
RV : For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.
RSV : For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood forth.
ASV : For he spake, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.
ESV : For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.
ERVEN : because when he speaks, things happen. And if he says, "Stop!"—then it stops.
GUV : યહોવા તેમનો વિરોધ કરતી પ્રજાઓની યોજનાઓને નિષ્ફળ બનાવે છે. જુઓ, યહોવા બધા લોકોની યોજનાઓને નિરર્થક બનાવે છે.
KJV : The LORD bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect.
YLT : Jehovah made void the counsel of nations, He disallowed the thoughts of the peoples.
RV : The LORD bringeth the counsel of the nations to nought: he maketh the thoughts of the peoples to be of none effect.
RSV : The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nought; he frustrates the plans of the peoples.
ASV : Jehovah bringeth the counsel of the nations to nought; He maketh the thoughts of the peoples to be of no effect.
ESV : The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples.
ERVEN : The Lord can ruin every decision the nations make. He can spoil all their plans.
GUV : યહોવાની યોજનાઓ સદાકાળ ટકે છે. તેમણે કરેલી ઘારણા પેઢી દર પેઢી રહે છે.
KJV : The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.
YLT : The counsel of Jehovah to the age standeth, The thoughts of His heart to all generations.
RV : The counsel of the LORD standeth fast for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.
RSV : The counsel of the LORD stands for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.
ASV : The counsel of Jehovah standeth fast for ever, The thoughts of his heart to all generations.
ESV : The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.
ERVEN : But the Lord's decisions are good forever. His plans last for generation after generation.
GUV : જે પ્રજાના દેવ યહોવા છે, અને જેઓને તેમણે પોતાના લોકો તરીકે પસંદ કર્યા છે. તેઓને ધન્ય છે.
KJV : Blessed [is] the nation whose God [is] the LORD: [and] the people [whom] he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
YLT : O the happiness of the nation whose God [is] Jehovah, Of the people He did choose, For an inheritance to Him.
RV : Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
RSV : Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!
ASV : Blessed is the nation whose God is Jehovah, The people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
ESV : Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!
ERVEN : What blessings there are for those who have the Lord as their God! He chose them to be his own special people.
GUV : યહોવાનું નિવાસસ્થાન આકાશમાં છે, ત્યાંથી તે સર્વ માનવજાત પર નજર રાખે છે.
KJV : The LORD looketh from heaven; he beholdeth all the sons of men.
YLT : From the heavens hath Jehovah looked, He hath seen all the sons of men.
RV : The LORD looketh from heaven; he beholdeth all the sons of men;
RSV : The LORD looks down from heaven, he sees all the sons of men;
ASV : Jehovah looketh from heaven; He beholdeth all the sons of men;
ESV : The LORD looks down from heaven; he sees all the children of man;
ERVEN : The Lord looked down from heaven and saw all the people.
GUV : હા, તે આકાશમાંથી સૃષ્ટિમાં વસતા સર્વ જીવોને ધ્યાનથી જુએ છે.
KJV : From the place of his habitation he looketh upon all the inhabitants of the earth.
YLT : From the fixed place of His dwelling, He looked unto all inhabitants of the earth;
RV : From the place of his habitation he looketh forth upon all the inhabitants of the earth;
RSV : from where he sits enthroned he looks forth on all the inhabitants of the earth,
ASV : From the place of his habitation he looketh forth Upon all the inhabitants of the earth,
ESV : from where he sits enthroned he looks out on all the inhabitants of the earth,
ERVEN : From his high throne he looked down at all the people living on earth.
GUV : યહોવા સર્વના હૃદયના સરજનહાર છે, અને તેઓ જે કાંઇ કરે છે તે એ સમજે છે.
KJV : He fashioneth their hearts alike; he considereth all their works.
YLT : Who is forming their hearts together, Who is attending unto all their works.
RV : He that fashioneth the hearts of them all, that considereth all their works.
RSV : he who fashions the hearts of them all, and observes all their deeds.
ASV : He that fashioneth the hearts of them all, That considereth all their works.
ESV : he who fashions the hearts of them all and observes all their deeds.
ERVEN : He created every person's mind, and he knows what each one is doing.
GUV : રાજા ફકત તેના સુસજ્જ સૈન્યના બળથી જીતી ન શકે. બળવાન યોદ્ધો ફકત પોતાની બહાદુરીથી બચી જતો નથી.
KJV : There is no king saved by the multitude of an host: a mighty man is not delivered by much strength.
