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Exodus Chapters

Exodus 28 Verses

1 And take H7126 thou H859 unto H413 thee H853 Aaron H175 thy brother, H251 and his sons H1121 with H854 him , from among H4480 H8432 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 that he may minister unto me in the priest's office, H3547 [even] Aaron, H175 Nadab H5070 and Abihu, H30 Eleazar H499 and Ithamar, H385 Aaron's H175 sons. H1121
2 And thou shalt make H6213 holy H6944 garments H899 for Aaron H175 thy brother H251 for glory H3519 and for beauty. H8597
3 And thou H859 shalt speak H1696 unto H413 all H3605 [that] [are] wise H2450 hearted, H3820 whom H834 I have filled with H4390 the spirit H7307 of wisdom, H2451 that they may make H6213 H853 Aaron's H175 garments H899 to consecrate H6942 him , that he may minister unto me in the priest's office. H3547
4 And these H428 [are] the garments H899 which H834 they shall make; H6213 a breastplate, H2833 and an ephod, H646 and a robe, H4598 and an embroidered H8665 coat, H3801 a miter, H4701 and a girdle: H73 and they shall make H6213 holy H6944 garments H899 for Aaron H175 thy brother, H251 and his sons, H1121 that he may minister unto me in the priest's office. H3547
5 And they H1992 shall take H3947 H853 gold, H2091 and blue, H8504 and purple, H713 and scarlet H8438 H8144 , and fine linen. H8336
6 And they shall make H6213 H853 the ephod H646 [of] gold, H2091 [of] blue, H8504 and [of] purple, H713 [of] scarlet H8438 H8144 , and fine twined linen H8336 H7806 , with cunning H2803 work. H4639
7 It shall have H1961 the two H8147 shoulder pieces H3802 thereof joined H2266 at H413 the two H8147 edges H7098 thereof ; and [so] it shall be joined together. H2266
8 And the curious girdle H2805 of the ephod, H642 which H834 [is] upon H5921 it , shall be H1961 of H4480 the same , according to the work H4639 thereof; [even] [of] gold, H2091 [of] blue, H8504 and purple, H713 and scarlet H8438 H8144 , and fine twined linen H8336 H7806 .
9 And thou shalt take H3947 H853 two H8147 onyx H7718 stones, H68 and grave H6605 on H5921 them the names H8034 of the children H1121 of Israel: H3478
10 Six H8337 of their names H4480 H8034 on H5921 one H259 stone, H68 and [the] [other] six H8337 names H8034 of the rest H3498 on H5921 the other H8145 stone, H68 according to their birth. H8435
11 With the work H4639 of an engraver H2796 in stone, H68 [like] the engravings H6603 of a signet, H2368 shalt thou engrave H6605 H853 the two H8147 stones H68 with H5921 the names H8034 of the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 thou shalt make H6213 them to be set H4142 in ouches H4865 of gold. H2091
12 And thou shalt put H7760 H853 the two H8147 stones H68 upon H5921 the shoulders H3802 of the ephod H646 [for] stones H68 of memorial H2146 unto the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 and Aaron H175 shall bear H5375 H853 their names H8034 before H6440 the LORD H3068 upon H5921 his two H8147 shoulders H3802 for a memorial. H2146
13 And thou shalt make H6213 ouches H4865 [of] gold; H2091
14 And two H8147 chains H8333 [of] pure H2889 gold H2091 at the ends; H4020 [of] wreathen H5688 work H4639 shalt thou make H6213 them , and fasten H5414 H853 the wreathen H5688 chains H8333 to H5921 the ouches. H4865
15 And thou shalt make H6213 the breastplate H2833 of judgment H4941 with cunning H2803 work; H4639 after the work H4639 of the ephod H646 thou shalt make H6213 it; [of] gold, H2091 [of] blue, H8504 and [of] purple, H713 and [of] scarlet H8438 H8144 , and [of] fine twined linen H8336 H7806 , shalt thou make H6213 it.
16 Foursquare H7251 it shall be H1961 [being] doubled; H3717 a span H2239 [shall] [be] the length H753 thereof , and a span H2239 [shall] [be] the breadth H7341 thereof.
17 And thou shalt set H4390 in it settings H4396 of stones, H68 [even] four H702 rows H2905 of stones: H68 [the] [first] row H2905 [shall] [be] a sardius, H124 a topaz, H6357 and a carbuncle: H1304 [this] [shall] [be] the first H259 row. H2905
18 And the second H8145 row H2905 [shall] [be] an emerald, H5306 a sapphire, H5601 and a diamond. H3095
19 And the third H7992 row H2905 a ligure, H3958 an agate, H7618 and an amethyst. H306
20 And the fourth H7243 row H2905 a beryl, H8658 and an onyx, H7718 and a jasper: H3471 they shall be H1961 set H7660 in gold H2091 in their enclosings. H4396
21 And the stones H68 shall be H1961 with H5921 the names H8034 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 twelve H8147 H6240 , according to H5921 their names, H8034 [like] the engravings H6603 of a signet; H2368 every one H376 with H5921 his name H8034 shall they be H1961 according to the twelve H8147 H6240 tribes. H7626
22 And thou shalt make H6213 upon H5921 the breastplate H2833 chains H8331 at the ends H1383 [of] wreathen H5688 work H4639 [of] pure H2889 gold. H2091
23 And thou shalt make H6213 upon H5921 the breastplate H2833 two H8147 rings H2885 of gold, H2091 and shalt put H5414 H853 the two H8147 rings H2885 on H5921 the two H8147 ends H7098 of the breastplate. H2833
24 And thou shalt put H5414 H853 the two H8147 wreathen H5688 [chains] of gold H2091 in H5921 the two H8147 rings H2885 [which] [are] on H413 the ends H7098 of the breastplate. H2833
25 And [the] [other] two H8147 ends H7098 of the two H8147 wreathen H5688 [chains] thou shalt fasten H5414 in H5921 the two H8147 ouches, H4865 and put H5414 [them] on H5921 the shoulder pieces H3802 of the ephod H646 before H413 H4136 H6440 it.
