The red spotted horses were anxious to go look at their part of the earth, so the angel told them, "Go walk through the earth." So they went walking through their part of the earth.
Then he shouted at me and said, "Look, those horses that were going north finished their job {in Babylon}. They have calmed my spirit; I am not angry now!"
"Heldai, Tobijah, and Jedaiah have come from the captives in Babylon. Get silver and gold from these men and then go to the house of Josiah son of Zephaniah.
He will build the Lord's Temple, and he will receive the honor. He will sit on his throne and be the ruler, and a priest will stand by his throne. These two men will work together in peace.'
"They will put the crown in the Temple to be a reminder for Heldai, Tobijah, Jedaiah, and Zephaniah's son, Josiah. It will help them remember {that the king's power comes from God}.
People living far away will come and build the Lord's Temple." Then you will know for sure that the Lord All-Powerful sent me to you people. All these things will happen if you do what the Lord your God says.