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Nehemiah Chapters

Nehemiah 4 Verses

BNV : আমরা দেওয়াল পুননির্মাণ করছি, একথা জানতে পেরে সন্বল্লট খুবই রুদ্ধ হল| সে তখন ইহুদীদের নিয়ে হাসা-হাসি করল|
KJV : But it came to pass, that when Sanballat heard that we builded the wall, he was wroth, and took great indignation, and mocked the Jews.
YLT : And it cometh to pass, when Sanballat hath heard that we are building the wall, that it is displeasing to him, and he is very angry and mocketh at the Jews,
RV : But it came to pass that, when Sanballat heard that we builded the wall, he was wroth, and took great indignation, and mocked the Jews.
RSV : Now when Sanballat heard that we were building the wall, he was angry and greatly enraged, and he ridiculed the Jews.
ASV : But it came to pass that, when Sanballat heard that we were building the wall, he was wroth, and took great indignation, and mocked the Jews.
ESV : Now when Sanballat heard that we were building the wall, he was angry and greatly enraged, and he jeered at the Jews.
ERVEN : When Sanballat heard that we were building the wall of Jerusalem, he was very angry and upset. He started making fun of the Jews.
BNV : সন্বল্লট তার বন্ধুদের ও শমরীয সেনাদলের সামনেই কথা বলছিল, “এই দুর্বল ইহুদীগুলো কি করছে? ওরা কি ভাবছে যে আমরা ওদের ছেড়ে দেব? ওরা কি বেদীতে বলি চড়াবে? ওরা কি মনে করে যে এক দিনেই ওরা নির্মাণ কাজ শেষ করতে পারবে? ওরা কি আবর্জনা আর ধূলোর গাদা থেকে এই পোড়া পাথরগুলিকে আবার জীবন্ত করে তুলতে পারবে?”
KJV : And he spake before his brethren and the army of Samaria, and said, What do these feeble Jews? will they fortify themselves? will they sacrifice? will they make an end in a day? will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burned?
YLT : and saith before his brethren and the force of Samaria, yea, he saith, `What [are] the weak Jews doing? are they left to themselves? do they sacrifice? do they complete in a day? do they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish? -- and they burnt!`
RV : And he spake before his brethren and the army of Samaria, and said, What do these feeble Jews? will they fortify themselves? will they sacrifice? will they make an end in a day? will they revive the stones out of the heaps of rubbish, seeing they are burned?
RSV : And he said in the presence of his brethren and of the army of Samaria, "What are these feeble Jews doing? Will they restore things? Will they sacrifice? Will they finish up in a day? Will they revive the stones out of the heaps of rubbish, and burned ones at that?"
ASV : And he spake before his brethren and the army of Samaria, and said, What are these feeble Jews doing? will they fortify themselves? will they sacrifice? will they make an end in a day? will they revive the stones out of the heaps of rubbish, seeing they are burned?
ESV : And he said in the presence of his brothers and of the army of Samaria, "What are these feeble Jews doing? Will they restore it for themselves? Will they sacrifice? Will they finish up in a day? Will they revive the stones out of the heaps of rubbish, and burned ones at that?"
ERVEN : Sanballat talked with his friends and the army at Samaria and said, "What are these weak Jews doing? Do they think we will leave them alone? Do they think they will offer sacrifices? Maybe they think they can finish building in only one day. They cannot bring stones back to life from these piles of trash and dirt. These are just piles of ashes and dirt!"
BNV : সেই সময়, অম্মোনীয়র টোবিয সন্বল্লটের সঙ্গে ছিল| সে বলল, “যে দেওয়ালটা ওরা বানাচ্ছে ওটার ওপর একটা ছোট শেযালও যদি ওঠে ওটা ভেঙে পড়বে!”
KJV : Now Tobiah the Ammonite [was] by him, and he said, Even that which they build, if a fox go up, he shall even break down their stone wall.
YLT : And Tobiah the Ammonite [is] by him and saith, `Also, that which they are building -- if a fox doth go up, then it hath broken down their stone wall.`
RV : Now Tobiah the Ammonite was by him, and he said, Even that which they build, if a fox go up, he shall break down their stone wall.
RSV : Tobiah the Ammonite was by him, and he said, "Yes, what they are building -- if a fox goes up on it he will break down their stone wall!
ASV : Now Tobiah the Ammonite was by him, and he said, Even that which they are building, if a fox go up, he shall break down their stone wall.
