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Proverbs Chapters

Proverbs 20 Verses

BNV : দ্রাক্ষারস খেলে মানুষ তার নিয়ন্ত্রণ হারায| মাতালরা চিত্কার করে এবং ঘ্য়ান ঘ্য়ান করতে শুরু করে| মদনোন্মত্ত অবস্থায় তারা মূর্খের মত আচরণ করে|
KJV : Wine [is] a mocker, strong drink [is] raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.
YLT : Wine [is] a scorner -- strong drink [is] noisy, And any going astray in it is not wise.
RV : Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler; and whosoever erreth thereby is not wise.
RSV : Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler; and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.
ASV : Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler; And whosoever erreth thereby is not wise.
ESV : Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.
ERVEN : Wine and beer make people lose control; they get loud and stumble around. And that is foolish.
BNV : সিংহের গর্জনের মত রাজার ক্রোধ| তুমি যদি রাজাকে ক্রুদ্ধ করো তাহলে তোমার জীবন সংশয় হতে পারে|
KJV : The fear of a king [is] as the roaring of a lion: [whoso] provoketh him to anger sinneth [against] his own soul.
YLT : The fear of a king [is] a growl as of a young lion, He who is causing him to be wroth is wronging his soul.
RV : The terror of a king is as the roaring of a lion: he that provoketh him to anger sinneth {cf15i against} his own life.
RSV : The dread wrath of a king is like the growling of a lion; he who provokes him to anger forfeits his life.
ASV : The terror of a king is as the roaring of a lion: He that provoketh him to anger sinneth against his own life.
ESV : The terror of a king is like the growling of a lion; whoever provokes him to anger forfeits his life.
ERVEN : An angry king is like a roaring lion. If you make him angry, you could lose your life.
BNV : মূঢ়রা তর্ক শুরু করবার ব্যাপারে খুব তত্‌পর| সুতরাং তোমাকে এমন এক জনকে সম্মান করতে হবে য়ে তর্ককে এড়িয়ে চলতে পারে|
KJV : [It is] an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling.
YLT : An honour to a man is cessation from strife, And every fool intermeddleth.
RV : It is an honour for a man to keep aloof from strife: but every fool will be quarrelling.
RSV : It is an honor for a man to keep aloof from strife; but every fool will be quarreling.
ASV : It is an honor for a man to keep aloof from strife; But every fool will be quarrelling.
ESV : It is an honor for a man to keep aloof from strife, but every fool will be quarreling.
ERVEN : People who refuse to argue deserve respect. Any fool can start an argument.
BNV : এক জন অলস ব্যক্তি কর্ষনের সময় বীজ বপন করে না| সুতরাং ফসল ঘরে তোলার উত্সবের সময় যখন সে খাবারের জন্য চারিদিকে তাকায তখন সে কিছুই খুঁজে পায় না|
KJV : The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; [therefore] shall he beg in harvest, and [have] nothing.
YLT : Because of winter the slothful plougheth not, He asketh in harvest, and there is nothing.
RV : The slothful will not plow by reason of the winter; therefore he shall beg in harvest, and have nothing.
RSV : The sluggard does not plow in the autumn; he will seek at harvest and have nothing.
ASV : The sluggard will not plow by reason of the winter; Therefore he shall beg in harvest, and have nothing.
ESV : The sluggard does not plow in the autumn; he will seek at harvest and have nothing.
ERVEN : Some people are too lazy to plant seeds. So at harvest time, they look for food and find nothing.
BNV : ভাল উপদেশ হল গভীর কুযো থেকে তুলে আনা স্বচ্ছ জলের মত| এক জন জ্ঞানী ব্যক্তি অন্য আর একজনের কাছ থেকে শেখবার জন্য কঠিন পরিশ্রম করে|
KJV : Counsel in the heart of man [is like] deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.
YLT : Counsel in the heart of a man [is] deep water, And a man of understanding draweth it up.
