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Ezekiel Chapters

Ezekiel 33 Verses

1 Again the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 came H1961 unto H413 me, saying, H559
2 Son H1121 of man, H120 speak H1696 to H413 the children H1121 of thy people, H5971 and say H559 unto H413 them, When H3588 I bring H935 the sword H2719 upon H5921 a land, H776 if the people H5971 of the land H776 take H3947 a H259 man H376 of their coasts H4480 H7097 , and set H5414 him for their watchman: H6822
3 If when he seeth H7200 H853 the sword H2719 come H935 upon H5921 the land, H776 he blow H8628 the trumpet, H7782 and warn H2094 H853 the people; H5971
4 Then whosoever heareth H8085 H8085 H853 the sound H6963 of the trumpet, H7782 and taketh not warning H2094 H3808 ; if the sword H2719 come, H935 and take him away, H3947 his blood H1818 shall be H1961 upon his own head. H7218
5 He heard H8085 H853 the sound H6963 of the trumpet, H7782 and took not warning H2094 H3808 ; his blood H1818 shall be H1961 upon him . But he H1931 that taketh warning H2094 shall deliver H4422 his soul. H5315
6 But if H3588 the watchman H6822 see H7200 H853 the sword H2719 come, H935 and blow H8628 not H3808 the trumpet, H7782 and the people H5971 be not H3808 warned; H2094 if the sword H2719 come, H935 and take H3947 [any] person H5315 from among H4480 them, he H1931 is taken away H3947 in his iniquity; H5771 but his blood H1818 will I require H1875 at the watchman's H6822 hand H4480 H3027 .
7 So thou, H859 O son H1121 of man, H120 I have set H5414 thee a watchman H6822 unto the house H1004 of Israel; H3478 therefore thou shalt hear H8085 the word H1697 at my mouth H4480 H6310 , and warn H2094 them from H4480 me.
8 When I say H559 unto the wicked, H7563 O wicked H7563 [man] , thou shalt surely die H4191 H4191 ; if thou dost not H3808 speak H1696 to warn H2094 the wicked H7563 from his way H4480 H1870 , that H1931 wicked H7563 [man] shall die H4191 in his iniquity; H5771 but his blood H1818 will I require H1245 at thine hand H4480 H3027 .
9 Nevertheless, if H3588 thou H859 warn H2094 the wicked H7563 of his way H4480 H1870 to turn H7725 from H4480 it ; if he do not H3808 turn H7725 from his way H4480 H1870 , he H1931 shall die H4191 in his iniquity; H5771 but thou H859 hast delivered H5337 thy soul. H5315
10 Therefore , O thou H859 son H1121 of man, H120 speak H559 unto H413 the house H1004 of Israel; H3478 Thus H3651 ye speak, H559 saying, H559 If H3588 our transgressions H6588 and our sins H2403 [be] upon H5921 us , and we H587 pine away H4743 in them, how H349 should we then live H2421 ?
11 Say H559 unto H413 them, [As] I H589 live, H2416 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD, H3069 I have no pleasure H518 H2654 in the death H4194 of the wicked; H7563 but H3588 H518 that the wicked H7563 turn H7725 from his way H4480 H1870 and live: H2421 turn H7725 ye, turn H7725 ye from your evil H7451 ways H4480 H1870 ; for why H4100 will ye die, H4191 O house H1004 of Israel H3478 ?
12 Therefore, thou H859 son H1121 of man, H120 say H559 unto H413 the children H1121 of thy people, H5971 The righteousness H6666 of the righteous H6662 shall not H3808 deliver H5337 him in the day H3117 of his transgression: H6588 as for the wickedness H7564 of the wicked, H7563 he shall not H3808 fall H3782 thereby in the day H3117 that he turneth H7725 from his wickedness H4480 H7562 ; neither H3808 shall the righteous H6662 be able H3201 to live H2421 for his [righteousness] in the day H3117 that he sinneth. H2398
13 When I shall say H559 to the righteous, H6662 [that] he shall surely live H2421 H2421 ; if he H1931 trust H982 to H5921 his own righteousness, H6666 and commit H6213 iniquity, H5766 all H3605 his righteousnesses H6666 shall not H3808 be remembered; H2142 but for his iniquity H5766 that H834 he hath committed, H6213 he shall die H4191 for it.
14 Again , when I say H559 unto the wicked, H7563 Thou shalt surely die H4191 H4191 ; if he turn H7725 from his sin H4480 H2403 , and do H6213 that which is lawful H4941 and right; H6666
15 [If] the wicked H7563 restore H7725 the pledge, H2258 give again H7999 that he had robbed, H1500 walk H1980 in the statutes H2708 of life, H2416 without H1115 committing H6213 iniquity; H5766 he shall surely live H2421 H2421 , he shall not H3808 die. H4191
16 None H3808 H3605 of his sins H2403 that H834 he hath committed H2398 shall be mentioned H2142 unto him : he hath done H6213 that which is lawful H4941 and right; H6666 he shall surely live H2421 H2421 .
