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Matthew Chapters

Matthew 26 Verses

1 And G2532 it came to pass, G1096 when G3753 Jesus G2424 had finished G5055 all G3956 these G5128 sayings, G3056 he said G2036 unto his G848 disciples, G3101
2 {SCJ} Ye know G1492 that G3754 after G3326 two G1417 days G2250 is G1096 [the] [feast] [of] the G3588 passover, G3957 and G2532 the G3588 Son G5207 of man G444 is betrayed G3860 to be crucified. G4717 {SCJ.}
3 Then G5119 assembled together G4863 the G3588 chief priests, G749 and G2532 the G3588 scribes, G1122 and G2532 the G3588 elders G4245 of the G3588 people, G2992 unto G1519 the G3588 palace G833 of the G3588 high priest, G749 who was called G3004 Caiaphas, G2533
4 And G2532 consulted G4823 that G2443 they might take G2902 Jesus G2424 by subtlety, G1388 and G2532 kill G615 [him.]
5 But G1161 they said, G3004 Not G3361 on G1722 the G3588 feast G1859 [day,] lest G3363 there be G1096 an uproar G2351 among G1722 the G3588 people. G2992
6 Now G1161 when Jesus G2424 was G1096 in G1722 Bethany, G963 in G1722 the house G3614 of Simon G4613 the G3588 leper, G3015
7 There came G4334 unto him G846 a woman G1135 having G2192 an alabaster box G211 of very precious G927 ointment, G3464 and G2532 poured G2708 it on G1909 his G846 head, G2776 as he sat G345 [at] [meat.]
8 But G1161 when his G846 disciples G3101 saw G1492 [it,] they had indignation, G23 saying, G3004 To G1519 what purpose G5101 [is] this G3778 waste G684 ?
9 For G1063 this G5124 ointment G3464 might G1410 have been sold G4097 for much, G4183 and G2532 given G1325 to the poor. G4434
10 When G1161 Jesus G2424 understood G1097 [it,] he said G2036 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Why G5101 trouble G3930 G2873 ye the G3588 woman G1135 ? for G1063 she hath wrought G2038 a good G2570 work G2041 upon G1519 me. G1691 {SCJ.}
11 {SCJ} For G1063 ye have G2192 the G3588 poor G4434 always G3842 with G3326 you; G1438 but G1161 me G1691 ye have G2192 not G3756 always. G3842 {SCJ.}
12 {SCJ} For G1063 in that G3778 she hath poured G906 this G5124 ointment G3464 on G1909 my G3450 body, G4983 she did G4160 [it] for my G3165 burial. G1779 {SCJ.}
13 {SCJ} Verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 Wheresoever G3699 G1437 this G5124 gospel G2098 shall be preached G2784 in G1722 the G3588 whole G3650 world, G2889 [there] shall also G2532 this, G3739 that this woman G3778 hath done, G4160 be told G2980 for G1519 a memorial G3422 of her. G846 {SCJ.}
14 Then G5119 one G1520 of the G3588 twelve, G1427 called G3004 Judas G2455 Iscariot, G2469 went G4198 unto G4314 the G3588 chief priests, G749
15 And said G2036 [unto] [them,] What G5101 will G2309 ye give G1325 me, G3427 and I G2504 will deliver G3860 him G846 unto you G5213 ? And G1161 they G3588 covenanted G2476 with him G846 for thirty G5144 pieces of silver. G694
16 And G2532 from G575 that time G5119 he sought G2212 opportunity G2120 to G2443 betray G3860 him. G846
17 Now G1161 the G3588 first G4413 [day] of the G3588 [feast] [of] unleavened bread G106 the G3588 disciples G3101 came G4334 to Jesus, G2424 saying G3004 unto him, G846 Where G4226 wilt G2309 thou that we prepare G2090 for thee G4671 to eat G5315 the G3588 passover G3957 ?
