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Matthew Chapters

Matthew 13 Verses

1 The same G1565 day G2250 went G1831 Jesus G2424 out of G575 the G3588 house, G3614 and G2532 sat G2521 by G3844 the G3588 sea side. G2281
2 And G2532 great G4183 multitudes G3793 were gathered together G4863 unto G4314 him, G846 so that G5620 he G846 went G1684 into G1519 a ship, G4143 and sat; G2521 and G2532 the G3588 whole G3956 multitude G3793 stood G2476 on G1909 the G3588 shore. G123
3 And G2532 he spake G2980 many things G4183 unto them G846 in G1722 parables, G3850 saying, G3004 {SCJ} Behold, G2400 a sower G4687 went forth G1831 to sow; G4687 {SCJ.}
4 {SCJ} And G2532 when he G846 sowed, G4687 some G3739 G3303 [seeds] fell G4098 by G3844 the G3588 way side, G3598 and G2532 the G3588 fowls G4071 came G2064 and G2532 devoured them up G2719 G846 : {SCJ.}
5 G1161 {SCJ} Some G243 fell G4098 upon G1909 stony places, G4075 where G3699 they had G2192 not G3756 much G4183 earth: G1093 and G2532 forthwith G2112 they sprung up, G1816 because they had G2192 no G3361 deepness G899 of earth: G1093 {SCJ.}
6 {SCJ} And G1161 when the sun G2246 was up, G393 they were scorched; G2739 and G2532 because they had G2192 no G3361 root, G4491 they withered away. G3583 {SCJ.}
7 {SCJ} And G1161 some G243 fell G4098 among G1909 thorns; G173 and G2532 the G3588 thorns G173 sprung up, G305 and G2532 choked G638 them: G846 {SCJ.}
8 {SCJ} But G1161 other G243 fell G4098 into G1909 good G2570 ground, G1093 and G2532 brought forth G1325 fruit, G2590 some G3739 G3303 a hundredfold G1540 G1161 , some G3739 sixtyfold G1835 G1161 , some G3739 thirtyfold. G5144 {SCJ.}
9 {SCJ} Who hath G2192 ears G3775 to hear, G191 let him hear. G191 {SCJ.}
10 And G2532 the G3588 disciples G3101 came, G4334 and said G2036 unto him, G846 Why G1302 speakest G2980 thou unto them G846 in G1722 parables G3850 ?
11 G1161 He G3588 answered G611 and said G2036 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Because G3754 it is given G1325 unto you G5213 to know G1097 the G3588 mysteries G3466 of the G3588 kingdom G932 of heaven, G3772 but G1161 to them G1565 it is not G3756 given. G1325 {SCJ.}
12 {SCJ} For G1063 whosoever G3748 hath, G2192 to him G846 shall be given, G1325 and G2532 he shall have more abundance: G4052 but G1161 whosoever G3748 hath G2192 not, G3756 from G575 him G846 shall be taken away G142 even G2532 that G3739 he hath. G2192 {SCJ.}
13 {SCJ} Therefore G1223 G5124 speak G2980 I to them G846 in G1722 parables: G3850 because G3754 they seeing G991 see G991 not; G3756 and G2532 hearing G191 they hear G191 not, G3756 neither G3761 do they understand. G4920 {SCJ.}
14 {SCJ} And G2532 in G1909 them G846 is fulfilled G378 the G3588 prophecy G4394 of Isaiah, G2268 which saith, G3004 By hearing G189 ye shall hear, G191 and G2532 shall not G3364 understand; G4920 and G2532 seeing G991 ye shall see, G991 and G2532 shall not G3364 perceive: G1492 {SCJ.}
15 {SCJ} For G1063 this G5127 people's G2992 heart G2588 is waxed gross, G3975 and G2532 [their] ears G3775 are dull of hearing G191 G917 , and G2532 their G848 eyes G3788 they have closed; G2576 lest at any time G3379 they should see G1492 with [their] eyes, G3778 and G2532 hear G191 with [their] ears, G3775 and G2532 should understand G4920 with [their] heart, G2588 and G2532 should be converted, G1994 and G2532 I should heal G2390 them. G846 {SCJ.}
16 {SCJ} But G1161 blessed G3107 [are] your G5216 eyes, G3778 for G3754 they see: G991 and G2532 your G5216 ears, G3775 for G3754 they hear. G191 {SCJ.}
