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Psalms Chapters

Psalms 7 Verses

BNV : প্রভু, আমার ঈশ্বর, আমি আপনার ওপর নির্ভর করি| যারা আমায় তাড়া করছে তাদের হাত থেকে আপনি আমায় রক্ষা করুন| আমায় উদ্ধার করুন!
KJV : O Lord my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me:
YLT : `The Erring One,` by David, that he sung to Jehovah concerning the words of Cush a Benjamite. O Jehovah, my God, in Thee I have trusted, Save me from all my pursuers, and deliver me.
RV : O LORD my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that pursue me, and deliver me:
RSV : A Shiggaion of David, which he sang to the LORD concerning Cush a Benjaminite. O LORD my God, in thee do I take refuge; save me from all my pursuers, and deliver me,
ASV : O Jehovah my God, in thee do I take refuge: Save me from all them that pursue me, and deliver me,
ESV : A SHIGGAION OF DAVID, WHICH HE SANG TO THE LORD CONCERNING THE WORDS OF CUSH, A BENJAMINITE. O LORD my God, in you do I take refuge; save me from all my pursuers and deliver me,
ERVEN : A song of David that he sang to the Lord about Cush from the tribe of Benjamin. Lord my God, I come to you for protection. Save me from those who are chasing me.
BNV : যদি আপনি আমায় সাহায্য না করেন, আমি সিংহের হাতে ধরা পড়া পশুর মত অসহায় হয়ে পড়ব| তারা আমাকে টেনে নিয়ে যাবে| আমাকে রক্ষা করার কেউ থাকবে না!
KJV : Lest he tear my soul like a lion, rending [it] in pieces, while [there is] none to deliver.
YLT : Lest he tear as a lion my soul, Rending, and there is no deliverer.
RV : Lest he tear my soul like a lion, rending it in pieces, while there is none to deliver.
RSV : lest like a lion they rend me, dragging me away, with none to rescue.
ASV : Lest they tear my soul like a lion, Rending it in pieces, while there is none to deliver.
ESV : lest like a lion they tear my soul apart, rending it in pieces, with none to deliver.
ERVEN : If you don't help me, I will be torn apart, like an animal caught by a lion. I will be carried away with no one to save me.
BNV : প্রভু আমার ঈশ্বর, আমি কোন অন্যায় করি নি| আমি শপথ করে বলছি আমি কোন অন্যায় করিনি!
KJV : O LORD my God, if I have done this; if there be iniquity in my hands;
YLT : O Jehovah, my God, if I have done this, If there is iniquity in my hands,
RV : O LORD my God, if I have done this; if there be iniquity in my hands;
RSV : O LORD my God, if I have done this, if there is wrong in my hands,
ASV : O Jehovah my God, if I have done this; If there be iniquity in my hands;
ESV : O LORD my God, if I have done this, if there is wrong in my hands,
ERVEN : Lord my God, I have done nothing wrong.
BNV : প্রভু আমার ঈশ্বর, যদি আমার বাক্য কোন মন্দ কাজ করে থাকে এবং যদি আমি আমার বন্ধুর প্রতি কোন অন্যায় কাজ করে থাকি এবং যদি কোন কারণ ছাড়াই শত্রুর কাছ থেকে কোন জিনিস নিয়ে থাকি বা আক্রমণ করে থাকি তাহলে আমার শত্রুরা য়েন আমাকে খুঁজে ধরে ফেলে এবং আমাকে হত্যা করে আমার জীবন ধূলোয় মিশিয়ে দেয় এবং আমার আত্মাকে পাতালে পাঠিয়ে দেয়|”
KJV : If I have rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me; (yea, I have delivered him that without cause is mine enemy:)
YLT : If I have done my well-wisher evil, And draw mine adversary without cause,
RV : If I have rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me; (yea, I have delivered him that without cause was mine adversary:)
RSV : if I have requited my friend with evil or plundered my enemy without cause,
ASV : If I have rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me; (Yea, I have delivered him that without cause was mine adversary;)
ESV : if I have repaid my friend with evil or plundered my enemy without cause,
ERVEN : I have done nothing to hurt a friend or to help his enemies.
KJV : Let the enemy persecute my soul, and take [it;] yea, let him tread down my life upon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust. Selah.
YLT : An enemy pursueth my soul, and overtaketh, And treadeth down to the earth my life, And my honour placeth in the dust. Selah.
