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Matthew Chapters

Matthew 7 Verses

1 {SCJ} Judge G2919 not, G3361 that G2443 ye be not G3361 judged. G2919 {SCJ.}
2 {SCJ} For G1063 with G1722 what G3739 judgment G2917 ye judge, G2919 ye shall be judged: G2919 and G2532 with G1722 what G3739 measure G3358 ye mete, G3354 it shall be measured to you again G488 G5213 . {SCJ.}
3 {SCJ} And G1161 why G5101 beholdest G991 thou the G3588 mote G2595 that G3588 is in G1722 thy G4675 brother's G80 eye, G3788 but G1161 considerest G2657 not G3756 the G3588 beam G1385 that [is] in G1722 thine own G4674 eye G3788 ? {SCJ.}
4 {SCJ} Or G2228 how G4459 wilt thou say G2046 to thy G4675 brother, G80 Let G863 me pull out G1544 the G3588 mote G2595 out of G575 thine G4675 eye; G3788 and, G2532 behold, G2400 a beam G1385 [ is G1722 in thine G4675 own eye G3788 ? {SCJ.}
5 {SCJ} Thou hypocrite, G5273 first G4412 cast out G1544 the G3588 beam G1385 out G1537 of thine own G4675 eye; G3788 and G2532 then G5119 shalt thou see clearly G1227 to cast out G1544 the G3588 mote G2595 out of G1537 thy G4675 brother's G80 eye. G3788 {SCJ.}
6 {SCJ} Give G1325 not G3361 that which is holy G40 unto the G3588 dogs, G2965 neither G3366 cast G906 ye your G5216 pearls G3135 before G1715 swine, G5519 lest G3379 they trample G2662 them G846 under G1722 their G848 feet, G4228 and G2532 turn again G4762 and rend G4486 you. G5209 {SCJ.}
7 {SCJ} Ask, G154 and G2532 it shall be given G1325 you; G5213 seek, G2212 and G2532 ye shall find; G2147 knock, G2925 and G2532 it shall be opened G455 unto you: G5213 {SCJ.}
8 {SCJ} For G1063 every one G3956 that asketh G154 receiveth; G2983 and G2532 he that seeketh G2212 findeth; G2147 and G2532 to him that knocketh G2925 it shall be opened. G455 {SCJ.}
9 {SCJ} Or G2228 what G5101 man G444 is G2076 there of G1537 you, G5216 whom G3739 if G1437 his G846 son G5207 ask G154 bread, G740 will he give G1929 him G846 a G3361 stone G3037 ? {SCJ.}
10 {SCJ} Or G2532 if G1437 he ask G154 a fish, G2486 will he give G1929 him G846 a serpent G3789 ? {SCJ.}
11 {SCJ} If G1487 ye G5210 then, G3767 being G5607 evil, G4190 know G1492 how to give G1325 good G18 gifts G1390 unto your G5216 children, G5043 how much G4214 more G3123 shall your G5216 Father G3962 which G3588 is in G1722 heaven G3772 give G1325 good things G18 to them that ask G154 him G846 ? {SCJ.}
12 {SCJ} Therefore G3767 all things G3956 whatsoever G3745 G302 ye would G2309 that G2443 men G444 should do G4160 to you, G5213 do G4160 ye G5210 even G2532 so G3779 to them: G846 for G1063 this G3778 is G2076 the G3588 law G3551 and G2532 the G3588 prophets. G4396 {SCJ.}
13 {SCJ} Enter G1525 ye in G1223 at the G3588 strait G4728 gate: G4439 for G3754 wide G4116 [is] the G3588 gate, G4439 and G2532 broad G2149 [is] the G3588 way, G3598 that leadeth G520 to G1519 destruction, G684 and G2532 many G4183 there be G1526 which go in G1525 thereat G1223 G846 : {SCJ.}
14 {SCJ} Because G3754 strait G4728 [is] the G3588 gate, G4439 and G2532 narrow G2346 [is] the G3588 way, G3598 which G3588 leadeth G520 unto G1519 life, G2222 and G2532 few G3641 there be G1526 that find G2147 it. G846 {SCJ.}