18 And G1161 he G3588 said, G2036 {SCJ} Go G5217 into G1519 the G3588 city G4172 to G4314 such a man, G1170 and G2532 say G2036 unto him, G846 The G3588 Master G1320 saith, G3004 My G3450 time G2540 is G2076 at hand; G1451 I will keep G4160 the G3588 passover G3957 at G4314 thy house G4571 with G3326 my G3450 disciples. G3101 {SCJ.}
19 And G2532 the G3588 disciples G3101 did G4160 as G5613 Jesus G2424 had appointed G4929 them; G846 and G2532 they made ready G2090 the G3588 passover. G3957
20 Now G1161 when the even G3798 was come, G1096 he sat down G345 with G3326 the G3588 twelve. G1427
21 And G2532 as they G846 did eat, G2068 he said, G2036 {SCJ} Verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 that G3754 one G1520 of G1537 you G5216 shall betray G3860 me. G3165 {SCJ.}
22 And G2532 they were exceeding sorrowful G3076 G4970 , and began G756 every one G1538 of them G846 to say G3004 unto him, G846 Lord G2962 G3385 , is G1510 it I G1473 ?
23 And G1161 he G3588 answered G611 and said, G2036 {SCJ} He that dippeth G1686 [his] hand G5495 with G3326 me G1700 in G1722 the G3588 dish, G5165 the same G3778 shall betray G3860 me. G3165 {SCJ.}
24 {SCJ} The G3588 Son G5207 of man G444 goeth G5217 as G2531 it G3303 is written G1125 of G4012 him: G846 but G1161 woe G3759 unto that G1565 man G444 by G1223 whom G3739 the G3588 Son G5207 of man G444 is betrayed G3860 ! it had been G2258 good G2570 for G846 that G1565 man G444 if G1487 he had not G3756 been born. G1080 {SCJ.}
25 Then G1161 Judas, G2455 which betrayed G3860 him, G846 answered G611 and said, G2036 Master G4461 G3385 , is G1510 it I G1473 ? He said G3004 unto him, G846 {SCJ} Thou G4771 hast said. G2036 {SCJ.}
26 And G1161 as they G846 were eating, G2068 Jesus G2424 took G2983 bread, G740 and G2532 blessed G2127 [it,] and broke G2806 [it,] and G2532 gave G1325 [it] to the G3588 disciples, G3101 and G2532 said, G2036 {SCJ} Take, G2983 eat; G5315 this G5124 is G2076 my G3450 body. G4983 {SCJ.}
27 And G2532 he took G2983 the G3588 cup, G4221 and G2532 gave thanks, G2168 and gave G1325 [it] to them, G846 saying, G3004 {SCJ} Drink G4095 ye all G3956 of G1537 it; G846 {SCJ.}
28 {SCJ} For G1063 this G5124 is G2076 my G3450 blood G129 of G3588 the G3588 new G2537 testament, G1242 which is shed G1632 for G4012 many G4183 for G1519 the remission G859 of sins. G266 {SCJ.}
29 {SCJ} But G1161 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 I will not G3364 drink G4095 henceforth G575 G737 of G1537 this G5127 fruit G1081 of the G3588 vine, G288 until G2193 that G1565 day G2250 when G3752 I drink G4095 it G846 new G2537 with G3326 you G5216 in G1722 my G3450 Father's G3962 kingdom. G932 {SCJ.}
30 And G2532 when they had sung a hymn, G5214 they went out G1831 into G1519 the G3588 mount G3735 of Olives. G1636
31 Then G5119 saith G3004 Jesus G2424 unto them, G846 {SCJ} All G3956 ye G5210 shall be offended G4624 because G1722 of me G1698 G1722 this G5026 night: G3571 for G1063 it is written, G1125 I will smite G3960 the G3588 shepherd, G4166 and G2532 the G3588 sheep G4263 of the G3588 flock G4167 shall be scattered abroad. G1287 {SCJ.}
32 {SCJ} But G1161 after I G3165 am risen again, G1453 I will go before G4254 you G5209 into G1519 Galilee. G1056 {SCJ.}
33 G1161 Peter G4074 answered G611 and said G2036 unto him, G846 Though G1499 all G3956 [men] shall be offended G4624 because G1722 of thee, G4671 [yet] will I G1473 never G3763 be offended. G4624
