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Philippians Chapters

Philippians 3 Verses

1 Finally, my brothers and sisters, be joyful because you belong to the Lord. It is no trouble for me to write about some important matters to you again. If you know about them, you will have a safe path to follow.
2 Watch out for those dogs. They do evil things. When they circumcise, it is nothing more than a useless cutting of the body.
3 But we have been truly circumcised. We worship God by the power of his Spirit. We brag about what Christ Jesus has done. We don't put our trust in our weak human nature.
4 I have many reasons to trust in my human nature. Others may think they have reasons to trust in theirs. But I have even more.
5 I was circumcised on the eighth day. I am part of the people of Israel. I am from the tribe of Benjamin. I am a pure Hebrew. As far as the law is concerned, I am a Pharisee.
6 As far as being committed is concerned, I opposed and attacked the church. As far as keeping the Law is concerned, I kept it perfectly.
7 I thought things like that were for my benefit. But now I consider them to be nothing because of Christ.
8 Even more, I consider everything to be nothing compared to knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. To know him is the best thing of all. Because of him I have lost everything. But I consider all of it to be garbage so I can get to know Christ.
9 I want to be joined to him. For me, being right with God does not come from the law. It comes because I believe in Christ. It comes from God. It is received by faith.
10 I want to know Christ better. I want to know the power that raised him from the dead. I want to share in his sufferings. I want to become like him by sharing in his death.
11 Then by God's grace I will rise from the dead.
12 I have not yet received all of those things. I have not yet been made perfect. But I move on to take hold of what Christ Jesus took hold of me for.
13 Brothers and sisters, I don't consider that I have taken hold of it yet. But here is the one thing I do. I forget what is behind me. I push hard toward what is ahead of me.
14 I move on toward the goal to win the prize. God has appointed me to win it. The heavenly prize is Christ Jesus himself.
15 All of us who are grown up in the faith should see things that way. Maybe you think differently about something. But God will make it clear to you.
16 Only let us live up to what we have already reached.
17 Brothers and sisters, join with others in following my example. Pay close attention to those who live in keeping with the pattern we gave you.
18 I have told you those things many times before. Now I say it again with tears in my eyes. Many people live like enemies of the cross of Christ.
19 The only thing they have coming to them is death. Their stomach is their god. They brag about what they should be ashamed of. They think only about earthly things.
20 But we are citizens of heaven. And we can hardly wait for a Savior from there. He is the Lord Jesus Christ.
21 He has the power to bring everything under his control. By his power he will change our earthly bodies. They will become like his glorious body.