17 Yet the children H1121 of thy people H5971 say, H559 The way H1870 of the Lord H136 is not equal H8505 H3808 : but as for them, H1992 their way H1870 is not equal H8505 H3808 .
18 When the righteous H6662 turneth H7725 from his righteousness H4480 H6666 , and committeth H6213 iniquity, H5766 he shall even die H4191 thereby.
19 But if the wicked H7563 turn H7725 from his wickedness H4480 H7564 , and do H6213 that which is lawful H4941 and right, H6666 he H1931 shall live H2421 thereby. H5921
20 Yet ye say, H559 The way H1870 of the Lord H136 is not equal H8505 H3808 . O ye house H1004 of Israel, H3478 I will judge H8199 you every one H376 after his ways. H1870
21 And it came to pass H1961 in the twelfth H8147 H6240 year H8141 of our captivity, H1546 in the tenth H6224 [month] , in the fifth H2568 [day] of the month, H2320 [that] one that had escaped H6412 out of Jerusalem H4480 H3389 came H935 unto H413 me, saying, H559 The city H5892 is smitten. H5221
22 Now the hand H3027 of the LORD H3068 was H1961 upon H413 me in the evening, H6153 before H6440 he that was escaped H6412 came; H935 and had opened my mouth, H6310 until H5704 he came H935 to H413 me in the morning; H1242 and my mouth H6310 was opened, H6605 and I was no more dumb H481 H3808. H5750
23 Then the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 came H1961 unto H413 me, saying, H559
24 Son H1121 of man, H120 they that inhabit H3427 those H428 wastes H2723 of H5921 the land H127 of Israel H3478 speak, H559 saying, H559 Abraham H85 was H1961 one, H259 and he inherited H3423 H853 the land: H776 but we H587 [are] many; H7227 the land H776 is given H5414 us for inheritance. H4181
25 Wherefore H3651 say H559 unto H413 them, Thus H3541 saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Ye eat H398 with H5921 the blood, H1818 and lift up H5375 your eyes H5869 toward H413 your idols, H1544 and shed H8210 blood: H1818 and shall ye possess H3423 the land H776 ?
26 Ye stand H5975 upon H5921 your sword, H2719 ye work H6213 abomination, H8441 and ye defile H2930 every one H376 H853 his neighbor's H7453 wife: H802 and shall ye possess H3423 the land H776 ?
27 Say H559 thou thus H3541 unto H413 them, Thus H3541 saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 [As] I H589 live, H2416 surely H518 H3808 they that H834 [are] in the wastes H2723 shall fall H5307 by the sword, H2719 and him that H834 [is] in H5921 the open H6440 field H7704 will I give H5414 to the beasts H2416 to be devoured, H398 and they that H834 [be] in the forts H4679 and in the caves H4631 shall die H4191 of the pestilence. H1698
28 For I will lay H5414 H853 the land H776 most desolate H8077 H4923 , and the pomp H1347 of her strength H5797 shall cease; H7673 and the mountains H2022 of Israel H3478 shall be desolate, H8074 that none H4480 H369 shall pass through. H5674
29 Then shall they know H3045 that H3588 I H589 [am] the LORD, H3068 when I have laid H5414 H853 the land H776 most desolate H8077 H4923 because of H5921 all H3605 their abominations H8441 which H834 they have committed. H6213
30 Also, thou H859 son H1121 of man, H120 the children H1121 of thy people H5971 still are talking H1696 against thee by H681 the walls H7023 and in the doors H6607 of the houses, H1004 and speak H1696 one H2297 to H854 another, H259 every one H376 to H854 his brother, H251 saying, H559 Come, H935 I pray you, H4994 and hear H8085 what H4100 is the word H1697 that cometh forth H3318 from H4480 H854 the LORD. H3068
31 And they come H935 unto H413 thee as the people H5971 cometh, H3996 and they sit H3427 before H6440 thee [as] my people, H5971 and they hear H8085 H853 thy words, H1697 but they will not H3808 do H6213 them: for H3588 with their mouth H6310 they H1992 show H6213 much love, H5690 [but] their heart H3820 goeth H1980 after H310 their covetousness. H1215
32 And, lo, H2009 thou [art] unto them as a very lovely H5690 song H7892 of one that hath a pleasant H3303 voice, H6963 and can play well on an instrument H5059 H3190 : for they hear H8085 H853 thy words, H1697 but they do H6213 them not. H369
33 And when this cometh to pass, H935 ( lo, H2009 it will come, H935 ) then shall they know H3045 that H3588 a prophet H5030 hath been H1961 among H8432 them.

