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Acts Chapters

Acts 7 Verses

1 Then G1161 said G2036 the G3588 high priest G749 G1487 G686 , Are G2192 these G5023 things so G3779 ?
2 And G1161 he G3588 said, G5346 Men, G435 brethren, G80 and G2532 fathers, G3962 hearken; G191 The G3588 God G2316 of glory G1391 appeared G3700 unto our G2257 father G3962 Abraham, G11 when he was G5607 in G1722 Mesopotamia, G3318 before G4250 G2228 he G846 dwelt G2730 in G1722 Haran, G5488
3 And G2532 said G2036 unto G4314 him, G846 Get G1831 thee out of G1537 thy G4675 country, G1093 and G2532 from G1537 thy G4675 kindred, G4772 and G2532 come G1204 into G1519 the land G1093 which G3739 G302 I shall show G1166 thee. G4671
4 Then G5119 came G1831 he out of G1537 the land G1093 of the Chaldeans, G5466 and dwelt G2730 in G1722 Haran: G5488 and from thence, G2547 when his G846 father G3962 was dead, G599 he removed G3351 him G846 into G1519 this G5026 land, G1093 wherein G1519 G3739 ye G5210 now G3568 dwell. G2730
5 And G2532 he gave G1325 him G846 none G3756 inheritance G2817 in G1722 it, no, G846 not G3761 [so] [much] [as] to set his foot on G968 G4228 : yet G2532 he promised G1861 that he would give G1325 it G846 to him G846 for G1519 a possession, G2697 and G2532 to his G846 seed G4690 after G3326 him, G846 when [as] [yet] he G846 had G5607 no G3756 child. G5043
6 And G1161 God G2316 spake G2980 on this wise, G3779 That G3754 his G846 seed G4690 should G2071 sojourn G3941 in G1722 a strange G245 land; G1093 and G2532 that they should bring them into bondage G1402 G846 , and G2532 entreat [them] evil G2559 four hundred G5071 years. G2094
7 And G2532 the G3588 nation G1484 to whom G3739 they shall G1437 be in bondage G1398 will I G1473 judge, G2919 said G2036 God: G2316 and G2532 after G3326 that G5023 shall they come forth, G1831 and G2532 serve G3000 me G3427 in G1722 this G5129 place. G5117
8 And G2532 he gave G1325 him G846 the covenant G1242 of circumcision: G4061 and G2532 so G3779 [Abraham] begat G1080 Isaac, G2464 and G2532 circumcised G4059 him G846 the G3588 eighth G3590 day; G2250 and G2532 Isaac G2464 [begat] Jacob; G2384 and G2532 Jacob G2384 [begat] the G3588 twelve G1427 patriarchs. G3966
9 And G2532 the G3588 patriarchs, G3966 moved with envy, G2206 sold G591 Joseph G2501 into G1519 Egypt: G125 but G2532 God G2316 was G2258 with G3326 him, G846
10 And G2532 delivered G1807 him G846 out of G1537 all G3956 his G846 afflictions, G2347 and G2532 gave G1325 him G846 favor G5485 and G2532 wisdom G4678 in the sight G1726 of Pharaoh G5328 king G935 of Egypt; G125 and G2532 he made G2525 him G846 governor G2233 over G1909 Egypt G125 and G2532 all G3650 his G848 house. G3624
11 Now G1161 there came G2064 a dearth G3042 over G1909 all G3650 the G3588 land G1093 of Egypt G125 and G2532 Canaan, G5477 and G2532 great G3173 affliction: G2347 and G2532 our G2257 fathers G3962 found G2147 no G3756 sustenance. G5527
12 But G1161 when Jacob G2384 heard G191 that there was G5607 corn G4621 in G1722 Egypt, G125 he sent out G1821 our G2257 fathers G3962 first. G4412
