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Matthew Chapters

Matthew 19 Verses

1 And G2532 it came to pass, G1096 [that] when G3753 Jesus G2424 had finished G5055 these G5128 sayings, G3056 he departed G3332 from G575 Galilee, G1056 and G2532 came G2064 into G1519 the G3588 coasts G3725 of Judea G2449 beyond G4008 Jordan; G2446
2 And G2532 great G4183 multitudes G3793 followed G190 him; G846 and G2532 he healed G2323 them G846 there. G1563
3 The G3588 Pharisees G5330 also G2532 came G4334 unto him, G846 tempting G3985 him, G846 and G2532 saying G3004 unto him G846 G1487 , Is it lawful G1832 for a man G444 to put away G630 his G848 wife G1135 for G2596 every G3956 cause G156 ?
4 And G1161 he G3588 answered G611 and said G2036 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Have ye not G3756 read, G314 that G3754 he which made G4160 [them] at G575 the beginning G746 made G4160 them G846 male G730 and G2532 female, G2338 {SCJ.}
5 {SCJ} And G2532 said, G2036 For this cause G1752 G5127 shall a man G444 leave G2641 father G3962 and G2532 mother, G3384 and G2532 shall cleave G4347 to his G848 wife: G1135 and G2532 they twain G1417 shall be G2071 one G3391 G1519 flesh G4561 {SCJ.}
6 {SCJ} Wherefore G5620 they are G1526 no more G3765 twain, G1417 but G235 one G3391 flesh. G4561 What G3739 therefore G3767 God G2316 hath joined together, G4801 let not G3361 man G444 put asunder. G5563 {SCJ.}
7 They say G3004 unto him, G846 Why G5101 did Moses G3475 then G3767 command G1781 to give G1325 a writing G975 of divorcement, G647 and G2532 to put her away G630 G846
8 He saith G3004 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Moses G3475 because G4314 of the G3588 hardness of your hearts G4641 G5216 suffered G2010 you G5213 to put away G630 your G5216 wives: G1135 but G1161 from G575 the beginning G746 it was G1096 not G3756 so. G3779 {SCJ.}
9 {SCJ} And G1161 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 Whosoever G3739 G302 shall put away G630 his G848 wife, G1135 except G1508 [it] [be] for G1909 fornication, G4202 and G2532 shall marry G1060 another, G243 committeth adultery: G3429 and G2532 whoso marrieth G1060 her which is put away G630 doth commit adultery. G3429 {SCJ.}
10 His G846 disciples G3101 say G3004 unto him, G846 If G1487 the G3588 case G156 of the G3588 man G444 be G2076 so G3779 with G3326 [his] wife, G1135 it is not good G4851 G3756 to marry. G1060
11 But G1161 he G3588 said G2036 unto them, G846 {SCJ} All G3956 [men] cannot receive G5562 G3756 this G5126 saying, G3056 save G235 [they] to whom G3739 it is given. G1325 {SCJ.}
12 {SCJ} For G1063 there are G1526 some eunuchs, G2135 which G3748 were so G3779 born G1080 from G1537 [their] mother's G3384 womb: G2836 and G2532 there are G1526 some eunuchs, G2135 which G3748 were made eunuchs G2134 of G5259 men: G444 and G2532 there be G1526 eunuchs, G2135 which G3748 have made themselves eunuchs G2134 G1438 for the kingdom of heaven's sake G1223 G3588 G932. G3772 He that is able G1410 to receive G5562 [it,] let him receive G5562 [it.] {SCJ.}
13 Then G5119 were there brought G4336 unto him G846 little children, G3813 that G2443 he should put G2007 [his] hands G5495 on them, G846 and G2532 pray: G4374 and G1161 the G3588 disciples G3101 rebuked G2008 them. G846
14 But G1161 Jesus G2424 said, G2036 {SCJ} Suffer G863 little children, G3813 and G2532 forbid G2967 them G846 not, G3361 to come G2064 unto G4314 me: G3165 for G1063 of such G5108 is G2076 the G3588 kingdom G932 of heaven. G3772 {SCJ.}
15 And G2532 he laid G2007 [his] hands G5495 on them, G846 and departed G4198 thence. G1564
16 And G2532 , behold, G2400 one G1520 came G4334 and said G2036 unto him, G846 Good G18 Master, G1320 what G5101 good thing G18 shall I do, G4160 that G2443 I may have G2192 eternal G166 life G2222 ?
