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Zechariah Chapters

Zechariah 12 Verses

BNV : ইস্রায়েল সম্বন্ধে প্রভুর করুণ বার্তা| প্রভু আকাশকে বিস্তৃত করেছেন এবং পৃথিবীকে তার ভিত্তির ওপর বসিযেছেন| তিনিই সেই জন যিনি লোকেদের মধ্যে আত্মা রেখেছেন| আর প্রভুই এইসব কথা বলেছেন|
KJV : The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.
YLT : The burden of a word of Jehovah on Israel. An affirmation of Jehovah, Stretching out heaven, and founding earth, And forming the spirit of man in his midst.
RV : The burden of the word of the LORD concerning Israel. {cf15i Thus} saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him:
RSV : An Oracle The word of the LORD concerning Israel: Thus says the LORD, who stretched out the heavens and founded the earth and formed the spirit of man within him:
ASV : The burden of the word of Jehovah concerning Israel. Thus saith Jehovah, who stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him:
ESV : The burden of the word of the LORD concerning Israel: Thus declares the LORD, who stretched out the heavens and founded the earth and formed the spirit of man within him:
ERVEN : This is a message from the Lord about Israel. The Lord is the one who made the earth and the sky, and he put the human spirit in people. And this is what the Lord said:
BNV : “দেখ, জেরুশালেমকে আমি তার প্রতিবেশী দেশগুলোর কাছে একটি বিষের পাত্রে পরিণত করব| ঐ দেশগুলো জেরুশালেম শহরকে আরমণ করবে| সমগ্র যিহূদা অবরুদ্ধ হবে|
KJV : Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah [and] against Jerusalem.
YLT : Lo, I am making Jerusalem a cup of reeling To all the peoples round about, And also against Judah it is, In the siege against Jerusalem.
RV : behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of reeling unto all the peoples round about, and upon Judah also shall it be in the siege against Jerusalem.
RSV : "Lo, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup of reeling to all the peoples round about; it will be against Judah also in the siege against Jerusalem.
ASV : behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of reeling unto all the peoples round about, and upon Judah also shall it be in the siege against Jerusalem.
ESV : "Behold, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup of staggering to all the surrounding peoples. The siege of Jerusalem will also be against Judah.
ERVEN : "Look, I will make Jerusalem like a cup of poison to the nations around her. The nations will come and attack that city, and all of Judah will be caught in the trap.
BNV : আমি জেরুশালেমকে একটা ভারী পাথরের মত করে দেব| য়ে কেউ তাকে নিতে চেষ্টা করবে সেই ভেঙ্গে টুকরো টুকরো হয়ে যাবে| তারা কাটা পড়বে এবং তার দ্বারা তাদের আঁচড় লাগবে| তবু পৃথিবীর সমস্ত জাতি জেরুশালেমের বিরুদ্ধে যুদ্ধ করতে একত্রে আসবে|
KJV : And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
YLT : And it hath come to pass, in that day, I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone to all the peoples, All loading it are completely pressed down, And gathered against it have been all nations of the earth.
RV : And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all the peoples; all that burden themselves with it shall be sore wounded; and all the nations of the earth shall be gathered together against it.
RSV : On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it shall grievously hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will come together against it.
ASV : And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all the peoples; all that burden themselves with it shall be sore wounded; and all the nations of the earth shall be gathered together against it.
ESV : On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it.
ERVEN : But I will make Jerusalem like a heavy rock—those who try to take it will hurt themselves. They will be cut and scratched. All the nations on earth will come together to fight against Jerusalem.
BNV : সেই সময়ে আমি ঘোড়াদের ভীত করব এবং ঘোড়সওযাররা আতঙ্কগ্রস্ত হবে| আমি শএুপক্ষের সমস্ত ঘোড়াকে অন্ধ করে দেব, কিন্তু আমার চোখ খোলা থাকবে আর আমি যিহূদা পরিবারের উপর নজর রাখব|
KJV : In that day, saith the LORD, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness: and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the people with blindness.
YLT : In that day -- an affirmation of Jehovah, I do smite every horse with astonishment, And its rider with madness, And on the house of Judah I open My eyes, And every horse of the peoples I smite with blindness.