RV : Let the enemy pursue my soul, and overtake it; yea, let him tread my life down to the earth, and lay my glory in the dust. {cf15i Selah}
RSV : let the enemy pursue me and overtake me, and let him trample my life to the ground, and lay my soul in the dust. [Selah]
ASV : Let the enemy pursue my soul, and overtake it; Yea, let him tread my life down to the earth, And lay my glory in the dust. Selah
ESV : let the enemy pursue my soul and overtake it, and let him trample my life to the ground and lay my glory in the dust. Selah
ERVEN : If that is not the truth, then punish me. Let an enemy chase me, catch me, and kill me. Let him grind me into the dirt and put me in my grave. Selah
KJV : Arise, O LORD, in thine anger, lift up thyself because of the rage of mine enemies: and awake for me [to] the judgment [that] thou hast commanded.
YLT : Rise, O Jehovah, in Thine anger, Be lifted up at the wrath of mine adversaries, And awake Thou for me: Judgment Thou hast commanded:
RV : Arise, O LORD, in thine anger, lift up thyself against the rage of mine adversaries: and awake for me; thou hast commanded judgment.
RSV : Arise, O LORD, in thy anger, lift thyself up against the fury of my enemies; awake, O my God; thou hast appointed a judgment.
ASV : Arise, O Jehovah, in thine anger; Lift up thyself against the rage of mine adversaries, And awake for me; thou hast commanded judgment.
ESV : Arise, O LORD, in your anger; lift yourself up against the fury of my enemies; awake for me; you have appointed a judgment.
ERVEN : Lord, get up and show your anger! My enemy is angry, so stand and fight against him. Get me the justice that you demand.
BNV : প্রভু, লোকদের বিচার করুন| সকল জাতিদের আপনার সঙ্গে সঙঘবদ্ধ করুন|
KJV : So shall the congregation of the people compass thee about: for their sakes therefore return thou on high.
YLT : And a company of peoples compass Thee, And over it on high turn Thou back,
RV : And let the congregation of the peoples compass thee about: and over them return thou on high.
RSV : Let the assembly of the peoples be gathered about thee; and over it take thy seat on high.
ASV : And let the congregation of the peoples compass thee about; And over them return thou on high.
ESV : Let the assembly of the peoples be gathered about you; over it return on high.
ERVEN : Gather the nations around you, and take your place as judge.
BNV : এবং লোকদের বিচার করুন| হে প্রভু, আমারও বিচার করুন| প্রমাণ করুন আমি সত্য পথে আছি| প্রমাণ করুন আমি নিষ্পাপ|
KJV : The LORD shall judge the people: judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness, and according to mine integrity [that is] in me.
YLT : Jehovah doth judge the peoples; Judge me, O Jehovah, According to my righteousness, And according to mine integrity on me,
RV : The LORD ministereth judgment to the peoples: judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness, and to mine integrity that is in me.
RSV : The LORD judges the peoples; judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness and according to the integrity that is in me.
ASV : Jehovah ministereth judgment to the peoples: Judge me, O Jehovah, according to my righteousness, and to mine integrity that is in me.
ESV : The LORD judges the peoples; judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness and according to the integrity that is in me.
ERVEN : Lord, judge the people. Lord, judge me. Prove that I am right and that I am innocent.
BNV : মন্দ লোকদের শাস্তি দিন, সত্‌ লোকদের সাহায্য করুন| হে ঈশ্বর, আপনিই মঙ্গলময়| আপনি লোকের হৃদয়ের ভেতরে কি আছে তা দেখতে পান|
KJV : Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins.
YLT : Let, I pray Thee be ended the evil of the wicked, And establish Thou the righteous, And a trier of hearts and reins is the righteous God.
RV : Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, but establish thou the righteous: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins.
RSV : O let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish thou the righteous, thou who triest the minds and hearts, thou righteous God.
ASV : O let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, but establish thou the righteous: For the righteous God trieth the minds and hearts.
ESV : Oh, let the evil of the wicked come to an end, and may you establish the righteous- you who test the minds and hearts, O righteous God!
ERVEN : Stop those who do evil. Support those who do good. God, you are fair. You know what people are thinking.
BNV : যাদের হৃদয় সত্‌ তাদের ঈশ্বর সাহায্য করেন| তাই ঈশ্বর আমাকে রক্ষা করবেন|
KJV : My defence [is] of God, which saveth the upright in heart.
YLT : My shield [is] on God, Saviour of the upright in heart!
RV : My shield is with God, which saveth the upright in heart.
RSV : My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart.
ASV : My shield is with God, Who saveth the upright in heart.
ESV : My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart.
ERVEN : God helps people who want to do right, so he will protect me.
BNV : ঈশ্বর একজন সুবিচারক| সব সময় তিনি মন্দের বিরুদ্ধে বলেন|
KJV : God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry [with the wicked] every day.
YLT : God [is] a righteous judge, And He is not angry at all times.
RV : God is a righteous judge, yea, a God that hath indignation every day.
RSV : God is a righteous judge, and a God who has indignation every day.
