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Numbers Chapters

Numbers 7 Verses

BNV : মোশি পবিত্র তাঁবুর স্থাপনের কাজ সম্পন্ন করে এটিকে প্রভুর কাছে উত্সর্গ করল| পবিত্র তাঁবু এবং তার ভেতরের সমস্ত দ্রব্যসামগ্রীকে মোশি অভিষেক করল| বেদী এবং তার সঙ্গে ব্যবহার্য়্য় অন্যান্য দ্রব্যসামগ্রীকেও মোশি অভিষেক ও পবিত্র করল| এতে বোঝানো হল যে, এই সব দ্রব্যসামগ্রী কেবলমাত্র প্রভুর উপাসনার জন্যই ব্যবহৃত হবে|
KJV : And it came to pass on the day that Moses had fully set up the tabernacle, and had anointed it, and sanctified it, and all the instruments thereof, both the altar and all the vessels thereof, and had anointed them, and sanctified them;
YLT : And it cometh to pass on the day of Moses` finishing setting up the tabernacle, that he anointeth it, and sanctifieth it, and all its vessels, and the altar, and all its vessels, and he anointeth them, and sanctifieth them,
RV : And it came to pass on the day that Moses had made an end of setting up the tabernacle, and had anointed it and sanctified it, and all the furniture thereof, and the altar and all the vessels thereof, and had anointed them and sanctified them;
RSV : On the day when Moses had finished setting up the tabernacle, and had anointed and consecrated it with all its furnishings, and had anointed and consecrated the altar with all its utensils,
ASV : And it came to pass on the day that Moses had made an end of setting up the tabernacle, and had anointed it and sanctified it, and all the furniture thereof, and the altar and all the vessels thereof, and had anointed them and sanctified them;
ESV : On the day when Moses had finished setting up the tabernacle and had anointed and consecrated it with all its furnishings and had anointed and consecrated the altar with all its utensils,
ERVEN : Moses finished setting up the Holy Tent. On that day he dedicated it to the Lord. Moses anointed the Tent and everything in it. He also anointed the altar and all the things used with it. This showed that these things should be used only for worshiping the Lord.
BNV : এরপর ইস্রায়েলের নেতাগণ প্রভুকে তাদের নৈবেদ্য প্রদান করল| এই সকল নেতারা ছিল তাদেরই পরিবারের কর্তা এবং তাদের গোষ্ঠীর নেতা| এই সব লোকরা হল তারাই যাদের লোকসংখ্যা গণনা করার দায়িত্ব ছিল|
KJV : That the princes of Israel, heads of the house of their fathers, who [were] the princes of the tribes, and were over them that were numbered, offered:
YLT : and the princes of Israel (heads of the house of their fathers, they [are] princes of the tribes, they who are standing over those numbered) bring near,
RV : that the princes of Israel, the heads of their fathers- houses, offered; these were the princes of the tribes, these are they that were over them that were numbered:
RSV : the leaders of Israel, heads of their fathers' houses, the leaders of the tribes, who were over those who were numbered,
ASV : that the princes of Israel, the heads of their fathers houses, offered. These were the princes of the tribes, these are they that were over them that were numbered:
ESV : the chiefs of Israel, heads of their fathers' houses, who were the chiefs of the tribes, who were over those who were listed, approached
ERVEN : Then the leaders of Israel gave offerings to the Lord. These men were the heads of their families and leaders of their tribes. These were the same men who were in charge of counting the people.
BNV : এই সব লোকরা প্রভুর কাছে উপহার এনেছিল| তারা ছয়টি আচ্ছাদিত শকট এবং সেই শকটগুলিকে চালানোর জন্য বারোটি গরু এনেছিল| (প্রত্যেক নেতা একটি করে গরু দিয়েছিল| প্রত্যেক নেতা অপর আরেক নেতার সঙ্গে একসঙ্গে একটি করে শকট দিয়েছিল|) পবিত্র তাঁবুতেই নেতারা প্রভুকে এই সব দ্রব্যসামগ্রী দিয়েছিল|
KJV : And they brought their offering before the LORD, six covered wagons, and twelve oxen; a wagon for two of the princes, and for each one an ox: and they brought them before the tabernacle.
YLT : yea, they bring their offering before Jehovah, six waggons covered, and twelve oxen -- a waggon for two of the princes, and an ox for one -- and they bring them near before the tabernacle.
RV : and they brought their oblation before the LORD, six covered wagons, and twelve oxen; a wagon for every two of the princes, and for each one an ox: and they presented them before the tabernacle.
RSV : offered and brought their offerings before the LORD, six covered wagons and twelve oxen, a wagon for every two of the leaders, and for each one an ox; they offered them before the tabernacle.
ASV : and they brought their oblation before Jehovah, six covered wagons, and twelve oxen; a wagon for every two of the princes, and for each one an ox: and they presented them before the tabernacle.
ESV : and brought their offerings before the LORD, six wagons and twelve oxen, a wagon for every two of the chiefs, and for each one an ox. They brought them before the tabernacle.
ERVEN : These leaders brought gifts to the Lord. They brought six covered wagons and twelve oxen for pulling the wagons. (One ox was given by each leader. Each leader joined with another leader to give one wagon.) The leaders gave these things to the Lord at the Holy Tent.
BNV : প্রভু মোশিকে বললেন,
KJV : And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
YLT : And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses, saying,
RV : And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
RSV : Then the LORD said to Moses,
ASV : And Jehovah spake unto Moses, saying,
ESV : Then the LORD said to Moses,
ERVEN : The Lord said to Moses,
BNV : “নেতাদের কাছ থেকে এই সব উপহারসামগ্রী গ্রহণ করো| সমাগম তাঁবুর কাজে এইসব উপহারসামগ্রী ব্যবহার করা যাবে| লেবীয়দের এই সব জিনিসপত্র দিয়ে দাও| এই জিনিসগুলি তাদের প্রযোজন হবে|”
KJV : Take [it] of them, that they may be to do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation; and thou shalt give them unto the Levites, to every man according to his service.
YLT : `Receive from them, and they have been to do the service of the tent of meeting, and thou hast given them unto the Levites, each according to his service.`
RV : Take it of them, that they may be to do the service of the tent of meeting; and thou shalt give them unto the Levites, to every man according to his service.
RSV : "Accept these from them, that they may be used in doing the service of the tent of meeting, and give them to the Levites, to each man according to his service."
ASV : Take it of them, that they may be used in doing the service of the tent of meeting; and thou shalt give them unto the Levites, to every man according to his service.
ESV : "Accept these from them, that they may be used in the service of the tent of meeting, and give them to the Levites, to each man according to his service."
ERVEN : "Accept these gifts from the leaders. These gifts can be used in the work of the Meeting Tent. Give them to the Levites to help them do their work."
