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Luke Chapters

Luke 20 Verses

1 And G2532 it came to pass, G1096 [that] on G1722 one G3391 of those G1565 days, G2250 as he G846 taught G1321 the G3588 people G2992 in G1722 the G3588 temple, G2411 and G2532 preached the gospel, G2097 the G3588 chief priests G749 and G2532 the G3588 scribes G1122 came upon G2186 [him] with G4862 the G3588 elders, G4245
2 And G2532 spake G2036 unto G4314 him, G846 saying, G3004 Tell G2036 us, G2254 by G1722 what G4169 authority G1849 doest G4160 thou these things G5023 ? or G2228 who G5101 is G2076 he that gave G1325 thee G4671 this G5026 authority G1849 ?
3 And G1161 he answered G611 and said G2036 unto G4314 them, G846 {SCJ} I will also ask G2504 G2065 you G5209 one G1520 thing; G3056 and G2532 answer G2036 me: G3427 {SCJ.}
4 {SCJ} The G3588 baptism G908 of John, G2491 was G2258 it from G1537 heaven, G3772 or G2228 of G1537 men G444 ? {SCJ.}
5 And G1161 they G3588 reasoned G4817 with G4314 themselves, G1438 saying, G3004 If G1437 we shall say, G2036 From G1537 heaven; G3772 he will say, G2046 Why G1302 then G3767 believed G4100 ye him G846 not G3756 ?
6 But G1161 and if G1437 we say, G2036 Of G1537 men; G444 all G3956 the G3588 people G2992 will stone G2642 us: G2248 for G1063 they be G2076 persuaded G3982 that John G2491 was G1511 a prophet. G4396
7 And G2532 they answered, G611 that they could not G3361 tell G1492 whence G4159 [it] [was.]
8 And G2532 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Neither G3761 tell G3004 I G1473 you G5213 by G1722 what G4169 authority G1849 I do G4160 these things. G5023 {SCJ.}
9 Then G1161 began G756 he to speak G3004 to G4314 the G3588 people G2992 this G5026 parable; G3850 {SCJ} A certain G5100 man G444 planted G5452 a vineyard, G290 and G2532 let it forth G1554 G846 to husbandmen, G1092 and G2532 went into a far country G589 for a long G2425 time. G5550 {SCJ.}
10 {SCJ} And G2532 at G1722 the season G2540 he sent G649 a servant G1401 to G4314 the G3588 husbandmen, G1092 that G2443 they should give G1325 him G846 of G575 the G3588 fruit G2590 of the G3588 vineyard: G290 but G1161 the G3588 husbandmen G1092 beat G1194 him, G846 and sent [him] away G1821 empty. G2756 {SCJ.}
11 {SCJ} And G2532 again he sent G4369 G3992 another G2087 servant: G1401 and G1161 they G3588 beat G1194 him also, G2548 and G2532 entreated [him] shamefully, G818 and sent [him] away G1821 empty. G2756 {SCJ.}
12 {SCJ} And G2532 again he sent G4369 G3992 a third: G5154 and G1161 they G3588 wounded G5135 him G5126 also, and G2532 cast [him] out. G1544 {SCJ.}
13 {SCJ} Then G1161 said G2036 the G3588 lord G2962 of the G3588 vineyard, G290 What G5101 shall I do G4160 ? I will send G3992 my G3450 beloved G27 son: G5207 it may be G2481 they will reverence G1788 [him] when they see G1492 him. G5126 {SCJ.}
14 {SCJ} But G1161 when the G3588 husbandmen G1092 saw G1492 him, G846 they reasoned G1260 among G4314 themselves, G1438 saying, G3004 This G3778 is G2076 the G3588 heir: G2818 come, G1205 let us kill G615 him, G846 that G2443 the G3588 inheritance G2817 may be G1096 ours. G2254 {SCJ.}
15 {SCJ} So G2532 they cast G1544 him G846 out G1854 of the G3588 vineyard, G290 and killed G615 [him.] What G5101 therefore G3767 shall the G3588 lord G2962 of the G3588 vineyard G290 do G4160 unto them G846 ? {SCJ.}
16 {SCJ} He shall come G2064 and G2532 destroy G622 these G5128 husbandmen, G1092 and G2532 shall give G1325 the G3588 vineyard G290 to others. {SCJ.} And G1161 G243 G1161 when they heard G191 [it,] they said, G2036 God forbid G1096 G3361 .