34 Jesus G2424 said G5346 unto him, G846 {SCJ} Verily G281 I say G3004 unto thee, G4671 That G3754 G1722 this G5026 night, G3571 before G4250 the cock G220 crow, G5455 thou shalt deny G533 me G3165 thrice. G5151 {SCJ.}
35 Peter G4074 said G3004 unto him, G846 Though G2579 I G3165 should G1163 die G599 with G4862 thee, G4671 yet will I not G3364 deny G533 thee. G4571 Likewise G3668 also G2532 said G2036 all G3956 the G3588 disciples. G3101
36 Then G5119 cometh G2064 Jesus G2424 with G3326 them G846 unto G1519 a place G5564 called G3004 Gethsemane, G1068 and G2532 saith G3004 unto the G3588 disciples, G3101 {SCJ} Sit G2523 ye here, G847 while G2193 G3739 I go G565 and pray G4336 yonder. G1563 {SCJ.}
37 And G2532 he took with G3880 him Peter G4074 and G2532 the G3588 two G1417 sons G5207 of Zebedee, G2199 and began G756 to be sorrowful G3076 and G2532 very heavy. G85
38 Then G5119 saith G3004 he unto them, G846 {SCJ} My G3450 soul G5590 is G2076 exceeding sorrowful, G4036 even unto G2193 death: G2288 tarry G3306 ye here, G5602 and G2532 watch G1127 with G3326 me. G1700 {SCJ.}
39 And G2532 he went G4281 a little farther, G3397 and fell G4098 on G1909 his G848 face, G4383 and prayed G4336 G2532 , saying, G3004 {SCJ} O my G3450 Father, G3962 if G1487 it be G2076 possible, G1415 let this G5124 cup G4221 pass G3928 from G575 me: G1700 nevertheless G4133 not G3756 as G5613 I G1473 will, G2309 but G235 as G5613 thou G4771 [wilt.] {SCJ.}
40 And G2532 he cometh G2064 unto G4314 the G3588 disciples, G3101 and G2532 findeth G2147 them G846 asleep, G2518 and G2532 saith G3004 unto Peter, G4074 {SCJ} What, G3779 could G2480 ye not G3756 watch G1127 with G3326 me G1700 one G3391 hour G5610 ? {SCJ.}
41 {SCJ} Watch G1127 and G2532 pray, G4336 that G2443 ye enter G1525 not G3361 into G1519 temptation: G3986 the G3588 spirit G4151 indeed G3303 [is] willing, G4289 but G1161 the G3588 flesh G4561 [is] weak. G772 {SCJ.}
42 He went away G565 again G3825 the G1537 second time, G1208 and prayed, G4336 saying, G3004 {SCJ} O my G3450 Father, G3962 if G1487 this G5124 cup G4221 may G1410 not G3756 pass away G3928 from G575 me, G1700 except G3362 I drink G4095 it, G846 thy G4675 will G2307 be done. G1096 {SCJ.}
43 And G2532 he came G2064 and found G2147 them G846 asleep G2518 again: G3825 for G1063 their G846 eyes G3788 were G2258 heavy. G916
44 And G2532 he left G863 them, G846 and went away G565 again, G3825 and prayed G4336 the G1537 third time, G5154 saying G2036 the G3588 same G848 words. G3056
45 Then G5119 cometh G2064 he to G4314 his G848 disciples, G3101 and G2532 saith G3004 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Sleep on G2518 now, G3063 and G2532 take [your] rest: G373 behold, G2400 the G3588 hour G5610 is at hand, G1448 and G2532 the G3588 Son G5207 of man G444 is betrayed G3860 into G1519 the hands G5495 of sinners. G268 {SCJ.}
46 {SCJ} Rise, G1453 let us be going: G71 behold, G2400 he is at hand G1448 that doth betray G3860 me. G3165 {SCJ.}
47 And G2532 while he G846 yet G2089 spake, G2980 lo, G2400 Judas, G2455 one G1520 of the G3588 twelve, G1427 came, G2064 and G2532 with G3326 him G846 a great G4183 multitude G3793 with G3326 swords G3162 and G2532 staves, G3586 from G575 the G3588 chief priests G749 and G2532 elders G4245 of the G3588 people. G2992
48 Now G1161 he that betrayed G3860 him G846 gave G1325 them G846 a sign, G4592 saying, G3004 Whomsoever G3739 G302 I shall kiss, G5368 that same G846 is G2076 he : hold him fast G2902 G846 .
