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Exodus Chapters

Exodus 28 Verses

1 "Have your brother Aaron brought to you from among the people of Israel. His sons Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar must also be brought. They will serve me as priests.
2 "Make sacred clothes for your brother Aaron. When he is wearing them, people will honor him. They will have respect for him.
3 "Speak to all of the skilled workers. I have given them the skill to do this kind of work. Tell them to make clothes for Aaron. He will wear them when he is set apart to serve me as priest.
4 They must make a chest cloth, a linen apron, an outer robe, an inner robe, a turban and a belt. They must make sacred clothes for your brother Aaron and his sons. Then they will serve me as priests.
5 Have them use fine gold wire, and blue, purple and bright red yarn, and fine linen.
6 "Make the linen apron out of fine gold wire, and out of blue, purple and bright red yarn, and out of finely twisted linen. Have a skilled worker make it.
7 It must have two shoulder straps joined to two of its corners.
8 "Its skillfully made waistband must be like it. The waistband must be part of the apron itself. Make the waistband out of fine gold wire, and out of blue, purple and bright red yarn, and out of finely twisted linen.
9 "Get two onyx stones. Carve the names of the sons of Israel on them.
10 Arrange them in the order of their birth. Carve six names on one stone and six on the other.
11 Carve the names of the sons of Israel on the two stones the way a jewel cutter carves a seal. "Then put the stones in fancy gold settings.
12 Connect them to the shoulder straps of the linen apron. The stones will stand for the sons of Israel. Aaron must carry the names on his shoulders as a reminder while he is serving me.
13 Make fancy gold settings.
14 Make two braided chains out of pure gold. Make them like ropes. Join the chains to the settings.
15 "Make a chest cloth that will be used for making decisions. Have a skilled worker make it. Make it like the linen apron. Use fine gold wire, and blue, purple and bright red yarn, and finely twisted linen.
16 Make it nine inches square. Fold it in half.
17 "Put four rows of valuable jewels on it. Put a ruby, a topaz and a beryl in the first row.
18 Put a turquoise, a sapphire and an emerald in the second row.
19 Put a jacinth, an agate and an amethyst in the third row.
20 And put a chrysolite, an onyx and a jasper in the fourth row. Put them in fancy gold settings.
21 "Use a total of 12 stones. Use one for each of the names of the sons of Israel. Each stone must be carved like a seal with the name of one of the 12 tribes.
22 "Make braided chains out of pure gold for the chest cloth. Make them like ropes.
23 Make two gold rings for the chest cloth. Connect them to two corners of it.
24 Join the two gold chains to the rings at the corners of the chest cloth.
25 Join the other ends of the chains to the two settings. Join them to the shoulder straps on the front of the linen apron.
26 "Make two gold rings. Connect them to the other two corners of the chest cloth. Put them on the inside edge next to the apron.
27 Make two more gold rings. Connect them to the bottom of the shoulder straps on the front of the apron. Put them close to the seam. Put them right above the waistband of the apron.
28 The rings of the chest cloth must be tied to the rings of the apron. Tie them to the waistband with blue cord. Then the chest cloth will not swing out from the linen apron.
29 "When Aaron enters the Holy Room, he will carry the names of the sons of Israel over his heart. Their names will be on the chest cloth of decision. They will be a continuing reminder while he is serving me.
30 "Also put the Urim and Thummim into the chest cloth. Then they will be over Aaron's heart when he comes to serve me. In that way, Aaron will always have what he needs to make decisions for the people of Israel. He will carry the Urim and Thummim over his heart while he is serving me.
31 "Make the outer robe of the linen apron completely from blue cloth.
32 In the center of the robe, make an opening for the head of the priest. Make an edge like a collar around the opening. Then it will not tear.
33 "Make pomegranates out of blue, purple and bright red yarn. Sew them around the hem of the robe. Sew gold bells between them.
34 Sew a gold bell between every two pomegranates all around the hem of the robe.
35 "Aaron must wear the robe when he serves. The bells will jingle when he enters the Holy Room while he is serving me. And they will jingle when he goes out. Then he will not die.
36 "Make a plate out of pure gold. Carve words on it as if it were a seal. Carve the words set apart for the Lord.
37 Tie the plate to the front of the turban with a blue cord.
38 "Aaron must wear it on his forehead all the time. He will be held accountable for all of the sacred gifts the Israelites set apart. Then I will accept the gifts.
39 "Make the inner robe out of fine linen. And make the turban out of fine linen. Have the belt made by a person who sews skillfully.
40 "Make inner robes, belts and headbands for Aaron's sons. When they are wearing them, people will honor them. They will also have respect for them.
41 "Put all of the clothes on your brother Aaron and his sons. Then pour olive oil on them and prepare them to serve me. Set them apart to serve me as priests.
42 "Make linen underwear that reaches from the waist to the thigh.
43 Aaron and the priests who are in his family line must wear it when they enter the Tent of Meeting. They must wear it when they approach the altar to serve in the Holy Room. Then they will not be found guilty and die. "For all time to come, that will be a law for Aaron and the priests who are in his family line.

