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Proverbs Chapters

Proverbs 10 Verses

Bible Versions


Proverbs Chapters

Proverbs 10 Verses

HOV : सुलैमान के नीतिवचन॥ बुद्धिमान पुत्र से पिता आनन्दित होता है, परन्तु मूर्ख पुत्र के कारण माता उदास रहती है।
KJV : The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son [is] the heaviness of his mother.
YLT : Proverbs of Solomon. A wise son causeth a father to rejoice, And a foolish son [is] an affliction to his mother.
RV : The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.
RSV : The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother.
ASV : The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son maketh a glad father; But a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.
ESV : The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother.
ERVEN : These are the proverbs of Solomon: A wise son makes his father happy; a foolish one makes his mother sad.
HOV : दुष्टों के रखे हुए धन से लाभ नही होता, परन्तु धर्म के कारण मृत्यु से बचाव होता है।
KJV : Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: but righteousness delivereth from death.
YLT : Treasures of wickedness profit not, And righteousness delivereth from death.
RV : Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: but righteousness delivereth from death.
RSV : Treasures gained by wickedness do not profit, but righteousness delivers from death.
ASV : Treasures of wickedness profit nothing; But righteousness delivereth from death.
ESV : Treasures gained by wickedness do not profit, but righteousness delivers from death.
ERVEN : Wealth gained by doing wrong will not really help you, but doing right will save you from death.
HOV : धर्मी को यहोवा भूखों मरने नहीं देता, परन्तु दुष्टों की अभिलाषा वह पूरी होने नहीं देता।
KJV : The LORD will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish: but he casteth away the substance of the wicked.
YLT : Jehovah causeth not the soul of the righteous to hunger, And the desire of the wicked He thrusteth away.
RV : The LORD will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish: but he thrusteth away the desire of the wicked.
RSV : The LORD does not let the righteous go hungry, but he thwarts the craving of the wicked.
ASV : Jehovah will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish; But he thrusteth away the desire of the wicked.
ESV : The LORD does not let the righteous go hungry, but he thwarts the craving of the wicked.
ERVEN : The Lord takes care of good people and gives them the food they need, but he keeps the wicked from getting what they want.
HOV : जो काम में ढिलाई करता है, वह निर्धन हो जाता है, परन्तु कामकाजी लोग अपने हाथों के द्वारा धनी होते हैं।
KJV : He becometh poor that dealeth [with] a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.
YLT : Poor [is] he who is working -- a slothful hand, And the hand of the diligent maketh rich.
RV : He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.
RSV : A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.
ASV : He becometh poor that worketh with a slack hand; But the hand of the diligent maketh rich.
ESV : A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.
ERVEN : Lazy hands will make you poor; hardworking hands will make you rich.
HOV : जो बेटा धूपकाल में बटोरता है वह बुद्धि से काम करने वाला है, परन्तु जो बेटा कटनी के समय भारी नींद में पड़ा रहता है, वह लज्जा का कारण होता है।
KJV : He that gathereth in summer [is] a wise son: [but] he that sleepeth in harvest [is] a son that causeth shame.
YLT : Whoso is gathering in summer [is] a wise son, Whoso is sleeping in harvest [is] a son causing shame.
RV : He that gathereth in summer is a wise son: {cf15i but} he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame.
RSV : A son who gathers in summer is prudent, but a son who sleeps in harvest brings shame.
ASV : He that gathereth in summer is a wise son; But he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame.
ESV : He who gathers in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps in harvest is a son who brings shame.
ERVEN : A son who works hard while it is harvest time will be successful, but one who sleeps through the harvest is worthless.
HOV : धर्मी पर बहुत से आर्शीवाद होते हैं, परन्तु उपद्रव दुष्टों का मुंह छा लेता है।
KJV : Blessings [are] upon the head of the just: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.
YLT : Blessings [are] for the head of the righteous, And the mouth of the wicked cover doth violence.
RV : Blessings are upon the head of the righteous: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.
RSV : Blessings are on the head of the righteous, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.
ASV : Blessings are upon the head of the righteous; But violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.
ESV : Blessings are on the head of the righteous, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.
ERVEN : People say good things about those who live right, but the words of the wicked only hide their violent plans.
HOV : धर्मी को स्मरण करके लोग आशीर्वाद देते हैं, परन्तु दुष्टों का नाम मिट जाता है।
KJV : The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.