BNV : তাম্প মোশি শকটগুলি এবং গরুগুলোকে গ্রহণ করে ঐগুলো লেবীয় পরিবারভুক্তদের দিয়ে দিয়েছিল|
KJV : And Moses took the wagons and the oxen, and gave them unto the Levites.
YLT : And Moses taketh the waggons and the oxen, and giveth them unto the Levites.
RV : And Moses took the wagons and the oxen, and gave them unto the Levites.
RSV : So Moses took the wagons and the oxen, and gave them to the Levites.
ASV : And Moses took the wagons and the oxen, and gave them unto the Levites.
ESV : So Moses took the wagons and the oxen and gave them to the Levites.
ERVEN : So Moses accepted the wagons and the oxen and gave them to the Levites.
BNV : মোশি গের্শোন গোষ্ঠীভুক্ত লোকদের দুটি গাড়ী এবং চারটি গরু দিয়েছিল|
KJV : Two wagons and four oxen he gave unto the sons of Gershon, according to their service:
YLT : The two of the waggons and the four of the oxen he hath given to the sons of Gershon, according to their service,
RV : Two wagons and four oxen he gave unto the sons of Gershon, according to their service:
RSV : Two wagons and four oxen he gave to the sons of Gershon, according to their service;
ASV : Two wagons and four oxen he gave unto the sons of Gershon, according to their service:
ESV : Two wagons and four oxen he gave to the sons of Gershon, according to their service.
ERVEN : He gave two wagons and four oxen to the men in Gershon's group. They needed the wagons and the oxen for their work.
BNV : এরপর মোশি মরারি গোষ্ঠীভুক্ত লোকদের চারটি গাড়ী এবং আটটি গরু দিয়েছিল| তাদের কাজের জন্য এই শকট ও গরুর তাদের প্রযোজন ছিল| যাজক হারোণের পুত্র ঈথামর এইসব ব্যক্তিদের কাজকর্মের জন্য দাযবদ্ধ ছিল|
KJV : And four wagons and eight oxen he gave unto the sons of Merari, according unto their service, under the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
YLT : and the four of the waggons and the eight of the oxen he hath given to the sons of Merari, according to their service, by the hand of Ithamar son of Aaron the priest;
RV : and four wagons and eight oxen he gave unto the sons of Merari, according unto their service, under the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
RSV : and four wagons and eight oxen he gave to the sons of Merari, according to their service, under the direction of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
ASV : and four wagons and eight oxen he gave unto the sons of Merari, according unto their service, under the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
ESV : And four wagons and eight oxen he gave to the sons of Merari, according to their service, under the direction of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
ERVEN : Then Moses gave four wagons and eight oxen to the men in Merari's group. They needed the wagons and oxen for their work. Ithamar son of Aaron the priest was responsible for the work of all these men.
BNV : মোশি কহাতের পরিবারগোষ্ঠীকে একটিও গরু অথবা গাড়ি দেয নি, কারণ তাদের কাজ ছিল পবিত্র দ্রব্যসামগ্রী নিজেদের কাঁধেই বহন করা|
KJV : But unto the sons of Kohath he gave none: because the service of the sanctuary belonging unto them [was that] they should bear upon their shoulders.
YLT : and to the sons of Kohath he hath not given, for the service of the sanctuary [is] on them: on the shoulder they bear.
RV : But unto the sons of Kohath he gave none: because the service of the sanctuary belonged unto them; they bare it upon their shoulders.
RSV : But to the sons of Kohath he gave none, because they were charged with the care of the holy things which had to be carried on the shoulder.
ASV : But unto the sons of Kohath he gave none, because the service of the sanctuary belonged unto them; they bare it upon their shoulders.
ESV : But to the sons of Kohath he gave none, because they were charged with the service of the holy things that had to be carried on the shoulder.
ERVEN : Moses did not give any oxen or wagons to the men in Kohath's group, because their job was to carry the holy things on their shoulders.
BNV : মোশি বেদীকে অভিষেক করেছিল| ঐ একই দিনে বেদীটিকে উত্সর্গ করার জন্য নেতারা তাদের নৈবেদ্য নিয়ে এসেছিল| তারা বেদীতে প্রভুকে তাদের নৈবেদ্য প্রদান করেছিল|
KJV : And the princes offered for dedicating of the altar in the day that it was anointed, even the princes offered their offering before the altar.
YLT : And the princes bring near the dedication of the altar in the day of its being anointed; yea, the princes bring near their offering before the altar.
RV : And the princes offered for the dedication of the altar in the day that it was anointed, even the princes offered their oblation before the altar.
RSV : And the leaders offered offerings for the dedication of the altar on the day it was anointed; and the leaders offered their offering before the altar.
ASV : And the princes offered for the dedication of the altar in the day that it was anointed, even the princes offered their oblation before the altar.
ESV : And the chiefs offered offerings for the dedication of the altar on the day it was anointed; and the chiefs offered their offering before the altar.
ERVEN : Moses anointed the altar. That same day the leaders brought their offerings for dedicating the altar. They gave their offerings to the Lord at the altar.
BNV : প্রভু মোশিকে বললেন, “বেদীটিকে উত্সর্গ করার জন্যে প্রত্যেকদিন একজন করে নেতা তার উপহার নিয়ে আসবে|”
KJV : And the LORD said unto Moses, They shall offer their offering, each prince on his day, for the dedicating of the altar.
YLT : And Jehovah saith unto Moses, `One prince a day -- one prince a day -- do they bring near their offering for the dedication of the altar.`
RV : And the LORD said unto Moses, They shall offer their oblation, each prince on his day, for the dedication of the altar.
RSV : And the LORD said to Moses, "They shall offer their offerings, one leader each day, for the dedication of the altar."
ASV : And Jehovah said unto Moses, They shall offer their oblation, each prince on his day, for the dedication of the altar.
ESV : And the LORD said to Moses, "They shall offer their offerings, one chief each day, for the dedication of the altar."
ERVEN : The Lord told Moses, "Each day one leader must bring his gift for dedicating the altar."