17 And G1161 he G3588 said G2036 unto him, G846 {SCJ} Why G5101 callest G3004 thou me G3165 good G18 ? [there] [is] none G3762 good G18 but G1508 one, G1520 [that] [is,] God: G2316 but G1161 if G1487 thou wilt G2309 enter G1525 into G1519 life, G2222 keep G5083 the G3588 commandments. G1785 {SCJ.}
18 He saith G3004 unto him, G846 Which G4169 ? Jesus G2424 said, G2036 {SCJ} Thou shalt G3588 do no murder G5407 G3756 , Thou shalt not G3756 commit adultery, G3431 Thou shalt not G3756 steal, G2813 Thou shalt not bear false witness, G5576 {SCJ.}
19 {SCJ} Honor G5091 thy G4675 father G3962 and G2532 [thy] mother: and, G3384 Thou shalt love G25 thy G4675 neighbor G4139 as G5613 thyself. G4572 {SCJ.}
20 The G3588 young man G3495 saith G3004 unto him, G846 All G3956 these things G5023 have I kept G5442 from G1537 my G3450 youth G3503 up: what G5101 lack G5302 I yet G2089 ?
21 Jesus G2424 said G5346 unto him, G846 {SCJ} If G1487 thou wilt G2309 be G1511 perfect, G5046 go G5217 [and] sell G4453 that thou hast G5224 G4675 , and G2532 give G1325 to the poor, G4434 and G2532 thou shalt have G2192 treasure G2344 in G1722 heaven: G3772 and G2532 come G1204 [and] follow G190 me. G3427 {SCJ.}
22 But G1161 when the G3588 young man G3495 heard G191 that saying, G3056 he went away G565 sorrowful: G3076 for G1063 he had G2258 G2192 great G4183 possessions. G2933
23 Then G1161 said G2036 Jesus G2424 unto his G848 disciples, G3101 {SCJ} Verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 That G3754 a rich man G4145 shall hardly G1423 enter G1525 into G1519 the G3588 kingdom G932 of heaven. G3772 {SCJ.}
24 {SCJ} And G1161 again G3825 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 It is G2076 easier G2123 for a camel G2574 to go G1330 through G1223 the eye G5169 of a needle, G4476 than G2228 for a rich man G4145 to enter G1525 into G1519 the G3588 kingdom G932 of God. G2316 {SCJ.}
25 When G1161 his G846 disciples G3101 heard G191 [it,] they were exceedingly G4970 amazed, G1605 saying, G3004 Who G5101 then G686 can G1410 be saved G4982 ?
26 But G1161 Jesus G2424 beheld G1689 [them,] and said G2036 unto them, G846 {SCJ} With G3844 men G444 this G5124 is G2076 impossible; G102 but G1161 with G3844 God G2316 all things G3956 are G2076 possible. G1415 {SCJ.}
27 Then G5119 answered G611 Peter G4074 and said G2036 unto him, G846 Behold, G2400 we G2249 have forsaken G863 all, G3956 and G2532 followed G190 thee; G4671 what G5101 shall we G2254 have G2071 therefore G686 ?
28 And G1161 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 That G3754 ye G5210 which have followed G190 me, G3427 in G1722 the G3588 regeneration G3824 when G3752 the G3588 Son G5207 of man G444 shall sit G2523 in G1909 the throne G2362 of his G848 glory, G1391 ye G5210 also G2532 shall sit G2523 upon G1909 twelve G1427 thrones, G2362 judging G2919 the G3588 twelve G1427 tribes G5443 of Israel. G2474 {SCJ.}
29 {SCJ} And G2532 every one G3956 that G3739 hath forsaken G863 houses, G3614 or G2228 brethren, G80 or G2228 sisters, G79 or G2228 father, G3962 or G2228 mother, G3384 or G2228 wife, G1135 or G2228 children, G5043 or G2228 lands, G68 for my name's sake G1752 G3450, G3686 shall receive G2983 a hundredfold, G1542 and G2532 shall inherit G2816 everlasting G166 life. G2222 {SCJ.}
30 {SCJ} But G1161 many G4183 [that] [are] first G4413 shall be G2071 last; G2078 and G2532 the last G2078 [shall] [be] first. G4413 {SCJ.}