17 And G1161 he G3588 beheld G1689 them, G846 and said, G2036 {SCJ} What G5101 is G2076 this G5124 then G3767 that is written, G1125 The stone G3037 which G3739 the G3588 builders G3618 rejected, G593 the same G3778 is become G1096 the G1519 head G2776 of the corner G1137 ? {SCJ.}
18 {SCJ} Whosoever G3956 shall fall G4098 upon G1909 that G1565 stone G3037 shall be broken; G4917 but G1161 on G1909 whomsoever G3739 G302 it shall fall, G4098 it will grind him to powder G3039 G846 . {SCJ.}
19 And G2532 the G3588 chief priests G749 and G2532 the G3588 scribes G1122 the same G846 hour G5610 sought G2212 to lay G1911 hands G5495 on G1909 him; G846 and G2532 they feared G5399 the G3588 people: G2992 for G1063 they perceived G1097 that G3754 he had spoken G2036 this G5026 parable G3850 against G4314 them. G846
20 And G2532 they watched G3906 [him,] and sent forth G649 spies, G1455 which should feign G5271 themselves G1438 just men, G1342 that G2443 they might take hold G1949 of his G846 words, G3056 that so they might deliver G3860 him G846 unto the G3588 power G746 and G2532 authority G1849 of the G3588 governor. G2232
21 And G2532 they asked G1905 him, G846 saying, G3004 Master, G1320 we know G1492 that G3754 thou sayest G3004 and G2532 teachest G1321 rightly, G3723 neither G2532 G3756 acceptest G2983 thou the person G4383 [of] [any,] but G235 teachest G1321 the G3588 way G3598 of God G2316 truly G1909 G225 :
22 Is it lawful G1832 for us G2254 to give G1325 tribute G5411 unto Caesar, G2541 or G2228 no G3756 ?
23 But G1161 he perceived G2657 their G848 craftiness, G3834 and said G2036 unto G4314 them, G846 {SCJ} Why G5101 tempt G3985 ye me G3165 ? {SCJ.}
24 {SCJ} Show G1925 me G3427 a penny. G1220 Whose G5101 image G1504 and G2532 superscription G1923 hath G2192 it? {SCJ.} They G1161 answered G611 and said, G2036 Caesar's G2541.
25 And G1161 he G3588 said G2036 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Render G591 therefore G5106 unto Caesar G2541 the things G3588 which be Caesar's G2541 and G2532 unto God G2316 the things G3588 which be God's G2316. {SCJ.}
26 And G2532 they could G2480 not G3756 take hold G1949 of his G846 words G4487 before G1726 the G3588 people: G2992 and G2532 they marveled G2296 at G1909 his G846 answer, G612 and held their peace. G4601
27 Then G1161 came G4334 to [him] certain G5100 of the G3588 Sadducees, G4523 which deny G483 that there is G1511 any G3361 resurrection: G386 and they asked G1905 him, G846
28 Saying G3004 , Master, G1320 Moses G3475 wrote G1125 unto us, G2254 If G1437 any man's G5100 brother G80 die, G599 having G2192 a wife, G1135 and G2532 he G3778 die G599 without children, G815 that G2443 his G846 brother G80 should take G2983 his wife, G1135 and G2532 raise up G1817 seed G4690 unto his G848 brother. G80
29 There were G2258 therefore G3767 seven G2033 brethren: G80 and G2532 the G3588 first G4413 took G2983 a wife, G1135 and died G599 without children. G815
30 And G2532 the G3588 second G1208 took G2983 her to wife, G1135 and G2532 he G3778 died G599 childless. G815