26 And thou shalt make H6213 two H8147 rings H2885 of gold, H2091 and thou shalt put H7760 them upon H5921 the two H8147 ends H7098 of the breastplate H2833 in H5921 the border H8193 thereof, which H834 [is] in H413 the side H5676 of the ephod H646 inward. H1004
27 And two H8147 [other] rings H2885 of gold H2091 thou shalt make, H6213 and shalt put H5414 them on H5921 the two H8147 sides H3802 of the ephod H646 underneath H4480 H4295 , toward H4480 H4136 the forepart H6440 thereof , over against H5980 the [other] coupling H4225 thereof, above H4480 H4605 the curious girdle H2805 of the ephod. H646
28 And they shall bind H7405 H853 the breastplate H2833 by the rings H4480 H2885 thereof unto H413 the rings H2885 of the ephod H646 with a lace H6616 of blue, H8504 that [it] may be H1961 above H5921 the curious girdle H2805 of the ephod, H646 and that the breastplate H2833 be not H3808 loosed H2118 from H4480 H5921 the ephod. H646
29 And Aaron H175 shall bear H5375 H853 the names H8034 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 in the breastplate H2833 of judgment H4941 upon H5921 his heart, H3820 when he goeth in H935 unto H413 the holy H6944 [place] , for a memorial H2146 before H6440 the LORD H3068 continually. H8548
30 And thou shalt put H5414 in H413 the breastplate H2833 of judgment H4941 H853 the Urim H217 and the Thummim; H8550 and they shall be H1961 upon H5921 Aaron's H175 heart, H3820 when he goeth in H935 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 and Aaron H175 shall bear H5375 H853 the judgment H4941 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 upon H5921 his heart H3820 before H6440 the LORD H3068 continually. H8548
31 And thou shalt make H6213 H853 the robe H4598 of the ephod H646 all H3632 [of] blue. H8504
32 And there shall be H1961 a hole H6310 in the top H7218 of it , in the midst H8432 thereof : it shall have H1961 a binding H8193 of woven H707 work H4639 round about H5439 the hole H6310 of it , as it were the hole H6310 of a habergeon, H8473 that it be H1961 not H3808 rent. H7167
33 And [beneath] upon H5921 the hem H7757 of it thou shalt make H6213 pomegranates H7416 [of] blue, H8504 and [of] purple, H713 and [of] scarlet H8438 H8144 , round about H5439 H5921 the hem H7757 thereof ; and bells H6472 of gold H2091 between H8432 them round about: H5439
34 A golden H2091 bell H6472 and a pomegranate, H7416 a golden H2091 bell H6472 and a pomegranate, H7416 upon H5921 the hem H7757 of the robe H4598 round about. H5439
35 And it shall be H1961 upon H5921 Aaron H175 to minister: H8334 and his sound H6963 shall be heard H8085 when he goeth in H935 unto H413 the holy H6944 [place] before H6440 the LORD, H3068 and when he cometh out, H3318 that he die H4191 not. H3808
36 And thou shalt make H6213 a plate H6731 [of] pure H2889 gold, H2091 and grave H6605 upon H5921 it, [like] the engravings H6603 of a signet, H2368 HOLINESS H6944 TO THE LORD. H3068
37 And thou shalt put H7760 it on H5921 a blue H8504 lace, H6616 that it may be H1961 upon H5921 the miter; H4701 upon H413 the forefront H4136 H6440 of the miter H4701 it shall be. H1961
38 And it shall be H1961 upon H5921 Aaron's H175 forehead, H4696 that Aaron H175 may bear H5375 H853 the iniquity H5771 of the holy things, H6944 which H834 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 shall hallow H6942 in all H3605 their holy H6944 gifts; H4979 and it shall be H1961 always H8548 upon H5921 his forehead, H4696 that they may be accepted H7522 before H6440 the LORD. H3068
39 And thou shalt embroider H7660 the coat H3801 of fine linen, H8336 and thou shalt make H6213 the miter H4701 [of] fine linen, H8336 and thou shalt make H6213 the girdle H73 [of] needlework H4639 H7551 .
40 And for Aaron's H175 sons H1121 thou shalt make H6213 coats, H3801 and thou shalt make H6213 for them girdles, H73 and bonnets H4021 shalt thou make H6213 for them , for glory H3519 and for beauty. H8597
41 And thou shalt put them upon H3847 H853 H853 Aaron H175 thy brother, H251 and his sons H1121 with H854 him ; and shalt anoint H4886 them , and consecrate H4390 H853 H3027 them , and sanctify H6942 them , that they may minister unto me in the priest's office. H3547
42 And thou shalt make H6213 them linen H906 breeches H4370 to cover H3680 their nakedness H1320 H6172 ; from the loins H4480 H4975 even unto H5704 the thighs H3409 they shall reach: H1961
43 And they shall be H1961 upon H5921 Aaron, H175 and upon H5921 his sons, H1121 when they come in H935 unto H413 the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 or H176 when they come near H5066 unto H413 the altar H4196 to minister H8334 in the holy H6944 [place] ; that they bear H5375 not H3808 iniquity, H5771 and die: H4191 [it] [shall] [be] a statute H2708 forever H5769 unto him and his seed H2233 after H310 him.

