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Leviticus Chapters

Leviticus 10 Verses

1 And Nadab H5070 and Abihu, H30 the sons H1121 of Aaron, H175 took H3947 either H376 of them his censer, H4289 and put H5414 fire H784 therein, H2004 and put H7760 incense H7004 thereon, H5921 and offered H7126 strange H2114 fire H784 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 which H834 he commanded H6680 them not. H3808
2 And there went out H3318 fire H784 from H4480 H6440 the LORD, H3068 and devoured H398 them , and they died H4191 before H6440 the LORD. H3068
3 Then Moses H4872 said H559 unto H413 Aaron, H175 This H1931 [is] [it] that H834 the LORD H3068 spoke, H1696 saying, H559 I will be sanctified H6942 in them that come nigh H7138 me , and before H5921 H6440 all H3605 the people H5971 I will be glorified. H3513 And Aaron H175 held his peace. H1826
4 And Moses H4872 called H7121 H413 Mishael H4332 and Elzaphan, H469 the sons H1121 of Uzziel H5816 the uncle H1730 of Aaron, H175 and said H559 unto H413 them , Come near, H7126 carry your brethren H251 from H4480 H854 before H6440 the sanctuary H6944 out of H413 H4480 H2351 the camp. H4264
5 So they went near, H7126 and carried H5375 them in their coats H3801 out of H413 H4480 H2351 the camp; H4264 as H834 Moses H4872 had said. H1696
6 And Moses H4872 said H559 unto H413 Aaron, H175 and unto Eleazar H499 and unto Ithamar, H385 his sons, H1121 Uncover H6544 not H408 your heads, H7218 neither H3808 rend H6533 your clothes; H899 lest H3808 ye die, H4191 and lest wrath come H7107 upon H5921 all H3605 the people: H5712 but let your brethren, H251 the whole H3605 house H1004 of Israel, H3478 bewail H1058 H853 the burning H8316 which H834 the LORD H3068 hath kindled. H8313
7 And ye shall not H3808 go out H3318 from the door H4480 H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 lest H6435 ye die: H4191 for H3588 the anointing H4888 oil H8081 of the LORD H3068 [is] upon H5921 you . And they did H6213 according to the word H1697 of Moses. H4872
8 And the LORD H3068 spoke H1696 unto H413 Aaron, H175 saying, H559
9 Do not H408 drink H8354 wine H3196 nor strong drink, H7941 thou, H859 nor thy sons H1121 with H854 thee , when ye go H935 into H413 the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 lest H3808 ye die: H4191 [it] [shall] [be] a statute H2708 forever H5769 throughout your generations: H1755
10 And that ye may put difference H914 between H996 holy H6944 and unholy, H2455 and between H996 unclean H2931 and clean; H2889
11 And that ye may teach H3384 H853 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 H853 all H3605 the statutes H2706 which H834 the LORD H3068 hath spoken H1696 unto H413 them by the hand H3027 of Moses. H4872
12 And Moses H4872 spoke H1696 unto H413 Aaron, H175 and unto H413 Eleazar H499 and unto H413 Ithamar, H385 his sons H1121 that were left, H3498 Take the meat offering H4503 that remaineth H3498 of the offerings of the LORD made by fire H4480 H801, H3068 and eat H398 it without leaven H4682 beside H681 the altar: H4196 for H3588 it H1931 [is] most holy H6944: H6944
13 And ye shall eat H398 it in the holy H6918 place, H4725 because H3588 it [is] thy due, H2706 and thy sons' H1121 due, H2706 of the sacrifices of the LORD made by fire H4480 H801: H3068 for H3588 so H3651 I am commanded. H6680
14 And the wave H8573 breast H2373 and heave H8641 shoulder H7785 shall ye eat H398 in a clean H2889 place; H4725 thou, H859 and thy sons, H1121 and thy daughters H1323 with H854 thee: for H3588 [they] [be] thy due, H2706 and thy sons' H1121 due, H2706 [which] are given H5414 out of the sacrifices H4480 H2077 of peace offerings H8002 of the children H1121 of Israel. H3478
15 The heave H8641 shoulder H7785 and the wave H8573 breast H2373 shall they bring H935 with H5921 the offerings made by fire H801 of the fat, H2459 to wave H5130 [it] [for] a wave offering H8573 before H6440 the LORD; H3068 and it shall be H1961 thine , and thy sons' H1121 with H854 thee , by a statute H2706 forever; H5769 as H834 the LORD H3068 hath commanded. H6680
16 And Moses H4872 diligently sought H1875 H1875 the goat H8163 of the sin offering, H2403 and, behold, H2009 it was burnt: H8313 and he was angry H7107 with H5921 Eleazar H499 and Ithamar, H385 the sons H1121 of Aaron H175 [which] [were] left H3498 [alive] , saying, H559
17 Wherefore H4069 have ye not H3808 eaten H398 H853 the sin offering H2403 in the holy H6944 place, H4725 seeing H3588 it H1931 [is] most holy H6944 H6944 , and [God] hath given H5414 it you to bear H5375 H853 the iniquity H5771 of the congregation, H5712 to make atonement H3722 for H5921 them before H6440 the LORD H3068 ?
18 Behold H2005 , H853 the blood H1818 of it was not H3808 brought in H935 within H6441 H413 the holy H6944 [place] : ye should indeed have eaten H398 H398 it in the holy H6944 [place] , as H834 I commanded. H6680
19 And Aaron H175 said H1696 unto H413 Moses, H4872 Behold, H2005 this day H3117 have they offered H7126 H853 their sin offering H2403 and their burnt offering H5930 before H6440 the LORD; H3068 and such things H428 have befallen H7122 me : and [if] I had eaten H398 the sin offering H2403 today, H3117 should it have been accepted H3190 in the sight H5869 of the LORD H3068 ?
20 And when Moses H4872 heard H8085 [that] , he was content H3190 H5869 .