13 And G2532 at G1722 the G3588 second G1208 [time] Joseph G2501 was made known G319 to his G848 brethren; G80 and G2532 Joseph's G2501 kindred G1085 was made G1096 known G5318 unto Pharaoh. G5328
14 Then G1161 sent G649 Joseph, G2501 and called G3333 his G848 father G3962 Jacob G2384 to [him,] and G2532 all G3956 his G848 kindred, G4772 threescore and fifteen G1440 G4002 souls. G5590
15 So G1161 Jacob G2384 went down G2597 into G1519 Egypt, G125 and G2532 died, G5053 he, G846 and G2532 our G2257 fathers, G3962
16 And G2532 were carried over G3346 into G1519 Shechem, G4966 and G2532 laid G5087 in G1722 the G3588 sepulcher G3418 that G3739 Abraham G11 bought G5608 for a sum G5092 of money G694 of G3844 the G3588 sons G5207 of Hamor G1697 [the] [father] of Shechem. G4966
17 But G1161 when G2531 the G3588 time G5550 of the G3588 promise G1860 drew nigh, G1448 which G3739 God G2316 had sworn G3660 to Abraham, G11 the G3588 people G2992 grew G837 and G2532 multiplied G4129 in G1722 Egypt, G125
18 Till G891 G3757 another G2087 king G935 arose, G450 which G3739 knew G1492 not G3756 Joseph. G2501
19 The same G3778 dealt subtlely with G2686 our G2257 kindred, G1085 and evil entreated G2559 our G2257 fathers, G3962 so that they cast out G4160 G1570 their G846 young children, G1025 to the end they might not G3361 live. G2225
20 In G1722 which G3739 time G2540 Moses G3475 was born, G1080 and G2532 was G2258 exceeding fair, G791 and G2532 nourished up G397 in G1722 his G848 father's G3962 house G3624 three G5140 months: G3376
21 And G1161 when he G846 was cast out, G1620 Pharaoh's G5328 daughter G2364 took him up G337 G846 , and G2532 nourished G397 him G846 for G1519 her own G1438 son. G5207
22 And G2532 Moses G3475 was learned G3811 in all G3956 the wisdom G4678 of the Egyptians, G124 and G1161 was G2258 mighty G1415 in G1722 words G3056 and G2532 in G1722 deeds. G2041
23 And G1161 when G5613 he G846 was full G4137 forty G5063 years old, G5550 it came G305 into G1909 his G846 heart G2588 to visit G1980 his G848 brethren G80 the G3588 children G5207 of Israel. G2474
24 And G2532 seeing G1492 one G5100 [of] [them] suffer wrong, G91 he defended G292 [him,] and G2532 avenged G4160 G1557 him that was oppressed, G2669 and smote G3960 the G3588 Egyptian: G124
25 For G1161 he supposed G3543 his G848 brethren G80 would have understood G4920 how that G3754 God G2316 by G1223 his G846 hand G5495 would deliver G1325 G4991 them: G846 but G1161 they G3588 understood G4920 not. G3756
26 And G5037 the G3588 next G1966 day G2250 he showed himself G3700 unto them G846 as they strove, G3164 and G2532 would have set them at one again G4900 G846 G1519, G1515 saying, G2036 Sirs, G435 ye G5210 are G2075 brethren; G80 why G2444 do ye wrong G91 one to another G240 ?
27 But G1161 he that did his neighbor wrong G91 G4139 thrust him away G683 G846 , saying, G2036 Who G5101 made G2525 thee G4571 a ruler G758 and G2532 a judge G1348 over G1909 us G2248 ?
28 Wilt G2309 G3361 thou G4771 kill G337 me, G3165 as thou didst G3739 G5158 G337 the G3588 Egyptian G124 yesterday G5504 ?