BNV : বারোজন নেতার প্রত্যেকে তাদের উপহার নিয়ে এসেছিল| এইগুলি হল উপহার সামগ্রী:প্রত্যেক নেতা 3-1/4 পাউণ্ড ওজনের একটি করে রূপোর থালা এবং 1-3/4 পাউণ্ড ওজনের একটি করে রূপোর বাটি এনেছিল| এই দুরকমের উপহারই পবিত্র স্থানের মাপকাঠি অনুসারে ওজন করা হয়েছিল| প্রত্যেকটি বাটি এবং থালা তেল মিশ্রিত সূক্ষ্ম মযদায পূর্ণ ছিল; এটি শস্য নৈবেদ্যর জন্য ব্যবহৃত হত| প্রত্যেক নেতা 4 আউন্স ওজনের একটি করে বড় সোনার চামচও এনেছিল| এই চামচগুলি সুগন্ধি ধূনোয পরিপূর্ণ ছিল| এছাড়াও তাঁরা প্রত্যেকে একটি করে এঁড়ে বাছুর, একটি মেষ এবং এক বছর বয়স্ক একটি পুং মেষশাবক এনেছিল| এই পশুগুলিকে হোমবলির জন্য আনা হয়েছিল| পাপ কর্মের উত্সর্গের জন্য তাঁরা প্রত্যেকে একটি করে পুরুষ ছাগল এনেছিল| প্রত্যেকে 2টি গরু, 5টি পুং মেষ, 5টি পুং ছাগল এবং এক বছর বয়স্ক 5টি পুং মেষশাবক এনেছিল| এই সকল দ্রব্যসামগ্রী মঙ্গল নৈবেদ্য হিসাবে উত্সর্গীকৃত হয়েছিল|প্রথম দিন, যিহূদা পরিবারগোষ্ঠীর নেতা অম্মীনাদবের পুত্র নহশোন তার উপহার এনেছিল|দ্বিতীয় দিন, ইষাখরের গোষ্ঠীর নেতা সূযারের পুত্র নথনেল তার উপহার এনেছিল|তৃতীয় দিন, সবূলূন পরিবারগোষ্ঠীর নেতা হেলোনের পুত্র ইলীয়াব তার উপহার এনেছিল|চতুর্থ দিন, রূবেণ গোষ্ঠীর নেতা শদেযূরের পুত্র ইলীষুর তার উপহার এনেছিল|পঞ্চম দিন, শিমিযোন গোষ্ঠীর নেতা সূরীশদ্দযের পুত্র শলুমীযেল তার উপহার এনেছিল|ষষ্ঠ দিন, গাদ গোষ্ঠীর নেতা দ্য়ুযেলের পুত্র ইলীয়াসফ তার উপহার এনেছিল|সপ্তম দিন, ইফ্রয়িম গোষ্ঠীর নেতা অম্মীহূদের পুত্র ইলীশামা তার উপহার এনেছিল|অষ্টম দিন, মনঃশি গোষ্ঠীর নেতা পদাহসূরের পুত্র গমলীযেল তার উপহার এনেছিল|নবম দিন, বিন্যামীন গোষ্ঠীর নেতা গিদিযোনির পুত্র অবীদান তার উপহার এনেছিল|দশম দিন, দান গোষ্ঠীর নেতা অম্মীশদ্দযের পুত্র অহীযেষর তার উপহার এনেছিল|একাদশ দিন, আশের গোষ্ঠীর নেতা অক্রণের পুত্র পগীযেল তার উপহার এনেছিল|দ্বাদশ দিন, নপ্তালি গোষ্ঠীর নেতা ঐননের পুত্র অবীরাঃ তার উপহার এনেছিল|
KJV : And he that offered his offering the first day was Nahshon the son of Amminadab, of the tribe of Judah:
YLT : And he who is bringing near on the first day his offering is Nahshon son of Amminadab, of the tribe of Judah.
RV : And he that offered his oblation the first day was Nahshon the son of Amminadab, of the tribe of Judah:
RSV : He who offered his offering the first day was Nahshon the son of Amminadab, of the tribe of Judah;
ASV : And he that offered his oblation the first day was Nahshon the son of Amminadab, of the tribe of Judah:
ESV : He who offered his offering the first day was Nahshon the son of Amminadab, of the tribe of Judah.
ERVEN : Each of the twelve leaders brought these gifts: Each leader brought one silver plate that weighed 3 pounds. Each leader brought one silver bowl that weighed 1 pounds. Both of these gifts were weighed by the official measure. The bowl and the plate were each filled with fine flour mixed with oil. This was to be used as a grain offering. Each leader also brought a large gold spoon that weighed about 4 ounces. The spoon was filled with incense. Each leader also brought 1 young bull, 1 ram, and 1 male lamb a year old. These animals were for a burnt offering. Each leader also brought 1 male goat to be used as a sin offering. Each leader brought 2 cattle, 5 rams, 5 male goats, and 5 male lambs a year old. All of them were sacrificed for a fellowship offering. On the first day, the leader of the tribe of Judah, Nahshon son of Amminadab brought his gifts. On the second day, the leader of the tribe of Issachar, Nethanel son of Zuar brought his gifts. On the third day, the leader of the tribe of Zebulun, Eliab son of Helon brought his gifts. On the fourth day, the leader of the tribe of Reuben, Elizur son of Shedeur brought his gifts. On the fifth day, the leader of the tribe of Simeon, Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai brought his gifts. On the sixth day, the leader of the tribe of Gad, Eliasaph son of Deuel brought his gifts. On the seventh day, the leader of the tribe of Ephraim, Elishama son of Ammihud brought his gifts. On the eighth day, the leader of the tribe of Manasseh, Gamaliel son of Pedahzur brought his gifts. On the ninth day, the leader of the tribe of Benjamin, Abidan son of Gideoni brought his gifts. On the tenth day, the leader of the tribe of Dan, Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai brought his gifts. On the eleventh day, the leader of the tribe of Asher, Pagiel son of Ocran brought his gifts. On the twelfth day, the leader of the tribe of Naphtali, Ahira son of Enan brought his gifts.
KJV : And his offering [was] one silver charger, the weight thereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels,] one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them [were] full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
YLT : And his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;
RV : and his oblation was one silver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty {cf15i shekels}, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal offering;
RSV : and his offering was one silver plate whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;
ASV : and his oblation was one silver platter, the weight whereof was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal-offering;
ESV : And his offering was one silver plate whose weight was 130 shekels, one silver basin of 70 shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering;
KJV : One spoon of ten [shekels] of gold, full of incense:
YLT : one golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of perfume;
RV : one golden spoon of ten {cf15i shekels}, full of incense;
RSV : one golden dish of ten shekels, full of incense;
ASV : one golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense;
ESV : one golden dish of 10 shekels, full of incense;
KJV : One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
YLT : one bullock, a son of the herd, one ram, one lamb, a son of a year, for a burnt-offering;
RV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering;
RSV : one young bull, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
ASV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb a year old, for a burnt-offering;
ESV : one bull from the herd, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
KJV : One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
YLT : one kid of the goats for a sin-offering;
RV : one male of the goats for a sin offering;
RSV : one male goat for a sin offering;
ASV : one male of the goats for a sin-offering;
ESV : one male goat for a sin offering;
KJV : And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Nahshon the son of Amminadab.
