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Mark Chapters

Mark 9 Verses

Bible Versions


Mark Chapters

Mark 9 Verses

1 And G2532 he said G3004 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 That G3754 there be G1526 some G5100 of them that stand G2476 here, G5602 which G3748 shall not G3364 taste G1089 of death, G2288 till G2193 G302 they have seen G1492 the G3588 kingdom G932 of God G2316 come G2064 with G1722 power. G1411 {SCJ.}
2 And G2532 after G3326 six G1803 days G2250 Jesus G2424 taketh G3880 [with] [him] Peter, G4074 and G2532 James, G2385 and G2532 John, G2491 and G2532 leadeth them up G399 G846 into G1519 a high G5308 mountain G3735 apart by themselves G2596 G2398: G3441 and G2532 he was transfigured G3339 before G1715 them. G846
3 And G2532 his G846 raiment G2440 became G1096 shining, G4744 exceeding G3029 white G3022 as G5613 snow; G5510 so as G3634 no G3756 fuller G1102 on G1909 earth G1093 can G1410 white G3021 them.
4 And G2532 there appeared G3700 unto them G846 Elijah G2243 with G4862 Moses: G3475 and G2532 they were G2258 talking with G4814 Jesus. G2424
5 And G2532 Peter G4074 answered G611 and said G3004 to Jesus, G2424 Master, G4461 it is G2076 good G2570 for us G2248 to be G1511 here: G5602 and G2532 let us make G4160 three G5140 tabernacles; G4633 one G3391 for thee, G4671 and G2532 one G3391 for Moses, G3475 and G2532 one G3391 for Elijah. G2243
6 For G1063 he wist G1492 not G3756 what G5101 to say; G2980 for G1063 they were G2258 sore afraid. G1630
7 And G2532 there was G1096 a cloud G3507 that overshadowed G1982 them: G846 and G2532 a voice G5456 came G2064 out of G1537 the G3588 cloud, G3507 saying, G3004 This G3778 is G2076 my G3450 beloved G27 Son: G5207 hear G191 him. G846
8 And G2532 suddenly, G1819 when they had looked round about, G4017 they saw G1492 no man G3762 any more, G3765 save G235 Jesus G2424 only G3440 with G3326 themselves. G1438
9 And G1161 as they G846 came down G2597 from G575 the G3588 mountain, G3735 he charged G1291 them G846 that G2443 they should tell G1334 no man G3367 what things G3739 they had seen, G1492 till G1508 G3752 the G3588 Son G5207 of man G444 were risen G450 from G1537 the dead. G3498
10 And G2532 they kept G2902 that saying G3056 with G4314 themselves, G1438 questioning one with another G4802 what G5101 the G3588 rising G450 from G1537 the dead G3498 should mean. G2076
11 And G2532 they asked G1905 him, G846 saying, G3004 Why say G3004 the G3588 scribes G1122 that G3754 Elijah G2243 must G1163 first G4412 come G2064 ?
12 And G1161 he G3588 answered G611 and told G2036 them, G846 {SCJ} Elijah G2243 verily G3303 cometh G2064 first, G4412 and restoreth G600 all things; G3956 and G2532 how G4459 it is written G1125 of G1909 the G3588 Son G5207 of man, G444 that G2443 he must suffer G3958 many things, G4183 and G2532 be set at naught. G1847 {SCJ.}
13 {SCJ} But G235 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 That G3754 Elijah G2243 is indeed G2532 come, G2064 and G2532 they have done G4160 unto him G846 whatsoever G3745 they listed, G2309 as G2531 it is written G1125 of G1909 him. G846 {SCJ.}
14 And G2532 when he came G2064 to G4314 [his] disciples, G3101 he saw G1492 a great G4183 multitude G3793 about G4012 them, G846 and G2532 the G3588 scribes G1122 questioning G4802 with them. G846
15 And G2532 straightway G2112 all G3956 the G3588 people, G3793 when they beheld G1492 him, G846 were greatly amazed, G1568 and G2532 running to [him G4370 ] saluted G782 him. G846
16 And G2532 he asked G1905 the G3588 scribes, G1122 {SCJ} What G5101 question G4802 ye with G4314 them G846 ? {SCJ.}
17 And G2532 one G1520 of G1537 the G3588 multitude G3793 answered G611 and said, G2036 Master, G1320 I have brought G5342 unto G4314 thee G4571 my G3450 son, G5207 which hath G2192 a dumb G216 spirit; G4151
