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Acts Chapters

Acts 13 Verses

1 Now G1161 there were G2258 in G2596 the G3588 church G1577 that was G5607 at G1722 Antioch G490 certain G5100 prophets G4396 and G2532 teachers; G1320 as G5037 G3739 Barnabas, G921 and G2532 Simeon G4826 that was called G2564 Niger, G3526 and G2532 Lucius G3066 of Cyrene, G2956 and G5037 Manaen, G3127 which had been brought up with G4939 Herod G2264 the G3588 tetrarch, G5076 and G2532 Saul. G4569
2 As G1161 they G846 ministered G3008 to the G3588 Lord, G2962 and G2532 fasted, G3522 the G3588 Holy G40 Ghost G4151 said, G2036 Separate G873 G1211 me G5037 G3427 G5037 Barnabas G921 and G2532 Saul G4569 for G1519 the G3588 work G2041 whereunto G3739 I have called G4341 them. G846
3 And when G5119 they had fasted G3522 and G2532 prayed, G4336 and G2532 laid G2007 [their] hands G5495 on them, G846 they sent [them] away. G630
4 So G3767 they, G3778 being G3303 sent forth G1599 by G5259 the G3588 Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 departed G2718 unto G1519 Seleucia; G4581 and G5037 from thence G1564 they sailed G636 to G1519 Cyprus. G2954
5 And G2532 when they were G1096 at G1722 Salamis, G4529 they preached G2605 the G3588 word G3056 of God G2316 in G1722 the G3588 synagogues G4864 of the G3588 Jews: G2453 and G1161 they had G2192 also G2532 John G2491 to [their] minister. G5257
6 And G1161 when they had gone through G1330 the G3588 isle G3520 unto G891 Paphos, G3974 they found G2147 a certain G5100 sorcerer, G3097 a false prophet, G5578 a Jew, G2453 whose G3739 name G3686 [was] Barjesus: G919
7 Which G3739 was G2258 with G4862 the G3588 deputy of the country, G446 Sergius G4588 Paulus, G3972 a prudent G4908 man; G435 who G3778 called for G4341 Barnabas G921 and G2532 Saul, G4569 and desired G1934 to hear G191 the G3588 word G3056 of God. G2316
8 But G1161 Elymas G1681 the G3588 sorcerer G3097 ( for G1063 so G3779 is his name by interpretation G3177 G846 G3686 ) withstood G436 them, G846 seeking G2212 to turn away G1294 the G3588 deputy G446 from G575 the G3588 faith. G4102
9 Then G1161 Saul, G4569 ( who G3588 also G2532 [is] [called] Paul, G3972 ) filled G4130 with the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 G2532 , set his eyes G816 on G1519 him, G846
10 And said, G2036 O G5599 full G4134 of all G3956 subtlety G1388 and G2532 all G3956 mischief, G4468 [thou] child G5207 of the devil, G1228 [thou] enemy G2190 of all G3956 righteousness, G1343 wilt thou not G3756 cease G3973 to pervert G1294 the G3588 right G2117 ways G3598 of the Lord G2962 ?
11 And G2532 now, G3568 behold, G2400 the hand G5495 of the G3588 Lord G2962 [is] upon G1909 thee, G4571 and G2532 thou shalt be G2071 blind, G5185 not G3361 seeing G991 the G3588 sun G2246 for G891 a season. G2540 And G1161 immediately G3916 there fell G1968 on G1909 him G846 a mist G887 and G2532 a darkness; G4655 and G2532 he went about G4013 seeking G2212 some to lead him by the hand. G5497
12 Then G5119 the G3588 deputy, G446 when he saw G1492 what was done, G1096 believed, G4100 being astonished G1605 at G1909 the G3588 doctrine G1322 of the G3588 Lord. G2962
13 Now G1161 when Paul G3972 and his company G4012 loosed G321 from G575 Paphos, G3974 they came G2064 to G1519 Perga G4011 in Pamphylia: G3828 and G1161 John G2491 departing G672 from G575 them G846 returned G5290 to G1519 Jerusalem. G2414
14 But G1161 when they G846 departed G1330 from G575 Perga, G4011 they came G3854 to G1519 Antioch G490 in Pisidia, G4099 and G2532 went G1525 into G1519 the G3588 synagogue G4864 on the G3588 sabbath G4521 day, G2250 and sat down. G2523
15 And G1161 after G3326 the G3588 reading G320 of the G3588 law G3551 and G2532 the G3588 prophets G4396 the G3588 rulers of the synagogue G752 sent G649 unto G4314 them, G846 saying, G3004 [Ye] men G435 [and] brethren, G80 if G1487 ye have G2076 G1722 G5213 any word G3056 of exhortation G3874 for G4314 the G3588 people, G2992 say on. G3004