YLT : and for a sacrifice of the peace-offerings two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs, sons of a year; this [is] the offering of Nahshon son of Amminadab.
RV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs of the first year: this was the oblation of Nahshon the son of Amminadab.
RSV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Nahshon the son of Amminadab.
ASV : and for the sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs a year old: this was the oblation of Nahshon the son of Amminadab.
ESV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Nahshon the son of Amminadab.
KJV : On the second day Nethaneel the son of Zuar, prince of Issachar, did offer:
YLT : On the second day hath Nethaneel son of Zuar, prince of Issachar, brought near.
RV : On the second day Nethanel the son of Zuar, prince of Issachar, did offer:
RSV : On the second day Nethanel the son of Zuar, the leader of Issachar, made an offering;
ASV : On the second day Nethanel the son of Zuar, prince of Issachar, did offer:
ESV : On the second day Nethanel the son of Zuar, the chief of Issachar, made an offering.
KJV : He offered [for] his offering one silver charger, the weight whereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels,] one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
YLT : He hath brought near his offering, one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;
RV : he offered for his oblation one silver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty {cf15i shekels}, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal offering;
RSV : he offered for his offering one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;
ASV : he offered for his oblation one silver platter, the weight whereof was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal-offering;
ESV : He offered for his offering one silver plate whose weight was 130 shekels, one silver basin of 70 shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering;
KJV : One spoon of gold of ten [shekels,] full of incense:
YLT : one golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of perfume;
RV : one golden spoon of ten {cf15i shekels}, full of incense;
RSV : one golden dish of ten shekels, full of incense;
ASV : one golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense;
ESV : one golden dish of 10 shekels, full of incense;
KJV : One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
YLT : one bullock, a son of the herd, one ram, one lamb, a son of a year, for a burnt-offering;
RV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering;
RSV : one young bull, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
ASV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb a year old, for a burnt-offering;
ESV : one bull from the herd, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
KJV : One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
YLT : one kid of the goats for a sin-offering;
RV : one male of the goats for a sin offering;
RSV : one male goat for a sin offering;
ASV : one male of the goats for a sin-offering;
ESV : one male goat for a sin offering;
KJV : And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Nethaneel the son of Zuar.
YLT : and for a sacrifice of the peace-offerings two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs, sons of a year; this [is] the offering of Nethaneel son of Zuar.
RV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs of the first year: this was the oblation of Nethanel the son of Zuar.
RSV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Nethanel the son of Zuar.
ASV : and for the sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs a year old: this was the oblation of Nethanel the son of Zuar.
ESV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Nethanel the son of Zuar.
KJV : On the third day Eliab the son of Helon, prince of the children of Zebulun, [did offer: ]
YLT : On the third day, the prince of the sons of Zebulun, Eliab son of Helon; --
RV : On the third day Eliab the son of Helon, prince of the children of Zebulun:
RSV : On the third day Eliab the son of Helon, the leader of the men of Zebulun:
ASV : On the third day Eliab the son of Helon, prince of the children of Zebulun.:
ESV : On the third day Eliab the son of Helon, the chief of the people of Zebulun:
KJV : His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight whereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels,] one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
YLT : his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;
RV : his oblation was one silver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty {cf15i shekels}, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal offering;
RSV : his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;
ASV : his oblation was one silver platter, the weight whereof was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal-offering;
ESV : his offering was one silver plate whose weight was 130 shekels, one silver basin of 70 shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering;
KJV : One golden spoon of ten [shekels,] full of incense:
YLT : one golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of perfume;
RV : one golden spoon of ten {cf15i shekels}, full of incense;
RSV : one golden dish of ten shekels, full of incense;
ASV : one golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense;
ESV : one golden dish of 10 shekels, full of incense;
KJV : One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
YLT : one bullock, a son of the herd, one ram, one lamb, a son of a year, for a burnt-offering;
RV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering;
RSV : one young bull, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
ASV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb a year old, for a burnt-offering;
ESV : one bull from the herd, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
KJV : One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
YLT : one kid of the goats for a sin-offering;
RV : one male of the goats for a sin offering;
RSV : one male goat for a sin offering;
ASV : one male of the goats for a sin-offering;
ESV : one male goat for a sin offering;
KJV : And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Eliab the son of Helon.
YLT : and for a sacrifice of the peace-offerings two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs, sons of a year; this [is] the offering of Eliab son of Helon.
RV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs of the first year: this was the oblation of Eliab the son of Helon.
RSV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Eliab the son of Helon.
ASV : and for the sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs a year old: this was the oblation of Eliab the son of Helon.
ESV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Eliab the son of Helon.
KJV : On the fourth day Elizur the son of Shedeur, prince of the children of Reuben, [did offer: ]
YLT : On the fourth day, Elizur, son of Shedeur, prince of the sons of Reuben; --
RV : On the fourth day Elizur the son of Shedeur, prince of the children of Reuben:
RSV : On the fourth day Elizur the son of Shedeur, the leader of the men of Reuben:
ASV : On the fourth day Elizur the son of Shedeur, prince of the children of Reuben:
ESV : On the fourth day Elizur the son of Shedeur, the chief of the people of Reuben:
KJV : His offering [was] one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty [shekels,] one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
YLT : his offering is one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;
RV : his oblation was one silver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty {cf15i shekels}, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal offering;
RSV : his offering was one silver plate whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;
ASV : his oblation was one silver platter, the weight whereof was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal-offering;
ESV : his offering was one silver plate whose weight was 130 shekels, one silver basin of 70 shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering;
KJV : One golden spoon of ten [shekels,] full of incense:
YLT : one golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of perfume;
RV : one golden spoon of ten {cf15i shekels}, full of incense;
RSV : one golden dish of ten shekels, full of incense;
ASV : one golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense;
ESV : one golden dish of 10 shekels, full of incense;
KJV : One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
YLT : one bullock, a son of the herd, one ram, one lamb, a son of a year, for a burnt-offering;
RV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering;
RSV : one young bull, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
ASV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb a year old, for a burnt-offering;
ESV : one bull from the herd, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
KJV : One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
YLT : one kid of the goats for a sin-offering;
RV : one male of the goats for a sin offering;
RSV : one male goat for a sin offering;
ASV : one male of the goats for a sin-offering;
ESV : one male goat for a sin offering;
KJV : And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Elizur the son of Shedeur.
YLT : and for a sacrifice of the peace-offerings two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs, sons of a year; this [is] the offering of Elizur son of Shedeur.
RV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs of the first year: this was the oblation of Elizur the son of Shedeur.
RSV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Elizur the son of Shedeur.
ASV : and for the sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs a year old: this was the oblation of Elizur the son of Shedeur.
ESV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Elizur the son of Shedeur.