YLT : The remembrance of the righteous [is] for a blessing, And the name of the wicked doth rot.
RV : The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.
RSV : The memory of the righteous is a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot.
ASV : The memory of the righteous is blessed; But the name of the wicked shall rot.
ESV : The memory of the righteous is a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot.
ERVEN : Good people leave memories that bless us, but the wicked are soon forgotten.
HOV : जो बुद्धिमान है, वह आज्ञाओं को स्वीकार करता है, परन्तु जो बकवादी और मूढ़ है, वह पछाड़ खाता है।
KJV : The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating fool shall fall.
YLT : The wise in heart accepteth commands, And a talkative fool kicketh.
RV : The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating fool shall fall.
RSV : The wise of heart will heed commandments, but a prating fool will come to ruin.
ASV : The wise in heart will receive commandments; But a prating fool shall fall.
ESV : The wise of heart will receive commandments, but a babbling fool will come to ruin.
ERVEN : The wise accept instruction, but fools argue and bring trouble on themselves.
HOV : जो खराई से चलता है वह निडर चलता है, परन्तु जो टेढ़ी चाल चलता है उसकी चाल प्रगट हो जाती है।
KJV : He that walketh uprightly walketh surely: but he that perverteth his ways shall be known.
YLT : Whoso is walking in integrity walketh confidently, And whoso is perverting his ways is known.
RV : He that walketh uprightly walketh surely: but he that perverteth his ways shall be known.
RSV : He who walks in integrity walks securely, but he who perverts his ways will be found out.
ASV : He that walketh uprightly walketh surely; But he that perverteth his ways shall be known.
ESV : Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.
ERVEN : Honest people can always feel secure, but lying cheaters will be caught.
HOV : जो नैन से सैन करता है उस से औरों को दुख मिलता है, और जो बकवादी और मूढ़ है, वह पछाड़ खाता है।
KJV : He that winketh with the eye causeth sorrow: but a prating fool shall fall.
YLT : Whoso is winking the eye giveth grief, And a talkative fool kicketh.
RV : He that winketh with the eye causeth sorrow: but a prating fool shall fall.
RSV : He who winks the eye causes trouble, but he who boldly reproves makes peace.
ASV : He that winketh with the eye causeth sorrow; But a prating fool shall fall.
ESV : Whoever winks the eye causes trouble, but a babbling fool will come to ruin.
ERVEN : If you fail to speak the truth, trouble will follow. If you speak openly, peace will come.
HOV : धर्मी का मुंह तो जीवन का सोता है, परन्तु उपद्रव दुष्टों का मुंह छा लेता है।
KJV : The mouth of a righteous [man is] a well of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.
YLT : A fountain of life [is] the mouth of the righteous, And the mouth of the wicked cover doth violence.
RV : The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.
RSV : The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.
ASV : The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life; But violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.
ESV : The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.
ERVEN : The words of good people are like a spring of fresh water, but the words of the wicked only hide their violent plans.
HOV : बैर से तो झगड़े उत्पन्न होते हैं, परन्तु प्रेम से सब अपराध ढंप जाते हैं।
KJV : Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.
YLT : Hatred awaketh contentions, And over all transgressions love covereth.
RV : Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all transgressions.
RSV : Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.
ASV : Hatred stirreth up strifes; But love covereth all transgressions.
ESV : Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.
ERVEN : Hatred causes arguments, but love overlooks all wrongs.
HOV : समझ वालों के वचनों में बुद्धि पाई जाती है, परन्तु निर्बुद्धि की पीठ के लिये कोड़ा है।
KJV : In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found: but a rod [is] for the back of him that is void of understanding.
YLT : In the lips of the intelligent is wisdom found, And a rod [is] for the back of him who is lacking understanding.
RV : In the lips of him that hath discernment wisdom is found: but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding.
RSV : On the lips of him who has understanding wisdom is found, but a rod is for the back of him who lacks sense.
ASV : In the lips of him that hath discernment wisdom is found; But a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding.
ESV : On the lips of him who has understanding, wisdom is found, but a rod is for the back of him who lacks sense.
ERVEN : Intelligent people speak words of wisdom, but fools must be punished before they learn their lesson.
