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Acts Chapters

Acts 10 Verses

1 There G1161 was G2258 a certain G5100 man G435 in G1722 Caesarea G2542 called G3686 Cornelius, G2883 a centurion G1543 of G1537 the band G4686 called G2564 the Italian G2483 [band,]
2 A devout G2152 [man,] and G2532 one that feared G5399 God G2316 with G4862 all G3956 his G848 house, G3624 which G5037 gave G4160 much G4183 alms G1654 to the G3588 people, G2992 and G2532 prayed G1189 to God G2316 always. G1275
3 He saw G1492 in G1722 a vision G3705 evidently G5320 about G5616 the ninth G1766 hour G5610 of the G3588 day G2250 an angel G32 of God G2316 coming in G1525 to G4314 him, G846 and G2532 saying G2036 unto him, G846 Cornelius. G2883
4 And G1161 when he G3588 looked G816 on him, G846 he G2532 was G1096 afraid, G1719 and said, G2036 What G5101 is G2076 it, Lord G2962 ? And G1161 he said G2036 unto him, G846 Thy G4675 prayers G4335 and G2532 thine G4675 alms G1654 are come up G305 for G1519 a memorial G3422 before G1799 God. G2316
5 And G2532 now G3568 send G3992 men G435 to G1519 Joppa, G2445 and G2532 call for G3343 [one] Simon, G4613 whose G3739 surname is G1941 Peter: G4074
6 He G3778 lodgeth G3579 with G3844 one G5100 Simon G4613 a tanner, G1038 whose G3739 house G3614 is G2076 by G3844 the sea side: G2281 he G3778 shall tell G2980 thee G4671 what G5101 thou G4571 oughtest G1163 to do. G4160
7 And G1161 when G5613 the G3588 angel G32 which spake G2980 unto Cornelius G2883 was departed, G565 he called G5455 two G1417 of his G848 household servants, G3610 and G2532 a devout G2152 soldier G4757 of them that waited on him continually G4342 G846 ;
8 And G2532 when he had declared G1834 all G537 [these] things unto them, G846 he sent G649 them G846 to G1519 Joppa. G2445
9 On G1161 the G3588 morrow, G1887 as they G1565 went on their journey, G3596 and G2532 drew nigh G1448 unto the G3588 city, G4172 Peter G4074 went up G305 upon G1909 the G3588 housetop G1430 to pray G4336 about G4012 the sixth G1623 hour: G5610
10 And G1161 he became G1096 very hungry, G4361 and G2532 would G2309 have eaten: G1089 but G1161 while they G1565 made ready, G3903 he fell G1968 into G1909 a G846 trance, G1611
11 And G2532 saw G2334 heaven G3772 opened, G455 and G2532 a certain G5100 vessel G4632 descending G2597 unto G1909 him, G846 as it had been G5613 a great G3173 sheet G3607 knit G1210 at the four G5064 corners, G746 and G2532 let down G2524 to G1909 the G3588 earth: G1093
12 Wherein G1722 G3739 were G5225 all manner G3956 of fourfooted beasts G5074 of the G3588 earth, G1093 and G2532 wild beasts, G2342 and G2532 creeping things, G2062 and G2532 fowls G4071 of the G3588 air. G3772
13 And G2532 there came G1096 a voice G5456 to G4314 him, G846 Rise, G450 Peter; G4074 kill, G2380 and G2532 eat. G5315
14 But G1161 Peter G4074 said, G2036 Not so, G3365 Lord; G2962 for G3754 I have never G3763 eaten G5315 any thing G3956 that is common G2839 or G2228 unclean. G169
15 And G2532 the voice G5456 [spake] unto G4314 him G846 again G3825 the G1537 second time, G1208 What G3739 God G2316 hath cleansed, G2511 [that] call not thou common G2840 G3361. G4771
16 G1161 This G5124 was G1096 done G1909 thrice: G5151 and G2532 the G3588 vessel G4632 was received up G353 again G3825 into G1519 heaven. G3772
17 Now G1161 while G5613 Peter G4074 doubted G1280 in G1722 himself G1438 what G5101 this vision G3705 which G3739 he had seen G1492 should mean G1498 G2532 , behold, G2400 the G3588 men G435 which were sent G649 from G575 Cornelius G2883 had made inquiry G1331 for Simon's G4613 house, G3614 and stood G2186 before G1909 the G3588 gate, G4440
18 And G2532 called, G5455 and asked G4441 whether G1487 Simon, G4613 which was surnamed G1941 Peter, G4074 were lodged G3579 there. G1759
19 While G1161 Peter G4074 thought G1760 on G4012 the G3588 vision, G3705 the G3588 Spirit G4151 said G2036 unto him, G846 Behold, G2400 three G5140 men G435 seek G2212 thee. G4571
20 Arise G450 therefore, G235 and get thee down, G2597 and G2532 go G4198 with G4862 them, G846 doubting G1252 nothing: G3367 for G1360 I G1473 have sent G649 them. G846
21 Then G1161 Peter G4074 went down G2597 to G4314 the G3588 men G435 which were sent G649 unto G4314 him G846 from G575 Cornelius; G2883 and said, G2036 Behold, G2400 I G1473 am G1510 he whom G3739 ye seek: G2212 what G5101 [is] the G3588 cause G156 wherefore G1223 G3739 ye are come G3918 ?
