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Mark Chapters

Mark 3 Verses

1 And G2532 he entered G1525 again G3825 into G1519 the G3588 synagogue; G4864 and G2532 there was G2258 a man G444 there G1563 which had G2192 a withered G3583 hand. G5495
2 And G2532 they watched G3906 him, G846 whether G1487 he would heal G2323 him G846 on the G3588 sabbath day; G4521 that G2443 they might accuse G2723 him. G846
3 And G2532 he saith G3004 unto the G3588 man G444 which had G2192 the G3588 withered G3583 hand, G5495 {SCJ} Stand G1453 forth G1519 G3319 . {SCJ.}
4 And G2532 he saith G3004 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Is it lawful G1832 to do good G15 on the G3588 sabbath days, G4521 or G2228 to do evil G2554 ? to save G4982 life, G5590 or G2228 to kill G615 ? {SCJ.} But G1161 they G3588 held their peace. G4623
5 And G2532 when he had looked round about G4017 on them G846 with G3326 anger, G3709 being grieved G4818 for G1909 the G3588 hardness G4457 of their G846 hearts, G2588 he saith G3004 unto the G3588 man, G444 {SCJ} Stretch forth G1614 thine G4675 hand. G5495 {SCJ.} And G2532 he stretched [it] out: G1614 and G2532 his G846 hand G5495 was restored G600 whole G5199 as G5613 the G3588 other. G243
6 And G2532 the G3588 Pharisees G5330 went forth, G1831 and straightway G2112 took counsel G4160 G4824 with G3326 the G3588 Herodians G2265 against G2596 him, G846 how G3704 they might destroy G622 him. G846
7 But G2532 Jesus G2424 withdrew G402 himself with G3326 his G848 disciples G3101 to G4314 the G3588 sea: G2281 and G2532 a great G4183 multitude G4128 from G575 Galilee G1056 followed G190 him, G846 and G2532 from G575 Judea, G2449
8 And G2532 from G575 Jerusalem, G2414 and G2532 from G575 Idumea, G2401 and G2532 [from] beyond G4008 Jordan; G2446 and G2532 they G3588 about G4012 Tyre G5184 and G2532 Sidon, G4605 a great G4183 multitude, G4128 when they had heard G191 what great things G3745 he did, G4160 came G2064 unto G4314 him. G846
9 And G2532 he spake G2036 to his G848 disciples, G3101 that G2443 a small ship G4142 should wait on G4342 him G846 because G1223 of the G3588 multitude, G3793 lest G3363 they should throng G2346 him. G846
10 For G1063 he had healed G2323 many; G4183 insomuch that G5620 they pressed upon G1968 him G846 for to G2443 touch G680 him, G846 as many as G3745 had G2192 plagues. G3148
11 And G2532 unclean G169 spirits, G4151 when G3752 they saw G2334 him, G846 fell down before G4363 him, G846 and G2532 cried, G2896 saying, G3004 Thou G4771 art G1488 the G3588 Son G5207 of God. G2316
12 And G2532 he straitly G4183 charged G2008 them G846 that G2443 they should not G3361 make G4160 him G846 known. G5318
13 And G2532 he goeth up G305 into G1519 a mountain, G3735 and G2532 calleth G4341 [unto] [him] whom G3739 he G846 would: G2309 and G2532 they came G565 unto G4314 him. G846
14 And G2532 he ordained G4160 twelve, G1427 that G2443 they should be G5600 with G3326 him, G846 and G2532 that G2443 he might send them forth G649 G846 to preach, G2784
15 And G2532 to have G2192 power G1849 to heal G2323 sicknesses, G3554 and G2532 to cast out G1544 devils: G1140
16 And G2532 Simon G4613 he surnamed G2007 G3686 Peter; G4074
17 And G2532 James G2385 the G3588 [son] of Zebedee, G2199 and G2532 John G2491 the G3588 brother G80 of James; G2385 and G2532 he surnamed G2007 G3686 them G846 Boanerges, G993 which is, G3603 The sons G5207 of thunder: G1027