HOV : बुद्धिमान लोग ज्ञान को रख छोड़ते हैं, परन्तु मूढ़ के बोलने से विनाश निकट आता है।
KJV : Wise [men] lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish [is] near destruction.
YLT : The wise lay up knowledge, and the mouth of a fool [is] near ruin.
RV : Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is a present destruction.
RSV : Wise men lay up knowledge, but the babbling of a fool brings ruin near.
ASV : Wise men lay up knowledge; But the mouth of the foolish is a present destruction.
ESV : The wise lay up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool brings ruin near.
ERVEN : Wise people are quiet and learn new things, but fools talk and bring trouble on themselves.
HOV : धनी का धन उसका दृढ़ नगर है, परन्तु कंगाल लोग निर्धन होने के कारण विनाश होते हैं।
KJV : The rich man’s wealth [is] his strong city: the destruction of the poor [is] their poverty.
YLT : The wealth of the rich [is] his strong city, The ruin of the poor [is] their poverty.
RV : The rich man-s wealth is his strong city: the destruction of the poor is their poverty.
RSV : A rich man's wealth is his strong city; the poverty of the poor is their ruin.
ASV : The rich mans wealth is his strong city: The destruction of the poor is their poverty.
ESV : A rich man's wealth is his strong city; the poverty of the poor is their ruin.
ERVEN : Wealth protects the rich, but poverty destroys the poor.
HOV : धर्मी का परिश्रम जीवन के लिये होता है, परन्तु दुष्ट के लाभ से पाप होता है।
KJV : The labour of the righteous [tendeth] to life: the fruit of the wicked to sin.
YLT : The wage of the righteous [is] for life, The increase of the wicked for sin.
RV : The labour of the righteous {cf15i tendeth} to life; the increase of the wicked to sin.
RSV : The wage of the righteous leads to life, the gain of the wicked to sin.
ASV : The labor of the righteous tendeth to life; The increase of the wicked, to sin.
ESV : The wage of the righteous leads to life, the gain of the wicked to sin.
ERVEN : What good people do brings life, but wicked people produce only sin.
HOV : जो शिक्षा पर चलता वह जीवन के मार्ग पर है, परन्तु जो डांट से मुंह मोड़ता, वह भटकता है।
KJV : He [is in] the way of life that keepeth instruction: but he that refuseth reproof erreth.
YLT : A traveller to life [is] he who is keeping instruction, And whoso is forsaking rebuke is erring.
RV : He is in the way of life that heedeth correction: but he that forsaketh reproof erreth.
RSV : He who heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof goes astray.
ASV : He is in the way of life that heedeth correction; But he that forsaketh reproof erreth.
ESV : Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof leads others astray.
ERVEN : Those who accept correction show others how to live. Those who reject correction lead others the wrong way.
HOV : जो बैर को छिपा रखता है, वह झूठ बोलता है, और जो अपवाद फैलाता है, वह मूर्ख है।
KJV : He that hideth hatred [with] lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, [is] a fool.
YLT : Whoso is covering hatred with lying lips, And whoso is bringing out an evil report is a fool.
RV : He that hideth hatred is of lying lips; and he that uttereth a slander is a fool.
RSV : He who conceals hatred has lying lips, and he who utters slander is a fool.
ASV : He that hideth hatred is of lying lips; And he that uttereth a slander is a fool.
ESV : The one who conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever utters slander is a fool.
ERVEN : You might have to lie to hide your hatred, but saying something hurtful could be even more foolish.
HOV : जहां बहुत बातें होती हैं, वहां अपराध भी होता है, परन्तु जो अपने मुंह को बन्द रखता है वह बुद्धि से काम करता है।
KJV : In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips [is] wise.
YLT : In the abundance of words transgression ceaseth not, And whoso is restraining his lips [is] wise.
RV : In the multitude of words there wanteth not transgression: but he that refraineth his lips doeth wisely.
RSV : When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is prudent.
ASV : In the multitude of words there wanteth not transgression; But he that refraineth his lips doeth wisely.
ESV : When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.
ERVEN : A person who talks too much gets into trouble. A wise person learns to be quiet.
HOV : धर्मी के वचन तो उत्तम चान्दी हैं; परन्तु दुष्टों का मन बहुत हलका होता है।
KJV : The tongue of the just [is as] choice silver: the heart of the wicked [is] little worth.
