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Psalms 119:1

Psalms Chapters

Psalms 119 Verses


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Psalms Chapters

Psalms 119 Verses

Bible Versions
















Psalms Chapters

Psalms 119 Verses

1 Aleph Blessed are those who live without blame. They live in keeping with the law of the Lord.
2 Blessed are those who obey his covenant laws. They trust in him with all their hearts.
3 They don't do anything wrong. They live as he wants them to live.
4 You have given me rules that I must obey completely.
5 I hope I will always stand firm in following your orders.
6 Then I won't be put to shame when I think about all of your commands.
7 I will praise you with an honest heart as I learn about how fair your decisions are.
8 I will obey your orders. Please don't leave me all alone. Beth
9 How can a young person keep his life pure? By living in keeping with your word.
10 I trust in you with all my heart. Don't let me wander away from your commands.
11 I have hidden your word in my heart so that I won't sin against you.
12 Lord, I give praise to you. Teach me your orders.
13 With my lips I talk about all of the decisions you have made.
14 Following your covenant laws gives me joy just as great riches give joy to others.
15 I spend time thinking about your rules. I consider how you want me to live.
16 I take delight in your orders. I won't fail to obey your word. Gimel
17 Be good to me, and I will live. I will obey your word.
18 Open my eyes so that I can see the wonderful truths in your law.
19 I'm a stranger on earth. Don't hide your commands from me.
20 My heart is filled with longing for your laws at all times.
21 You correct proud people. They are under your curse. They wander away from your commands.
22 I obey your covenant laws. So don't let evil people laugh at me or hate me.
23 Even if rulers sit together and tell lies about me, I will spend time thinking about your orders.
24 Your covenant laws are my delight. They give me wise advice. Daleth
25 I lie in the dust. I'm about to die. Keep me alive as you have promised.
26 I told you how I've lived, and you gave me your answer. Teach me your orders.
27 Help me understand what your rules can teach me. Then I'll spend time thinking about the miracles you have done.
28 My sadness has worn me out. Give me strength as you have promised.
29 Keep me from cheating and telling lies. Be kind and teach me your law.
30 I have chosen to be faithful to you. I put my trust in your laws.
31 Lord, I'm careful to obey your covenant laws. Don't let me be put to shame.
32 I am quick to follow your commands, because you have set my heart free. He
33 Lord, teach me to follow your orders. Then I will obey them to the very end.
34 Help me understand your law. Then I will follow it and obey it with all my heart.
35 Teach me to live as you command, because that makes me very happy.
36 Make me want to follow your covenant laws instead of wanting to gain things only for myself.
37 Turn my eyes away from things that are worthless. Keep me alive as you have promised.
38 Keep your promise to me. Then other people will have respect for you.
39 Please don't let me be put to shame. Your laws are good.
40 I really want to follow your rules. Keep me alive, because you do what is right. Waw
41 Lord, show me your faithful love. Save me as you have promised.
42 Then I will answer those who make fun of me, because I trust in your word.
43 Help me always to tell the truth about how faithful you are. I have put my hope in your laws.
44 I will always obey your law, for ever and ever.
45 I will lead a full and happy life, because I've tried to obey your rules.
46 I will talk about your covenant laws to kings. I will not be put to shame.
47 I take delight in obeying your commands because I love them.
48 I praise your commands, and I love them. I spend time thinking about your orders. Zayin
49 Remember what you have said to me. You have given me hope.
50 Even when I suffer, I am comforted because you promised to keep me alive.
51 Proud people are always making fun of me. But I don't turn away from your law.
52 Lord, I remember the laws you gave long ago. I find comfort in them.
53 I am very angry because evil people have turned away from your law.
54 No matter where I live, I sing about your orders.
55 Lord, during the night I remember who you are. That's why I keep your law.
56 I have really done my best to obey your rules. Heth
57 Lord, you are everything I need. I have promised to obey your words.
58 I have looked to you with all my heart. Be kind to me as you have promised.
59 I have thought about the way I live. And I have decided to follow your covenant laws.
60 I won't waste any time. I will be quick to obey your commands.