RV : Counsel in the heart of man is {cf15i like} deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.
RSV : The purpose in a man's mind is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.
ASV : Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; But a man of understanding will draw it out.
ESV : The purpose in a man's heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.
ERVEN : Getting information from someone can be like getting water from a deep well. If you are smart, you will draw it out.
BNV : অনেকেই বলে তারা বিশ্বস্ত এবং অনুগত| কিন্তু প্রকৃত বিশ্বস্ত লোক খুঁজে পাওয়া খুবই কঠিন|
KJV : Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?
YLT : A multitude of men proclaim each his kindness, And a man of stedfastness who doth find?
RV : Most men wilt proclaim every one his own kindness: but a faithful man who can find?
RSV : Many a man proclaims his own loyalty, but a faithful man who can find?
ASV : Most men will proclaim every one his own kindness; But a faithful man who can find?
ESV : Many a man proclaims his own steadfast love, but a faithful man who can find?
ERVEN : You might call many people your "friends," but it is hard to find someone who can really be trusted.
BNV : এক জন সজ্জন ব্যক্তি সত্‌পথে জীবন কাটায়| এবং তার সন্তানরা আশীর্বাদ ধন্য হবে|
KJV : The just [man] walketh in his integrity: his children [are] blessed after him.
YLT : The righteous is walking habitually in his integrity, O the happiness of his sons after him!
RV : A just man that walketh in his integrity, blessed are his children after him.
RSV : A righteous man who walks in his integrity -- blessed are his sons after him!
ASV : A righteous man that walketh in his integrity, Blessed are his children after him.
ESV : The righteous who walks in his integrity- blessed are his children after him!
ERVEN : When people live good, honest lives, their children are blessed.
BNV : রাজা যখন বিচারে বসে তখন সে নিজের চোখে দুর্জন ব্যক্তিদের চিনতে পারে|
KJV : A king that sitteth in the throne of judgment scattereth away all evil with his eyes.
YLT : A king sitting on a throne of judgment, Is scattering with his eyes all evil,
RV : A king that sitteth on the throne of judgment scattereth away all evil with his eyes.
RSV : A king who sits on the throne of judgment winnows all evil with his eyes.
ASV : A king that sitteth on the throne of judgment Scattereth away all evil with his eyes.
ESV : A king who sits on the throne of judgment winnows all evil with his eyes.
ERVEN : When the king sits and judges people, he must look carefully to separate the evil from the good.
BNV : কেউ কি একথা বলতে পারে য়ে তার একটি স্বচ্ছ বিবেক আছে? এবং সে কোন পাপ করেনি? না!
KJV : Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?
YLT : Who saith, `I have purified my heart, I have been cleansed from my sin?`
RV : Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?
RSV : Who can say, "I have made my heart clean; I am pure from my sin"?
ASV : Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?
ESV : Who can say, "I have made my heart pure; I am clean from my sin"?
ERVEN : Can anyone say their heart is pure? Who can say, "I am free from sin"?
BNV : অন্যায় ভাবে যারা ব্যবসায় ওজন নিয়ে কারচুপি করে লোক ঠকায়, প্রভু তাদের ঘৃণা করেন|
KJV : Divers weights, [and] divers measures, both of them [are] alike abomination to the LORD.
YLT : A stone and a stone, an ephah and an ephah, Even both of them [are] an abomination to Jehovah.
RV : Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.
RSV : Diverse weights and diverse measures are both alike an abomination to the LORD.
ASV : Diverse weights, and diverse measures, Both of them alike are an abomination to Jehovah.
ESV : Unequal weights and unequal measures are both alike an abomination to the LORD.
ERVEN : The Lord hates for people to use the wrong weights and measures to cheat others.
BNV : এমনকি একটি শিশুর কাজকর্মেও বোঝা যায় য়ে সে ভাল না মন্দ| তুমি যদি একটি শিশুর আচরণ লক্ষ্য কর, সে সত্‌ ও ভাল কিনা তা তুমি বুঝতে পারবে|
KJV : Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work [be] pure, and whether [it be] right.
