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Revelation Chapters

Revelation 12 Verses

1 And G2532 there appeared G3700 a great G3173 wonder G4592 in G1722 heaven; G3772 a woman G1135 clothed with G4016 the G3588 sun, G2246 and G2532 the G3588 moon G4582 under G5270 her G848 feet, G4228 and G2532 upon G1909 her G848 head G2776 a crown G4735 of twelve G1427 stars: G792
2 And G2532 she being with child G2192 G1722 G1064 cried, G2896 travailing in birth, G5605 and G2532 pained G928 to be delivered. G5088
3 And G2532 there appeared G3700 another G243 wonder G4592 in G1722 heaven; G3772 and G2532 behold G2400 a great G3173 red G4450 dragon, G1404 having G2192 seven G2033 heads G2776 and G2532 ten G1176 horns, G2768 and G2532 seven G2033 crowns G1238 upon G1909 his G848 heads. G2776
4 And G2532 his G848 tail G3769 drew G4951 the G3588 third part G5154 of the G3588 stars G792 of heaven, G3772 and G2532 did cast G906 them G846 to G1519 the G3588 earth: G1093 and G2532 the G3588 dragon G1404 stood G2476 before G1799 the G3588 woman G1135 which was ready G3195 to be delivered, G5088 for to G2443 devour G2719 her G848 child G5043 as soon as G3752 it was born. G5088
5 And G2532 she brought forth G5088 a man G730 child, G5207 who G3739 was G3195 to rule G4165 all G3956 nations G1484 with G1722 a rod G4464 of iron: G4603 and G2532 her G848 child G5043 was caught up G726 unto G4314 God, G2316 and G2532 [to] his G848 throne. G2362
6 And G2532 the G3588 woman G1135 fled G5343 into G1519 the G3588 wilderness, G2048 where G3699 she hath G2192 a place G5117 prepared G2090 of G575 God, G2316 that G2443 they should feed G5142 her G846 there G1563 a thousand two hundred [and] threescore G5507 G1250 G1835 days. G2250
7 And G2532 there was G1096 war G4171 in G1722 heaven: G3772 Michael G3413 and G2532 his G848 angels G32 fought G4170 against G2596 the G3588 dragon; G1404 and G2532 the G3588 dragon G1404 fought G4170 and G2532 his G848 angels, G32
8 And G2532 prevailed G2480 not; G3756 neither G3777 was their G848 place G5117 found G2147 any more G2089 in G1722 heaven. G3772
9 And G2532 the G3588 great G3173 dragon G1404 was cast out, G906 that old G744 serpent, G3789 called G2564 the Devil, G1228 and G2532 Satan, G4567 which deceiveth G4105 the G3588 whole G3650 world: G3625 he was cast out G906 into G1519 the G3588 earth, G1093 and G2532 his G848 angels G32 were cast out G906 with G3326 him. G846
10 And G2532 I heard G191 a loud G3173 voice G5456 saying G3004 in G1722 heaven, G3772 Now G737 is come G1096 salvation, G4991 and G2532 strength, G1411 and G2532 the G3588 kingdom G932 of our G2257 God, G2316 and G2532 the G3588 power G1849 of his G848 Christ: G5547 for G3754 the G3588 accuser G2725 of our G2257 brethren G80 is cast down, G2598 which accused G2723 them G846 before G1799 our G2257 God G2316 day G2250 and G2532 night. G3571
11 And G2532 they G846 overcame G3528 him G846 by G1223 the G3588 blood G129 of the G3588 Lamb, G721 and G2532 by G1223 the G3588 word G3056 of their G848 testimony; G3141 and G2532 they loved G25 not G3756 their G848 lives G5590 unto G891 the death. G2288
12 Therefore G1223 G5124 rejoice, G2165 [ye] heavens, G3772 and G2532 ye that dwell G4637 in G1722 them. G846 Woe G3759 to the G3588 inhabitants G2730 of the G3588 earth G1093 and G2532 of the G3588 sea G2281 ! for G3754 the G3588 devil G1228 is come down G2597 unto G4314 you, G5209 having G2192 great G3173 wrath, G2372 because he knoweth G1492 that G3754 he hath G2192 but a short G3641 time. G2540
13 And G2532 when G3753 the G3588 dragon G1404 saw G1492 that G3754 he was cast G906 unto G1519 the G3588 earth, G1093 he persecuted G1377 the G3588 woman G1135 which G3748 brought forth G5088 the G3588 man G730 [child.]
14 And G2532 to the G3588 woman G1135 were given G1325 two G1417 wings G4420 of a great G3173 eagle, G105 that G2443 she might fly G4072 into G1519 the G3588 wilderness, G2048 into G1519 her G848 place, G5117 where G3699 she is nourished G5142 for G1563 a time, G2540 and G2532 times, G2540 and G2532 half G2255 a time, G2540 from G575 the face G4383 of the G3588 serpent. G3789
15 And G2532 the G3588 serpent G3789 cast G906 out of G1537 his G848 mouth G4750 water G5204 as G5613 a flood G4215 after G3694 the G3588 woman, G1135 that G2443 he might cause G4160 her G5026 to be carried away of the flood. G4216
16 And G2532 the G3588 earth G1093 helped G997 the G3588 woman, G1135 and G2532 the G3588 earth G1093 opened G455 her G848 mouth, G4750 and G2532 swallowed up G2666 the G3588 flood G4215 which G3739 the G3588 dragon G1404 cast G906 out of G1537 his G848 mouth. G4750
17 And G2532 the G3588 dragon G1404 was wroth G3710 with G1909 the G3588 woman, G1135 and G2532 went G565 to make G4160 war G4171 with G3326 the G3588 remnant G3062 of her G848 seed, G4690 which keep G5083 the G3588 commandments G1785 of God, G2316 and G2532 have G2192 the G3588 testimony G3141 of Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547

