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Matthew Chapters

Matthew 21 Verses

1 And G2532 when G3753 they drew nigh G1448 unto G1519 Jerusalem, G2414 and G2532 were come G2064 to G1519 Bethphage, G967 unto G4314 the G3588 mount G3735 of Olives, G1636 then G5119 sent G649 Jesus G2424 two G1417 disciples, G3101
2 Saying G3004 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Go G4198 into G1519 the G3588 village G2968 over against G561 you, G5216 and G2532 straightway G2112 ye shall find G2147 an ass G3688 tied, G1210 and G2532 a colt G4454 with G3326 her: G846 loose G3089 [them,] and bring G71 [them] unto me. G3427 {SCJ.}
3 {SCJ} And G2532 if G1437 any G5100 [man] say G2036 aught G5100 unto you, G5213 ye shall say, G2046 The G3588 Lord G2962 hath G2192 need G5532 of them; G846 and G2532 straightway G2112 he will send G649 them. G846 {SCJ.}
4 G1161 All G3650 this G5124 was done, G1096 that G2443 it might be fulfilled G4137 which was spoken G4483 by G1223 the G3588 prophet, G4396 saying, G3004
5 Tell G2036 ye the G3588 daughter G2364 of Zion, G4622 Behold, G2400 thy G4675 king G935 cometh G2064 unto thee, G4671 meek, G4239 and G2532 sitting G1910 upon G1909 an ass, G3688 and G2532 a colt G4454 the foal G5207 of an ass. G5268
6 And G1161 the G3588 disciples G3101 went, G4198 and G2532 did G4160 as G2531 Jesus G2424 commanded G4367 them, G846
7 And brought G71 the G3588 ass, G3688 and G2532 the G3588 colt, G4454 and G2532 put G2007 on G1883 them G846 their G848 clothes, G2440 and G2532 they set G1940 [him] thereon G1883 G846 .
8 And G1161 a very great G4118 multitude G3793 spread G4766 their G1438 garments G2440 in G1722 the G3588 way G3598 G1161 ; others G243 cut down G2875 branches G2798 from G575 the G3588 trees, G1186 and G2532 strewed G4766 [them] in G1722 the G3588 way. G3598
9 And G1161 the G3588 multitudes G3793 that went before, G4254 and G2532 thatfollowed, G190 cried, G2896 saying, G3004 Hosanna G5614 to the G3588 son G5207 of David: G1138 Blessed G2127 [is] he that cometh G2064 in G1722 the name G3686 of the Lord; G2962 Hosanna G5614 in G1722 the G3588 highest. G5310
10 And G2532 when he G846 was come G1525 into G1519 Jerusalem, G2414 all G3956 the G3588 city G4172 was moved, G4579 saying, G3004 Who G5101 is G2076 this G3778 ?
11 And G1161 the G3588 multitude G3793 said, G3004 This G3778 is G2076 Jesus G2424 the G3588 prophet G4396 of G575 Nazareth G3478 of Galilee. G1056
12 And G2532 Jesus G2424 went G1525 into G1519 the G3588 temple G2411 of God, G2316 and G2532 cast out G1544 all G3956 them that sold G4453 and G2532 bought G59 in G1722 the G3588 temple, G2411 and G2532 overthrew G2690 the G3588 tables G5132 of the G3588 moneychangers, G2855 and G2532 the G3588 seats G2515 of them that sold G4453 doves, G4058
13 And G2532 said G3004 unto them, G846 {SCJ} It is written, G1125 My G3450 house G3624 shall be called G2564 the house G3624 of prayer; G4335 but G1161 ye G5210 have made G4160 it G846 a den G4693 of thieves. G3027 {SCJ.}
14 And G2532 the blind G5185 and G2532 the lame G5560 came G4334 to him G846 in G1722 the G3588 temple; G2411 and G2532 he healed G2323 them. G846
15 And G1161 when the G3588 chief priests G749 and G2532 scribes G1122 saw G1492 the G3588 wonderful things G2297 that G3739 he did, G4160 and G2532 the G3588 children G3816 crying G2896 in G1722 the G3588 temple, G2411 and G2532 saying, G3004 Hosanna G5614 to the G3588 son G5207 of David; G1138 they were sore displeased, G23
16 And G2532 said G2036 unto him, G846 Hearest G191 thou what G5101 these G3778 say G3004 ? And G2532 Jesus G2424 saith G3004 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Yea; G3483 have ye never G3763 read, G314 Out of G1537 the mouth G4750 of babes G3516 and G2532 sucklings G2337 thou hast perfected G2675 praise G136 {SCJ.}
17 And G2532 he left G2641 them, G846 and went G1831 out G1854 of the G3588 city G4172 into G1519 Bethany; G963 and G2532 he lodged G835 there. G1563
18 Now G1161 in the morning G4405 as he returned G1877 into G1519 the G3588 city, G4172 he hungered. G3983
19 And G2532 when he saw G1492 a G3391 fig tree G4808 in G1909 the G3588 way, G3598 he came G2064 to G1909 it, G846 and G2532 found G2147 nothing G3762 thereon G1722 G846 , but G1508 leaves G5444 only, G3440 and G2532 said G3004 unto it, G846 {SCJ} Let no fruit G2590 grow G1096 on G1537 thee G4675 henceforward G3371 forever G1519 G165 . {SCJ.} And G2532 presently G3916 the G3588 fig tree G4808 withered away. G3583
20 And G2532 when the G3588 disciples G3101 saw G1492 [it,] they marveled, G2296 saying, G3004 How G4459 soon G3916 is the G3588 fig tree G4808 withered away G3583 !