RV : In that day, saith the LORD, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness: and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the peoples with blindness.
RSV : On that day, says the LORD, I will strike every horse with panic, and its rider with madness. But upon the house of Judah I will open my eyes, when I strike every horse of the peoples with blindness.
ASV : In that day, saith Jehovah, I will smite every horse with terror, and his rider with madness; and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the peoples with blindness.
ESV : On that day, declares the LORD, I will strike every horse with panic, and its rider with madness. But for the sake of the house of Judah I will keep my eyes open, when I strike every horse of the peoples with blindness.
ERVEN : But at that time I will scare the horse, and the soldier riding it will panic. I will make all the enemy horses blind, but my eyes will be open—and I will be watching over Judah's family.
BNV : যিহূদা পরিবারের নেতারা লোকেদের উত্সাহিত করবে| তারা বলবে, ‘প্রভু সর্বশক্তিমানই আমাদের ঈশ্বর| তিনিই আমাদের বলবান করেন|’
KJV : And the governors of Judah shall say in their heart, The inhabitants of Jerusalem [shall be] my strength in the LORD of hosts their God.
YLT : And leaders of Judah have said in their heart, `Strength to me [are] the inhabitants of Jerusalem, In Jehovah of Hosts their God.`
RV : And the chieftains of Judah shall say in their heart, The inhabitants of Jerusalem are my strength in the LORD of hosts their God.
RSV : Then the clans of Judah shall say to themselves, `The inhabitants of Jerusalem have strength through the LORD of hosts, their God.'
ASV : And the chieftains of Judah shall say in their heart, The inhabitants of Jerusalem are my strength in Jehovah of hosts their God.
ESV : Then the clans of Judah shall say to themselves, 'The inhabitants of Jerusalem have strength through the LORD of hosts, their God.'
ERVEN : The leaders of Judah will encourage the people and say, 'The Lord All-Powerful is your God. He makes us strong.'
BNV : সেই সময়, আমি ঐ নেতাদের বনভূমির একটি আগুনের মত করে দেব| আগুন য়েমন খড়কে পুড়িয়ে ধ্বংস করে, ঠিক তেমনিভাবে তারা তাদের শএুদের সম্পূর্ণরূপে পুড়িয়ে দেবে| তাদের চারিদিকের শএুদেরও তারা ধ্বংস করবে| যাতে জেরুশালেমের লোকেরা আরাম করতে পারে|”
KJV : In that day will I make the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, [even] in Jerusalem.
YLT : In that day I make the leaders of Judah As a hearth of fire among trees, And as a torch of fire in a sheaf, And they have consumed -- on the right and on the left -- all the peoples round about, And Jerusalem hath inhabited again her place in Jerusalem.
RV : In that day will I make the chieftains of Judah like a pan of fire among wood, and like a torch of fire among sheaves; and they shall devour all the peoples round about, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall yet again dwell in her own place, even in Jerusalem.
RSV : "On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a blazing pot in the midst of wood, like a flaming torch among sheaves; and they shall devour to the right and to the left all the peoples round about, while Jerusalem shall still be inhabited in its place, in Jerusalem.
ASV : In that day will I make the chieftains of Judah like a pan of fire among wood, and like a flaming torch among sheaves; and they shall devour all the peoples round about, on the right hand and on the left; and they of Jerusalem shall yet again dwell in their own place, even in Jerusalem.
ESV : "On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a blazing pot in the midst of wood, like a flaming torch among sheaves. And they shall devour to the right and to the left all the surrounding peoples, while Jerusalem shall again be inhabited in its place, in Jerusalem.
ERVEN : At that time I will make the leaders of Judah like a fire burning in a forest. They will destroy their enemies like fire burning straw. They will destroy the enemy all around them, and the people in Jerusalem will again be able to sit back and relax."
BNV : প্রভু প্রথমে যিহূদার লোকেদের রক্ষা করবেন, আর তাই জেরুশালেমের লোকেরা আর বেশী বড়াই করতে পারবে না| দায়ূদের পরিবার ও জেরুশালেমে বসবাসকারী অন্য লোকেরাও বড়াই করে বলতে পারবে না য়ে তারা যিহূদার অন্য লোকেদের চাইতে ভাল|
KJV : The LORD also shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify [themselves] against Judah.