YLT : Even by his actions a youth maketh himself known, Whether his work be pure or upright.
RV : Even a child maketh himself known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.
RSV : Even a child makes himself known by his acts, whether what he does is pure and right.
ASV : Even a child maketh himself known by his doings, Whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.
ESV : Even a child makes himself known by his acts, by whether his conduct is pure and upright.
ERVEN : Even children show what they are like by the things they do. You can see if their actions are pure and right.
BNV : আমাদের শরীরের চোখ এবং কান এই ইন্দরিয় দুটি প্রভুই আমাদের দিয়েছেন যাতে আমরা দেখতে ও শুনতে পাই|
KJV : The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them.
YLT : A hearing ear, and a seeing eye, Jehovah hath made even both of them.
RV : The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them.
RSV : The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the LORD has made them both.
ASV : The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, Jehovah hath made even both of them.
ESV : The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the LORD has made them both.
ERVEN : It was the Lord who gave us eyes for seeing and ears for hearing.
BNV : তুমি যদি ঘুমোনোর পিছনে সময় ব্যয় কর তাহলে তুমি দারিদ্রে কষ্ট পাবে| কিন্তু যদি তুমি তোমার সময় কঠোর পরিশ্রমে ব্যয় কর তাহলে তোমার খাদ্যের অভাব হবে না|
KJV : Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty; open thine eyes, [and] thou shalt be satisfied with bread.
YLT : Love not sleep, lest thou become poor, Open thine eyes -- be satisfied [with] bread.
RV : Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty; open thine eyes, {cf15i and} thou shalt be satisfied with bread.
RSV : Love not sleep, lest you come to poverty; open your eyes, and you will have plenty of bread.
ASV : Love not sleep, let thou come to poverty; Open thine eyes, and thou shalt be satisfied with bread.
ESV : Love not sleep, lest you come to poverty; open your eyes, and you will have plenty of bread.
ERVEN : If you love to sleep, you will become poor. Use your time working and you will have plenty to eat.
BNV : তোমার কাছ তেকে কেউ যখন কিছু কিনতে যায় তখন সে বলে: “দাম বড্ড বেশী! এ জিনিস ভাল নয়|” তারপর সে অন্যদের কাছে গিয়ে নিজের বাজার করার কথা বড়াই করে বলে|
KJV : [It is] naught, [it is] naught, saith the buyer: but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth.
YLT : `Bad, bad,` saith the buyer, And going his way then he boasteth himself.
RV : It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer: but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth.
RSV : "It is bad, it is bad," says the buyer; but when he goes away, then he boasts.
ASV : It is bad, it is bad, saith the buyer; But when he is gone his way, then he boasteth.
ESV : "Bad, Bad," says the buyer, but when he goes away, then he boasts.
ERVEN : When buying something, people always say, "It's no good. It costs too much." Then they go away and tell others what a good deal they got.
BNV : সোনা এবং অলঙ্কার এক জন মানুষকে ধনী করে তুলতে পারে| কিন্তু একজন জ্ঞানী ব্যক্তি যা উচ্চারণ করেন তা অনেক বেশী দামী|
KJV : There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge [are] a precious jewel.
YLT : Substance, gold, and a multitude of rubies, Yea, a precious vessel, [are] lips of knowledge.
RV : There is gold, and abundance of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.
RSV : There is gold, and abundance of costly stones; but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.
ASV : There is gold, and abundance of rubies; But the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.
ESV : There is gold and abundance of costly stones, but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.
ERVEN : The right knowledge can bring you gold, pearls, and other expensive things.
BNV : অন্য লোকের বিবাদে জড়িয়ে পড়লে তুমি তোমার জামা হারাতে পারো|
KJV : Take his garment that is surety [for] a stranger: and take a pledge of him for a strange woman.