18 And G2532 wheresoever G3699 G302 he taketh G2638 him, G846 he teareth G4486 him: G846 and G2532 he foameth, G875 and G2532 gnasheth G5149 with his G848 teeth, G3599 and G2532 pineth away: G3583 and G2532 I spake G2036 to thy G4675 disciples G3101 that G2443 they should cast him out G1544 G846 ; and G2532 they could G2480 not. G3756
19 G1161 He G3588 answereth G611 him, G846 and saith, G3004 {SCJ} O G5599 faithless G571 generation, G1074 how long G2193 G4219 shall I be G2071 with G4314 you G5209 ? how long G2193 G4219 shall I suffer G430 you G5216 ? bring G5342 him G846 unto G4314 me. G3165 {SCJ.}
20 And G2532 they brought G5342 him G846 unto G4314 him: G846 and G2532 when he saw G1492 him, G846 straightway G2112 the G3588 spirit G4151 tore G4682 him; G846 and he fell G4098 on G1909 the G3588 ground, G1093 and G2532 wallowed G2947 foaming. G875
21 And G2532 he asked G1905 his G846 father, G3962 {SCJ} How long is it ago G4214 G5550 G2076 since G5613 this G5124 came G1096 unto him G846 ? {SCJ.} And G1161 he G3588 said, G2036 Of a child. G3812
22 And G2532 ofttimes G4178 it hath cast G906 him G846 G2532 into G1519 the fire, G4442 and G2532 into G1519 the waters, G5204 to G2443 destroy G622 him: G846 but G235 if thou canst do any thing G1536 G1410 , have compassion G4697 on G1909 us, G2248 and help G997 us. G2254
23 G1161 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto him, G846 {SCJ} If G1487 thou canst G1410 believe, G4100 all things G3956 [are] possible G1415 to him that believeth. G4100 {SCJ.}
24 And G2532 straightway G2112 the G3588 father G3962 of the G3588 child G3813 cried out, G2896 and said G3004 with G3326 tears, G1144 Lord, G2962 I believe; G4100 help G997 thou mine G3450 unbelief. G570
25 When G1161 Jesus G2424 saw G1492 that G3754 the people G3793 came running together, G1998 he rebuked G2008 the G3588 foul G169 spirit, G4151 saying G3004 unto him, G846 {SCJ} [Thou] dumb G216 and G2532 deaf G2974 spirit, G4151 I G1473 charge G2004 thee, G4671 come G1831 out of G1537 him, G846 and G2532 enter G1525 no more G3371 into G1519 him. G846 {SCJ.}
26 And G2532 [the] [spirit] cried, G2896 and G2532 rent G4682 him G846 sore, G4183 and came out G1831 of him: and G2532 he was G1096 as G5616 one dead; G3498 insomuch that G5620 many G4183 said, G3004 He is dead. G599
27 But G1161 Jesus G2424 took G2902 him G846 by the G3588 hand, G5495 and lifted him up G1453 G846 ; and G2532 he arose. G450
28 And G2532 when he G846 was come G1525 into G1519 the house, G3624 his G846 disciples G3101 asked G1905 him G846 privately G2596 G2398 , Why G3754 could G1410 not G3756 we G2249 cast him out G1544 G846 ?
29 And G2532 he said G2036 unto them, G846 {SCJ} This G5124 kind G1085 can G1410 come forth G1831 by G1722 nothing, G3762 but G1508 by G1722 prayer G4335 and G2532 fasting. G3521 {SCJ.}
30 And G2532 they departed G1831 thence, G1564 and passed G3899 through G1223 Galilee; G1056 and G2532 he would G2309 not G3756 that G2443 any man G5100 should know G1097 [it.]
31 For G1063 he taught G1321 his G848 disciples, G3101 and G2532 said G3004 unto them, G846 {SCJ} The G3588 Son G5207 of man G444 is delivered G3860 into G1519 the hands G5495 of men, G444 and G2532 they shall kill G615 him; G846 and G2532 after that he is killed, G615 he shall rise G450 the G3588 third G5154 day. G2250 {SCJ.}
32 But G1161 they G3588 understood G50 not that saying, G4487 and G2532 were afraid G5399 to ask G1905 him. G846
33 And G2532 he came G2064 to G1519 Capernaum: G2584 and G2532 being G1096 in G1722 the G3588 house G3614 he asked G1905 them, G846 {SCJ} What G5101 was it that ye disputed G1260 among G4314 yourselves G1438 by G1722 the G3588 way G3598 ? {SCJ.}
34 But G1161 they G3588 held their peace: G4623 for G1063 by G1722 the G3588 way G3598 they had disputed G1256 among G4314 themselves, G240 who G5101 [should] [be] the greatest. G3187
