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Mark Chapters

Mark 15 Verses

Bible Versions


Mark Chapters

Mark 15 Verses

1 And G2532 straightway G2112 in G1909 the G3588 morning G4404 the G3588 chief priests G749 held G4160 a consultation G4824 with G3326 the G3588 elders G4245 and G2532 scribes G1122 and G2532 the G3588 whole G3650 council, G4892 and bound G1210 Jesus, G2424 and carried [him] away, G667 and G2532 delivered G3860 [him] to Pilate. G4091
2 And G2532 Pilate G4091 asked G1905 him, G846 Art G1488 thou G4771 the G3588 King G935 of the G3588 Jews G2453 ? And G1161 he G3588 answering G611 said G2036 unto him, G846 {SCJ} Thou G4771 sayest G3004 [it.] {SCJ.}
3 And G2532 the G3588 chief priests G749 accused G2723 him G846 of many things: G4183 but G1161 he G3588 answered G611 nothing. G3762
4 And G1161 Pilate G4091 asked G1905 him G846 again, G3825 saying, G3004 Answerest G611 thou G3756 nothing G3762 ? behold G2396 how many things G4214 they witness against G2649 thee. G4675
5 But G1161 Jesus G2424 yet G3765 answered G611 nothing; G3762 so that G5620 Pilate G4091 marveled. G2296
6 Now G1161 at G2596 [that] feast G1859 he released G630 unto them G846 one G1520 prisoner, G1198 whomsoever G3746 they desired. G154
7 And G1161 there was G2258 [one] named G3004 Barabbas, G912 [which] [lay] bound G1210 with G3326 them that had made insurrection with him, G4955 who G3748 had committed G4160 murder G5408 in G1722 the G3588 insurrection. G4714
8 And G2532 the G3588 multitude G3793 crying aloud G310 began G756 to desire G154 [him] [to] [do] as G2531 he had ever G104 done G4160 unto them. G846
9 But G1161 Pilate G4091 answered G611 them, G846 saying, G3004 Will G2309 ye that I release G630 unto you G5213 the G3588 King G935 of the G3588 Jews G2453 ?
10 For G1063 he knew G1097 that G3754 the G3588 chief priests G749 had delivered G3860 him G846 for G1223 envy. G5355
11 But G1161 the G3588 chief priests G749 moved G383 the G3588 people, G3793 that G2443 he should rather G3123 release G630 Barabbas G912 unto them. G846
12 And G1161 Pilate G4091 answered G611 and said G2036 again G3825 unto them, G846 What G5101 will G2309 ye then G3767 that I shall do G4160 [unto] [him] whom G3739 ye call G3004 the G3588 King G935 of the G3588 Jews G2453 ?
13 And G1161 they G3588 cried out G2896 again, G3825 Crucify G4717 him. G846
14 Then G1161 Pilate G4091 said G3004 unto them, G846 Why, G1063 what G5101 evil G2556 hath he done G4160 ? And G1161 they G3588 cried out G2896 the more exceedingly, G4056 Crucify G4717 him. G846
15 And G1161 [so] Pilate, G4091 willing G1014 to content G4160 G2425 the G3588 people, G3793 released G630 Barabbas G912 unto them, G846 and G2532 delivered G3860 Jesus, G2424 when he had scourged G5417 [him,] to G2443 be crucified. G4717
16 And G1161 the G3588 soldiers G4757 led him away G520 G846 into G2080 the G3588 hall, G833 called G3603 Praetorium; G4232 and G2532 they call together G4779 the G3588 whole G3650 band. G4686
17 And G2532 they clothed him with G1746 G846 purple, G4209 and G2532 plaited G4120 a crown G4735 of thorns, G174 and put it about G4060 his G846 [head,]
18 And G2532 began G756 to salute G782 him, G846 Hail, G5463 King G935 of the G3588 Jews G2453 !
19 And G2532 they smote G5180 him G846 on the G3588 head G2776 with a reed, G2563 and G2532 did spit upon G1716 him, G846 and G2532 bowing G5087 [their] knees G1119 worshiped G4352 him. G846
20 And G2532 when G3753 they had mocked G1702 him, G846 they took off G1562 the G3588 purple G4209 from him, G846 and G2532 put his own clothes on G1746 G2398 G2440 him, G846 and G2532 led him out G1806 G846 to G2443 crucify G4717 him. G846
21 And G2532 they compel G29 one G5100 Simon G4613 a Cyrenian, G2956 who passed by, G3855 coming G2064 out of G575 the country, G68 the G3588 father G3962 of Alexander G223 and G2532 Rufus, G4504 to G2443 bear G142 his G846 cross. G4716
22 And G2532 they bring G5342 him G846 unto G1909 the place G5117 Golgotha, G1115 which is, G3603 being interpreted, G3177 The place G5117 of a skull. G2898
23 And G2532 they gave G1325 him G846 to drink G4095 wine G3631 mingled with myrrh: G4669 but G1161 he G3588 received G2983 [it] not. G3756
24 And G2532 when they had crucified G4717 him, G846 they parted G1266 his G846 garments, G2440 casting G906 lots G2819 upon G1909 them, G846 what every man G5101 G5101 should take. G142
25 And G1161 it was G2258 the third G5154 hour, G5610 and G2532 they crucified G4717 him. G846