18 And G2532 Andrew, G406 and G2532 Philip, G5376 and G2532 Bartholomew, G918 and G2532 Matthew, G3156 and G2532 Thomas, G2381 and G2532 James G2385 the G3588 [son] of Alphaeus, G256 and G2532 Thaddaeus, G2280 and G2532 Simon G4613 the G3588 Canaanite, G2581
19 And G2532 Judas G2455 Iscariot, G2469 which G3739 also G2532 betrayed G3860 him: G846 and G2532 they went G2064 into G1519 a house. G3624
20 And G2532 the multitude G3793 cometh together G4905 again, G3825 so that G5620 they G846 could G1410 not G3361 so much as G3383 eat G5315 bread. G740
21 And G2532 when his friends G3844 G846 heard G191 [of] [it,] they went out G1831 to lay hold on G2902 him: G846 for G1063 they said, G3004 He is beside himself. G1839
22 And G2532 the G3588 scribes G1122 which came down G2597 from G575 Jerusalem G2414 said, G3004 He hath G2192 Beelzebub, G954 and G2532 by G1722 the G3588 prince G758 of the G3588 devils G1140 casteth he out G1544 devils. G1140
23 And G2532 he called G4341 them G846 [unto] [him,] and G2532 said G3004 unto them G846 in G1722 parables, G3850 {SCJ} How G4459 can G1410 Satan G4567 cast out G1544 Satan G4567 ? {SCJ.}
24 {SCJ} And G2532 if G1437 a kingdom G932 be divided G3307 against G1909 itself, G1438 that G1565 kingdom G932 cannot G1410 G3756 stand. G2476 {SCJ.}
25 {SCJ} And G2532 if G1437 a house G3614 be divided G3307 against G1909 itself, G1438 that G1565 house G3614 cannot G1410 G3756 stand. G2476 {SCJ.}
26 {SCJ} And G2532 if G1487 Satan G4567 rise up G450 against G1909 himself, G1438 and G2532 be divided, G3307 he cannot G1410 G3756 stand, G2476 but G235 hath G2192 an end. G5056 {SCJ.}
27 {SCJ} No man G3762 G3756 can G1410 enter G1525 into G1519 a strong man's G2478 house, G3614 and spoil G1283 his G846 goods, G4632 except G3362 he will first G4412 bind G1210 the G3588 strong man; G2478 and G2532 then G5119 he will spoil G1283 his G846 house. G3614 {SCJ.}
28 {SCJ} Verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 All G3956 sins G265 shall be forgiven G863 unto the G3588 sons G5207 of men, G444 and G2532 blasphemies G988 wherewith soever G3745 G302 they shall blaspheme: G987 {SCJ.}
29 {SCJ} But G1161 he G3739 G302 that shall blaspheme G987 against G1519 the G3588 Holy G40 Ghost G4151 hath G2192 never forgiveness G3756 G859 G1519, G165 but G235 is G2076 in danger G1777 of eternal G166 damnation: G2920 {SCJ.}
30 Because G3754 they said, G3004 He hath G2192 an unclean G169 spirit. G4151
31 There came G2064 then G3767 his brethren G80 and G2532 his G846 mother, G3384 and, G2532 standing G2476 without, G1854 sent G649 unto G4314 him, G846 calling G5455 him. G846
32 And G2532 the multitude G3793 sat G2521 about G4012 him, G846 and G1161 they said G2036 unto him, G846 Behold, G2400 thy G4675 mother G3384 and G2532 thy G4675 brethren G80 without G1854 seek G2212 for thee. G4571
33 And G2532 he answered G611 them, G846 saying, G3004 {SCJ} Who G5101 is G2076 my G3450 mother, G3384 or G2228 my G3450 brethren G80 ? {SCJ.}
34 And G2532 he looked G4017 round about G2945 on them which sat G2521 about G4012 him, G846 and said, G3004 {SCJ} Behold G2396 my G3450 mother G3384 and G2532 my G3450 brethren G80 ! {SCJ.}
35 {SCJ} For G1063 whosoever G3739 G302 shall do G4160 the G3588 will G2307 of God, G2316 the same G3778 is G2076 my G3450 brother, G80 and G2532 my G3450 sister, G79 and G2532 mother. G3384 {SCJ.}

