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Psalms Chapters

Psalms 51 Verses

1 To the chief Musician, H5329 A Psalm H4210 of David, H1732 when Nathan H5416 the prophet H5030 came H935 unto H413 him, after H834 he had gone in H935 to H413 Bathsheba. H1339 Have mercy H2603 upon me , O God, H430 according to thy lovingkindness: H2617 according unto the multitude H7230 of thy tender mercies H7356 blot out H4229 my transgressions. H6588
2 Wash H3526 me throughly H7235 from mine iniquity H4480 H5771 , and cleanse H2891 me from my sin H4480 H2403 .
3 For H3588 I H589 acknowledge H3045 my transgressions: H6588 and my sin H2403 [is] ever H8548 before H5048 me.
4 Against thee , thee only, H905 have I sinned, H2398 and done H6213 [this] evil H7451 in thy sight: H5869 that H4616 thou mightest be justified H6663 when thou speakest, H1696 [and] be clear H2135 when thou judgest. H8199
5 Behold H2005 , I was shapen H2342 in iniquity; H5771 and in sin H2399 did my mother H517 conceive H3179 me.
6 Behold H2005 , thou desirest H2654 truth H571 in the inward parts: H2910 and in the hidden H5640 [part] thou shalt make me to know H3045 wisdom. H2451
7 Purge H2398 me with hyssop, H231 and I shall be clean: H2891 wash H3526 me , and I shall be whiter H3835 than snow H4480 H7950 .
8 Make me to hear H8085 joy H8342 and gladness; H8057 [that] the bones H6106 [which] thou hast broken H1794 may rejoice. H1523
9 Hide H5641 thy face H6440 from my sins H4480 H2399 , and blot out H4229 all H3605 mine iniquities. H5771
10 Create H1254 in me a clean H2889 heart, H3820 O God; H430 and renew H2318 a right H3559 spirit H7307 within H7130 me.
11 Cast H7993 me not H408 away from thy presence H4480 H6440 ; and take H3947 not H408 thy holy H6944 spirit H7307 from H4480 me.
12 Restore H7725 unto me the joy H8342 of thy salvation; H3468 and uphold H5564 me [with] [thy] free H5082 spirit. H7307
13 [Then] will I teach H3925 transgressors H6586 thy ways; H1870 and sinners H2400 shall be converted H7725 unto H413 thee.
14 Deliver H5337 me from bloodguiltiness H4480 H1818 , O God, H430 thou God H430 of my salvation: H8668 [and] my tongue H3956 shall sing aloud H7442 of thy righteousness. H6666
15 O Lord, H136 open H6605 thou my lips; H8193 and my mouth H6310 shall show forth H5046 thy praise. H8416
16 For H3588 thou desirest H2654 not H3808 sacrifice; H2077 else would I give H5414 [it] : thou delightest H7521 not H3808 in burnt offering. H5930
17 The sacrifices H2077 of God H430 [are] a broken H7665 spirit: H7307 a broken H7665 and a contrite H1794 heart, H3820 O God, H430 thou wilt not H3808 despise. H959
18 Do good H3190 in thy good pleasure H7522 unto H853 Zion: H6726 build H1129 thou the walls H2346 of Jerusalem. H3389
19 Then H227 shalt thou be pleased H2654 with the sacrifices H2077 of righteousness, H6664 with burnt offering H5930 and whole burnt offering: H3632 then H227 shall they offer H5927 bullocks H6499 upon H5921 thine altar. H4196