26 And G2532 the G3588 superscription G1923 of his G846 accusation G156 was G2258 written over, G1924 THE G3588 KING G935 OF THE G3588 JEWS. G2453
27 And G2532 with G4862 him G846 they crucify G4717 two G1417 thieves; G3027 the one G1520 on G1537 his right hand, G1188 and G2532 the other G1520 on G1537 his G846 left. G2176
28 And G2532 the G3588 Scripture G1124 was fulfilled, G4137 which saith, G3004 And G2532 he was numbered G3049 with G3326 the transgressors. G459
29 And G2532 they that passed by G3899 railed on G987 him, G846 wagging G2795 their G848 heads, G2776 and G2532 saying, G3004 Ah, G3758 thou that destroyest G2647 the G3588 temple, G3485 and G2532 buildest G3618 [it] in G1722 three G5140 days, G2250
30 Save G4982 thyself, G4572 and G2532 come down G2597 from G575 the G3588 cross. G4716
31 G1161 Likewise G3668 also G2532 the G3588 chief priests G749 mocking G1702 said G3004 among G4314 themselves G240 with G3326 the G3588 scribes, G1122 He saved G4982 others; G243 himself G1438 he cannot G1410 G3756 save. G4982
32 Let Christ G5547 the G3588 King G935 of Israel G2474 descend G2597 now G3568 from G575 the G3588 cross, G4716 that G2443 we may see G1492 and G2532 believe. G4100 And G2532 they that were crucified with G4957 him G846 reviled G3679 him. G846
33 And G1161 when the sixth G1623 hour G5610 was come, G1096 there was G1096 darkness G4655 over G1909 the G3588 whole G3650 land G1093 until G2193 the ninth G1766 hour. G5610
34 And G2532 at the G3588 ninth G1766 hour G5610 Jesus G2424 cried G994 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 saying, G3004 {SCJ} Eloi, G1682 Eloi, G1682 lama G2982 sabachthani G4518 ? {SCJ.} which is, G3603 being interpreted, G3177 My G3450 God, G2316 my G3450 God, G2316 why G5101 hast thou forsaken G1459 me G3165 ?
35 And G2532 some G5100 of them that stood by, G3936 when they heard G191 [it,] said, G3004 Behold, G2400 he calleth G5455 Elijah. G2243
36 And G1161 one G1520 ran G5143 and G2532 filled a sponge full G1072 G4699 of vinegar, G3690 and G5037 put [it] on G4060 a reed, G2563 and G2532 gave him to drink G4222 G846 , saying, G3004 Let alone; G863 let us see G1492 whether G1487 Elijah G2243 will come G2064 to take him down G2507 G846 .
37 And G1161 Jesus G2424 cried G863 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 and gave up the ghost. G1606
38 And G2532 the G3588 veil G2665 of the G3588 temple G3485 was rent G4977 in G1519 twain G1417 from G575 the top G509 to G2193 the bottom. G2736
39 And G1161 when the G3588 centurion, G2760 which stood G3936 over against G1537 G1727 him, G846 saw G1492 that G3754 he so G3779 cried out, G2896 and gave up the ghost, G1606 he said, G2036 Truly G230 this G3778 man G444 was G2258 the Son G5207 of God. G2316
40 There G1161 were G2258 also G2532 women G1135 looking on G2334 afar off G575 G3113 : among G1722 whom G3739 was G2258 Mary G3137 Magdalene, G3094 and G2532 Mary G3137 the G3588 mother G3384 of James G2385 the G3588 less G3398 and G2532 of Joses, G2500 and G2532 Salome; G4539
41 ( Who G3739 also, G2532 when G3753 he was G2258 in G1722 Galilee, G1056 followed G190 him, G846 and G2532 ministered G1247 unto him; G846 ) and G2532 many G4183 other women G243 which came up with G4872 him G846 unto G1519 Jerusalem. G2414
42 And G2532 now G2235 when the even G3798 was come, G1096 because G1893 it was G2258 the preparation, G3904 that is, G3603 the day before the sabbath, G4315
43 Joseph G2501 of G575 Arimathaea, G707 an honorable G2158 counselor, G1010 which G3739 also G2532 waited for G2258 G4327 the G3588 kingdom G932 of God, G2316 came, G2064 and went in G1525 boldly G5111 unto G4314 Pilate, G4091 and G2532 craved G154 the G3588 body G4983 of Jesus. G2424
44 And G1161 Pilate G4091 marveled G2296 if G1487 he were already dead G2348 G2235 : and G2532 calling G4341 [unto] [him] the G3588 centurion, G2760 he asked G1905 him G846 whether G1487 he had been any while dead G599 G3819 .
45 And G2532 when he knew G1097 [it] of G575 the G3588 centurion, G2760 he gave G1433 the G3588 body G4983 to Joseph. G2501
46 And G2532 he bought G59 fine linen, G4616 and G2532 took him down G2507 G846 , and wrapped him in G1750 the G3588 linen, G4616 and G2532 laid G2698 him G846 in G1722 a sepulcher G3419 which G3739 was G2258 hewn G2998 out of G1537 a rock, G4073 and G2532 rolled G4351 a stone G3037 unto G1909 the G3588 door G2374 of the G3588 sepulcher. G3419
47 And G1161 Mary G3137 Magdalene G3094 and G2532 Mary G3137 [the] [mother] of Joses G2500 beheld G2334 where G4226 he was laid. G5087

Mark 15:1 English Language Bible Words basic statistical display