YLT : The tongue of the righteous [is] chosen silver, The heart of the wicked -- as a little thing.
RV : The tongue of the righteous is as choice silver: the heart of the wicked is little worth.
RSV : The tongue of the righteous is choice silver; the mind of the wicked is of little worth.
ASV : The tongue of the righteous is as choice silver: The heart of the wicked is little worth.
ESV : The tongue of the righteous is choice silver; the heart of the wicked is of little worth.
ERVEN : Words from good people are like pure silver, but thoughts from the wicked are worthless.
HOV : धर्मी के वचनों से बहुतों का पालन पोषण होता है, परन्तु मूढ़ लोग निर्बुद्धि होने के कारण मर जाते हैं।
KJV : The lips of the righteous feed many: but fools die for want of wisdom.
YLT : The lips of the righteous delight many, And fools for lack of heart die.
RV : The lips of the righteous feed many: but the foolish die for lack of understanding.
RSV : The lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for lack of sense.
ASV : The lips of the righteous feed many; But the foolish die for lack of understanding.
ESV : The lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for lack of sense.
ERVEN : Good people say things that help others, but the wicked die from a lack of understanding.
HOV : धन यहोवा की आशीष ही से मिलता है, और वह उसके साथ दु:ख नहीं मिलाता।
KJV : The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.
YLT : The blessing of Jehovah -- it maketh rich, And He addeth no grief with it.
RV : The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow therewith.
RSV : The blessing of the LORD makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.
ASV : The blessing of Jehovah, it maketh rich; And he addeth no sorrow therewith.
ESV : The blessing of the LORD makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.
ERVEN : It is the Lord's blessing that brings wealth, and no hard work can add to it.
HOV : मूर्ख को तो महापाप करना हंसी की बात जान पड़ती है, परन्तु समझ वाले पुरूष में बुद्धि रहती है।
KJV : [It is] as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.
YLT : To execute inventions [is] as play to a fool, And wisdom to a man of understanding.
RV : It is as sport to a fool to do wickedness: and {cf15i so is} wisdom to a man of understanding.
RSV : It is like sport to a fool to do wrong, but wise conduct is pleasure to a man of understanding.
ASV : It is as sport to a fool to do wickedness; And so is wisdom to a man of understanding.
ESV : Doing wrong is like a joke to a fool, but wisdom is pleasure to a man of understanding.
ERVEN : Fools enjoy doing wrong, but the wise enjoy wisdom.
HOV : दुष्ट जन जिस विपत्ति से डरता है, वह उस पर आ पड़ती है, परन्तु धर्मियों की लालसा पूरी होती है।
KJV : The fear of the wicked, it shall come upon him: but the desire of the righteous shall be granted.
YLT : The feared thing of the wicked it meeteth him, And the desire of the righteous is given.
RV : The fear of the wicked, it shall come upon him: and the desire of the righteous shall be granted.
RSV : What the wicked dreads will come upon him, but the desire of the righteous will be granted.
ASV : The fear of the wicked, it shall come upon him; And the desire of the righteous shall be granted.
ESV : What the wicked dreads will come upon him, but the desire of the righteous will be granted.
ERVEN : The wicked will be defeated by what they fear, but good people will get what they want.
HOV : बवण्डर निकल जाते ही दुष्ट जन लोप हो जाता है, परन्तु धर्मी सदा लों स्थिर है।
KJV : As the whirlwind passeth, so [is] the wicked no [more:] but the righteous [is] an everlasting foundation.
YLT : As the passing by of a hurricane, So the wicked is not, And the righteous is a foundation age-during.
RV : When the whirlwind passeth, the wicked is no more: but the righteous is an everlasting foundation.
RSV : When the tempest passes, the wicked is no more, but the righteous is established for ever.
ASV : When the whirlwind passeth, the wicked is no more; But the righteous is an everlasting foundation.
ESV : When the tempest passes, the wicked is no more, but the righteous is established forever.
ERVEN : The wicked are destroyed when trouble comes, but good people stand strong forever.
HOV : जैसे दांत को सिरका, और आंख को धूंआ, वैसे आलसी उन को लगाता है जो उस को कहीं भेजते हैं।
KJV : As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so [is] the sluggard to them that send him.
YLT : As vinegar to the teeth, And as smoke to the eyes, So [is] the slothful to those sending him.