61 Evil people may tie me up with ropes. But I won't forget to obey your law.
62 At midnight I get up to give you thanks because your decisions are very fair.
63 I'm a friend to everyone who has respect for you. I'm a friend to everyone who follows your rules.
64 Lord, the earth is filled with your love. Teach me your orders. Teth
65 Lord, be good to me as you have promised.
66 Increase my knowledge and give me good sense, because I believe in your commands.
67 Before I went through suffering, I went down the wrong path. But now I obey your word.
68 You are good, and what you do is good. Teach me your orders.
69 Proud people have spread lies about me and have taken away my good name. But I follow your rules with all my heart.
70 Their hearts are hard and stubborn. They don't feel anything. But I take delight in your law.
71 It was good for me to suffer. That's what helped me to understand your orders.
72 The law you gave is worth more to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold. Yodh
73 You made me and formed me with your own hands. Give me understanding so that I can learn your commands.
74 May those who have respect for you be filled with joy when they see me. I have put my hope in your word.
75 Lord, I know that your laws are right. You were faithful to your promise when you made me suffer.
76 May your faithful love comfort me as you have promised me.
77 Show me your tender love so that I can live. I take delight in your law.
78 Proud people have treated me badly without any reason. May they be put to shame. I will spend time thinking about your rules.
79 May those who have respect for you come to me. Then I can teach them your covenant laws.
80 May my heart be without blame as I follow your orders. Then I won't be put to shame. Kaph
81 I deeply long for you to save me. I have put my hope in your word.
82 My eyes grow tired looking for what you have promised. I say, "When will you comfort me?"
83 I'm as useless as a wineskin that smoke has dried up. But I don't forget to follow your orders.
84 How long do I have to wait? When will you punish those who attack me?
85 Proud people do what is against your law. They dig pits for me to fall into.
86 All of your commands can be trusted. Help me, because people attack me without any reason.
87 They almost wiped me off the face of the earth. But I have not turned away from your rules.
88 Keep me alive, because you love me. Then I will obey the covenant laws you have given. Lamedh
89 Lord, your word lasts forever. It stands firm in the heavens.
90 You will be faithful for all time to come. You made the earth, and it continues to exist.
91 Your laws continue to this very day, because all things serve you.
92 If I had not taken delight in your law, I would have died because of my suffering.
93 I will never forget your rules. You have kept me alive, because I obey them.
94 Save me, because I belong to you. I've tried to obey your rules.
95 Sinful people are waiting to destroy me. But I will spend time thinking about your covenant laws.
96 I've learned that everything has its limits. But your commands are perfect. They are always there when I need them. Mem
97 Lord, I really love your law! All day long I spend time thinking about it.
98 Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, because your commands are always in my heart.
99 I know more than all of my teachers do, because I spend time thinking about your covenant laws.
100 I understand more than the elders do, because I obey your rules.
101 I've kept my feet from every path that sinners take so that I might obey your word.
102 I haven't turned away from your laws, because you yourself have taught me.
103 Your words are very sweet to my taste! They are sweeter than honey to me.
104 I gain understanding from your rules. So I hate every path that sinners take. Nun
105 Your word is like a lamp that shows me the way. It is like a light that guides me.
106 I have taken an oath. I have promised to follow your laws, because they are right.
107 I have suffered very much. Lord, keep me alive as you have promised.
108 Lord, accept the praise I freely give you. Teach me your laws.
109 I keep putting my life in danger. But I won't forget to obey your law.
110 Evil people have set a trap for me. But I haven't wandered away from your rules.
111 Your covenant laws are your gift to me forever. They fill my heart with joy.
112 I have decided to obey your orders to the very end. Samekh
113 I hate people who can't make up their minds. But I love your law.
114 You are my place of safety. You are like a shield that keeps me safe. I have put my hope in your word.
115 Get away from me, you who do evil! Then I can do what my God commands me to do.
116 Keep me going as you have promised. Then I will live. Don't let me lose all hope.
