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Proverbs Chapters

Proverbs 6 Verses

1 My son, H1121 if H518 thou be surety H6148 for thy friend, H7453 [if] thou hast stricken H8628 thy hand H3709 with a stranger, H2114
2 Thou art snared H3369 with the words H561 of thy mouth, H6310 thou art taken H3920 with the words H561 of thy mouth. H6310
3 Do H6213 this H2063 now, H645 my son, H1121 and deliver thyself, H5337 when H3588 thou art come H935 into the hand H3709 of thy friend; H7453 go, H1980 humble thyself, H7511 and make sure H7292 thy friend. H7453
4 Give H5414 not H408 sleep H8142 to thine eyes, H5869 nor slumber H8572 to thine eyelids. H6079
5 Deliver thyself H5337 as a roe H6643 from the hand H4480 H3027 [of] [the] [hunter] , and as a bird H6833 from the hand H4480 H3027 of the fowler. H3353
6 Go H1980 to H413 the ant, H5244 thou sluggard; H6102 consider H7200 her ways, H1870 and be wise: H2449
7 Which H834 having no H369 guide, H7101 overseer, H7860 or ruler, H4910
8 Provideth H3559 her meat H3899 in the summer, H7019 [and] gathereth H103 her food H3978 in the harvest. H7105
9 How long H5704 H4970 wilt thou sleep, H7901 O sluggard H6102 ? when H4970 wilt thou arise H6965 out of thy sleep H4480 H8142 ?
10 [Yet] a little H4592 sleep, H8142 a little H4592 slumber, H8572 a little H4592 folding H2264 of the hands H3027 to sleep: H7901
11 So shall thy poverty H7389 come H935 as one that traveleth, H1980 and thy want H4270 as an armed H4043 man. H376
12 A naughty H1100 person, H120 a wicked H205 man, H376 walketh H1980 with a froward H6143 mouth. H6310
13 He winketh H7169 with his eyes, H5869 he speaketh H4448 with his feet, H7272 he teacheth H3384 with his fingers; H676
14 Frowardness H8419 [is] in his heart, H3820 he deviseth H2790 mischief H7451 continually H3605 H6256 ; he soweth H7971 discord. H4066
15 Therefore H5921 H3651 shall his calamity H343 come H935 suddenly; H6597 suddenly H6621 shall he be broken H7665 without H369 remedy. H4832
16 These H2007 six H8337 [things] doth the LORD H3068 hate: H8130 yea, seven H7651 [are] an abomination H8441 unto him: H5315
17 A proud H7311 look, H5869 a lying H8267 tongue, H3956 and hands H3027 that shed H8210 innocent H5355 blood, H1818
18 A heart H3820 that deviseth H2790 wicked H205 imaginations, H4284 feet H7272 that be swift H4116 in running H7323 to mischief, H7451
19 A false H8267 witness H5707 [that] speaketh H6315 lies, H3577 and he that soweth H7971 discord H4090 among H996 brethren. H251
20 My son, H1121 keep H5341 thy father's H1 commandment, H4687 and forsake H5203 not H408 the law H8451 of thy mother: H517
21 Bind H7194 them continually H8548 upon H5921 thine heart, H3820 [and] tie H6029 them about H5921 thy neck. H1621
22 When thou goest, H1980 it shall lead H5148 thee; H853 when thou sleepest, H7901 it shall keep H8104 H5921 thee ; and [when] thou awakest, H6974 it H1931 shall talk H7878 with thee.
23 For H3588 the commandment H4687 [is] a lamp; H5216 and the law H8451 [is] light; H216 and reproofs H8433 of instruction H4148 [are] the way H1870 of life: H2416
24 To keep H8104 thee from the evil H7451 woman H4480 H802 , from the flattery H4480 H2513 of the tongue H3956 of a strange woman. H5237
25 Lust H2530 not H408 after her beauty H3308 in thine heart; H3824 neither H408 let her take H3947 thee with her eyelids. H6079
26 For H3588 by means H1157 of a whorish H2181 woman H802 [a] [man] [is] [brought] to H5704 a piece H3603 of bread: H3899 and the adulteress H802 H376 will hunt H6679 for the precious H3368 life. H5315
27 Can a man H376 take H2846 fire H784 in his bosom, H2436 and his clothes H899 not H3808 be burned H8313 ?
28 Can H518 one H376 go H1980 upon H5921 hot coals, H1513 and his feet H7272 not H3808 be burned H3554 ?
29 So H3651 he that goeth in H935 to H413 his neighbor's H7453 wife; H802 whosoever H3605 toucheth H5060 her shall not H3808 be innocent. H5352
30 [Men] do not H3808 despise H936 a thief, H1590 if H3588 he steal H1589 to satisfy H4390 his soul H5315 when H3588 he is hungry; H7456
31 But [if] he be found, H4672 he shall restore H7999 sevenfold; H7659 he shall give H5414 H853 all H3605 the substance H1952 of his house. H1004
32 [But] whoso committeth adultery H5003 with a woman H802 lacketh H2638 understanding: H3820 he H1931 [that] doeth H6213 it destroyeth H7843 his own soul. H5315
33 A wound H5061 and dishonor H7036 shall he get; H4672 and his reproach H2781 shall not H3808 be wiped away. H4229
34 For H3588 jealousy H7068 [is] the rage H2534 of a man: H1397 therefore he will not H3808 spare H2550 in the day H3117 of vengeance. H5359
35 He will not H3808 regard H6440 H5375 any H3605 ransom; H3724 neither H3808 will he rest content, H14 though H3588 thou givest many H7235 gifts. H7810