17 {SCJ} For G1063 verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 That G3754 many G4183 prophets G4396 and G2532 righteous G1342 [men] have desired G1937 to see G1492 [those] [things] which G3739 ye see, G991 and G2532 have not G3756 seen G1492 [them] ; and G2532 to hear G191 [those] [things] which G3739 ye hear, G191 and G2532 have not G3756 heard G191 [them.] {SCJ.}
18 {SCJ} Hear G191 ye G5210 therefore G3767 the G3588 parable G3850 of the G3588 sower. G4687 {SCJ.}
19 {SCJ} When any one G3956 heareth G191 the G3588 word G3056 of the G3588 kingdom, G932 and G2532 understandeth G4920 [it] not, G3361 then cometh G2064 the G3588 wicked G4190 [one,] and G2532 catcheth away G726 that which was sown G4687 in G1722 his G846 heart. G2588 This G3778 is G2076 he which received seed G4687 by G3844 the G3588 way side. G3598 {SCJ.}
20 {SCJ} But G1161 he that received the seed G4687 into G1909 stony places, G4075 the same G3778 is G2076 he that heareth G191 the G3588 word, G3056 and G2532 anon G2117 with G3326 joy G5479 receiveth G2983 it; G846 {SCJ.}
21 {SCJ} Yet G1161 hath G2192 he not G3756 root G4491 in G1722 himself, G1438 but G235 endureth for a while G2076 G4340 : for G1161 when tribulation G2347 or G2228 persecution G1375 ariseth G1096 because G1223 of the G3588 word, G3056 by and by G2117 he is offended. G4624 {SCJ.}
22 {SCJ} He also that received seed G4687 G1161 among G1519 the G3588 thorns G173 G3778 is G2076 he that heareth G191 the G3588 word; G3056 and G2532 the G3588 care G3308 of this G5127 world, G165 and G2532 the G3588 deceitfulness G539 of riches, G4149 choke G4846 the G3588 word, G3056 and G2532 he becometh G1096 unfruitful. G175 {SCJ.}
23 {SCJ} But G1161 he that received seed G4687 into G1909 the G3588 good G2570 ground G1093 is G2076 he that heareth G191 the G3588 word, G3056 and G2532 understandeth G4920 [it] ; which G3739 also G1211 beareth fruit, G2592 and G2532 bringeth forth, G4160 some G3588 G3303 a hundredfold G1540 G1161 some G3588 sixty G1835 G1161 , some G3588 thirty. G5144 {SCJ.}
24 Another G243 parable G3850 put he forth G3908 unto them, G846 saying, G3004 {SCJ} The G3588 kingdom G932 of heaven G3772 is likened unto G3666 a man G444 which sowed G4687 good G2570 seed G4690 in G1722 his G848 field: G68 {SCJ.}
25 {SCJ} But G1161 while men G444 slept, G2518 his G846 enemy G2190 came G2064 and G2532 sowed G4687 tares G2215 among G303 G3319 the G3588 wheat, G4621 and G2532 went his way. G565 {SCJ.}
26 {SCJ} But G1161 when G3753 the G3588 blade G5528 was sprung up, G985 and G2532 brought forth G4160 fruit, G2590 then G5119 appeared G5316 the G3588 tares G2215 also. G2532 {SCJ.}
27 {SCJ} So G1161 the G3588 servants G1401 of the G3588 householder G3617 came G4334 and said G2036 unto him, G846 Sir, G2962 didst not G3780 thou sow G4687 good G2570 seed G4690 in G1722 thy G4674 field G68 ? from whence G4159 then G3767 hath G2192 it tares G2215 ? {SCJ.}
28 G1161 {SCJ} He G3588 said G5346 unto them, G846 An G444 enemy G2190 hath done G4160 this. G5124 The G3588 servants G1401 said G2036 unto him, G846 Wilt G2309 thou then G3767 that we go G565 and G2532 gather them up G4816 G846 ? {SCJ.}
29 {SCJ} But G1161 he G3588 said, G5346 Nay; G3756 lest G3379 while ye gather up G4816 the G3588 tares, G2215 ye root up G1610 also the G3588 wheat G4621 with G260 them. G846 {SCJ.}