RV : As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him.
RSV : Like vinegar to the teeth, and smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to those who send him.
ASV : As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, So is the sluggard to them that send him.
ESV : Like vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to those who send him.
ERVEN : Sending a lazy to person to do anything is as irritating as vinegar on your teeth or smoke in your eyes.
HOV : यहोवा के भय मानने से आयु बढ़ती है, परन्तु दुष्टों का जीवन थोड़े ही दिनों का होता है।
KJV : The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.
YLT : The fear of Jehovah addeth days, And the years of the wicked are shortened.
RV : The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.
RSV : The fear of the LORD prolongs life, but the years of the wicked will be short.
ASV : The fear of Jehovah prolongeth days; But the years of the wicked shall be shortened.
ESV : The fear of the LORD prolongs life, but the years of the wicked will be short.
ERVEN : Respect for the Lord will add years to your life, but the wicked will have their lives cut short.
HOV : धर्मियों को आशा रखने में आनन्द मिलता है, परन्तु दुष्टों की आशा टूट जाती है।
KJV : The hope of the righteous [shall be] gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall perish.
YLT : The hope of the righteous [is] joyful, And the expectation of the wicked perisheth.
RV : The hope of the righteous {cf15i shall} be gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall perish.
RSV : The hope of the righteous ends in gladness, but the expectation of the wicked comes to nought.
ASV : The hope of the righteous shall be gladness; But the expectation of the wicked shall perish.
ESV : The hope of the righteous brings joy, but the expectation of the wicked will perish.
ERVEN : What good people hope for brings happiness, but what the wicked hope for brings destruction.
HOV : यहोवा खरे मनुष्य का गढ़ ठहरता है, परन्तु अनर्थकारियों का विनाश होता है।
KJV : The way of the LORD [is] strength to the upright: but destruction [shall be] to the workers of iniquity.
YLT : The way of Jehovah [is] strength to the perfect, And ruin to workers of iniquity.
RV : The way of the LORD is a strong hold to the upright; but it is a destruction to the workers of iniquity.
RSV : The LORD is a stronghold to him whose way is upright, but destruction to evildoers.
ASV : The way of Jehovah is a stronghold to the upright; But it is a destruction to the workers of iniquity.
ESV : The way of the LORD is a stronghold to the blameless, but destruction to evildoers.
ERVEN : The Lord protects those who do right, but he destroys those who do wrong.
HOV : धर्मी सदा अटल रहेगा, परन्तु दुष्ट पृथ्वी पर बसने न पाएंगे।
KJV : The righteous shall never be removed: but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth.
YLT : The righteous to the age is not moved, And the wicked inhabit not the earth.
RV : The righteous shall never be removed: but the wicked shall not dwell in the land.
RSV : The righteous will never be removed, but the wicked will not dwell in the land.
ASV : The righteous shall never be removed; But the wicked shall not dwell in the land.
ESV : The righteous will never be removed, but the wicked will not dwell in the land.
ERVEN : Good people will always be safe, but the wicked will be forced out of the land.
HOV : धर्मी के मुंह से बुद्धि टपकती है, पर उलट फेर की बात कहने वाले की जीभ काटी जायेगी।
KJV : The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom: but the froward tongue shall be cut out.
YLT : The mouth of the righteous uttereth wisdom, And the tongue of frowardness is cut out.
RV : The mouth of the righteous bringeth forth wisdom: but the froward tongue shall be cut off.
RSV : The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom, but the perverse tongue will be cut off.
ASV : The mouth of the righteous bringeth forth wisdom; But the perverse tongue shall be cut off.
ESV : The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom, but the perverse tongue will be cut off.
ERVEN : Those who live right say wise things, but people stop listening to troublemakers.
HOV : धर्मी ग्रहणयोग्य बात समझ कर बोलता है, परन्तु दुष्टों के मुंह से उलट फेर की बातें निकलती हैं॥
KJV : The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked [speaketh] frowardness.
YLT : The lips of the righteous know a pleasing thing, And the mouth of the wicked perverseness!
RV : The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked {cf15i speaketh} frowardness.
RSV : The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked, what is perverse.
ASV : The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable; But the mouth of the wicked speaketh perverseness.
ESV : The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked, what is perverse.
ERVEN : Good people know the right things to say, but the wicked say things to make trouble.