35 And G2532 he sat down, G2523 and called G5455 the G3588 twelve, G1427 and G2532 saith G3004 unto them, G846 {SCJ} If any man G1536 desire G2309 to be G1511 first, G4413 [the] [same] shall be G2071 last G2078 of all, G3956 and G2532 servant G1249 of all. G3956 {SCJ.}
36 And G2532 he took G2983 a child, G3813 and set G2476 him G846 in G1722 the G3588 midst G3319 of them: G846 and G2532 when he had taken him in his arms G1723 G846 , he said G2036 unto them, G846
37 {SCJ} Whosoever G3739 G1437 shall receive G1209 one G1520 of such G5108 children G3813 in G1909 my G3450 name, G3686 receiveth G1209 me: G1691 and G2532 whosoever G3739 G1437 shall receive G1209 me, G1691 receiveth G1209 not G3756 me, G1691 but G235 him that sent G649 me. G3165 {SCJ.}
38 And G1161 John G2491 answered G611 him, G846 saying, G3004 Master, G1320 we saw G1492 one G5100 casting out G1544 devils G1140 in G1722 thy G4675 name, G3686 and he G3739 followeth G190 not G3756 us: G2254 and G2532 we forbade G2967 him, G846 because G3754 he followeth G190 not G3756 us. G2254
39 But G1161 Jesus G2424 said, G2036 {SCJ} Forbid G2967 him G846 not: G3361 for G1063 there is G2076 no man G3762 which G3739 shall do G4160 a miracle G1411 in G1909 my G3450 name, G3686 that G2532 can G1410 lightly G5035 speak evil G2551 of me. G3165 {SCJ.}
40 {SCJ} For G1063 he G3739 that is G2076 not G3756 against G2596 us G5216 is G2076 on our part G5228 G5216 . {SCJ.}
41 {SCJ} For G1063 whosoever G3739 G302 shall give you a cup of water to drink G4222 G5209 G4221 G5204 in G1722 my G3450 name, G3686 because G3754 ye belong to G2075 Christ, G5547 verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 he shall not G3364 lose G622 his G848 reward. G3408 {SCJ.}
42 {SCJ} And G2532 whosoever G3739 G302 shall offend G4624 one G1520 of [these] little ones G3398 that believe G4100 in G1519 me, G1691 it is G2076 better G2570 G3123 for him G846 that G1487 a millstone G3037 G3457 were hanged G4029 about G4012 his G846 neck, G5137 and G2532 he were cast G906 into G1519 the G3588 sea. G2281 {SCJ.}
43 {SCJ} And G2532 if G1437 thy G4675 hand G5495 offend G4624 thee, G4571 cut it off G609 G846 : it is G2076 better G2570 for thee G4671 to enter G1525 into G1519 life G2222 maimed, G2948 than G2228 having G2192 two G1417 hands G5495 to go G565 into G1519 hell, G1067 into G1519 the G3588 fire G4442 that never shall be quenched: G762 {SCJ.}
44 {SCJ} Where G3699 their G846 worm G4663 dieth G5053 not, G3756 and G2532 the G3588 fire G4442 is not G3756 quenched. G4570 {SCJ.}
45 {SCJ} And G2532 if G1437 thy G4675 foot G4228 offend G4624 thee, G4571 cut it off G609 G846 : it is G2076 better G2570 for thee G4671 to enter G1525 halt G5560 into G1519 life, G2222 than G2228 having G2192 two G1417 feet G4228 to be cast G906 into G1519 hell, G1067 into G1519 the G3588 fire G4442 that never shall be quenched: G762 {SCJ.}
46 {SCJ} Where G3699 their G846 worm G4663 dieth G5053 not, G3756 and G2532 the G3588 fire G4442 is not G3756 quenched. G4570 {SCJ.}
47 {SCJ} And G2532 if G1437 thine G4675 eye G3788 offend G4624 thee, G4571 pluck it out G1544 G846 : it is G2076 better G2570 for thee G4671 to enter G1525 into G1519 the G3588 kingdom G932 of God G2316 with one eye, G3442 than G2228 having G2192 two G1417 eyes G3788 to be cast G906 into G1519 hell G1067 fire: G4442 {SCJ.}
48 {SCJ} Where G3699 their G846 worm G4663 dieth G5053 not, G3756 and G2532 the G3588 fire G4442 is not G3756 quenched. G4570 {SCJ.}
49 {SCJ} For G1063 every one G3956 shall be salted G233 with fire, G4442 and G2532 every G3956 sacrifice G2378 shall be salted G233 with salt. G251 {SCJ.}
50 {SCJ} Salt G217 [is] good: G2570 but G1161 if G1437 the G3588 salt G217 have lost his saltness G1096 G358 , wherewith G1722 G5101 will ye season G741 it G846 ? Have G2192 salt G217 in G1722 yourselves, G1438 and G2532 have peace G1514 one with another G240 G1722 . {SCJ.}

Mark 9:17 English Language Bible Words basic statistical display



