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Mark Chapters

Mark 2 Verses

1 And G2532 again G3825 he entered G1525 into G1519 Capernaum G2584 after G1223 [some] days; G2250 and G2532 it was noised G191 that G3754 he was G2076 in G1519 the house. G3624
2 And G2532 straightway G2112 many G4183 were gathered together, G4863 insomuch that G5620 there was no room to receive G3371 G5562 [them,] no , not so much as G3366 about G4314 the G3588 door: G2374 and G2532 he preached G2980 the G3588 word G3056 unto them. G846
3 And G2532 they come G2064 unto G4314 him, G846 bringing G5342 one sick of the palsy, G3885 which was borne G142 of G5259 four. G5064
4 And G2532 when they could G1410 not G3361 come nigh G4331 unto him G846 for G1223 the G3588 press, G3793 they uncovered G648 the G3588 roof G4721 where G3699 he was: G2258 and G2532 when they had broken [it] up, G1846 they let down G5465 the G3588 bed G2895 wherein G1909 G3739 the G3588 sick of the palsy G3885 lay. G2621
5 When G1161 Jesus G2424 saw G1492 their G846 faith, G4102 he said G3004 unto the G3588 sick of the palsy, G3885 {SCJ} Son, G5043 thy G4675 sins G266 be forgiven G863 thee. G4671 {SCJ.}
6 But G1161 there were G2258 certain G5100 of the G3588 scribes G1122 sitting G2521 there, G1563 and G2532 reasoning G1260 in G1722 their G848 hearts, G2588
7 Why G5101 doth this G3778 [man] thus G3779 speak G2980 blasphemies G988 ? who G5101 can G1410 forgive G863 sins G266 but G1508 God G2316 only G1520 ?
8 And G2532 immediately G2112 when Jesus G2424 perceived G1921 in his G848 spirit G4151 that G3754 they so G3779 reasoned G1260 within G1722 themselves, G1438 he said G2036 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Why G5101 reason G1260 ye these things G5023 in G1722 your G5216 hearts G2588 ? {SCJ.}
9 {SCJ} Whether G5101 is G2076 it easier G2123 to say G2036 to the G3588 sick of the palsy, G3885 [Thy] sins G266 be forgiven G863 thee; G4671 or G2228 to say, G2036 Arise, G1453 and G2532 take up G142 thy G4675 bed, G2895 and G2532 walk G4043 ? {SCJ.}
10 {SCJ} But G1161 that G2443 ye may know G1492 that G3754 the G3588 Son G5207 of man G444 hath G2192 power G1849 on G1909 earth G1093 to forgive G863 sins, G266 {SCJ.} (he saith G3004 to the G3588 sick of the palsy, G3885 )
11 {SCJ} I say G3004 unto thee, G4671 Arise, G1453 and G2532 take up G142 thy G4675 bed, G2895 and G2532 go thy way G5217 into G1519 thine G4675 house. G3624 {SCJ.}
12 And G2532 immediately G2112 he arose, G1453 took up G142 the G3588 bed, G2895 and G2532 went forth G1831 before G1726 them all; G3956 insomuch that G5620 they were all G3956 amazed, G1839 and G2532 glorified G1392 God, G2316 saying, G3004 We never G3763 saw G1492 it on this fashion. G3779
13 And G2532 he went forth G1831 again G3825 by G3844 the G3588 sea side; G2281 and G2532 all G3956 the G3588 multitude G3793 resorted G2064 unto G4314 him, G846 and G2532 he taught G1321 them. G846
14 And G2532 as he passed by, G3855 he saw G1492 Levi G3018 the G3588 [son] of Alphaeus G256 sitting G2521 at G1909 the G3588 receipt of custom, G5058 and G2532 said G3004 unto him, G846 {SCJ} Follow G190 me. G3427 {SCJ.} And G2532 he arose G450 and followed G190 him. G846
15 And G2532 it came to pass, G1096 that, as G1722 Jesus G846 sat at meat G2621 in G1722 his G846 house, G3614 many G4183 publicans G5057 and G2532 sinners G268 sat also together with G4873 G2532 Jesus G2424 and G2532 his G846 disciples: G3101 for G1063 there were G2258 many, G4183 and G2532 they followed G190 him. G846
16 And G2532 when the G3588 scribes G1122 and G2532 Pharisees G5330 saw G1492 him G846 eat G2068 with G3326 publicans G5057 and G2532 sinners, G268 they said G3004 unto his G846 disciples, G3101 How is it G5101 that G3754 he eateth G2068 and G2532 drinketh G4095 with G3326 publicans G5057 and G2532 sinners G268 ?