KJV : On the fifth day Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai, prince of the children of Simeon, [did offer: ]
YLT : On the fifth day, the prince of the sons of Simeon, Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai; --
RV : On the fifth day Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai, prince of the children of Simeon:
RSV : On the fifth day Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai, the leader of the men of Simeon:
ASV : On the fifth day Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai, prince of the children of Simeon:
ESV : On the fifth day Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai, the chief of the people of Simeon:
KJV : His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight whereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels,] one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
YLT : his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;
RV : his oblation was one silver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty {cf15i shekels}, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal offering;
RSV : his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;
ASV : his oblation was one silver platter, the weight whereof was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal-offering;
ESV : his offering was one silver plate whose weight was 130 shekels, one silver basin of 70 shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering;
KJV : One golden spoon of ten [shekels,] full of incense:
YLT : one golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of perfume;
RV : one golden spoon of ten {cf15i shekels}, full of incense;
RSV : one golden dish of ten shekels, full of incense;
ASV : one golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense;
ESV : one golden dish of 10 shekels, full of incense;
KJV : One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
YLT : one bullock, a son of the herd, one ram, one lamb, a son of a year, for a burnt-offering;
RV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering;
RSV : one young bull, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
ASV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb a year old, for a burnt-offering;
ESV : one bull from the herd, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
KJV : One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
YLT : one kid of the goats for a sin-offering;
RV : one male of the goats for a sin offering;
RSV : one male goat for a sin offering;
ASV : one male of the goats for a sin-offering;
ESV : one male goat for a sin offering;
KJV : And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai.
YLT : and for a sacrifice of the peace-offerings two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs, sons of a year; this [is] the offering of Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai.
RV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs of the first year: this was the oblation of Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai.
RSV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai.
ASV : and for the sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs a year old: this was the oblation of Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai.
ESV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai.
KJV : On the sixth day Eliasaph the son of Deuel, prince of the children of Gad, [offered: ]
YLT : On the sixth day, the prince of the sons of Gad, Eliasaph son of Deuel; --
RV : On the sixth day Eliasaph the son of Deuel, prince of the children of Gad:
RSV : On the sixth day Eliasaph the son of Deuel, the leader of the men of Gad:
ASV : On the sixth day Eliasaph the son of Deuel, prince of the children of Gad:
ESV : On the sixth day Eliasaph the son of Deuel, the chief of the people of Gad:
KJV : His offering [was] one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty [shekels,] a silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
YLT : his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;
RV : his oblation was one silver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty {cf15i shekels}, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal offering;
RSV : his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;
ASV : his oblation was one silver platter, the weight whereof was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal-offering;
ESV : his offering was one silver plate whose weight was 130 shekels, one silver basin of 70 shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering;
KJV : One golden spoon of ten [shekels,] full of incense:
YLT : one golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of perfume;
RV : one golden spoon of ten {cf15i shekels}, full of incense;
RSV : one golden dish of ten shekels, full of incense;
ASV : one golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense;
ESV : one golden dish of 10 shekels, full of incense;
KJV : One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
YLT : one bullock, a son of the herd, one ram, one lamb, a son of a year, for a burnt-offering;
RV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering;
RSV : one young bull, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
ASV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb a year old, for a burnt-offering;
ESV : one bull from the herd, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
KJV : One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
YLT : one kid of the goats for a sin-offering;
RV : one male of the goats for a sin offering;
RSV : one male goat for a sin offering;
ASV : one male of the goats for a sin-offering;
ESV : one male goat for a sin offering;
KJV : And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Eliasaph the son of Deuel.
YLT : and for a sacrifice of the peace-offerings two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs, sons of a year; this [is] the offering of Eliasaph son of Deuel.
RV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs of the first year: this was the oblation of Eliasaph the son of Deuel.
RSV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Eliasaph the son of Deuel.
ASV : and for the sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs a year old: this was the oblation of Eliasaph the son of Deuel.
ESV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Eliasaph the son of Deuel.
KJV : On the seventh day Elishama the son of Ammihud, prince of the children of Ephraim, [offered: ]
YLT : On the seventh day, the prince of the sons of Ephraim, Elishama son of Ammihud; --
RV : On the seventh day Elishama the son of Ammihud, prince of the children of Ephraim:
RSV : On the seventh day Elishama the son of Ammihud, the leader of the men of Ephraim:
ASV : On the seventh day Elishama the son of Ammihud, prince of the children of Ephraim:
ESV : On the seventh day Elishama the son of Ammihud, the chief of the people of Ephraim:
KJV : His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight whereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels,] one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
YLT : his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;
RV : his oblation was one silver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty {cf15i shekels}, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal offering;
RSV : his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;
ASV : his oblation was one silver platter, the weight whereof was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal-offering;
ESV : his offering was one silver plate whose weight was 130 shekels, one silver basin of 70 shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering;
KJV : One golden spoon of ten [shekels,] full of incense:
YLT : one golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of perfume;
RV : one golden spoon of ten {cf15i shekels}, full of incense;
RSV : one golden dish of ten shekels, full of incense;
ASV : one golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense;
ESV : one golden dish of 10 shekels, full of incense;
KJV : One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
YLT : one bullock, a son of the herd, one ram, one lamb, a son of a year, for a burnt-offering;
RV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering;
RSV : one young bull, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
ASV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb a year old, for a burnt-offering;
ESV : one bull from the herd, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
KJV : one kid of the goats for a sin offering:
YLT : one kid of the goats for a sin-offering;
RV : one male of the goats for a sin offering;
RSV : one male goat for a sin offering;
ASV : one male of the goats for a sin-offering;
ESV : one male goat for a sin offering;
KJV : And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Elishama the son of Ammihud.
YLT : and for a sacrifice of the peace-offerings two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs, sons of a year; this [is] the offering of Elishama son of Ammihud.
RV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs of the first year: this was the oblation of Elishama the son of Ammihud.
RSV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Elishama the son of Ammihud.
ASV : and for the sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs a year old: this was the oblation of Elishama the son of Ammihud.
ESV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Elishama the son of Ammihud.