ASV : God is a righteous judge, Yea, a God that hath indignation every day.
ESV : God is a righteous judge, and a God who feels indignation every day.
ERVEN : God is a good judge. He always condemns evil.
BNV : ঈশ্বর তাঁর আক্রমণ থামাবেন না| তিনি তাঁর আক্রমণ থেকে পিছু হঠবেন না|তিনি তাঁর ধনুকে টান দিয়েছেন এবং শত্রুদের প্রতি তাঁর লক্ষ্য স্থির রেখেছেন|
KJV : If he turn not, he will whet his sword; he hath bent his bow, and made it ready.
YLT : If [one] turn not, His sword he sharpeneth, His bow he hath trodden -- He prepareth it,
RV : If a man turn not, he will whet his sword; he hath bent his bow, and made it ready.
RSV : If a man does not repent, God will whet his sword; he has bent and strung his bow;
ASV : If a man turn not, he will whet his sword; He hath bent his bow, and made it ready.
ESV : If a man does not repent, God will whet his sword; he has bent and readied his bow;
ERVEN : If the wicked will not change, then God is ready to punish them. He has prepared his deadly weapons. His sword is sharp. His bow is strung, drawn back, and ready to shoot its flaming arrow.
BNV : তিনি মারণাস্ত্র তৈরী করে রেখেছেন এবং তাঁর তীরগুলো ধারালো করেছেন|
KJV : He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death; he ordaineth his arrows against the persecutors.
YLT : Yea, for him He hath prepared Instruments of death, His arrows for burning pursuers He maketh.
RV : He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death; he maketh his arrows fiery {cf15i shafts}.
RSV : he has prepared his deadly weapons, making his arrows fiery shafts.
ASV : He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death; He maketh his arrows fiery shafts.
ESV : he has prepared for him his deadly weapons, making his arrows fiery shafts.
BNV : কিছু লোক সর্বদাই মন্দ ফন্দি আঁটে| তারা গোপনে ফন্দি করে এবং মিথ্যা কথা বলে|
KJV : Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood.
YLT : Lo, he travaileth [with] iniquity, And he hath conceived perverseness, And hath brought forth falsehood.
RV : Behold, he travaileth with iniquity; yea, he hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood.
RSV : Behold, the wicked man conceives evil, and is pregnant with mischief, and brings forth lies.
ASV : Behold, he travaileth with iniquity; Yea, he hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood.
ESV : Behold, the wicked man conceives evil and is pregnant with mischief and gives birth to lies.
ERVEN : The minds of the wicked are full of evil; they are pregnant with wicked plans, which give birth to lies.
BNV : তারা অন্য লোকদের ফাঁদে ফেলতে চায় এবং আঘাত করতে চায়| কিন্তু নিজেদের ফাঁদে পড়েই ওরা আহত হবে|
KJV : He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch [which] he made.
YLT : A pit he hath prepared, and he diggeth it, And he falleth into a ditch he maketh.
RV : He hath made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made.
RSV : He makes a pit, digging it out, and falls into the hole which he has made.
ASV : He hath made a pit, and digged it, And is fallen into the ditch which he made.
ESV : He makes a pit, digging it out, and falls into the hole that he has made.
ERVEN : They dig a pit to trap others, but they are the ones who will fall into it.
BNV : যা শাস্তি ওদের প্রাপ্য ওরা সেই শাস্তিই পাবে| অপরের প্রতি ওরা নির্দয ছিল| ওদের যা প্রাপ্য ওরা তাই পাবে|
KJV : His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate.
YLT : Return doth his perverseness on his head, And on his crown his violence cometh down.
RV : His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violence shall come down upon his own pate.
RSV : His mischief returns upon his own head, and on his own pate his violence descends.
ASV : His mischief shall return upon his own head, And his violence shall come down upon his own pate.
ESV : His mischief returns upon his own head, and on his own skull his violence descends.
ERVEN : The trouble they cause will come back on them. They plan harm for others, but they are the ones who will be hurt.
BNV : আমি প্রভুর প্রশংসা করি, কারণ তিনি ভালো| আমি পরাত্‌পর প্রভুর নামের প্রশংসা করি|
KJV : I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.
YLT : I thank Jehovah, According to His righteousness, And praise the name of Jehovah Most High!
RV : I will give thanks unto the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.
RSV : I will give to the LORD the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the LORD, the Most High.
ASV : I will give thanks unto Jehovah according to his righteousness, And will sing praise to the name of Jehovah Most High. Psalm 8 For the Chief Musician; set to the Gittith. A Psalm of David.
ESV : I will give to the LORD the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the LORD, the Most High.
ERVEN : I praise the Lord because he is good. I praise the name of the Lord Most High.