30 {SCJ} Let G863 both G297 grow together G4885 until G3360 the G3588 harvest: G2326 and G2532 in G1722 the G3588 time G2540 of harvest G2326 I will say G2046 to the G3588 reapers, G2327 Gather ye together G4816 first G4412 the G3588 tares, G2215 and G2532 bind G1210 them G846 in G1519 bundles G1197 to burn G2618 them: G846 but G1161 gather G4863 the G3588 wheat G4621 into G1519 my G3450 barn. G596 {SCJ.}
31 Another G243 parable G3850 put he forth G3908 unto them, G846 saying, G3004 {SCJ} The G3588 kingdom G932 of heaven G3772 is G2076 like to G3664 a grain G2848 of mustard seed, G4615 which G3739 a man G444 took, G2983 and G2532 sowed G4687 in G1722 his G846 field: G68 {SCJ.}
32 {SCJ} Which G3739 indeed G3303 is G2076 the least G3398 of all G3956 seeds: G4690 but G1161 when G3752 it is grown, G837 it is G2076 the greatest G3187 among herbs, G3001 and G2532 becometh G1096 a tree, G1186 so that G5620 the G3588 birds G4071 of the G3588 air G3772 come G2064 and G2532 lodge G2681 in G1722 the G3588 branches G2798 thereof. G846 {SCJ.}
33 Another G243 parable G3850 spake G2980 he unto them; G846 {SCJ} The G3588 kingdom G932 of heaven G3772 is G2076 like unto G3664 leaven, G2219 which G3739 a woman G1135 took, G2983 and G2532 hid G1470 in G1519 three G5140 measures G4568 of meal, G224 till G2193 the G3739 whole G3650 was leavened. G2220 {SCJ.}
34 All G3956 these things G5023 spake G2980 Jesus G2424 unto the G3588 multitude G3793 in G1722 parables; G3850 and G2532 without G5565 a parable G3850 spake G2980 he not G3756 unto them: G846
35 That G3704 it might be fulfilled G4137 which was spoken G4483 by G1223 the G3588 prophet, G4396 saying, G3004 I will open G455 my G3450 mouth G4750 in G1722 parables; G3850 I will utter G2044 things which have been kept secret G2928 from G575 the foundation G2602 of the world. G2889
36 Then G5119 Jesus G2424 sent the multitude away G863 G3588, G3793 and went G2064 into G1519 the G3588 house: G3614 and G2532 his G846 disciples G3101 came G4334 unto him, G846 saying, G3004 Declare G5419 unto us G2254 the G3588 parable G3850 of the G3588 tares G2215 of the G3588 field. G68
37 G1161 He G3588 answered G611 and said G2036 unto them, G846 {SCJ} He that soweth G4687 the G3588 good G2570 seed G4690 is G2076 the G3588 Son G5207 of man; G444 {SCJ.}
38 G1161 {SCJ} The G3588 field G68 is G2076 the G3588 world; G2889 the G3588 good G2570 seed G4690 are G3778 G1526 the G3588 children G5207 of the G3588 kingdom; G932 but G1161 the G3588 tares G2215 are G1526 the G3588 children G5207 of the G3588 wicked G4190 [one] ; {SCJ.}
39 G1161 {SCJ} The G3588 enemy G2190 that sowed G4687 them G846 is G2076 the G3588 devil; G1228 the G3588 harvest G2326 is G2076 the end G4930 of the G3588 world; G165 and G2532 the G3588 reapers G2327 are G1526 the angels. G32 {SCJ.}
40 {SCJ} As G5618 therefore G3767 the G3588 tares G2215 are gathered G4816 and G2532 burned G2618 in the fire; G4442 so G3779 shall it be G2071 in G1722 the G3588 end G4930 of this G5127 world. G165 {SCJ.}
41 {SCJ} The G3588 Son G5207 of man G444 shall send forth G649 his G846 angels, G32 and G2532 they shall gather G4816 out of G1537 his G848 kingdom G932 all things G3956 that offend, G4625 and G2532 them which do G4160 iniquity; G458 {SCJ.}
42 {SCJ} And G2532 shall cast G906 them G846 into G1519 a furnace G2575 of fire: G4442 there G1563 shall be G2071 wailing G2805 and G2532 gnashing G1030 of teeth. G3599 {SCJ.}
43 {SCJ} Then G5119 shall the G3588 righteous G1342 shine forth G1584 as G5613 the G3588 sun G2246 in G1722 the G3588 kingdom G932 of their G848 Father. G3962 Who hath G2192 ears G3775 to hear, G191 let him hear. G191 {SCJ.}