KJV : On the eighth day [offered] Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur, prince of the children of Manasseh:
YLT : On the eighth day, the prince of the sons of Manasseh, Gamaliel son of Pedahzur; --
RV : On the eighth day Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur, prince of the children of Manasseh:
RSV : On the eighth day Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur, the leader of the men of Manasseh:
ASV : On the eighth day Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur, prince of the children of Manasseh:
ESV : On the eighth day Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur, the chief of the people of Manasseh:
KJV : His offering [was] one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty [shekels,] one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
YLT : his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;
RV : his oblation was one silver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty {cf15i shekels}, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal offering;
RSV : his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;
ASV : his oblation was one silver platter, the weight whereof was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal-offering;
ESV : his offering was one silver plate whose weight was 130 shekels, one silver basin of 70 shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering;
KJV : One golden spoon of ten [shekels,] full of incense:
YLT : one golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of perfume;
RV : one golden spoon of ten {cf15i shekels}, full of incense;
RSV : one golden dish of ten shekels, full of incense;
ASV : one golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense;
ESV : one golden dish of 10 shekels, full of incense;
KJV : One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
YLT : one bullock, a son of the herd, one ram, one lamb, a son of a year, for a burnt-offering;
RV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering;
RSV : one young bull, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
ASV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb a year old, for a burnt-offering;
ESV : one bull from the herd, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
KJV : One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
YLT : one kid of the goats for a sin-offering;
RV : one male of the goats for a sin offering;
RSV : one male goat for a sin offering;
ASV : one male of the goats for a sin-offering;
ESV : one male goat for a sin offering;
KJV : And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur.
YLT : and for a sacrifice of the peace-offerings two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs, sons of a year; this [is] the offering of Gamaliel son of Pedahzur.
RV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs of the first year: this was the oblation of Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur.
RSV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur.
ASV : and for the sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs a year old: this was the oblation of Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur.
ESV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur.
KJV : On the ninth day Abidan the son of Gideoni, prince of the children of Benjamin, [offered: ]
YLT : On the ninth day, the prince of the sons of Benjamin, Abidan son of Gideoni; --
RV : On the ninth day Abidan the son of Gideoni, prince of the children of Benjamin:
RSV : On the ninth day Abidan the son of Gideoni, the leader of the men of Benjamin:
ASV : On the ninth day Abidan the son of Gideoni, prince of the children of Benjamin:
ESV : On the ninth day Abidan the son of Gideoni, the chief of the people of Benjamin:
KJV : His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight whereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels,] one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
YLT : his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;
RV : his oblation was one silver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty {cf15i shekels}, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal offering;
RSV : his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;
ASV : his oblation was one silver platter, the weight whereof was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal-offering;
ESV : his offering was one silver plate whose weight was 130 shekels, one silver basin of 70 shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering;
KJV : One golden spoon of ten [shekels,] full of incense:
YLT : one golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of perfume;
RV : one golden spoon of ten {cf15i shekels}, full of incense;
RSV : one golden dish of ten shekels, full of incense;
ASV : one golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense;
ESV : one golden dish of 10 shekels, full of incense;
KJV : One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
YLT : one bullock, a son of the herd, one ram, one lamb, a son of a year, for a burnt-offering;
RV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering;
RSV : one young bull, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
ASV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb a year old, for a burnt-offering;
ESV : one bull from the herd, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
KJV : One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
YLT : one kid of the goats for a sin-offering:
RV : one male of the goats for a sin offering;
RSV : one male goat for a sin offering;
ASV : one male of the goats for a sin-offering;
ESV : one male goat for a sin offering;
KJV : And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Abidan the son of Gideoni.
YLT : and for a sacrifice of the peace-offerings two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs, sons of a year; this [is] the offering of Abidan son of Gideoni.
RV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs of the first year: this was the oblation of Abidan the son of Gideoni.
RSV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Abidan the son of Gideoni.
ASV : and for the sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs a year old: this was the oblation of Abidan the son of Gideoni.
ESV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Abidan the son of Gideoni.
KJV : On the tenth day Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai, prince of the children of Dan, [offered: ]
YLT : On the tenth day, the prince of the sons of Dan, Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai; --
RV : On the tenth day Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai, prince of the children of Dan:
RSV : On the tenth day Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai, the leader of the men of Dan:
ASV : On the tenth day Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai, prince of the children of Dan:
ESV : On the tenth day Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai, the chief of the people of Dan:
KJV : His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight whereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels,] one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
YLT : his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;
RV : his oblation was one silver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty {cf15i shekels}, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal offering;
RSV : his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;
ASV : his oblation was one silver platter, the weight whereof was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal-offering;
ESV : his offering was one silver plate whose weight was 130 shekels, one silver basin of 70 shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering;
KJV : One golden spoon of ten [shekels,] full of incense:
YLT : one golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of perfume;
RV : one golden spoon of ten {cf15i shekels}, full of incense;
RSV : one golden dish of ten shekels, full of incense;
ASV : one golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense;
ESV : one golden dish of 10 shekels, full of incense;
KJV : One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
YLT : one bullock, a son of the herd, one ram, one lamb, a son of a year, for a burnt-offering;
RV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering;
RSV : one young bull, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
ASV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb a year old, for a burnt-offering;
ESV : one bull from the herd, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
KJV : One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
YLT : one kid of the goats for a sin-offering;
RV : one male of the goats for a sin offering;
RSV : one male goat for a sin offering;
ASV : one male of the goats for a sin-offering;
ESV : one male goat for a sin offering;
KJV : And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.
YLT : and for a sacrifice of the peace-offerings two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs, sons of a year; this [is] the offering of Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai.
RV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs of the first year: this was the oblation of Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.
RSV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.
ASV : and for the sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs a year old: this was the oblation of Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.
ESV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.
KJV : On the eleventh day Pagiel the son of Ocran, prince of the children of Asher, [offered: ]
YLT : On the eleventh day, the prince of the sons of Asher, Pagiel son of Ocran; --
RV : On the eleventh day Pagiel the son of Ochran, prince of the children of Asher:
RSV : On the eleventh day Pagiel the son of Ochran, the leader of the men of Asher:
ASV : On the eleventh day Pagiel the son of Ochran, prince of the children of Asher:
ESV : On the eleventh day Pagiel the son of Ochran, the chief of the people of Asher:
KJV : His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight whereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels,] one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
YLT : his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;
RV : his oblation was one silver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty {cf15i shekels}, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal offering;
RSV : his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;
ASV : his oblation was one silver platter, the weight whereof was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal-offering;
ESV : his offering was one silver plate whose weight was 130 shekels, one silver basin of 70 shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering;
KJV : One golden spoon of ten [shekels,] full of incense:
YLT : one golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of perfume;
RV : one golden spoon of ten {cf15i shekels}, full of incense;
RSV : one golden dish of ten shekels, full of incense;
ASV : one golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense;
ESV : one golden dish of 10 shekels, full of incense;
KJV : One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
YLT : one bullock, a son of the herd, one ram, one lamb, a son of a year, for a burnt-offering;
RV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering;
RSV : one young bull, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
ASV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb a year old, for a burnt-offering;
ESV : one bull from the herd, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
KJV : One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
YLT : one kid of the goats for a sin-offering;
RV : one male of the goats for a sin offering;
RSV : one male goat for a sin offering;
ASV : one male of the goats for a sin-offering;
ESV : one male goat for a sin offering;
KJV : And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Pagiel the son of Ocran.