22 And G1161 they G3588 said, G2036 Cornelius G2883 the centurion, G1543 a just G1342 man, G435 and G2532 one that feareth G5399 God, G2316 and G5037 of good report G3140 among G5259 all G3650 the G3588 nation G1484 of the G3588 Jews, G2453 was warned from God G5537 by G5259 a holy G40 angel G32 to send for G3343 thee G4571 into G1519 his G848 house, G3624 and G2532 to hear G191 words G4487 of G3844 thee. G4675
23 Then G3767 called he them in G1528 G846 , and lodged G3579 [them.] And G1161 on the G3588 morrow G1887 Peter G4074 went away G1831 with G4862 them, G846 and G2532 certain G5100 brethren G80 from G575 Joppa G2445 accompanied G4905 him. G846
24 And G2532 the G3588 morrow after G1887 they entered G1525 into G1519 Caesarea. G2542 And G1161 Cornelius G2883 waited for G2258 G4328 them, G846 and had called together G4779 his G848 kinsmen G4773 and G2532 near G316 friends. G5384
25 And G1161 as G5613 Peter G4074 was G1096 coming in, G1525 Cornelius G2883 met G4876 him, G846 and fell down G4098 at G1909 his feet, G4228 and worshipped G4352 [him.]
26 But G1161 Peter G4074 took him up G1453 G846 , saying, G3004 Stand up; G450 I myself also G2504 G846 am G1510 a man. G444
27 And G2532 as he talked with G4926 him, G846 he went in, G1525 and G2532 found G2147 many G4183 that were come together. G4905
28 And G5037 he said G5346 unto G4314 them, G846 Ye G5210 know G1987 how G5613 that it is G2076 an unlawful thing G111 for a man G435 that is a Jew G2453 to keep company, G2853 or G2228 come unto G4334 one of another nation; G246 but G2532 God G2316 hath showed G1166 me G1698 that I should not call G3004 any G3367 man G444 common G2839 or G2228 unclean. G169
29 Therefore G1352 G2532 came G2064 I [unto] [you] without gainsaying, G369 as soon as I was sent for: G3343 I ask G4441 therefore G3767 for what G5101 intent G3056 ye have sent for G3343 me G3165 ?