31 And G2532 the G3588 third G5154 took G2983 her; G846 and G1161 in like manner G5615 the G3588 seven G2033 also: G2532 and they left G2641 no G3756 children, G5043 and G2532 died. G599
32 G1161 Last G5305 of all G3956 the G3588 woman G1135 died G599 also. G2532
33 Therefore G3767 in G1722 the G3588 resurrection G386 whose G5101 wife G1135 of them G846 is she G1096 ? for G1063 seven G2033 had G2192 her G846 to wife. G1135
34 And G2532 Jesus G2424 answering G611 said G2036 unto them, G846 {SCJ} The G3588 children G5207 of this G5127 world G165 marry, G1060 and G2532 are given in marriage: G1548 {SCJ.}
35 {SCJ} But G1161 they which shall be accounted worthy G2661 to obtain G5177 that G1565 world, G165 and G2532 the G3588 resurrection G386 from G1537 the dead, G3498 neither G3777 marry, G1060 nor G3777 are given in marriage: G1548 {SCJ.}
36 G1063 {SCJ} Neither G3777 can G1410 they die G599 any more: G2089 for G1063 they are G1526 equal unto the angels; G2465 and G2532 are G1526 the children G5207 of God, G2316 being G5607 the children G5207 of the G3588 resurrection. G386 {SCJ.}
37 {SCJ} Now G1161 that G3754 the G3588 dead G3498 are raised, G1453 even G2532 Moses G3475 showed G3377 at G1909 the G3588 bush, G942 when G5613 he calleth G3004 the Lord G2962 the G3588 God G2316 of Abraham, G11 and G2532 the G3588 God G2316 of Isaac, G2464 and G2532 the G3588 God G2316 of Jacob. G2384 {SCJ.}
38 {SCJ} For G1161 he is G2076 not G3756 a God G2316 of the dead, G3498 but G235 of the living: G2198 for G1063 all G3956 live G2198 unto him. G846 {SCJ.}
39 Then G1161 certain G5100 of the G3588 scribes G1122 answering G611 said, G2036 Master, G1320 thou hast well G2573 said. G2036
40 And G1161 after that they durst G5111 not G3765 ask G1905 him G846 any G3762 [question] [at] [all.]
41 And G1161 he said G2036 unto G4314 them, G846 {SCJ} How G4459 say G3004 they that Christ G5547 is G1511 David's G1138 son G5207 ? {SCJ.}
42 {SCJ} And G2532 David G1138 himself G846 saith G3004 in G1722 the book G976 of Psalms, G5568 The G3588 Lord G2962 said G2036 unto my G3450 Lord, G2962 Sit G2521 thou on G1537 my G3450 right hand, G1188 {SCJ.}
43 {SCJ} Till G2193 G302 I make G5087 thine G4675 enemies G2190 thy G4675 footstool G5286 G4228 . {SCJ.}
44 {SCJ} David G1138 therefore G3767 calleth G2564 him G846 Lord, G2962 how G4459 is he G2076 then G2532 his G846 son G5207 ? {SCJ.}
45 Then G1161 in the audience G191 of all G3956 the G3588 people G2992 he said G2036 unto his G848 disciples, G3101
46 {SCJ} Beware G4337 of G575 the G3588 scribes, G1122 which desire G2309 to walk G4043 in G1722 long robes, G4749 and G2532 love G5368 greetings G783 in G1722 the G3588 markets, G58 and G2532 the highest seats G4410 in G1722 the G3588 synagogues, G4864 and G2532 the chief rooms G4411 at G1722 feasts; G1173 {SCJ.}
47 {SCJ} Which G3739 devour G2719 widows' G5503 houses, G3614 and G2532 for a show G4392 make long prayers G4336 G3117 : the same G3778 shall receive G2983 greater G4055 damnation. G2917 {SCJ.}