44 {SCJ} Again, G3825 the G3588 kingdom G932 of heaven G3772 is G2076 like unto G3664 treasure G2344 hid G2928 in G1722 a field; G68 the which G3739 when a man G444 hath found, G2147 he hideth, G2928 and G2532 for G575 joy G5479 thereof G846 goeth G5217 and G2532 selleth G4453 all G3956 that G3745 he hath, G2192 and G2532 buyeth G59 that G1565 field. G68 {SCJ.}
45 {SCJ} Again, G3825 the G3588 kingdom G932 of heaven G3772 is G2076 like unto G3664 a merchant G1713 man, G444 seeking G2212 goodly G2570 pearls: G3135 {SCJ.}
46 {SCJ} Who, G3739 when he had found G2147 one G1520 pearl G3135 of great price, G4186 went G565 and sold G4097 all G3956 that G3745 he had, G2192 and G2532 bought G59 it. G846 {SCJ.}
47 {SCJ} Again, G3825 the G3588 kingdom G932 of heaven G3772 is G2076 like unto G3664 a net, G4522 that was cast G906 into G1519 the G3588 sea, G2281 and G2532 gathered G4863 of G1537 every G3956 kind: G1085 {SCJ.}
48 {SCJ} Which, G3739 when G3753 it was full, G4137 they drew G307 to G1909 shore, G123 and G2532 sat down, G2523 and gathered G4816 the G3588 good G2570 into G1519 vessels, G30 but G1161 cast G906 the G3588 bad G4550 away. G1854 {SCJ.}
49 {SCJ} So G3779 shall it be G2071 at G1722 the G3588 end G4930 of the G3588 world: G165 the G3588 angels G32 shall come forth, G1831 and G2532 sever G873 the G3588 wicked G4190 from G1537 among G3319 the G3588 just, G1342 {SCJ.}
50 {SCJ} And G2532 shall cast G906 them G846 into G1519 the G3588 furnace G2575 of fire: G4442 there G1563 shall be G2071 wailing G2805 and G2532 gnashing G1030 of teeth. G3599 {SCJ.}
51 Jesus G2424 saith G3004 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Have ye understood G4920 all G3956 these things? {SCJ.} They G5023 say G3004 unto him, G846 Yea, G3483 Lord. G2962
52 Then G1161 said G2036 he G3588 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Therefore G1223 G5124 every G3956 scribe G1122 [which] [is] instructed G3100 unto G1519 the G3588 kingdom G932 of heaven G3772 is G2076 like unto G3664 a man G444 [that] [is] a householder, G3617 which G3748 bringeth forth G1544 out G1537 of his G848 treasure G2344 [things] new G2537 and G2532 old. G3820 {SCJ.}
53 And G2532 it came to pass, G1096 [that] when G3753 Jesus G2424 had finished G5055 these G5025 parables, G3850 he departed G3332 thence. G1564
54 And G2532 when he was come G2064 into G1519 his own G848 country, G3968 he taught G1321 them G846 in G1722 their G846 synagogue, G4864 insomuch that G5620 they G846 were astonished, G1605 and G2532 said, G3004 Whence G4159 hath this G5129 [man] this G3778 wisdom, G4678 and G2532 [these] mighty works G1411 ?
55 Is G2076 not G3756 this G3778 the G3588 carpenter's G5045 son G5207 ? is not G3780 his G846 mother G3384 called G3004 Mary G3137 ? and G2532 his G846 brethren, G80 James, G2385 and G2532 Joses, G2500 and G2532 Simon, G4613 and G2532 Judas G2455 ?
56 And G2532 his G846 sisters, G79 are G1526 they not G3780 all G3956 with G4314 us G2248 ? Whence G4159 then G3767 hath this G5129 [man] all G3956 these things G5023 ?
57 And G2532 they were offended G4624 in G1722 him. G846 But G1161 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto them, G846 {SCJ} A prophet G4396 is G2076 not G3756 without honor, G820 save G1508 in G1722 his own G848 country, G3968 and G2532 in G1722 his own G848 house. G3614 {SCJ.}
58 And G2532 he did G4160 not G3756 many G4183 mighty works G1411 there G1563 because G1223 of their G846 unbelief. G570