YLT : Take his garment when a stranger hath been surety, And for strangers pledge it.
RV : Take his garment that is surety for a stranger; and hold him in pledge {cf15i that is surety} for strangers.
RSV : Take a man's garment when he has given surety for a stranger, and hold him in pledge when he gives surety for foreigners.
ASV : Take his garment that is surety for a stranger; And hold him in pledge that is surety for foreigners.
ESV : Take a man's garment when he has put up security for a stranger, and hold it in pledge when he puts up security for foreigners.
ERVEN : If someone promises to pay the debt of a stranger, get a coat or something from him to keep until the debt is paid.
BNV : প্রতারণা করে জিনিস পাওয়া হয়তো ভালো মনে হতে পারে কিন্তু অবশেষে দেখবে য়ে তার কোন দাম নেই|
KJV : Bread of deceit [is] sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.
YLT : Sweet to a man [is] the bread of falsehood, And afterwards is his mouth filled [with] gravel.
RV : Bread of falsehood is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.
RSV : Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man, but afterward his mouth will be full of gravel.
ASV : Bread of falsehood is sweet to a man; But afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.
ESV : Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man, but afterward his mouth will be full of gravel.
ERVEN : It may seem to be a good thing to get something by cheating, but in the end, it will be worth nothing.
BNV : পরিকল্পনা করার আগে সত্‌ উপদেশ গ্রহণ করো| যদি তুমি যুদ্ধে যাওয়া স্থির কর, তাহলে তোমাকে চালনা করার জন্য যুদ্ধে দক্ষ এমন লোক খুঁজে বের কর|
KJV : [Every] purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war.
YLT : Purposes by counsel thou dost establish, And with plans make thou war.
RV : Every purpose is established by counsel: and by wise guidance make thou war,
RSV : Plans are established by counsel; by wise guidance wage war.
ASV : Every purpose is established by counsel; And by wise guidance make thou war.
ESV : Plans are established by counsel; by wise guidance wage war.
ERVEN : Get good advice when you make your plans. Before you start a war, find good advisors.
BNV : য়ে অন্যের সম্বন্ধে গুজব রটায় সে বিশ্বাসযোগ্য নয়| সুতরাং, বেশী কথা বলে এমন কারো সঙ্গে বন্ধুত্ব কোরো না|
KJV : He that goeth about [as] a talebearer revealeth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips.
YLT : A revealer of secret counsels is the busybody, And for a deceiver [with] his lips make not thyself surety.
RV : He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that openeth wide his lips.
RSV : He who goes about gossiping reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with one who speaks foolishly.
ASV : He that goeth about as a tale-bearer revealeth secrets; Therefore company not with him that openeth wide his lips.
ESV : Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with a simple babbler.
ERVEN : You cannot trust someone who would talk about things told in private. So don't be friends with someone who talks too much.
BNV : য়ে নিজের পিতামাতার বিরুদ্ধে কথা বলে সে হল সেই ধরণের আলো যা শীঘ্রই অন্ধকারে পরিণত হবে|
KJV : Whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness.
YLT : Whoso is vilifying his father and his mother, Extinguished is his lamp in blackness of darkness.
RV : Whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in the blackest darkness.
RSV : If one curses his father or his mother, his lamp will be put out in utter darkness.
ASV : Whoso curseth his father or his mother, His lamp shall be put out in blackness of darkness.
ESV : If one curses his father or his mother, his lamp will be put out in utter darkness.
ERVEN : Those who would curse their father or mother are like a lamp that goes out on the darkest night.
BNV : সহজে অর্জিত ধন অবশেষে তার মূল্য হারাবে|
KJV : An inheritance [may be] gotten hastily at the beginning; but the end thereof shall not be blessed.
YLT : An inheritance gotten wrongly at first, Even its latter end is not blessed.