49 And G2532 forthwith G2112 he came G4334 to Jesus, G2424 and said, G2036 Hail, G5463 master; G4461 and G2532 kissed G2705 him. G846
50 And G1161 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto him, G846 {SCJ} Friend, G2083 wherefore G1909 G3739 art thou come? {SCJ.} Then G3918 came G4334 they , and laid G1911 hands G5495 on G1909 Jesus, G2424 and G2532 took G2902 him. G846
51 And G2532 , behold, G2400 one G1520 of them G3588 which were with G3326 Jesus G2424 stretched out G1614 [his] hand, G5495 and drew G645 his G848 sword, G3162 and G2532 struck G3960 a servant G1401 of the G3588 high priest's G749 , and smote off G851 his G846 ear. G5621
52 Then G5119 said G3004 Jesus G2424 unto him, G846 {SCJ} Put up again G654 thy G4675 sword G3162 into G1519 his G846 place: G5117 for G1063 all G3956 they that take G2983 the sword G3162 shall perish G622 with G1722 the sword. G3162 {SCJ.}
53 G2228 {SCJ} Thinkest G1380 thou that G3754 I cannot G1410 G3756 now G737 pray G3870 to my G3450 Father, G3962 and G2532 he shall presently give G3936 me G3427 more G4119 than G2228 twelve G1427 legions G3003 of angels G32 ? {SCJ.}
54 {SCJ} But how G4459 then G3767 shall the G3588 Scriptures G1124 be fulfilled, G4137 that G3754 thus G3779 it must G1163 be G1096 ? {SCJ.}
55 In G1722 that same G1565 hour G5610 said G2036 Jesus G2424 to the G3588 multitudes, G3793 {SCJ} Are ye come out G1831 as G5613 against G1909 a thief G3027 with G3326 swords G3162 and G2532 staves G3586 for to take G4815 me G3165 ? I sat G2516 daily G2596 G2250 with G4314 you G5209 teaching G1321 in G1722 the G3588 temple, G2411 and G2532 ye laid no hold G2902 G3756 on me. G3165 {SCJ.}
56 {SCJ} But G1161 all G3650 this G5124 was done, G1096 that G2443 the G3588 Scriptures G1124 of the G3588 prophets G4396 might be fulfilled. G4137 {SCJ.} Then G5119 all G3956 the G3588 disciples G3101 forsook G863 him, G846 and fled. G5343
57 And G1161 they that had laid hold G2902 on Jesus G2424 led [him G520 ]away to G4314 Caiaphas G2533 the G3588 high priest, G749 where G3699 the G3588 scribes G1122 and G2532 the G3588 elders G4245 were assembled. G4863
58 But G1161 Peter G4074 followed G190 him G846 afar off G575 G3113 unto G2193 the G3588 high priest's G749 palace, G833 and G2532 went G1525 in, G2080 and sat G2521 with G3326 the G3588 servants, G5257 to see G1492 the G3588 end. G5056
59 Now G1161 the G3588 chief priests, G749 and G2532 elders, G4245 and G2532 all G3650 the G3588 council, G4892 sought G2212 false witness G5577 against G2596 Jesus, G2424 to G3704 put him to death G2289 G846 ;
60 But G2532 found G2147 none: G3756 yea, though G2532 many G4183 false witnesses G5575 came, G4334 [yet] found G2147 they none. G3756 At the last G1161 G5305 came G4334 two G1417 false witnesses, G5575
61 And said, G2036 this G3778 [fellow] said, G5346 I am able G1410 to destroy G2647 the G3588 temple G3485 of God, G2316 and G2532 to build G3618 it G846 in G1223 three G5140 days. G2250
62 And G2532 the G3588 high priest G749 arose, G450 and said G2036 unto him, G846 Answerest G611 thou nothing G3762 ? what G5101 [is] [it] [which] these G3778 witness against G2649 thee G4675 ?
