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Colossians Chapters

Colossians 2 Verses

1 For G1063 I would G2309 that ye G5209 knew G1492 what great G2245 conflict G73 I have G2192 for G4012 you, G5216 and G2532 [for] them G3588 at G1722 Laodicea, G2993 and G2532 [for] as many as G3745 have not G3756 seen G3708 my G3450 face G4383 in G1722 the flesh; G4561
2 That G2443 their G846 hearts G2588 might be comforted, G3870 being knit together G4822 in G1722 love, G26 and G2532 unto G1519 all G3956 riches G4149 of the G3588 full assurance G4136 of understanding, G4907 to G1519 the acknowledgement G1922 of the G3588 mystery G3466 of God, G2316 and G2532 of the Father, G3962 and G2532 of Christ; G5547
3 In G1722 whom G3739 are G1526 hid G614 all G3956 the G3588 treasures G2344 of wisdom G4678 and G2532 knowledge. G1108
4 And G1161 this G5124 I say, G3004 lest G3363 any man G5100 should beguile G3884 you G5209 with G1722 enticing words. G4086
5 For G1063 though G1487 G2532 I be absent G548 in the G3588 flesh, G4561 yet G235 am G1510 I with G4862 you G5213 in the G3588 spirit, G4151 joying G5463 and G2532 beholding G991 your G5216 order, G5010 and G2532 the G3588 steadfastness G4733 of your G5216 faith G4102 in G1519 Christ. G5547
6 As G5613 ye have therefore G3767 received G3880 Christ G5547 Jesus G2424 the G3588 Lord, G2962 [so] walk G4043 ye in G1722 him: G846
7 Rooted G4492 and G2532 built up G2026 in G1722 him, G846 and G2532 established G950 in G1722 the G3588 faith, G4102 as G2531 ye have been taught, G1321 abounding G4052 therein G1722 G846 with G1722 thanksgiving. G2169
8 Beware G991 lest G3361 any man G5100 spoil G4812 you G5209 through G1223 philosophy G5385 and G2532 vain G2756 deceit, G539 after G2596 the G3588 tradition G3862 of men, G444 after G2596 the G3588 rudiments G4747 of the G3588 world, G2889 and G2532 not G3756 after G2596 Christ. G5547
9 For G3754 in G1722 him G846 dwelleth G2730 all G3956 the G3588 fullness G4138 of the G3588 Godhead G2320 bodily. G4985
10 And G2532 ye are G2075 complete G4137 in G1722 him, G846 which G3739 is G2076 the G3588 head G2776 of all G3956 principality G746 and G2532 power: G1849
11 In G1722 whom G3739 also G2532 ye are circumcised G4059 with the circumcision G4061 made without hands, G886 in G1722 putting off G555 the G3588 body G4983 of the G3588 sins G266 of the G3588 flesh G4561 by G1722 the G3588 circumcision G4061 of Christ: G5547
12 Buried with G4916 him G846 in G1722 baptism, G908 wherein G1722 G3739 also G2532 ye are risen with G4891 [him] through G1223 the G3588 faith G4102 of the G3588 operation G1753 of God, G2316 who hath raised G1453 him G846 from G1537 the G3588 dead. G3498
13 And G2532 you, G5209 being G5607 dead G3498 in G1722 your sins G3900 and G2532 the G3588 uncircumcision G203 of your G5216 flesh, G4561 hath he quickened together G4806 with G4862 him, G846 having forgiven G5483 you G5213 all G3956 trespasses; G3900
14 Blotting out G1813 the G3588 handwriting G5498 of ordinances G1378 that was against G2596 us, G2257 which G3739 was G2258 contrary G5227 to us, G2254 and G2532 took G142 it G846 out of G1537 the G3588 way, G3319 nailing G4338 it G846 to his cross; G4716
15 [And] having spoiled G554 principalities G746 and G2532 powers, G1849 he made a show G1165 of them openly G1722 G3954 , triumphing over G2358 them G846 in G1722 it. G848
16 Let no G3361 man G5100 therefore G3767 judge G2919 you G5209 in G1722 meat, G1035 or G2228 in G1722 drink, G4213 or G2228 in G1722 respect G3313 of a holy day, G1859 or G2228 of the new moon, G3561 or G2228 of the sabbath G4521 [days] :
17 Which G3739 are G2076 a shadow G4639 of things to come; G3195 but G1161 the G3588 body G4983 [is] of Christ. G5547
18 Let no man G3367 beguile you of your reward G2603 G5209 in a voluntary humility G2309 G1722 G5012 and G2532 worshiping G2356 of angels, G32 intruding into G1687 those things which G3739 he hath not G3361 seen, G3708 vainly G1500 puffed up G5448 by G5259 his G848 fleshly G4561 mind, G3563
19 And G2532 not G3756 holding G2902 the G3588 Head, G2776 from G1537 which G3739 all G3956 the G3588 body G4983 by G1223 joints G860 and G2532 bands G4886 having nourishment ministered, G2023 and G2532 knit together, G4822 increaseth G837 with the G3588 increase G838 of God. G2316
20 Wherefore G3767 if G1487 ye be dead G599 with G4862 Christ G5547 from G575 the G3588 rudiments G4747 of the G3588 world, G2889 why, G5101 as though G5613 living G2198 in G1722 the world, G2889 are ye subject to ordinances, G1379
21 ( Touch G680 not; G3361 taste G1089 not; G3366 handle G2345 not; G3366
22 Which G3739 all G3956 are G2076 to perish G1519 G5356 with the G3588 using; G671 ) after G2596 the G3588 commandments G1778 and G2532 doctrines G1319 of men G444 ?
23 Which things G3748 have G2076 G2192 indeed G3303 a show G3056 of wisdom G4678 in G1722 will- G1479 worship, and G2532 humility, G5012 and G2532 neglecting G857 of the body; G4983 not G3756 in G1722 any G5100 honor G5092 to G4314 the satisfying G4140 of the G3588 flesh. G4561

