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1 Timothy Chapters

1 Timothy 2 Verses

1 I exhort G3870 therefore, G3767 that, first G4412 of all, G3956 supplications, G1162 prayers, G4335 intercessions, G1783 [and] giving of thanks, G2169 be made G4160 for G5228 all G3956 men; G444
2 For G5228 kings, G935 and G2532 [for] all G3956 that are G5607 in G1722 authority; G5247 that G2443 we may lead G1236 a quiet G2263 and G2532 peaceable G2272 life G979 in G1722 all G3956 godliness G2150 and G2532 honesty. G4587
3 For G1063 this G5124 [is] good G2570 and G2532 acceptable G587 in the sight G1799 of God G2316 our G2257 Savior; G4990
4 Who G3739 will G2309 have all G3956 men G444 to be saved, G4982 and G2532 to come G2064 unto G1519 the knowledge G1922 of the truth. G225
5 For G1063 [there] [is] one G1520 God, G2316 and G2532 one G1520 mediator G3316 between God G2316 and G2532 men, G444 the man G444 Christ G5547 Jesus; G2424
6 Who gave G1325 himself G1438 a ransom G487 for G5228 all, G3956 to be testified G3142 in due G2398 time. G2540
7 Whereunto G1519 G3739 I G1473 am ordained G5087 a preacher, G2783 and G2532 an apostle, G652 (I speak G3004 the truth G225 in G1722 Christ, G5547 [and] lie G5574 not; G3756 ) a teacher G1320 of the Gentiles G1484 in G1722 faith G4102 and G2532 verity. G225
8 I will G1014 therefore G3767 that men G435 pray G4336 every G3956 where, G5117 lifting up G1869 holy G3741 hands, G5495 without G5565 wrath G3709 and G2532 doubting. G1261
9 In like manner G5615 also, G2532 that women G1135 adorn G2885 themselves G1438 in G1722 modest G2887 apparel, G2689 with G3326 shamefacedness G127 and G2532 sobriety; G4997 not G3361 with G1722 braided hair, G4117 or G2228 gold, G5557 or G2228 pearls, G3135 or G2228 costly G4185 array. G2441
10 But G235 ( which G3739 becometh G4241 women G1135 professing G1861 godliness G2317 ) with G1223 good G18 works. G2041
11 Let the woman G1135 learn G3129 in G1722 silence G2271 with G1722 all G3956 subjection. G5292
12 But G1161 I suffer G2010 not G3756 a woman G1135 to teach, G1321 nor G3761 to usurp authority over G831 the man, G435 but G235 to be G1511 in G1722 silence. G2271
13 For G1063 Adam G76 was first G4413 formed, G4111 then G1534 Eve. G2096
14 And G2532 Adam G76 was not G3756 deceived, G538 but G1161 the G3588 woman G1135 being deceived G538 was G1096 in G1722 the transgression. G3847
15 Notwithstanding G1161 she shall be saved G4982 in G1223 childbearing, G5042 if G1437 they continue G3306 in G1722 faith G4102 and G2532 charity G26 and G2532 holiness G38 with G3326 sobriety. G4997