15 {SCJ} Beware G4337 of G575 false prophets, G5578 which G3748 come G2064 to G4314 you G5209 in G1722 sheep's G4263 clothing, G1742 but G1161 inwardly G2081 they are G1526 ravening G727 wolves. G3074 {SCJ.}
16 {SCJ} Ye shall know G1921 them G846 by G575 their G846 fruits. G2590 Do men G3385 gather G4816 grapes G4718 of G575 thorns, G173 or G2228 figs G4810 of G575 thistles G5146 ? {SCJ.}
17 {SCJ} Even so G3779 every G3956 good G18 tree G1186 bringeth forth G4160 good G2570 fruit; G2590 but G1161 a corrupt G4550 tree G1186 bringeth forth G4160 evil G4190 fruit. G2590 {SCJ.}
18 {SCJ} A good G18 tree G1186 cannot G1410 G3756 bring forth G4160 evil G4190 fruit, G2590 neither G3761 [can] a corrupt G4550 tree G1186 bring forth G4160 good G2570 fruit. G2590 {SCJ.}
19 {SCJ} Every G3956 tree G1186 that bringeth not forth G4160 G3361 good G2570 fruit G2590 is hewn down, G1581 and G2532 cast G906 into G1519 the fire. G4442 {SCJ.}
20 {SCJ} Wherefore G686 by G575 their G846 fruits G2590 ye shall know G1921 them. G846 {SCJ.}
21 {SCJ} Not G3756 every one G3956 that saith G3004 unto me, G3427 Lord, G2962 Lord, G2962 shall enter G1525 into G1519 the G3588 kingdom G932 of heaven; G3772 but G235 he that doeth G4160 the G3588 will G2307 of my G3450 Father G3962 which G3588 is in G1722 heaven. G3772 {SCJ.}
22 {SCJ} Many G4183 will say G2046 to me G3427 in G1722 that G1565 day, G2250 Lord, G2962 Lord, G2962 have we not G3756 prophesied G4395 in thy G4674 name G3686 and G2532 in thy G4674 name G3686 have cast out G1544 devils G1140 ? and G2532 in thy G4674 name G3686 done G4160 many G4183 wonderful works G1411 ? {SCJ.}
23 {SCJ} And G2532 then G5119 will I profess G3670 unto them, G846 I never G3763 knew G1097 you: G5209 depart G672 from G575 me, G1700 ye that work G2038 iniquity. G458 {SCJ.}
24 {SCJ} Therefore G3767 whosoever G3956 G3748 heareth G191 these G5128 sayings G3056 of mine, G3450 and G2532 doeth G4160 them, G846 I will liken G3666 him G846 unto a wise G5429 man, G435 which G3748 built G3618 his G848 house G3614 upon G1909 a rock: G4073 {SCJ.}
25 {SCJ} And G2532 the G3588 rain G1028 descended, G2597 and G2532 the G3588 floods G4215 came, G2064 and G2532 the G3588 winds G417 blew, G4154 and G2532 beat upon G4363 that G1565 house; G3614 and G2532 it fell G4098 not; G3756 for G1063 it was founded G2311 upon G1909 a rock. G4073 {SCJ.}
26 {SCJ} And G2532 every one G3956 that heareth G191 these G5128 sayings G3056 of mine, G3450 and G2532 doeth G4160 them G846 not, G3361 shall be likened G3666 unto a foolish G3474 man, G435 which G3748 built G3618 his G848 house G3614 upon G1909 the G3588 sand: G285 {SCJ.}
27 {SCJ} And G2532 the G3588 rain G1028 descended, G2597 and G2532 the G3588 floods G4215 came, G2064 and G2532 the G3588 winds G417 blew, G4154 and G2532 beat upon G4350 that G1565 house; G3614 and G2532 it fell: G4098 and G2532 great G3173 was G2258 the G3588 fall G4431 of it. G846 {SCJ.}
28 And G2532 it came to pass, G1096 when G3753 Jesus G2424 had ended G4931 these G5128 sayings, G3056 the G3588 people G3793 were astonished G1605 at G1909 his G846 doctrine: G1322
29 For G1063 he taught G2258 G1321 them G846 as G5613 [one] having G2192 authority, G1849 and G2532 not G3756 as G5613 the G3588 scribes. G1122

