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Numbers Chapters

Numbers 9 Verses

1 And the LORD H3068 spoke H1696 unto H413 Moses H4872 in the wilderness H4057 of Sinai, H5514 in the first H7223 month H2320 of the second H8145 year H8141 after they were come out H3318 of the land H4480 H776 of Egypt, H4714 saying, H559
2 Let the children H1121 of Israel H3478 also keep H6213 H853 the passover H6453 at his appointed season. H4150
3 In the fourteenth H702 H6240 day H3117 of this H2088 month, H2320 at H996 even, H6153 ye shall keep H6213 it in his appointed season: H4150 according to all H3605 the rites H2708 of it , and according to all H3605 the ceremonies H4941 thereof , shall ye keep H6213 it.
4 And Moses H4872 spoke H1696 unto H413 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 that they should keep H6213 the passover. H6453
5 And they kept H6213 H853 the passover H6453 on the fourteenth H702 H6240 day H3117 of the first H7223 month H2320 at H996 even H6153 in the wilderness H4057 of Sinai: H5514 according to all H3605 that H834 the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 H853 Moses, H4872 so H3651 did H6213 the children H1121 of Israel. H3478
6 And there were H1961 certain men, H376 who H834 were H1961 defiled H2931 by the dead body H5315 of a man, H120 that they could H3201 not H3808 keep H6213 the passover H6453 on that H1931 day: H3117 and they came H7126 before H6440 Moses H4872 and before H6440 Aaron H175 on that H1931 day: H3117
7 And those H1992 men H376 said H559 unto H413 him, We H587 [are] defiled H2931 by the dead body H5315 of a man: H120 wherefore H4100 are we kept back, H1639 that we may not H1115 offer H7126 H853 an offering H7133 of the LORD H3068 in his appointed season H4150 among H8432 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 ?
8 And Moses H4872 said H559 unto H413 them , Stand still, H5975 and I will hear H8085 what H4100 the LORD H3068 will command H6680 concerning you.
9 And the LORD H3068 spoke H1696 unto H413 Moses, H4872 saying, H559
10 Speak H1696 unto H413 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 If H3588 any man H376 H376 of you or H176 of your posterity H1755 shall be H1961 unclean H2931 by reason of a dead body, H5315 or H176 [be] in a journey H1870 afar off, H7350 yet he shall keep H6213 the passover H6453 unto the LORD. H3068
11 The fourteenth H702 H6240 day H3117 of the second H8145 month H2320 at H996 even H6153 they shall keep H6213 it, [and] eat H398 it with H5921 unleavened bread H4682 and bitter H4844 [herbs] .
12 They shall leave H7604 none H3808 of H4480 it unto H5704 the morning, H1242 nor H3808 break H7665 any bone H6106 of it : according to all H3605 the ordinances H2708 of the passover H6453 they shall keep H6213 it.
13 But the man H376 that H834 [is] clean, H2889 and is H1961 not H3808 in a journey, H1870 and forbeareth H2308 to keep H6213 the passover, H6453 even the same H1931 soul H5315 shall be cut off H3772 from among his people H4480 H5971 : because H3588 he brought H7126 not H3808 the offering H7133 of the LORD H3068 in his appointed season, H4150 that H1931 man H376 shall bear H5375 his sin. H2399
14 And if H3588 a stranger H1616 shall sojourn H1481 among H854 you , and will keep H6213 the passover H6453 unto the LORD; H3068 according to the ordinance H2708 of the passover, H6453 and according to the manner H4941 thereof, so H3651 shall he do: H6213 ye shall have H1961 one H259 ordinance, H2708 both for the stranger, H1616 and for him that was born H249 in the land. H776
15 And on the day H3117 that H853 the tabernacle H4908 was reared up H6965 the cloud H6051 covered H3680 H853 the tabernacle, H4908 [namely] , the tent H168 of the testimony: H5715 and at even H6153 there was H1961 upon H5921 the tabernacle H4908 as it were the appearance H4758 of fire, H784 until H5704 the morning. H1242
16 So H3651 it was H1961 always: H8548 the cloud H6051 covered H3680 it [by] [day] , and the appearance H4758 of fire H784 by night. H3915
17 And when H6310 the cloud H6051 was taken up H5927 from H4480 H5921 the tabernacle, H168 then after H310 that H3651 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 journeyed: H5265 and in the place H4725 where H834 the cloud H6051 abode, H7931 there H8033 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 pitched their tents. H2583
18 At H5921 the commandment H6310 of the LORD H3068 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 journeyed, H5265 and at H5921 the commandment H6310 of the LORD H3068 they pitched: H2583 as long as H3605 H3117 H834 the cloud H6051 abode H7931 upon H5921 the tabernacle H4908 they rested in their tents. H2583
19 And when the cloud H6051 tarried long H748 upon H5921 the tabernacle H4908 many H7227 days, H3117 then the children H1121 of Israel H3478 kept H8104 H853 the charge H4931 of the LORD, H3068 and journeyed H5265 not. H3808
20 And [so] it was, H3426 when H834 the cloud H6051 was H1961 a few H4557 days H3117 upon H5921 the tabernacle; H4908 according to H5921 the commandment H6310 of the LORD H3068 they abode in their tents, H2583 and according to H5921 the commandment H6310 of the LORD H3068 they journeyed. H5265
21 And [so] it was, H3426 when H834 the cloud H6051 abode H1961 from even H4480 H6153 unto H5704 the morning, H1242 and [that] the cloud H6051 was taken up H5927 in the morning, H1242 then they journeyed: H5265 whether H176 [it] [was] by day H3119 or by night H3915 that the cloud H6051 was taken up, H5927 they journeyed. H5265
22 Or H176 [whether] [it] [were] two days, H3117 or H176 a month, H2320 or H176 a year, H3117 that the cloud H6051 tarried H748 upon H5921 the tabernacle, H4908 remaining H7931 thereon, H5921 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 abode in their tents, H2583 and journeyed H5265 not: H3808 but when it was taken up, H5927 they journeyed. H5265
23 At H5921 the commandment H6310 of the LORD H3068 they rested in the tents, H2583 and at H5921 the commandment H6310 of the LORD H3068 they journeyed: H5265 they kept H8104 H853 the charge H4931 of the LORD, H3068 at H5921 the commandment H6310 of the LORD H3068 by the hand H3027 of Moses. H4872