RV : An inheritance {cf15i may be} gotten hastily at the beginning; but the end thereof shall not be blessed.
RSV : An inheritance gotten hastily in the beginning will in the end not be blessed.
ASV : An inheritance may be gotten hastily at the beginning; But the end thereof shall not be blessed.
ESV : An inheritance gained hastily in the beginning will not be blessed in the end.
ERVEN : If your wealth was easy to get, it will not be worth much to you.
BNV : কেউ যদি তোমার বিরুদ্ধে কিছু করে থাকে তাহলে তুমি তাকে শাস্তি দিতে য়েও না| বরং ধৈর্য়্য় ধরো প্রভু শেষে তোমাকেই জয়ী করবেন|
KJV : Say not thou, I will recompense evil; [but] wait on the LORD, and he shall save thee.
YLT : Do not say, `I recompense evil,` Wait for Jehovah, and He delivereth thee.
RV : Say not thou, I will recompense evil: wait on the LORD, and he shall save thee.
RSV : Do not say, "I will repay evil"; wait for the LORD, and he will help you.
ASV : Say not thou, I will recompense evil: Wait for Jehovah, and he will save thee.
ESV : Do not say, "I will repay evil"; wait for the LORD, and he will deliver you.
ERVEN : Don't ever say, "I'll pay them back for what they did to me!" Wait for the Lord. He will make things right.
BNV : কিছু ব্যবসাযী ওজনের দাঁড়িপাল্লায় কিছু কৌশল করে লোক ঠকায়| প্রভু সেটা ঘৃণা করেন| য়ে সব দাঁড়িপাল্লা নিখুঁত নয় সেগুলো ব্যবহার করা অন্যায়|
KJV : Divers weights [are] an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance [is] not good.
YLT : An abomination to Jehovah [are] a stone and a stone, And balances of deceit [are] not good.
RV : Divers weights are an abomination to the LORD; and a false balance is not good.
RSV : Diverse weights are an abomination to the LORD, and false scales are not good.
ASV : Diverse weights are an abomination to Jehovah; And a false balance is not good.
ESV : Unequal weights are an abomination to the LORD, and false scales are not good.
ERVEN : The Lord hates for people to use the wrong weights to cheat others. It is wrong to use scales that are not accurate.
BNV : প্রতিটি লোকের কি হবে তা প্রভু ঠিক করেন| তাহলে কোন ব্যক্তি কি করে বুঝবে তার জীবনে কি কি ঘটবে?
KJV : Man’s goings [are] of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way?
YLT : From Jehovah [are] the steps of a man, And man -- how understandeth he his way?
RV : A man-s goings are of the LORD; how then can man understand his way?
RSV : A man's steps are ordered by the LORD; how then can man understand his way?
ASV : A mans goings are of Jehovah; How then can man understand his way?
ESV : A man's steps are from the LORD; how then can man understand his way?
ERVEN : The Lord guides our steps, and we never know where he will lead us.
BNV : ঈশ্বরকে কিছু দেবার প্রতিজ্ঞা করার আগে চিন্তা করে দেখো| নাহলে পরে হয়তো তুমি ভাবতে পারো য়ে এমন প্রতিজ্ঞা না করলেই হত|
KJV : [It is] a snare to the man [who] devoureth [that which is] holy, and after vows to make enquiry.
YLT : A snare to a man [is] he hath swallowed a holy thing, And after vows to make inquiry.
RV : It is a snare to a man rashly to say, {cf15i It is} holy, and after vows to make inquiry.
RSV : It is a snare for a man to say rashly, "It is holy," and to reflect only after making his vows.
ASV : It is a snare to a man rashly to say, It is holy, And after vows to make inquiry.
ESV : It is a snare to say rashly, "It is holy," and to reflect only after making vows.
ERVEN : Think carefully before you promise to give something to God. Later, you might wish you had not made that promise.