117 Take good care of me, and I will be saved. I will always honor your orders.
118 You turn your back on all those who wander away from your orders. They lie and cheat, but it doesn't amount to anything.
119 You throw away all of the sinners on earth as if they were trash. So I love your covenant laws.
120 My body trembles because I have respect for you. I have great respect for your laws. Ayin
121 I have done what is right and fair. So don't leave me to those who beat me down.
122 Make sure that everything goes well with me. Don't let proud people beat me down.
123 My eyes grow tired as I look to you to save me. Please save me as you have promised.
124 Be good to me, because you love me. Teach me your orders.
125 I serve you. Help me to understand what is right. Then I will understand your covenant laws.
126 Lord, it's time for you to act. People are breaking your law.
127 I love your commands more than gold. I love them more than pure gold.
128 I consider all of your rules to be right. So I hate every path that sinners take. Pe
129 Your covenant laws are wonderful. So I obey them.
130 When your words are made clear, they bring light. They bring understanding to childish people.
131 I open my mouth and pant like a dog, because I long to know your commands.
132 Turn to me and show me your favor. That's what you've always done for those who love you.
133 Teach me how to live as you have promised. Don't let any sin be my master.
134 Set me free from men who beat me down. Then I will obey your rules.
135 Let your face smile on me with favor. Teach me your orders.
136 Streams of tears flow from my eyes, because people don't obey your law. Tsadhe
137 Lord, you do what is fair. And your laws are right.
138 The laws you have made are fair. They can be completely trusted.
139 My anger is wearing me out, because my enemies don't pay any attention to your words.
140 Your promises have proved to be true. I love them.
141 I'm not important. People look down on me. But I don't forget to obey your rules.
142 You always do what is right. And your law is true.
143 I've had my share of trouble and suffering. But I take delight in your commands.
144 Your covenant laws are always right. Help me to understand them. Then I will live. Qoph
145 Lord, I call out to you with all my heart. Answer me, and I will obey your orders.
146 I call out to you. Save me, and I will keep your covenant laws.
147 I get up before the sun rises. I cry out for help. I've put my hope in your word.
148 My eyes stay open all night long. I spend my time thinking about your promises.
149 Listen to me, because you love me. Lord, keep me alive as you have promised.
150 Those who think up evil plans are near. They have wandered far away from your law.
151 But Lord, you are near. All your commands are true.
152 Long ago I learned from your covenant laws that you made them to last forever. Resh
153 Look at how I'm suffering! Save me, because I haven't forgotten to obey your law.
154 Stand up for me and set me free. Keep me alive as you have promised.
155 Those who are evil are far from being saved. They don't want to obey your orders.
156 Lord, you have deep concern for me. Keep me alive as you have promised.
157 Many enemies attack me. But I haven't turned away from your covenant laws.
158 I get very angry when I see people who aren't faithful to you. They don't obey your word.
159 See how I love your rules! Lord, keep me alive, because you love me.
160 All your words are true. All your laws are right. They last forever. Sin and Shin
161 Rulers attack me without any reason. But my heart trembles because of your word.
162 I'm filled with joy because of your promise. It's like finding a great fortune.
163 I hate lies with a deep hatred. But I love your law.
164 Seven times a day I praise you for your laws, because they are right.
165 Those who love your law enjoy great peace. Nothing can make them trip and fall.
166 Lord, I wait for you to save me. I follow your commands.
167 I obey your covenant laws, because I love them greatly.
168 I obey your rules and your covenant laws, because you know all about how I live. Taw
169 Lord, may you hear my cry. Give me understanding, just as you said you would.
170 May you hear my prayer. Save me, just as you promised.
171 May my lips pour out praise to you, because you teach me your orders.
172 May my tongue sing about your word, because all of your commands are right.
173 May your hand be ready to help me, because I have chosen to obey your rules.
174 Lord, I long for you to save me. I take delight in your law.
175 Let me live so that I can praise you. May your laws keep me going.
176 Like a lost sheep, I've gone down the wrong path. Come and look for me, because I haven't forgotten to obey your commands.

Psalms 119:1 English Language Bible Words basic statistical display



