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Romans Chapters

Romans 7 Verses

1 G2228 Know ye not, G50 brethren, G80 ( for G1063 I speak G2980 to them that know G1097 the law, G3551 ) how that G3754 the G3588 law G3551 hath dominion over G2961 a man G444 G1909 as long as G3745 G5550 he liveth G2198 ?
2 For G1063 the G3588 woman G1135 which hath an husband G5220 is bound G1210 by the law G3551 to [her] husband G435 so long as he liveth; G2198 but G1161 if G1437 the G3588 husband G435 be dead, G599 she is loosed G2673 from G575 the G3588 law G3551 of [her] husband. G435
3 So G686 then G3767 if, G1437 while [her] husband G435 liveth, G2198 she be married G1096 to another G2087 man, G435 she shall be called G5537 an adulteress: G3428 but G1161 if G1437 her husband G435 be dead, G599 she is G2076 free G1658 from G575 that law; G3551 so that she G846 is G1511 no G3361 adulteress, G3428 though she be married G1096 to another G2087 man. G435
4 Wherefore G5620 , my G3450 brethren, G80 ye G5210 also G2532 are become dead G2289 to the G3588 law G3551 by G1223 the G3588 body G4983 of Christ; G5547 that ye G5209 should be married G1096 to another, G2087 [even] to him who is raised G1453 from G1537 the dead, G3498 that G2443 we should bring forth fruit G2592 unto God. G2316
5 For G1063 when G3753 we were G2258 in G1722 the G3588 flesh, G4561 the G3588 motions G3804 of sins, G266 which G3588 were by G1223 the G3588 law, G3551 did work G1754 in G1722 our G2257 members G3196 to bring forth fruit G2592 unto death. G2288
6 But G1161 now G3570 we are delivered G2673 from G575 the G3588 law, G3551 that being dead G599 wherein G1722 G3739 we were held; G2722 that G5620 we G2248 should serve G1398 in G1722 newness G2538 of spirit, G4151 and G2532 not G3756 [in] the oldness G3821 of the letter. G1121
7 What G5101 shall we say G2046 then G3767 ? [Is] the G3588 law G3551 sin G266 ? God forbid G1096 G3361 . Nay, G235 I had not G3756 known G1097 sin, G266 but G1508 by G1223 the law: G3551 for G1063 I had G5037 not G3756 known G1492 lust, G1939 except G1508 the G3588 law G3551 had said, G3004 Thou shalt not G3756 covet. G1937
8 But G1161 sin, G266 taking G2983 occasion G874 by G1223 the G3588 commandment, G1785 wrought G2716 in G1722 me G1698 all manner G3956 of concupiscence. G1939 For G1063 without G5565 the law G3551 sin G266 [was] dead. G3498
9 For G1161 I G1473 was alive G2198 without G5565 the law G3551 once: G4218 but G1161 when the G3588 commandment G1785 came, G2064 sin G266 revived, G326 and G1161 I G1473 died. G599
10 And G2532 the G3588 commandment, G1785 which G3588 [was] [ordained] to G1519 life, G2222 I G3427 found G2147 [to be G3778 ] unto G1519 death. G2288
11 For G1063 sin, G266 taking G2983 occasion G874 by G1223 the G3588 commandment, G1785 deceived G1818 me, G3165 and G2532 by G1223 it G846 slew G615 [me.]
12 Wherefore G5620 the G3588 law G3551 [is] holy, G40 and G2532 the G3588 commandment G1785 holy, G40 and G2532 just, G1342 and G2532 good. G18
13 Was then G3767 that which is good G18 made G1096 death G2288 unto me G1698 ? God forbid G1096 G3361 . But G235 sin, G266 that G2443 it might appear G5316 sin, G266 working G2716 death G2288 in me G3427 by G1223 that which is good; G18 that G2443 sin G266 by G1223 the G3588 commandment G1785 might become G1096 exceeding G2596 G5236 sinful. G268
14 For G1063 we know G1492 that G3754 the G3588 law G3551 is G2076 spiritual: G4152 but G1161 I G1473 am G1510 carnal, G4559 sold G4097 under G5259 sin. G266
15 For G1063 that which G3739 I do G2716 I allow G1097 not: G3756 for G1063 what G3739 I would, G2309 that G5124 do G4238 I not; G3756 but G235 what G3739 I hate, G3404 that G5124 do G4160 I.
16 If G1487 then G1161 I do G4160 that G5124 which G3739 I would G2309 not, G3756 I consent G4852 unto the G3588 law G3551 that G3754 [it] [is] good. G2570
17 Now G3570 then G1161 it is no more G3765 I G1473 that do G2716 it, G846 but G235 sin G266 that dwelleth G3611 in G1722 me. G1698
18 For G1063 I know G1492 that G3754 in G1722 me G1698 (that is, G5123 in G1722 my G3450 flesh, G4561 ) dwelleth G3611 no G3756 good thing: G18 for G1063 to will G2309 is present G3873 with me; G3427 but G1161 [how] to perform G2716 that which is good G2570 I find G2147 not. G3756
19 For G1063 the good G18 that G3739 I would G2309 I do G4160 not: G3756 but G235 the evil G2556 which G3739 I would G2309 not, G3756 that G5124 I do. G4238
20 Now G1161 if G1487 I G1473 do G4160 that G5124 I G3739 would G2309 not, G3756 it is no more G3765 I G1473 that do G2716 it, G846 but G235 sin G266 that dwelleth G3611 in G1722 me. G1698
21 I find G2147 then G686 a law, G3551 that , when I G1698 would G2309 do G4160 good G2570 G3754 , evil G2556 is present G3873 with me. G1698
22 For G1063 I delight G4913 in the G3588 law G3551 of God G2316 after G2596 the G3588 inward G2080 man: G444
23 But G1161 I see G991 another G2087 law G3551 in G1722 my G3450 members, G3196 warring against G497 the G3588 law G3551 of my G3450 mind, G3563 and G2532 bringing me into captivity G163 G3165 to the G3588 law G3551 of sin G266 which is G5607 in G1722 my G3450 members. G3196
24 O wretched G5005 man G444 that I G1473 am! who G5101 shall deliver G4506 me G3165 from G1537 the G3588 body G4983 of this G5127 death G2288 ?
25 I thank G2168 God G2316 through G1223 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 our G2257 Lord. G2962 So G686 then G3767 with the G3588 mind G3563 I G1473 myself G848 G3303 serve G1398 the law G3551 of God; G2316 but G1161 with the G3588 flesh G4561 the law G3551 of sin. G266