63 But G1161 Jesus G2424 held his peace. G4623 And G2532 the G3588 high priest G749 answered G611 and said G2036 unto him, G846 I adjure G1844 thee G4571 by G2596 the G3588 living G2198 God, G2316 that G2443 thou tell G2036 us G2254 whether G1487 thou G4771 be G1488 the G3588 Christ, G5547 the G3588 Son G5207 of God. G2316
64 Jesus G2424 saith G3004 unto him, G846 {SCJ} Thou G4771 hast said: G2036 nevertheless G4133 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 Hereafter G575 G737 shall ye see G3700 the G3588 Son G5207 of man G444 sitting G2521 on G1537 the right hand G1188 of power, G1411 and G2532 coming G2064 in G1909 the G3588 clouds G3507 of heaven. G3772 {SCJ.}
65 Then G5119 the G3588 high priest G749 rent G1284 his G848 clothes, G2440 saying, G3004 He hath spoken blasphemy; G987 what G5101 further G2089 need G5532 have G2192 we of witnesses G3144 ? behold, G2396 now G3568 ye have heard G191 his G846 blasphemy. G988
66 What G5101 think G1380 ye G5213 G1161 ? They G3588 answered G611 and said, G2036 He is G2076 guilty G1777 of death. G2288
67 Then G5119 did they spit G1716 in G1519 his G846 face, G4383 and G2532 buffeted G2852 him; G846 and G1161 others G3588 smote [him] with the palms of their hands, G4474
68 Saying G3004 , Prophesy G4395 unto us, G2254 thou Christ, G5547 Who G5101 is G2076 he that smote G3817 thee G4571 ?
69 Now G1161 Peter G4074 sat G2521 without G1854 in G1722 the G3588 palace: G833 and G2532 a G3391 damsel G3814 came G4334 unto him, G846 saying, G3004 Thou G4771 also G2532 wast G2258 with G3326 Jesus G2424 of Galilee. G1057
70 But G1161 he G3588 denied G720 before G1715 [them] all, G3956 saying, G3004 I know G1492 not G3756 what G5101 thou sayest. G3004
71 And G1161 when he G846 was gone out G1831 into G1519 the G3588 porch, G4440 another G243 [maid] saw G1492 him, G846 and G2532 said G3004 unto them G3588 that were there, G1563 This G3778 [fellow] was G2258 also G2532 with G3326 Jesus G2424 of Nazareth. G3480
72 And G2532 again G3825 he denied G720 with G3326 an oath, G3727 I do not G3756 know G1492 the G3588 man. G444
73 And G1161 after G3326 a while G3397 came G4334 unto [him] they that stood by, G2476 and said G2036 to Peter, G4074 Surely G230 thou G4771 also G2532 art G1488 [one] of G1537 them; G846 for G1063 thy G4675 speech G2981 betrayeth G4160 G1212 thee. G4571
74 Then G5119 began G756 he to curse G2653 and G2532 to swear, G3660 [saying,] I know G1492 not G3756 the G3588 man. G444 And G2532 immediately G2112 the cock G220 crew. G5455
75 And G2532 Peter G4074 remembered G3415 the G3588 word G4487 of Jesus, G2424 which said G2046 unto him, G846 Before G4250 the cock G220 crow, G5455 thou shalt deny G533 me G3165 thrice. G5151 And G2532 he went G1831 out, G1854 and wept G2799 bitterly. G4090