17 When G2532 Jesus G2424 heard G191 [it,] he saith G3004 unto them, G846 {SCJ} They that are whole G2480 have G2192 no G3756 need G5532 of the physician, G2395 but G235 they that are sick G2192 G2560 : I came G2064 not G3756 to call G2564 the righteous, G1342 but G235 sinners G268 to G1519 repentance. G3341 {SCJ.}
18 And G2532 the G3588 disciples G3101 of John G2491 and G2532 of G3588 the G3588 Pharisees G5330 used to fast G2258 G3522 : and G2532 they come G2064 and G2532 say G3004 unto him, G846 Why G1302 do the G3588 disciples G3101 of John G2491 and G2532 of G3588 the G3588 Pharisees G5330 fast, G3522 but G1161 thy G4671 disciples G3101 fast G3522 not G3756 ?
19 And G2532 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Can G1410 G3361 the G3588 children G5207 of the G3588 bridechamber G3567 fast, G3522 while G1722 G3739 the G3588 bridegroom G3566 is G2076 with G3326 them G846 ? as long as G3745 they G5550 have G2192 the G3588 bridegroom G3566 with G3326 them, G1438 they cannot G1410 G3756 fast. G3522 {SCJ.}
20 {SCJ} But G1161 the days G2250 will come, G2064 when G3752 the G3588 bridegroom G3566 shall be taken away G522 from G575 them, G846 and G2532 then G5119 shall they fast G3522 in G1722 those G1565 days. G2250 {SCJ.}
21 {SCJ} No man G3762 also G2532 seweth G1976 a piece G1915 of new G46 cloth G4470 on G1909 an old G3820 garment: G2440 else G1490 the G3588 new piece G2537 that filled it up G4138 G846 taketh away G142 from the G3588 old, G3820 and G2532 the rent G4978 is made G1096 worse. G5501 {SCJ.}
22 {SCJ} And G2532 no man G3762 putteth G906 new G3501 wine G3631 into G1519 old G3820 bottles: G779 else G1490 the G3588 new G3501 wine G3631 doth burst G4486 the G3588 bottles, G779 and G2532 the G3588 wine G3631 is spilled, G1632 and G2532 the G3588 bottles G779 will be marred: G622 but G235 new G3501 wine G3631 must be put G992 into G1519 new G2537 bottles. G779 {SCJ.}
23 And G2532 it came to pass, G1096 that he G846 went G3899 through G1223 the G3588 corn fields G4702 on G1722 the G3588 sabbath day; G4521 and G2532 his G846 disciples G3101 began, G756 as they went G4160 G3598 , to pluck G5089 the G3588 ears of corn. G4719
24 And G2532 the G3588 Pharisees G5330 said G3004 unto him, G846 Behold, G2396 why G5101 do G4160 they on G1722 the G3588 sabbath G4521 day that which G3739 is not lawful G1832 G3756 ?
25 And G2532 he G846 said G3004 unto them, G846 {SCJ} Have ye never G3763 read G314 what G5101 David G1138 did, G4160 when G3753 he had G2192 need, G5532 and G2532 was hungry, G3983 he, G846 and G2532 they G3588 that were with G3326 him G846 ? {SCJ.}
26 {SCJ} How G4459 he went G1525 into G1519 the G3588 house G3624 of God G2316 in G1909 the days of Abiathar G8 the G3588 high priest, G749 and G2532 did eat G5315 the G3588 shewbread G740 G4286 , which G3739 is not lawful G1832 G3756 to eat G5315 but G1508 for the G3588 priests, G2409 and G2532 gave G1325 also G2532 to them which were G5607 with G4862 him G846 ? {SCJ.}
27 And G2532 he said G3004 unto them, G846 {SCJ} The G3588 sabbath G4521 was made G1096 for G1223 man, G444 and not G3756 man G444 for G1223 the G3588 sabbath: G4521 {SCJ.}
28 {SCJ} Therefore G5620 the G3588 Son G5207 of man G444 is G2076 Lord G2962 also G2532 of the G3588 sabbath. G4521 {SCJ.}

