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Numbers Chapters

Numbers 3 Verses

1 These H428 also [are] the generations H8435 of Aaron H175 and Moses H4872 in the day H3117 [that] the LORD H3068 spoke H1696 with H854 Moses H4872 in mount H2022 Sinai. H5514
2 And these H428 [are] the names H8034 of the sons H1121 of Aaron; H175 Nadab H5070 the firstborn, H1060 and Abihu, H30 Eleazar, H499 and Ithamar. H385
3 These H428 [are] the names H8034 of the sons H1121 of Aaron, H175 the priests H3548 which were anointed, H4886 whom H834 he consecrated H4390 H3027 to minister in the priest's office. H3547
4 And Nadab H5070 and Abihu H30 died H4191 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 when they offered H7126 strange H2114 fire H784 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 in the wilderness H4057 of Sinai, H5514 and they had H1961 no H3808 children: H1121 and Eleazar H499 and Ithamar H385 ministered in the priest's office H3547 in H5921 the sight H6440 of Aaron H175 their father. H1
5 And the LORD H3068 spoke H1696 unto H413 Moses, H4872 saying, H559
6 Bring the tribe of Levi near H7126 H853 H4294 H3878 , and present H5975 them before H6440 Aaron H175 the priest, H3548 that they may minister H8334 unto him.
7 And they shall keep H8104 H853 his charge, H4931 and the charge H4931 of the whole H3605 congregation H5712 before H6440 the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 to do H5647 H853 the service H5656 of the tabernacle. H4908
8 And they shall keep H8104 H853 all H3605 the instruments H3627 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 and the charge H4931 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 to do H5647 H853 the service H5656 of the tabernacle. H4908
9 And thou shalt give H5414 H853 the Levites H3881 unto Aaron H175 and to his sons: H1121 they H1992 [are] wholly given H5414 H5414 unto him out of H4480 H854 the children H1121 of Israel. H3478
10 And thou shalt appoint H6485 Aaron H175 and his sons, H1121 and they shall wait on H8104 H853 their priest's office: H3550 and the stranger H2114 that cometh nigh H7131 shall be put to death. H4191
11 And the LORD H3068 spoke H1696 unto H413 Moses, H4872 saying, H559
12 And I, H589 behold, H2009 I have taken H3947 H853 the Levites H3881 from among H4480 H8432 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 instead of H8478 all H3605 the firstborn H1060 that openeth H6363 the matrix H7358 among the children H4480 H1121 of Israel: H3478 therefore the Levites H3881 shall be H1961 mine;
13 Because H3588 all H3605 the firstborn H1060 [are] mine; [for] on the day H3117 that I smote H5221 all H3605 the firstborn H1060 in the land H776 of Egypt H4714 I hallowed H6942 unto me all H3605 the firstborn H1060 in Israel, H3478 both man H4480 H120 and H5704 beast: H929 mine shall they be: H1961 I H589 [am] the LORD. H3068
14 And the LORD H3068 spoke H1696 unto H413 Moses H4872 in the wilderness H4057 of Sinai, H5514 saying, H559
15 Number H6485 H853 the children H1121 of Levi H3878 after the house H1004 of their fathers, H1 by their families: H4940 every H3605 male H2145 from a month H2320 old H4480 H1121 and upward H4605 shalt thou number H6485 them.
16 And Moses H4872 numbered H6485 them according to H5921 the word H6310 of the LORD, H3068 as H834 he was commanded. H6680
17 And these H428 were H1961 the sons H1121 of Levi H3878 by their names; H8034 Gershon, H1648 and Kohath, H6955 and Merari. H4847
18 And these H428 [are] the names H8034 of the sons H1121 of Gershon H1648 by their families; H4940 Libni, H3845 and Shimei. H8096
19 And the sons H1121 of Kohath H6955 by their families; H4940 Amram, H6019 and Izehar, H3324 Hebron, H2275 and Uzziel. H5816
20 And the sons H1121 of Merari H4847 by their families; H4940 Mahli, H4249 and Mushi. H4187 These H428 [are] the families H4940 of the Levites H3881 according to the house H1004 of their fathers. H1
21 Of Gershon H1648 [was] the family H4940 of the Libnites, H3846 and the family H4940 of the Shimites: H8097 these H428 [are] the families H4940 of the Gershonites. H1649
22 Those that were numbered H6485 of them , according to the number H4557 of all H3605 the males, H2145 from a month H2320 old H4480 H1121 and upward, H4605 [even] those that were numbered H6485 of them [were] seven H7651 thousand H505 and five H2568 hundred. H3967
23 The families H4940 of the Gershonites H1649 shall pitch H2583 behind H310 the tabernacle H4908 westward. H3220
24 And the chief H5387 of the house H1004 of the father H1 of the Gershonites H1649 [shall] [be] Eliasaph H460 the son H1121 of Lael. H3815
25 And the charge H4931 of the sons H1121 of Gershon H1647 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 [shall] [be] the tabernacle, H4908 and the tent, H168 the covering H4372 thereof , and the hanging H4539 for the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150
26 And the hangings H7050 of the court, H2691 and the curtain H4539 for the door H6607 of the court, H2691 which H834 [is] by H5921 the tabernacle, H4908 and by H5921 the altar H4196 round about, H5439 and the cords H4340 of it for all H3605 the service H5656 thereof.