YLT : And saved hath Jehovah the tents of Judah first, So that become not great against Judah Doth the beauty of the house of David, And the beauty of the inhabitant of Jerusalem.
RV : The LORD also shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem be not magnified above Judah.
RSV : "And the LORD will give victory to the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem may not be exalted over that of Judah.
ASV : Jehovah also shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem be not magnified above Judah.
ESV : "And the LORD will give salvation to the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem may not surpass that of Judah.
ERVEN : The Lord will save the people of Judah first, so the people in Jerusalem will not be able to brag too much. David's family and the other people who live in Jerusalem will not be able to brag that they are better than the other people in Judah.
BNV : কিন্তু প্রভু জেরুশালেমের লোকদের প্রতিরক্ষা করবেন| এমনকি সবচেয়ে জবরজঙ লোকও দায়ূদের মত মহাবীর সৈন্য হয়ে উঠবে| দায়ূদ পরিবারের লোকেরা দেবতাদের তুল্য হবে| প্রভুর দূতদের মত, তাদের যুদ্ধক্ষেত্রে এগিয়ে দেবে|
KJV : In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David [shall be] as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.
YLT : In that day cover over doth Jehovah the inhabitant of Jerusalem, And the stumbling among them hath been in that day as David, And the house of David as God -- As a messenger of Jehovah -- before them.
RV : In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.
RSV : On that day the LORD will put a shield about the inhabitants of Jerusalem so that the feeblest among them on that day shall be like David, and the house of David shall be like God, like the angel of the LORD, at their head.
ASV : In that day shall Jehovah defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem: and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of Jehovah before them.
ESV : On that day the LORD will protect the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the feeblest among them on that day shall be like David, and the house of David shall be like God, like the angel of the LORD, going before them.
ERVEN : But the Lord will protect the people in Jerusalem. Even the man who trips and falls will become a great soldier like David. And the men from David's family will be like gods—like the Lord's own angel leading the people.
BNV : প্রভু বলেন, “সেই সময়ে জেরুশালেমের বিরুদ্ধে যুদ্ধ করতে য়েসব জাতি আসবে তাদের আমি ধ্বংস করব|
KJV : And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
YLT : And it hath come to pass, in that day, I seek to destroy all the nations Who are coming in against Jerusalem,
RV : And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
RSV : And on that day I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
ASV : And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
ESV : And on that day I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
ERVEN : The Lord says, "At that time I will destroy the nations that came to fight against Jerusalem.
BNV : আমি দায়ূদের ও পরিবারের সদস্যদের এবং জেরুশালেমে বাসকারী লোকেদের আমি ক্ষমাশীল ও দয়ায় ভরা আত্মা দেব| তারা আমার দিকে তাকাবে, সেই একজন যাকে তারা বিদ্ধ করেছিল এবং তারা বিলাপ করবে| একমাত্র পুত্রের বিয়োগে লোকে য়েমন শোক করে তারা সেরকম তীব্রভাবে কাঁদবে| একজনের প্রথমজাত পুত্রের মৃত্যুতে লোকে য়েমন শোক করে, তারা তেমনই শোক করবে|
KJV : And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for [his] only [son,] and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for [his] firstborn.
YLT : And I have poured on the house of David, And on the inhabitant of Jerusalem, A spirit of grace and supplications, And they have looked unto Me whom they pierced, And they have mourned over it, Like a mourning over the only one, And they have been in bitterness for it, Like a bitterness over the first-born.
RV : And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplication; and they shall look unto me whom they have pierced: and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
RSV : "And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of compassion and supplication, so that, when they look on him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him, as one weeps over a first-born.
ASV : And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplication; and they shall look unto me whom they have pierced; and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his first-born.
ESV : "And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look on me, on him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him, as one weeps over a firstborn.
ERVEN : I will fill David's family and the people living in Jerusalem with a spirit of kindness and mercy. They will look to me, the one they stabbed, and they will be very sad. They will be as sad as someone crying over the death of their only son, as sad as someone crying over the death of their firstborn son.