16 Then G1161 Paul G3972 stood up, G450 and G2532 beckoning G2678 with [his] hand G5495 said, G2036 Men G435 of Israel, G2475 and G2532 ye that fear G5399 God, G2316 give audience. G191
17 The G3588 God G2316 of this G5127 people G2992 of Israel G2474 chose G1586 our G2257 fathers, G3962 and G2532 exalted G5312 the G3588 people G2992 when G1722 they dwelt as strangers G3940 in G1722 the land G1093 of Egypt, G125 and G2532 with G3326 a high G5308 arm G1023 brought G1806 he them G846 out of G1537 it. G846
18 And G2532 about G5613 the time G5550 of forty years G5063 suffered he their manners G5159 G846 in G1722 the G3588 wilderness. G2048
19 And G2532 when he had destroyed G2507 seven G2033 nations G1484 in G1722 the land G1093 of Canaan, G5477 he divided their land to them by lot G2624 G846 G1093. G846
20 And G2532 after G3326 that G5023 he gave G1325 [unto] [them] judges G2923 about the space of G5613 four hundred G5071 and G2532 fifty G4004 years, G2094 until G2193 Samuel G4545 the G3588 prophet. G4396
21 And afterward G2547 they desired G154 a king: G935 and G2532 God G2316 gave G1325 unto them G846 Saul G4549 the son G5207 of Kish, G2797 a man G435 of G1537 the tribe G5443 of Benjamin, G958 by the space of forty G5062 years. G2094
22 And G2532 when he had removed G3179 him, G846 he raised up G1453 unto them G846 David G1138 to be their king G1519 G935 ; to whom G3739 also G2532 he gave testimony, G3140 and said, G2036 I have found G2147 David G1138 the G3588 [son] of Jesse, G2421 a man G435 after G2596 mine own G3450 heart, G2588 which G3739 shall fulfil G4160 all G3956 my G3450 will. G2307
23 Of G575 this man's G5127 seed G4690 hath God G2316 according G2596 to [his] promise G1860 raised G1453 unto Israel G2474 a Savior, G4990 Jesus: G2424
24 When John G2491 had first preached G4296 before G4253 his G846 coming G1529 G4383 the baptism G908 of repentance G3341 to all G3956 the G3588 people G2992 of Israel. G2474
25 And G1161 as G5613 John G2491 fulfilled G4137 his course, G1408 he said, G3004 Whom G5101 think G5282 ye that I G3165 am G1511 ? I G1473 am G1510 not G3756 [he.] But, G235 behold, G2400 there cometh G2064 one after G3326 me, G1691 whose G3739 shoes G5266 of [his] feet G4228 I am G1510 not G3756 worthy G514 to loose. G3089
26 Men G435 [and] brethren, G80 children G5207 of the stock G1085 of Abraham, G11 and G2532 whosoever among G1722 you G5213 feareth G5399 God, G2316 to you G5213 is the G3588 word G3056 of this G5026 salvation G4991 sent. G649
27 For G1063 they that dwell G2730 at G1722 Jerusalem, G2419 and G2532 their G846 rulers, G758 because they knew him not G50 G5126 , nor G2532 yet the G3588 voices G5456 of the G3588 prophets G4396 which are read G314 every G2596 G3956 sabbath day, G4521 they have fulfilled G4137 [them] in condemning G2919 [him.]
28 And G2532 though they found G2147 no G3367 cause G156 of death G2288 [in] [him,] yet desired G154 they Pilate G4091 that he G846 should be slain. G337
29 And G1161 when G5613 they had fulfilled G5055 all G537 that was written G1125 of G4012 him, G846 they took [him] down G2507 from G575 the G3588 tree, G3586 and laid G5087 [him] in G1519 a sepulcher. G3419
30 But G1161 God G2316 raised G1453 him G846 from G1537 the dead: G3498
31 And he G3739 was seen G3700 many G4119 days G2250 of them which came up with G4872 him G846 from G575 Galilee G1056 to G1519 Jerusalem, G2419 who G3748 are G1526 his G846 witnesses G3144 unto G4314 the G3588 people. G2992
32 And G2532 we G2249 declare unto you glad tidings G2097 G5209 , how that the G3588 promise G1860 which was made G1096 unto G4314 the G3588 fathers, G3962
33 G3754 God G2316 hath fulfilled G1603 the same G5026 unto us G2254 their G846 children, G5043 in that he hath raised up Jesus again G450 G2424 ; as G5613 it is also G2532 written G1125 in G1722 the G3588 second G1208 psalm, G5568 Thou G4771 art G1488 my G3450 Son, G5207 this day G4594 have I G1473 begotten G1080 thee. G4571
34 And G1161 as concerning that G3754 he raised him up G450 G846 from G1537 the dead, G3498 [now] no more G3371 to G3195 return G5290 to G1519 corruption, G1312 he said G2046 on this wise, G3779 I will give G1325 you G5213 the G3588 sure G4103 mercies G3741 of David. G1138