29 Then G1161 fled G5343 Moses G3475 at G1722 this G5129 saying, G3056 and G2532 was G1096 a stranger G3941 in G1722 the land G1093 of Midian, G3099 where G3757 he begat G1080 two G1417 sons. G5207
30 And G2532 when forty G5062 years G2094 were expired, G4137 there appeared G3700 to him G846 in G1722 the G3588 wilderness G2048 of mount G3735 Sinai G4614 an angel G32 of the Lord G2962 in G1722 a flame G5395 of fire G4442 in a bush. G942
31 When G1161 Moses G3475 saw G1492 [it,] he wondered G2296 at the G3588 sight: G3705 and G1161 as he G846 drew near G4334 to behold G2657 [it,] the voice G5456 of the Lord G2962 came G1096 unto G4314 him, G846
32 [Saying,] I G1473 [am] the G3588 God G2316 of thy G4675 fathers, G3962 the G3588 God G2316 of Abraham, G11 and G2532 the G3588 God G2316 of Isaac, G2464 and G2532 the G3588 God G2316 of Jacob. G2384 Then G1161 Moses G3475 trembled G1096 G1790 , and durst G5111 not G3756 behold. G2657
33 Then G1161 said G2036 the G3588 Lord G2962 to him, G846 Put off G3089 thy shoes G5266 from thy G4675 feet: G4228 for G1063 the G3588 place G5117 where G1722 G3739 thou standest G2476 is G2076 holy G40 ground. G1093
34 I have seen, G1492 I have seen G1492 the G3588 affliction G2561 of my G3450 people G2992 which G3588 is in G1722 Egypt, G125 and G2532 I have heard G191 their G846 groaning, G4726 and G2532 am come down G2597 to deliver G1807 them. G846 And G2532 now G3568 come, G1204 I will send G649 thee G4571 into G1519 Egypt. G125
35 This G5126 Moses G3475 whom G3739 they refused, G720 saying, G2036 Who G5101 made G2525 thee G4571 a ruler G758 and G2532 a judge G1348 ? the same G5126 did God G2316 send G649 [to] [be] a ruler G758 and G2532 a deliverer G3086 by G1722 the hand G5495 of the angel G32 which appeared G3700 to him G846 in G1722 the G3588 bush. G942
36 He G3778 brought them out G1806 G846 , after that he had showed G4160 wonders G5059 and G2532 signs G4592 in G1722 the land G1093 of Egypt, G125 and G2532 in G1722 the Red G2063 sea, G2281 and G2532 in G1722 the G3588 wilderness G2048 forty G5062 years. G2094
37 This G3778 is G2076 that Moses, G3475 which said G2036 unto the G3588 children G5207 of Israel, G2474 A prophet G4396 shall the Lord G2962 your G5216 God G2316 raise up G450 unto you G5213 of G1537 your G5216 brethren, G80 like unto G5613 me; G1691 him G846 shall ye hear. G191
38 This G3778 is G2076 he , that was G1096 in G1722 the G3588 church G1577 in G1722 the G3588 wilderness G2048 with G3326 the G3588 angel G32 which spake G2980 to him G846 in G1722 the G3588 mount G3735 Sinai, G4614 and G2532 [with] our G2257 fathers: G3962 who G3739 received G1209 the lively G2198 oracles G3051 to give G1325 unto us: G2254
39 To whom G3739 our G2257 fathers G3962 would G2309 not G3756 obey G1096 G5255 , but G235 thrust [him] from G683 them, and G2532 in their G848 hearts G2588 turned back again G4762 into G1519 Egypt, G125
40 Saying G2036 unto Aaron, G2 Make G4160 us G2254 gods G2316 to G3739 go before G4313 us: G2257 for G1063 [as] [for] this G3778 Moses, G3475 which G3739 brought G1806 us G2248 out of G1537 the land G1093 of Egypt, G125 we wot G1492 not G3756 what G5101 is become G1096 of him. G846
41 And G2532 they made a calf G3447 in G1722 those G1565 days, G2250 and G2532 offered G321 sacrifice G2378 unto the G3588 idol, G1497 and G2532 rejoiced G2165 in G1722 the G3588 works G2041 of their own G848 hands. G5495
42 Then G1161 God G2316 turned, G4762 and G2532 gave them up G3860 G846 to worship G3000 the G3588 host G4756 of heaven; G3772 as G2531 it is written G1125 in G1722 the book G976 of the G3588 prophets, G4396 O ye house G3624 of Israel, G2474 have ye G3361 offered G4374 to me G3427 slain beasts G4968 and G2532 sacrifices G2378 [by] [the] [space] [of] forty G5062 years G2094 in G1722 the G3588 wilderness G2048 ?