YLT : and for a sacrifice of the peace-offerings two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs, sons of a year; this [is] the offering of Pagiel son of Ocran.
RV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs of the first year: this was the oblation of Pagiel the son of Ochran.
RSV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Pagiel the son of Ochran.
ASV : and for the sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs a year old: this was the oblation of Pagiel the son of Ochran.
ESV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Pagiel the son of Ochran.
KJV : On the twelfth day Ahira the son of Enan, prince of the children of Naphtali, [offered: ]
YLT : On the twelfth day, the prince of the sons of Naphtali, Ahira son of Enan; --
RV : On the twelfth day Ahira the son of Enan, prince of the children of Naphtali:
RSV : On the twelfth day Ahira the son of Enan, the leader of the men of Naphtali:
ASV : On the twelfth day Ahira the son of Enan, prince of the children of Naphtali:
ESV : On the twelfth day Ahira the son of Enan, the chief of the people of Naphtali:
KJV : His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight whereof [was] an hundred and thirty [shekels,] one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:
YLT : his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;
RV : his oblation was one silver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty {cf15i shekels}, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal offering;
RSV : his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;
ASV : his oblation was one silver platter, the weight whereof was a hundred a thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal-offering;
ESV : his offering was one silver plate whose weight was 130 shekels, one silver basin of 70 shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering;
KJV : One golden spoon of ten [shekels,] full of incense:
YLT : one golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of perfume;
RV : one golden spoon of ten {cf15i shekels}, full of incense;
RSV : one golden dish of ten shekels, full of incense;
ASV : one golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense;
ESV : one golden dish of 10 shekels, full of incense;
KJV : One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
YLT : one bullock, a son of the herd, one ram, one lamb, a son of a year, for a burnt-offering;
RV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering;
RSV : one young bull, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
ASV : one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb a year old, for a burnt-offering;
ESV : one bull from the herd, one ram, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
KJV : One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
YLT : one kid of the goats for a sin-offering;
RV : one male of the goats for a sin offering;
RSV : one male goat for a sin offering;
ASV : one male of the goats for a sin-offering;
ESV : one male goat for a sin offering;
KJV : And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Ahira the son of Enan.
YLT : and for a sacrifice of the peace-offerings two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs, sons of a year; this [is] the offering of Ahira son of Enan.
RV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs of the first year: this was the oblation of Ahira the son of Enan.
RSV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Ahira the son of Enan.
ASV : and for the sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five he-lambs a year old: this was the oblation of Ahira the son of Enan.
ESV : and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Ahira the son of Enan.
BNV : সুতরাং ঐসব দ্রব্যসামগ্রী ছিল ইস্রায়েলের লোকদের নেতাদের কাছ থেকে পাওয়া উপহারসামগ্রী| মোশি বেদীটিকে অভিষেক করে উত্সর্গ করার সময় তারা এই সকল দ্রব্যসামগ্রী নিয়ে এসেছিল| তারা 12 টি রূপোর থালা, 12 টি রূপোর বাটি এবং 12 টি সোনার চামচ এনেছিল|
KJV : This [was] the dedication of the altar, in the day when it was anointed, by the princes of Israel: twelve chargers of silver, twelve silver bowls, twelve spoons of gold:
YLT : This [is] the dedication of the altar, in the day of its being anointed, by the princes of Israel: twelve silver dishes, twelve silver bowls, twelve golden spoons;
RV : This was the dedication of the altar, in the day when it was anointed, by the princes of Israel: twelve silver chargers, twelve silver bowls, twelve golden spoons:
RSV : This was the dedication offering for the altar, on the day when it was anointed, from the leaders of Israel: twelve silver plates, twelve silver basins, twelve golden dishes,
ASV : This was the dedication of the altar, in the day when it was anointed, by the princes of Israel: twelve silver platters, twelve silver bowls, twelve golden spoons;
ESV : This was the dedication offering for the altar on the day when it was anointed, from the chiefs of Israel: twelve silver plates, twelve silver basins, twelve golden dishes,
ERVEN : So all these things were the gifts from the leaders of the Israelites. They brought them during the time that Moses dedicated the altar by anointing it. They brought 12 silver plates, 12 silver bowls, and 12 gold spoons.
BNV : প্রত্যেকটি রূপোর থালা প্রায় 3-1/4 পাউণ্ড ওজনের ছিল| এবং প্রত্যেকটি বাটির ওজন ছিল প্রায় 1-3/4 পাউণ্ড| পবিত্র স্থানের মাপকাঠি অনুসারে সমস্ত রূপোর থালা এবং রূপোর বাটির মোট ওজন ছিল প্রায় 60 পাউণ্ড|
KJV : Each charger of silver [weighing] an hundred and thirty [shekels,] each bowl seventy: all the silver vessels [weighed] two thousand and four hundred [shekels,] after the shekel of the sanctuary:
YLT : a hundred and thirty [shekels] each silver dish, and each bowl seventy; all the silver of the vessels [is] two thousand and four hundred [shekels], by the shekel of the sanctuary.
RV : each silver charger {cf15i weighing} an hundred and thirty {cf15i shekels}, and each bowl seventy: all the silver of the vessels two thousand and four hundred {cf15i shekels}, after the shekel of the sanctuary;
RSV : each silver plate weighing a hundred and thirty shekels and each basin seventy, all the silver of the vessels two thousand four hundred shekels according to the shekel of the sanctuary,
ASV : each silver platter weighing a hundred and thirty shekels, and each bowl seventy; all the silver of the vessels two thousand and four hundred shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary;
ESV : each silver plate weighing 130 shekels and each basin 70, all the silver of the vessels 2,400 shekels according to the shekel of the sanctuary,
ERVEN : Each silver plate weighed about 3 pounds. And each bowl weighed about 1 pound. The silver plates and the silver bowls together all weighed about 60 pounds, using the official measure
BNV : পবিত্র স্থানের মাপকাঠি অনুসারে সুগন্ধি ধূনোয পরিপূর্ণ 12 টি সোনার চামচের প্রত্যেকটির ওজন ছিল প্রায় 4 পাউণ্ড| 12 টি সোনার চামচের মোট ওজন ছিল প্রায় 3 পাউণ্ড|
KJV : The golden spoons [were] twelve, full of incense, [weighing] ten [shekels] apiece, after the shekel of the sanctuary: all the gold of the spoons [was] an hundred and twenty [shekels. ]
YLT : Golden spoons [are] twelve, full of perfume; ten [shekels] each spoon, by the shekel of the sanctuary; all the gold of the spoons [is] a hundred and twenty [shekels];
RV : the twelve golden spoons, full of incense, {cf15i weighing} ten {cf15i shekels} apiece, after the shekel of the sanctuary: all the gold of the spoons an hundred and twenty {cf15i shekels}:
RSV : the twelve golden dishes, full of incense, weighing ten shekels apiece according to the shekel of the sanctuary, all the gold of the dishes being a hundred and twenty shekels;
ASV : the twelve golden spoons, full of incense, weighing ten shekels apiece, after the shekel of the sanctuary; all the gold of the spoons a hundred and twenty shekels;
ESV : the twelve golden dishes, full of incense, weighing 10 shekels apiece according to the shekel of the sanctuary, all the gold of the dishes being 120 shekels;
ERVEN : The 12 gold spoons filled with incense weighed 4 ounces each, using the official measure. The 12 gold spoons all together weighed about 3 pounds.