21 G1161 Jesus G2424 answered G611 and said G2036 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 If G1437 ye have G2192 faith, G4102 and G2532 doubt G1252 not, G3361 ye shall not G3756 only G3440 do G4160 this G3588 [which] [is] [done] to the G3588 fig tree, G4808 but G235 also if G2579 ye shall say G2036 unto this G5129 mountain, G3735 Be thou removed, G142 and G2532 be thou cast G906 into G1519 the G3588 sea; G2281 it shall be done. G1096 {SCJ.}
22 {SCJ} And G2532 all things, G3956 whatsoever G3745 G302 ye shall ask G154 in G1722 prayer, G4335 believing, G4100 ye shall receive. G2983 {SCJ.}
23 And G2532 when he G846 was come G2064 into G1519 the G3588 temple, G2411 the G3588 chief priests G749 and G2532 the G3588 elders G4245 of the G3588 people G2992 came G4334 unto him G846 as he was teaching, G1321 and said, G3004 By G1722 what G4169 authority G1849 doest G4160 thou these things G5023 ? and G2532 who G5101 gave G1325 thee G4671 this G5026 authority G1849 ?
24 And G1161 Jesus G2424 answered G611 and said G2036 unto them, G846 {SCJ} I also G2504 will ask G2065 you G5209 one G1520 thing, G3056 which G3739 if G1437 ye tell G2036 me, G3427 I in likewise G2504 will tell G2046 you G5213 by G1722 what G4169 authority G1849 I do G4160 these things. G5023 {SCJ.}
25 {SCJ} The G3588 baptism G908 of John, G2491 whence G4159 was G2258 it? from G1537 heaven, G3772 or G2228 of G1537 men? {SCJ.} And G1161 G444 G1161 they G3588 reasoned G1260 with G3844 themselves, G1438 saying, G3004 If G1437 we shall say, G2036 From G1537 heaven; G3772 he will say G2046 unto us, G2254 Why G1302 did ye not G3756 then G3767 believe G4100 him G846 ?
26 But G1161 if G1437 we shall say, G2036 Of G1537 men; G444 we fear G5399 the G3588 people; G3793 for G1063 all G3956 hold G2192 John G2491 as G5613 a prophet. G4396
27 And G2532 they answered G611 Jesus, G2424 and said, G2036 We cannot tell G1492 G3756 . And G2532 he G846 said G5346 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Neither G3761 tell G3004 I G1473 you G5213 by G1722 what G4169 authority G1849 I do G4160 these things. G5023 {SCJ.}
28 {SCJ} But G1161 what G5101 think G1380 ye G5213 ? A [certain] man G444 had G2192 two G1417 sons; G5043 and G2532 he came G4334 to the G3588 first, G4413 and said, G2036 Son, G5043 go G5217 work G2038 today G4594 in G1722 my G3450 vineyard. G290 {SCJ.}
29 {SCJ} He G3588 answered G611 and said, G2036 I will G2309 not: G3756 but G1161 afterward G5305 he repented, G3338 and went. G565 {SCJ.}
30 {SCJ} And G2532 he came G4334 to the G3588 second, G1208 and said G2036 likewise. G5615 And G1161 he G3588 answered G611 and said, G2036 I G1473 [go,] sir: G2962 and G2532 went G565 not. G3756 {SCJ.}
31 {SCJ} Whether G5101 of G1537 them G3588 twain G1417 did G4160 the G3588 will G2307 of [his] father? They G3962 say G3004 unto him, G846 The G3588 first. G4413 Jesus G2424 saith G3004 unto them , G846 Verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 That G3754 the G3588 publicans G5057 and G2532 the G3588 harlots G4204 go into the kingdom of God before G4254 G1519 G3588 G932 G2316 you. G5209 {SCJ.}
32 {SCJ} For G1063 John G2491 came G2064 unto G4314 you G5209 in G1722 the way G3598 of righteousness, G1343 and G2532 ye believed G4100 him G846 not; G3756 but G1161 the G3588 publicans G5057 and G2532 the G3588 harlots G4204 believed G4100 him: G846 and G1161 ye, G5210 when ye had seen G1492 [it,] repented G3338 not G3756 afterward, G5305 that ye might believe G4100 him. G846 {SCJ.}