43 Yea G2532 , ye took up G353 the G3588 tabernacle G4633 of Moloch, G3434 and G2532 the G3588 star G798 of your G5216 god G2316 Remphan, G4481 figures G5179 which G3739 ye made G4160 to worship G4352 them: G846 and G2532 I will carry you away G3351 G5209 beyond G1900 Babylon. G897
44 Our G2257 fathers G3962 had G2258 the G3588 tabernacle G4633 of witness G3142 in G1722 the G3588 wilderness, G2048 as he had appointed, G1299 speaking G2980 unto Moses, G3475 that he should make G4160 it G846 according G2596 to the G3588 fashion G5179 that G3739 he had seen. G3708
45 Which G3739 also G2532 our G2257 fathers G3962 that came after G1237 brought in G1521 with G3326 Joshua G2424 into G1722 the G3588 possession G2697 of the G3588 Gentiles, G1484 whom G3739 God G2316 drove out G1856 before G575 the face G4383 of our G2257 fathers, G3962 unto G2193 the G3588 days G2250 of David; G1138
46 Who G3739 found G2147 favor G5485 before G1799 God, G2316 and G2532 desired G154 to find G2147 a tabernacle G4638 for the G3588 God G2316 of Jacob. G2384
47 But G1161 Solomon G4672 built G3618 him G846 a house. G3624
48 Howbeit G235 the G3588 most High G5310 dwelleth G2730 not G3756 in G1722 temples G3485 made with hands; G5499 as G2531 saith G3004 the G3588 prophet, G4396
49 Heaven G3772 [is] my G3427 throne, G2362 and G1161 earth G1093 [is] my G3450 footstool G5286 G4228 : what G4169 house G3624 will ye build G3618 me G3427 ? saith G3004 the Lord: G2962 or G2228 what G5101 [is] the place G5117 of my G3450 rest G2663 ?
50 Hath not G3780 my G3450 hand G5495 made G4160 all G3956 these things G5023 ?
51 Ye stiffnecked G4644 and G2532 uncircumcised G564 in heart G2588 and G2532 ears, G3775 ye G5210 do always G104 resist G496 the G3588 Holy G40 Ghost: G4151 as G5613 your G5216 fathers G3962 [did,] so G2532 [do] ye. G5210
52 Which G5101 of the G3588 prophets G4396 have not G3756 your G5216 fathers G3962 persecuted G1377 ? and G2532 they have slain G615 them which showed before G4293 of G4012 the G3588 coming G1660 of the G3588 Just One; G1342 of whom G3739 ye G5210 have been G1096 now G3568 the betrayers G4273 and G2532 murderers: G5406
53 Who G3748 have received G2983 the G3588 law G3551 by G1519 the disposition G1296 of angels, G32 and G2532 have not G3756 kept G5442 [it.]
54 When G1161 they heard G191 these things, G5023 they were cut G1282 to G848 the G3588 heart, G2588 and G2532 they gnashed G1031 on G1909 him G846 with [their] teeth. G3598
55 But G1161 he, being G5225 full G4134 of the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 looked up steadfastly G816 into G1519 heaven, G3772 and saw G1492 the glory G1391 of God, G2316 and G2532 Jesus G2424 standing G2476 on G1537 the right hand G1188 of God, G2316
56 And G2532 said, G2036 Behold, G2400 I see G2334 the G3588 heavens G3772 opened, G455 and G2532 the G3588 Son G5207 of man G444 standing G2476 on G1537 the right hand G1188 of God. G2316
57 Then G1161 they cried out G2896 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 and stopped G4912 their G848 ears, G3775 and G2532 ran G3729 upon G1909 him G846 with one accord, G3661
58 And G2532 cast G1544 [him] out G1854 of the G3588 city, G4172 and stoned G3036 [him] : and G2532 the G3588 witnesses G3144 laid down G659 their G848 clothes G2440 at G3844 a young man's G3494 feet, G4228 whose name G2564 was Saul. G4569
59 And G2532 they stoned G3036 Stephen, G4736 calling upon G1941 [God,] and G2532 saying, G3004 Lord G2962 Jesus, G2424 receive G1209 my G3450 spirit. G4151
60 And G1161 he kneeled down G5087 G1119 , and cried G2896 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 Lord, G2962 lay G2476 not G3361 this G5026 sin G266 to their charge. G846 And G2532 when he had said G2036 this, G5124 he fell asleep. G2837