BNV : হোমবলি উত্সর্গের জন্য পশুর মোট সংখ্যা ছিল 12 টি ষাঁড়, 12 টি মেষ এবং 12 টি এক বছর বয়স্ক পুরুষ মেষশাবক| ঐসব দ্রব্যসামগ্রীর উত্সর্গের সঙ্গে যে শস্য নৈবেদ্যর জন্য আবশ্যক, তাও ছিল এবং সেখানে 12 টি পুরুষ ছাগলও ছিল যা প্রভুর কাছে পাপার্থক বলি হিসাবে উত্সর্গের জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয়েছিল|
KJV : All the oxen for the burnt offering [were] twelve bullocks, the rams twelve, the lambs of the first year twelve, with their meat offering: and the kids of the goats for sin offering twelve.
YLT : all the oxen for burnt-offering [are] twelve bullocks, rams twelve, lambs, sons of a year twelve, and their present; and kids of the goats twelve, for sin-offering;
RV : all the oxen for the burnt offering twelve bullocks, the rams twelve, the he-lambs of the first year twelve, and their meal offering: and the males of the goats for a sin offering twelve:
RSV : all the cattle for the burnt offering twelve bulls, twelve rams, twelve male lambs a year old, with their cereal offering; and twelve male goats for a sin offering;
ASV : all the oxen for the burnt-offering twelve bullocks, the rams twelve, the he-lambs a year old twelve, and their meal-offering; and the males of the goats for a sin-offering twelve;
ESV : all the cattle for the burnt offering twelve bulls, twelve rams, twelve male lambs a year old, with their grain offering; and twelve male goats for a sin offering;
ERVEN : The total number of animals for the burnt offering was 12 bulls, 12 rams, and 12 one-year-old male lambs. There were also the grain offerings that must be given with these offerings. And there were 12 male goats for a sin offering to the Lord.
BNV : এছাড়াও নেতারা মঙ্গল নৈবেদ্যর জন্য বলি হিসাবে উত্সর্গের জন্য পশুও দিয়েছিল| এই সব পশুদের মোট সংখ্যা ছিল 24 টি ষাঁড়, 60 টি মেষ, 60 টি পুরুষ ছাগল এবং 60 টি এক বছর বয়স্ক পুরুষ মেষশাবক| এই ভাবে মোশি অভিষেক করার পরে তারা বেদীটিকে উত্সর্গ করেছিল|
KJV : And all the oxen for the sacrifice of the peace offerings [were] twenty and four bullocks, the rams sixty, the he goats sixty, the lambs of the first year sixty. This [was] the dedication of the altar, after that it was anointed.
YLT : and all the oxen for the sacrifice of the peace-offerings [are] twenty and four bullocks, rams sixty, he-goats sixty, lambs, sons of a year, sixty; this is the dedication of the altar, in the day of its being anointed.
RV : and all the oxen for the sacrifice of peace offerings twenty and four bullocks, the rams sixty, the he-goats sixty, the he-lambs of the first year sixty. This was the dedication of the altar, after that it was anointed.
RSV : and all the cattle for the sacrifice of peace offerings twenty-four bulls, the rams sixty, the male goats sixty, the male lambs a year old sixty. This was the dedication offering for the altar, after it was anointed.
ASV : and all the oxen for the sacrifice of peace-offerings twenty and four bullocks, the rams sixty, the he-goats sixty, the he-lambs a year old sixty. This was the dedication of the altar, after that it was anointed.
ESV : and all the cattle for the sacrifice of peace offerings twenty-four bulls, the rams sixty, the male goats sixty, the male lambs a year old sixty. This was the dedication offering for the altar after it was anointed.
ERVEN : The leaders also gave animals to be killed and used as a fellowship offering. The total number of these animals was 24 bulls, 60 rams, 60 male goats, and 60 oneyear- old male lambs. In this way they dedicated the altar after Moses anointed it.
BNV : মোশি যখনই প্রভুর সাথে কথা বলার জন্য সমাগম তাঁবুতে যেত, সে প্রভুর কন্ঠস্বর শুনত, প্রভু তাঁর সঙ্গে কথা বলতেন| সেই সাক্ষ্যসিন্দুকের বিশেষ আচ্ছাদনের ওপরের দুজন করূব দূতের মাঝখান থেকে সেই কন্ঠস্বর শোনা যেত| এই ভাবে ঈশ্বর মোশির সঙ্গে কথা বলতেন|
KJV : And when Moses was gone into the tabernacle of the congregation to speak with him, then he heard the voice of one speaking unto him from off the mercy seat that [was] upon the ark of testimony, from between the two cherubims: and he spake unto him.
YLT : And in the going in of Moses unto the tent of meeting to speak with Him -- he doth even hear the voice speaking unto him from off the mercy-seat which [is] upon the ark of the testimony, from between the two cherubs; and He speaketh unto him.
RV : And when Moses went into the tent of meeting to speak with him, then he heard the Voice speaking unto him from above the mercy-seat that was upon the ark of the testimony, from between the two cherubim: and he spake unto him.
RSV : And when Moses went into the tent of meeting to speak with the LORD, he heard the voice speaking to him from above the mercy seat that was upon the ark of the testimony, from between the two cherubim; and it spoke to him.
ASV : And when Moses went into the tent of meeting to speak with him, then he heard the Voice speaking unto him from above the mercy-seat that was upon the ark of the testimony, from between the two cherubim: and he spake unto him.
ESV : And when Moses went into the tent of meeting to speak with the LORD, he heard the voice speaking to him from above the mercy seat that was on the ark of the testimony, from between the two cherubim; and it spoke to him.
ERVEN : When Moses went into the Meeting Tent to speak to the Lord, he heard the Lord's voice speaking to him. The voice was coming from the area between the two Cherub angels on the mercy-cover on top of the Box of the Agreement. In this way the Lord spoke to Moses.