33 {SCJ} Hear G191 another G243 parable: G3850 There was G2258 a certain G5100 householder, G3617 which G3748 planted G5452 a vineyard, G290 and G2532 hedged it round about G4060 G846, G5418 and G2532 digged G3736 a winepress G3025 in G1722 it, G846 and G2532 built G3618 a tower, G4444 and G2532 let it out G1554 G846 to husbandmen, G1092 and G2532 went into a far country: G589 {SCJ.}
34 {SCJ} And G1161 when G3753 the G3588 time G2540 of the G3588 fruit G2590 drew near, G1448 he sent G649 his G848 servants G1401 to G4314 the G3588 husbandmen, G1092 that they might receive G2983 the G3588 fruits G2590 of it. G846 {SCJ.}
35 {SCJ} And G2532 the G3588 husbandmen G1092 took G2983 his G846 servants, G1401 and beat G1194 one G3739 G3303 , and G1161 killed G615 another, G3739 and G1161 stoned G3036 another. G3739 {SCJ.}
36 {SCJ} Again, G3825 he sent G649 other G243 servants G1401 more G4119 than the G3588 first: G4413 and G2532 they did G4160 unto them G846 likewise. G5615 {SCJ.}
37 {SCJ} But G1161 last G5305 of all he sent G649 unto G4314 them G846 his G848 son, G5207 saying, G3004 They will reverence G1788 my G3450 son. G5207 {SCJ.}
38 {SCJ} But G1161 when the G3588 husbandmen G1092 saw G1492 the G3588 son, G5207 they said G2036 among G1722 themselves, G1438 This G3778 is G2076 the G3588 heir; G2818 come, G1205 let us kill G615 him, G846 and G2532 let us seize on G2722 his G846 inheritance. G2817 {SCJ.}
39 {SCJ} And G2532 they caught G2983 him, G846 and G2532 cast G1544 [him] out G1854 of the G3588 vineyard, G290 and G2532 slew G615 [him.] {SCJ.}
40 {SCJ} When G3752 the G3588 lord G2962 therefore G3767 of the G3588 vineyard G290 cometh, G2064 what G5101 will he do G4160 unto those G1565 husbandmen G1092 ? {SCJ.}
41 They say G3004 unto him, G846 He will miserably G2560 destroy G622 those G846 wicked men, G2556 and G2532 will let out G1554 [his] vineyard G290 unto other G243 husbandmen, G1092 which G3748 shall render G591 him G846 the G3588 fruits G2590 in G1722 their G846 seasons. G2540
42 Jesus G2424 saith G3004 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Did ye never G3763 read G314 in G1722 the G3588 Scriptures, G1124 The stone G3037 which G3739 the G3588 builders G3618 rejected, G593 the same G3778 is become G1096 the G1519 head G2776 of the corner: G1137 this G3778 is G1096 the Lord's doing G3844 G2962 , and G2532 it is G2076 marvelous G2298 in G1722 our G2257 eyes G3788 ? {SCJ.}
43 {SCJ} Therefore G1223 G5124 say G3004 I unto you, G5213 The G3588 kingdom G932 of God G2316 shall be taken G142 from G575 you, G5216 and G2532 given G1325 to a nation G1484 bringing forth G4160 the G3588 fruits G2590 thereof. G846 {SCJ.}
44 {SCJ} And G2532 whosoever shall fall G4098 on G1909 this G5126 stone G3037 shall be broken: G4917 but G1161 on G1909 whomsoever G3739 G302 it shall fall, G4098 it will grind him to powder G3039 G846 . {SCJ.}
45 And G2532 when the G3588 chief priests G749 and G2532 Pharisees G5330 had heard G191 his G846 parables, G3850 they perceived G1097 that G3754 he spake G3004 of G4012 them. G846
46 But G2532 when they sought G2212 to lay hands G2902 on him, G846 they feared G5399 the G3588 multitude, G3793 because G1894 they took G2192 him G846 for G5613 a prophet. G4396