30 And G2532 Cornelius G2883 said, G5346 Four G5067 days G2250 ago G575 I was G2252 fasting G3522 until G3360 this G5026 hour; G5610 and G2532 at the G3588 ninth G1766 hour G5610 I prayed G4336 in G1722 my G3450 house, G3624 and, G2532 behold, G2400 a man G435 stood G2476 before G1799 me G3450 in G1722 bright G2986 clothing, G2066
31 And G2532 said, G5346 Cornelius, G2883 thy G4675 prayer G4335 is heard, G1522 and G2532 thine G4675 alms G1654 are had in remembrance G3415 in the sight G1799 of God. G2316
32 Send G3992 therefore G3767 to G1519 Joppa, G2445 and G2532 call hither G3333 Simon, G4613 whose G3739 surname is G1941 Peter; G4074 he G3778 is lodged G3579 in G1722 the house G3614 of [one] Simon G4613 a tanner G1038 by G3844 the sea side: G2281 who, G3739 when he cometh, G3854 shall speak G2980 unto thee. G4671
33 Immediately G1824 therefore G3767 I sent G3992 to G4314 thee; G4571 and G5037 thou G4771 hast well G2573 done G4160 that thou art come. G3854 Now G3568 therefore G3767 are we all here present G3918 G2249 G3956 before G1799 God, G2316 to hear G191 all things G3956 that are commanded G4367 thee G4671 of G5259 God. G2316
34 Then G1161 Peter G4074 opened G455 [his] mouth, G4750 and said, G2036 Of G1909 a truth G225 I perceive G2638 that G3754 God G2316 is G2076 no G3756 respecter of persons: G4381
35 But G235 in G1722 every G3956 nation G1484 he that feareth G5399 him, G846 and G2532 worketh G2038 righteousness, G1343 is G2076 accepted G1184 with him. G846
36 The G3588 word G3056 which G3739 [God] sent G649 unto the G3588 children G5207 of Israel, G2474 preaching G2097 peace G1515 by G1223 Jesus G2424 Christ: G5547 ( he G3778 is G2076 Lord G2962 of all: G3956 )
37 That word, G4487 [I] [say,] ye G5210 know, G1492 which was published G1096 throughout G2596 all G3650 Judea, G2449 and began G756 from G575 Galilee, G1056 after G3326 the G3588 baptism G908 which G3739 John G2491 preached; G2784
38 How G5613 God G2316 anointed G5548 Jesus G2424 of G575 Nazareth G3478 with the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 and G2532 with power: G1411 who G3739 went about G1330 doing good, G2109 and G2532 healing G2390 all G3956 that were oppressed G2616 of G5259 the G3588 devil; G1228 for G3754 God G2316 was G2258 with G3326 him. G846
39 And G2532 we G2249 are G2070 witnesses G3144 of all things G3956 which G3739 he did G4160 both G5037 in G1722 the G3588 land G5561 of the G3588 Jews, G2453 and G2532 in G1722 Jerusalem; G2419 whom G3739 they slew G337 and hanged G2910 on G1909 a tree: G3586
40 Him G5126 God G2316 raised up G1453 the G3588 third G5154 day, G2250 and G2532 showed him openly G1325 G846 G1096; G1717
41 Not G3756 to all G3956 the G3588 people, G2992 but G235 unto witnesses G3144 chosen before G4401 of G5259 God, G2316 [even] to us, G2254 who G3748 did eat G4906 and G2532 drink with G4844 him G846 after he G846 rose G450 from G1537 the dead. G3498
42 And G2532 he commanded G3853 us G2254 to preach G2784 unto the G3588 people, G2992 and G2532 to testify G1263 that G3754 it is G2076 he G846 which was ordained G3724 of G5259 God G2316 [to] [be] the Judge G2923 of quick G2198 and G2532 dead. G3498
43 To him G5129 give all the prophets witness G3140 G3956 G3588 , G4396 that through G1223 his G846 name G3686 whosoever G3956 believeth G4100 in G1519 him G846 shall receive G2983 remission G859 of sins. G266
44 While Peter G4074 yet G2089 spake G2980 these G5023 words, G4487 the G3588 Holy G40 Ghost G4151 fell G1968 on G1909 all G3956 them which heard G191 the G3588 word. G3056
45 And G2532 they of the circumcision which believed G4103 G1537 G4061 were astonished, G1839 as many as G3745 came with G4905 Peter, G4074 because G3754 that on G1909 the G3588 Gentiles G1484 also G2532 was poured out G1632 the G3588 gift G1431 of the G3588 Holy G40 Ghost. G4151
46 For G1063 they heard G191 them G846 speak G2980 with tongues, G1100 and G2532 magnify G3170 God. G2316 Then G5119 answered G611 Peter, G4074
47 Can G1410 any man G5100 forbid G2967 G3385 water, G5204 that these G5128 should not G3361 be baptized, G907 which G3748 have received G2983 the G3588 Holy G40 Ghost G4151 as well as G2531 G2532 we G2249 ?
48 And G5037 he commanded G4367 them G846 to be baptized G907 in G1722 the G3588 name G3686 of the G3588 Lord. G2962 Then G5119 prayed G2065 they him G846 to tarry G1961 certain G5100 days. G2250