BNV : জ্ঞানী রাজাই ঠিক করবেন কারা দুর্জন ব্যক্তি| সেই রাজাই তাদের শাস্তি প্রদান করবেন|
KJV : A wise king scattereth the wicked, and bringeth the wheel over them.
YLT : A wise king is scattering the wicked, And turneth back on them the wheel.
RV : A wise king winnoweth the wicked, and bringeth the {cf15i threshing} wheel over them.
RSV : A wise king winnows the wicked, and drives the wheel over them.
ASV : A wise king winnoweth the wicked, And bringeth the threshing -wheel over them.
ESV : A wise king winnows the wicked and drives the wheel over them.
ERVEN : Like a farmer who separates wheat from the chaff, a wise king will decide who is wrong and crush them.
BNV : মানুষের আত্মা হল প্রভুর কাছে থাকা প্রদীপ| প্রভু হলেন অন্তর্য়ামী| কার মনে কি আছে তিনি সব জানেন|
KJV : The spirit of man [is] the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.
YLT : The breath of man [is] a lamp of Jehovah, Searching all the inner parts of the heart.
RV : The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, searching all the innermost parts of the belly.
RSV : The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, searching all his innermost parts.
ASV : The spirit of man is the lamp of Jehovah, Searching all his innermost parts.
ESV : The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, searching all his innermost parts.
ERVEN : Your spirit is like a lamp to the Lord. He is able to see into your deepest parts.
BNV : যদি এক জন রাজা সত্‌ ও সত্যবাদী হয় তাহলে সে তার ক্ষমতায থাকতে পারবে| বিশ্বস্ততা তার রাজ্য়কে শক্তিশালী করে তুলবে|
KJV : Mercy and truth preserve the king: and his throne is upholden by mercy.
YLT : Kindness and truth keep a king, And he hath supported by kindness his throne.
RV : Mercy and truth preserve the king: and his throne is upholden by mercy.
RSV : Loyalty and faithfulness preserve the king, and his throne is upheld by righteousness.
ASV : Kindness and truth preserve the king; And his throne is upholden by kindness.
ESV : Steadfast love and faithfulness preserve the king, and by steadfast love his throne is upheld.
ERVEN : A king who is loyal and true will keep his power. Loyalty will keep his kingdom strong.
BNV : এক জন যুবকের শক্তির শোভাকে আমরা পছন্দ করি| কিন্তু একজন বৃদ্ধের পাকা চুলকে আমরা সম্মান জানাই| কারণ তার মাথা ভর্তি পাকা চুল প্রমাণ করে য়ে সে একটি পূর্ণ জীবন পেয়েছে|
KJV : The glory of young men [is] their strength: and the beauty of old men [is] the grey head.
YLT : The beauty of young men is their strength, And the honour of old men is grey hairs.
RV : The glory of young men is their strength: and the beauty of old men is the hoary head.
RSV : The glory of young men is their strength, but the beauty of old men is their gray hair.
ASV : The glory of young men is their strength; And the beauty of old men is the hoary head.
ESV : The glory of young men is their strength, but the splendor of old men is their gray hair.
ERVEN : We admire a young man for his strength, but we respect an old man for his gray hair.
BNV : যদি আমরা শাস্তি পাই তাহলে আমরা অন্যায় কাজ করা বন্ধ করব| যন্ত্রণা মানুষকে বদলে দিতে পারে|
KJV : The blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil: so [do] stripes the inward parts of the belly.
YLT : The bandages of a wound thou removest with the evil, Also the plagues of the inner parts of the heart!
RV : Stripes that wound cleanse away evil: and strokes {cf15i reach} the innermost parts of the belly.
RSV : Blows that wound cleanse away evil; strokes make clean the innermost parts.
ASV : Stripes that wound cleanse away evil; And strokes reach the innermost parts.
ESV : Blows that wound cleanse away evil; strokes make clean the innermost parts.
ERVEN : A beating can remove evil and make you completely clean.