35 Wherefore G1352 he saith G3004 also G2532 in G1722 another G2087 [psalm,] Thou shalt not G3756 suffer G1325 thine G4675 Holy One G3741 to see G1492 corruption. G1312
36 For G1063 David, G1138 after he G3303 had served G5256 his own G2398 generation G1074 by the G3588 will G1012 of God, G2316 fell on sleep, G2837 and G2532 was laid G4369 unto G4314 his G848 fathers, G3962 and G2532 saw G1492 corruption: G1312
37 But G1161 he, whom G3739 God G2316 raised again, G1453 saw G1492 no G3756 corruption. G1312
38 Be G2077 it known G1110 unto you G5213 therefore, G3767 men G435 [and] brethren, G80 that G3754 through G1223 this man G5127 is preached G2605 unto you G5213 the forgiveness G859 of sins: G266
39 And G2532 by G1722 him G5129 all G3956 that believe G4100 are justified G1344 from G575 all things, G3956 from which G3739 ye could G1410 not G3756 be justified G1344 by G1722 the G3588 law G3551 of Moses. G3475
40 Beware G991 therefore, G3767 lest G3361 that come G1904 upon G1909 you, G5209 which is spoken of G2046 in G1722 the G3588 prophets; G4396
41 Behold G1492 , ye despisers, G2707 and G2532 wonder, G2296 and G2532 perish: G853 for G3754 I G1473 work G2038 a work G2041 in G1722 your G5216 days, G2250 a work G2041 which G3739 ye shall in no wise G3364 believe, G4100 though G1437 a man G5100 declare G1555 it unto you. G5213
42 And G1161 when the G3588 Jews G2453 were gone G1826 out of G1537 the G3588 synagogue, G4864 the G3588 Gentiles G1484 besought G3870 that these G5023 words G4487 might be preached G2980 to them G848 the G3588 next G3342 sabbath. G4521
43 Now G1161 when the G3588 congregation G4864 was broken up, G3089 many G4183 of the G3588 Jews G2453 and G2532 religious G4576 proselytes G4339 followed G190 Paul G3972 and G2532 Barnabas: G921 who, G3748 speaking to G4354 them, G846 persuaded G3982 them G846 to continue G1961 in the G3588 grace G5485 of God. G2316
44 And G1161 the G3588 next G2064 sabbath day G4521 came almost the whole city together G4863 G4975 G3588 G3956 G4172 to hear G191 the G3588 word G3056 of God. G2316
45 But G1161 when the G3588 Jews G2453 saw G1492 the G3588 multitudes, G3793 they were filled G4130 with envy, G2205 and G2532 spake against G483 those things which were spoken G3004 by G5259 Paul, G3972 contradicting G483 and G2532 blaspheming. G987
46 Then G1161 Paul G3972 and G2532 Barnabas G921 waxed bold, G3955 and said, G2036 It was G2258 necessary G316 that the G3588 word G3056 of God G2316 should first G4412 have been spoken G2980 to you: G5213 but G1161 seeing G1894 ye put it from you G683 G846 , and G2532 judge G2919 yourselves G1438 unworthy G3756 G514 of everlasting G166 life, G2222 lo, G2400 we turn G4762 to G1519 the G3588 Gentiles. G1484
47 For G1063 so G3779 hath the G3588 Lord G2962 commanded G1781 us, G2254 [saying,] I have set G5087 thee G4571 to be a light G1519 G5457 of the Gentiles, G1484 that thou G4571 shouldest be G1511 for G1519 salvation G4991 unto G2193 the ends G2078 of the G3588 earth. G1093
48 And G1161 when the G3588 Gentiles G1484 heard G191 this , they were glad, G5463 and G2532 glorified G1392 the G3588 word G3056 of the G3588 Lord: G2962 and G2532 as many as G3745 were G2258 ordained G5021 to G1519 eternal G166 life G2222 believed. G4100
49 And G1161 the G3588 word G3056 of the G3588 Lord G2962 was published G1308 throughout G1223 all G3650 the G3588 region. G5561
50 But G1161 the G3588 Jews G2453 stirred up G3951 the G3588 devout G4576 and G2532 honorable G2158 women, G1135 and G2532 the G3588 chief men G4413 of the G3588 city, G4172 and G2532 raised G1892 persecution G1375 against G1909 Paul G3972 and G2532 Barnabas, G921 and G2532 expelled G1544 them G846 out of G575 their G848 coasts. G3725
51 But G1161 they G3588 shook off G1621 the G3588 dust G2868 of their G848 feet G4228 against G1909 them, G846 and came G2064 unto G1519 Iconium. G2430
52 And G1161 the G3588 disciples G3101 were filled G4137 with joy, G5479 and G2532 with the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151