27 And of Kohath H6955 [was] the family H4940 of the Amramites, H6020 and the family H4940 of the Izeharites, H3325 and the family H4940 of the Hebronites, H2276 and the family H4940 of the Uzzielites: H5817 these H428 [are] the families H4940 of the Kohathites. H6956
28 In the number H4557 of all H3605 the males, H2145 from a month H2320 old H4480 H1121 and upward, H4605 [were] eight H8083 thousand H505 and six H8337 hundred, H3967 keeping H8104 the charge H4931 of the sanctuary. H6944
29 The families H4940 of the sons H1121 of Kohath H6955 shall pitch H2583 on H5921 the side H3409 of the tabernacle H4908 southward. H8486
30 And the chief H5387 of the house H1004 of the father H1 of the families H4940 of the Kohathites H6956 [shall] [be] Elizaphan H469 the son H1121 of Uzziel. H5816
31 And their charge H4931 [shall] [be] the ark, H727 and the table, H7979 and the candlestick, H4501 and the altars, H4196 and the vessels H3627 of the sanctuary H6944 wherewith H834 they minister, H8334 and the hanging, H4539 and all H3605 the service H5656 thereof.
32 And Eleazar H499 the son H1121 of Aaron H175 the priest H3548 [shall] [be] chief H5387 over the chief H5387 of the Levites, H3881 [and] [have] the oversight H6486 of them that keep H8104 the charge H4931 of the sanctuary. H6944
33 Of Merari H4847 [was] the family H4940 of the Mahlites, H4250 and the family H4940 of the Mushites: H4188 these H428 [are] the families H4940 of Merari. H4847
34 And those that were numbered H6485 of them , according to the number H4557 of all H3605 the males, H2145 from a month H2320 old H4480 H1121 and upward, H4605 [were] six H8337 thousand H505 and two hundred. H3967
35 And the chief H5387 of the house H1004 of the father H1 of the families H4940 of Merari H4847 [was] Zuriel H6700 the son H1121 of Abihail: H32 [these] shall pitch H2583 on H5921 the side H3409 of the tabernacle H4908 northward. H6828
36 And [under] the custody H6486 and charge H4931 of the sons H1121 of Merari H4847 [shall] [be] the boards H7175 of the tabernacle, H4908 and the bars H1280 thereof , and the pillars H5982 thereof , and the sockets H134 thereof , and all H3605 the vessels H3627 thereof , and all H3605 that serveth H5656 thereto,
37 And the pillars H5982 of the court H2691 round about, H5439 and their sockets, H134 and their pins, H3489 and their cords. H4340
38 But those that encamp H2583 before H6440 the tabernacle H4908 toward the east, H6924 [even] before H6440 the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 eastward, H4217 [shall] [be] Moses, H4872 and Aaron H175 and his sons, H1121 keeping H8104 the charge H4931 of the sanctuary H4720 for the charge H4931 of the children H1121 of Israel; H3478 and the stranger H2114 that cometh nigh H7131 shall be put to death. H4191
39 All H3605 that were numbered H6485 of the Levites, H3881 which H834 Moses H4872 and Aaron H175 numbered H6485 at H5921 the commandment H6310 of the LORD, H3068 throughout their families, H4940 all H3605 the males H2145 from a month H2320 old H4480 H1121 and upward, H4605 [were] twenty H6242 and two H8147 thousand. H505
40 And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto H413 Moses, H4872 Number H6485 all H3605 the firstborn H1060 of the males H2145 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 from a month H2320 old H4480 H1121 and upward, H4605 and take H5375 H853 the number H4557 of their names. H8034
41 And thou shalt take H3947 H853 the Levites H3881 for me H589 (I [am] the LORD H3068 ) instead of H8478 all H3605 the firstborn H1060 among the children H1121 of Israel; H3478 and the cattle H929 of the Levites H3881 instead of H8478 all H3605 the firstlings H1060 among the cattle H929 of the children H1121 of Israel. H3478
42 And Moses H4872 numbered, H6485 as H834 the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 him, H853 all H3605 the firstborn H1060 among the children H1121 of Israel. H3478
43 And all H3605 the firstborn H1060 males H2145 by the number H4557 of names, H8034 from a month H2320 old H4480 H1121 and upward, H4605 of those that were numbered H6485 of them, were H1961 twenty H6242 and two H8147 thousand H505 two hundred H3967 and threescore and thirteen H7969 H7657 .
44 And the LORD H3068 spoke H1696 unto H413 Moses, H4872 saying, H559
45 Take H3947 H853 the Levites H3881 instead of H8478 all H3605 the firstborn H1060 among the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and the cattle H929 of the Levites H3881 instead of H8478 their cattle; H929 and the Levites H3881 shall be H1961 mine: I H589 [am] the LORD. H3068
46 And for those that are to be redeemed H6299 of the two hundred H3967 and threescore and thirteen H7969 H7657 of the firstborn H4480 H1060 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 which are more H5736 than H5921 the Levites; H3881
47 Thou shalt even take H3947 five shekels apiece H2568 H2568 H8255 by the poll, H1538 after the shekel H8255 of the sanctuary H6944 shalt thou take H3947 [them] : (the shekel H8255 [is] twenty H6242 gerahs: H1626 )
48 And thou shalt give H5414 the money, H3701 wherewith the odd number H5736 of them is to be redeemed, H6299 unto Aaron H175 and to his sons. H1121
49 And Moses H4872 took H3947 the redemption H6306 H853 money H3701 of H4480 H854 them that were over H5736 and above H5921 them that were redeemed H6306 by the Levites: H3881
50 Of H4480 H854 the firstborn H1060 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 took H3947 he H853 the money; H3701 a thousand H505 three H7969 hundred H3967 and threescore H8346 and five H2568 [shekels] , after the shekel H8255 of the sanctuary: H6944
51 And Moses H4872 gave H5414 H853 the money H3701 of them that were redeemed H6306 unto Aaron H175 and to his sons, H1121 according to H5921 the word H6310 of the LORD, H3068 as H834 the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 H853 Moses. H4872