YLT : The king is not saved by the multitude of a force. A mighty man is not delivered, By abundance of power.
RV : There is no king saved by the multitude of an host: a mighty man is not delivered by great strength.
RSV : A king is not saved by his great army; a warrior is not delivered by his great strength.
ASV : There is no king saved by the multitude of a host: A mighty man is not delivered by great strength.
ESV : The king is not saved by his great army; a warrior is not delivered by his great strength.
ERVEN : A king is not saved by the power of his army. A soldier does not survive by his own great strength.
GUV : યુદ્ધમાં વિજય માટે ધોડાઓ પર આધાર રાખવો વ્યર્થ છે, તેઓ પોતાના બાહુબળથી કોઇને ઉગારી શકતા નથી.
KJV : An horse [is] a vain thing for safety: neither shall he deliver [any] by his great strength.
YLT : A false thing [is] the horse for safety, And by the abundance of his strength He doth not deliver.
RV : An horse is a vain thing for safety: neither shall he deliver any by his great power.
RSV : The war horse is a vain hope for victory, and by its great might it cannot save.
ASV : A horse is a vain thing for safety; Neither doth he deliver any by his great power.
ESV : The war horse is a false hope for salvation, and by its great might it cannot rescue.
ERVEN : Horses don't really bring victory in war. Their strength cannot help you escape.
GUV : યહોવા તેઓની નજર અને સંભાળ રાખે છે જેઓ તેનો ભય રાખે છે; અને તેમનો આદર કરે છે જેઓ તેમની કૃપાની રાહ જુએ છે.
KJV : Behold, the eye of the LORD [is] upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy;
YLT : Lo, the eye of Jehovah [is] to those fearing Him, To those waiting for His kindness,
RV : Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy;
RSV : Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love,
ASV : Behold, the eye of Jehovah is upon them that fear him, Upon them that hope in his lovingkindness;
ESV : Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love,
ERVEN : The Lord watches over his followers, those who wait for him to show his faithful love.
GUV : તે તેઓના જીવને મૃત્યુથી બચાવે છે, અને દુકાળ સમયે તેઓને જીવતાઁ રાખે છે.
KJV : To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.
YLT : To deliver from death their soul, And to keep them alive in famine.
RV : To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.
RSV : that he may deliver their soul from death, and keep them alive in famine.
ASV : To deliver their soul from death, And to keep them alive in famine.
ESV : that he may deliver their soul from death and keep them alive in famine.
ERVEN : He saves them from death. He gives them strength when they are hungry.
GUV : અમે પૂર્ણ શ્રદ્ધાથી અમારી રક્ષા માટે યહોવાની પ્રતિક્ષા કરીએ છીએ, તે અમારા સાચા સહાયક છે, અને તે અમારી ઢાલ છે.
KJV : Our soul waiteth for the LORD: he [is] our help and our shield.
YLT : Our soul hath waited for Jehovah, Our help and our shield [is] He,
RV : Our soul hath waited for the LORD: he is our help and our shield.
RSV : Our soul waits for the LORD; he is our help and shield.
ASV : Our soul hath waited for Jehovah: He is our help and our shield.
ESV : Our soul waits for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.
ERVEN : So we will wait for the Lord. He helps us and protects us.
GUV : અમે યહોવામાં આનંદિત છીએ. અમે તેમનામાં ભરોસો રાખીએ છીએ. અમને તેમનાં પવિત્ર નામમાં વિશ્વાસ છે.
KJV : For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name.
YLT : For in Him doth our heart rejoice, For in His holy name we have trusted.
RV : For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name.
RSV : Yea, our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name.
ASV : For our heart shall rejoice in him, Because we have trusted in his holy name.
ESV : For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name.
ERVEN : He makes us happy. We trust his holy name.
GUV : હે યહોવા, અમે રાહ જોઇ અને તમારી આશા રાખી છે કે તમારી કૃપા અમારા પર થાય.
KJV : Let thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in thee. ; who drove him away, and he departed.
YLT : Let Thy kindness, O Jehovah, be upon us, As we have waited for Thee!
RV : Let thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we have hoped in thee.
RSV : Let thy steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in thee.
ASV : Let thy lovingkindness, O Jehovah, be upon us, According as we have hoped in thee. Psalm 34 A Psalm of David; when he changed his behavior before Abimelech, who drove him away, and he departed.
ESV : Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in you.
ERVEN : Lord, we worship you, so show your great love for us.

