Then I looked up at the bowl over the heads of the Cherub angels. The bowl looked clear blue like sapphire, and there was something that looked like a throne over it.
Then {the one sitting on the throne} said to the man dressed in linen clothes, "Step into the area between the wheels under the Cherub angels. Take a handful of the burning coals from between the Cherub angels and go throw them over the city of Jerusalem." The man walked past me.
Then the Glory of the Lord rose up off the Cherub angels near the threshold of the door of the Temple. Then the cloud filled the Temple, and the bright light from the Glory of the Lord filled the whole courtyard.
The noise from the wings of the Cherub angels could be heard all the way out in the outer courtyard. The sound was very loud—like the thundering voice when God All-Powerful speaks.
God had given the man dressed in linen clothes a command. He had told him to go into the area between the wheels among the Cherub angels and get some hot coals. So the man went there and stood by the wheel.
One of the Cherub angels reached out his hand and took some of the hot coals from the area between the Cherub angels. He poured the coals into the man's hands, and the man left.
They could go in any direction when they moved, but {the Cherub angels} did not turn around when they moved. They went in the direction that the head was looking. They did not turn around when they moved.
Each Cherub angel had four faces. The first was the face of a Cherub, the second was the face of a man, the third was a lion's face, and the fourth was an eagle's face. (These Cherub angels were the living beings I saw in the vision by the Kebar Canal. ) Then the Cherub angels rose into the air,
Then the Cherub angels raised their wings and flew into the air. I saw them leave. The wheels went with them. Then they stopped at the East Gate of the Lord's Temple. The Glory of the God of Israel was in the air above them.
The faces of the Cherub angels were the same as the four faces on the living beings in the vision by the Kebar Canal. They all looked straight ahead in the direction they were going.