BNV : সেসময় জেরুশালেমে রোদন ও মহাশোকের দিন উপস্থিত হবে| মগিদ্দোন উপত্যকায় হদদ্-রিম্মোণের মৃত্যুতে লোকে য়েমন রোদন করেছিল এসময় সেরকমই হবে|
KJV : In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon.
YLT : In that day, great is the mourning of Jerusalem, As the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon,
RV : In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon.
RSV : On that day the mourning in Jerusalem will be as great as the mourning for Hadadrimmon in the plain of Megiddo.
ASV : In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon.
ESV : On that day the mourning in Jerusalem will be as great as the mourning for Hadad-rimmon in the plain of Megiddo.
ERVEN : There will be a time of great sadness and crying in Jerusalem. It will be like the time people cry over the death of Hadad Rimmon in Megiddo Valley.
BNV : প্রতিটি পরিবার নিজে থেকেই দুঃখে শোক করবে| দায়ূদ পরিবারের পুরুষ সদস্যরা নিজে থেকেই শোক করবে এবং তাদের স্ত্রীরা নিজে থেকেই রোদন করবে| নাথন পরিবারের পুরুষ সদস্যরা নিজের থেকেই শোক করবে এবং তাদের স্ত্রীরা পৃথক পৃথক ভাবে কাঁদবে|
KJV : And the land shall mourn, every family apart; the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart;
YLT : And mourned hath the land -- every family apart, The family of the house of David apart, And their women apart; The family of the house of Nathan apart, And their women apart;
RV : And the land shall mourn, every family apart; the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart;
RSV : The land shall mourn, each family by itself; the family of the house of David by itself, and their wives by themselves; the family of the house of Nathan by itself, and their wives by themselves;
ASV : And the land shall mourn, every family apart; the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart;
ESV : The land shall mourn, each family by itself: the family of the house of David by itself, and their wives by themselves; the family of the house of Nathan by itself, and their wives by themselves;
ERVEN : Each and every family will cry by itself. The men in David's family will cry by themselves, and their wives will cry by themselves. The men in Nathan's family will cry by themselves, and their wives will cry by themselves.
BNV : লেবির পরিবারের পুরুষ সদস্যরা নিজের থেকেই শোক করবে ও তাদের স্ত্রীরাও নিজে থেকেই কাঁদবে| শিমিযন পরিবারের পুরুষ সদস্যরা নিজে থেকেই শোক করবে এবং তাদের স্ত্রীরাও নিজে থেকেই কাঁদবে|
KJV : The family of the house of Levi apart, and their wives apart; the family of Shimei apart, and their wives apart;
YLT : The family of the house of Levi apart, And their women apart; The family of Shimei apart, And their women apart,
RV : the family of the house of Levi apart, and their wives apart; the family of the Shimeites apart, and their wives apart;
RSV : the family of the house of Levi by itself, and their wives by themselves; the family of the Shimeites by itself, and their wives by themselves;
ASV : the family of the house of Levi apart, and their wives apart; the family of the Shimeites apart, and their wives apart;
ESV : the family of the house of Levi by itself, and their wives by themselves; the family of the Shimeites by itself, and their wives by themselves;
ERVEN : The men in Levi's family will cry by themselves, and their wives will cry by themselves. The men in Simeon's family will cry by themselves, and their wives will cry by themselves.
BNV : অন্যান্য পরিবারগোষ্ঠীর ক্ষেত্রেও সেই একই ব্যাপার হবে| পুরুষেরা ও স্ত্রীলোকেরা নিজে থেকেই কাঁদবে|”
KJV : All the families that remain, every family apart, and their wives apart.
YLT : All the families that are left, Every family apart, and their women apart!
RV : all the families that remain, every family apart, and their wives apart.
RSV : and all the families that are left, each by itself, and their wives by themselves.
ASV : all the families that remain, every family apart, and their wives apart.
ESV : and all the families that are left, each by itself, and their wives by themselves.
ERVEN : And the same thing will happen in all the other tribes. The men and women will cry by themselves."

