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Bible Versions
















Proverbs Chapters

Proverbs 23 Verses

1 When you sit down to eat with a ruler, look carefully at what's in front of you.
2 Put a knife to your throat if you like to eat too much.
3 Don't long for his fancy food. It can fool you.
4 Don't wear yourself out to get rich. Be wise enough to say no.
5 When you take even a quick look at riches, they are gone. They grow wings and fly away into the sky like an eagle.
6 Don't eat the food of anyone who won't share it. Don't long for his fancy food.
7 He is the kind of person who is always thinking about how much it costs. "Eat and drink," he says to you. But he doesn't mean it.
8 You will throw up what little you have eaten. You will have wasted your words of praise.
9 Don't speak to a foolish person. He will laugh at your wise words.
10 Don't move old boundary stones. Don't try to take over the fields of children whose fathers have died.
11 The One who guards them is strong. He will stand up for them in court against you.
12 Apply your heart to what you are taught. Listen carefully to words of knowledge.
13 Don't hold back training from a child. If you correct him, he won't die.
14 So correct him. Then you will save him from death.
15 My child, if your heart is wise, my heart will be glad.
16 Deep down inside, I will be happy when you say what is right.
17 Do not long for what sinners have. But always show great respect for the Lord.
18 There really is hope for you tomorrow. So your hope will not be cut off.
19 My child, listen and be wise. Keep your heart on the right path.
20 Don't join those who drink too much wine. Don't join those who stuff themselves with meat.
21 Those who drink or eat too much will become poor. If they sleep too much, they'll have to wear rags.
22 Listen to your father, who gave you life. Don't hate your mother when she is old.
23 Buy the truth. Don't sell it. Get wisdom, training and understanding.
24 The father of a godly child is very happy. Anyone who has a wise child is glad.
25 May your father and mother be glad. May the woman who gave birth to you be happy.
26 My son, give me your heart. Keep your eyes on the way I live.
27 A prostitute is like a deep pit. A wife who commits adultery is like a narrow well.
28 She hides and waits like a thief. She causes many men to sin.
29 Who has trouble? Who has sorrow? Who argues? Who has problems? Who has wounds for no reason? Who has red eyes?
30 Those who spend too much time with wine. Or those who like to taste wine that is mixed with spices.
31 Don't look at wine when it is red. Don't look at it when it bubbles in the cup. And don't look at it when it goes down smoothly.
32 In the end it bites like a snake. It bites like a poisonous serpent.
33 Your eyes will see strange sights. Your mind will imagine weird things.
34 You will feel like someone sleeping on the ocean. You will think you are lying among the ropes in a boat.
35 "They hit me," you will say. "But I'm not hurt! They beat me. But I don't feel it! When will I wake up so I can find another drink?"