ESV : Tobiah the Ammonite was beside him, and he said, "Yes, what they are building- if a fox goes up on it he will break down their stone wall!"
ERVEN : Tobiah the Ammonite was with Sanballat. Tobiah said, "What do these Jews think they are building? If even a small fox climbed up on it, he would break down their wall of stones!"
BNV : নহিমিয় তখন ঈশ্বরের কাছে প্রার্থনা করলেন, “হে ঈশ্বর তুমি দয়া করে আমাদের ডাকে সাড়া দাও| এই সমস্ত ব্যক্তিরা আমাদের ঘৃণা করে| সন্বল্লট ও টোবিয আমাদের অপমান করছে| তুমি তাদের এর যথায়োগ্য শাস্তি দাও| ওদের বন্দী করার ব্যবস্থা করো, যাতে ওরা লজ্জিত হয়|
KJV : Hear, O our God; for we are despised: and turn their reproach upon their own head, and give them for a prey in the land of captivity:
YLT : Hear, O our God, for we have been despised; and turn back their reproach on their own head, and give them for a spoil in a land of captivity;
RV : Hear, O our God; for we are despised: and turn back their reproach upon their own head, and give them up to spoiling in a land of captivity:
RSV : Hear, O our God, for we are despised; turn back their taunt upon their own heads, and give them up to be plundered in a land where they are captives.
ASV : Hear, O our God; for we are despised: and turn back their reproach upon their own head, and give them up for a spoil in a land of captivity;
ESV : Hear, O our God, for we are despised. Turn back their taunt on their own heads and give them up to be plundered in a land where they are captives.
ERVEN : Nehemiah prayed and said, "Our God, listen to our prayer. These men hate us. Sanballat and Tobiah are insulting us. Make bad things happen to them. Make them ashamed, like people taken away as prisoners.
BNV : তোমার চোখের সামনে ওরা যে অপরাধ করেছে তা তুমি ক্ষমা কর না| ওরা দেওয়াল নির্মাতাদের অপমান করেছে ও তাদের নিরুত্‌সাহ করেছে|”
KJV : And cover not their iniquity, and let not their sin be blotted out from before thee: for they have provoked [thee] to anger before the builders.
YLT : and do not cover over their iniquity, and their sin from before Thee let not be blotted out, for they have provoked to anger -- over-against those building.
RV : and cover not their iniquity, and let not their sin be blotted out from before thee: for they have provoked {cf15i thee} to anger before the builders.
RSV : Do not cover their guilt, and let not their sin be blotted out from thy sight; for they have provoked thee to anger before the builders.
ASV : and cover not their iniquity, and let not their sin be blotted out from before thee; for they have provoked thee to anger before the builders.
ESV : Do not cover their guilt, and let not their sin be blotted out from your sight, for they have provoked you to anger in the presence of the builders.
ERVEN : Don't take away their guilt or forgive the sins they have done in your sight. They have insulted and discouraged the builders."
BNV : যদিও আমরা জেরুশালেমের চারপাশের দেওয়াল বানালাম কিন্তু দেওয়ালের উচ্চতা যা হওয়া উচিত্‌ ছিল মোটে তার অর্ধেক হল| লোকরা উদ্যম আর ইচ্ছা নিয়ে কাজ করেছে|
KJV : So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work.
YLT : And we build the wall, and all the wall is joined -- unto its half, and the people have a heart to work.
RV : So we built the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto half {cf15i the height} thereof: for the people had a mind to work.
RSV : So we built the wall; and all the wall was joined together to half its height. For the people had a mind to work.
ASV : So we built the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto half the height thereof: for the people had a mind to work.
ESV : So we built the wall. And all the wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work.
ERVEN : We built the wall of Jerusalem all the way around the city. But it was only half as tall as it should be. We did this much because the people worked with all their heart.
BNV : সন্বল্লট, টোবিয, আরবীয, অম্মোনীয় ও অস্দোদীযরা খুব রেগে গেল কারণ ওরা শুনেছিল যে জেরুশালেমের দেওয়ালের কাজ এগিয়ে যাচ্ছে এবং গর্ত ভরাট করা হচ্ছে|
KJV : But it came to pass, [that] when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, heard that the walls of Jerusalem were made up, [and] that the breaches began to be stopped, then they were very wroth,
YLT : And it cometh to pass, when Sanballat hath heard, and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, that lengthening hath gone up to the walls of Jerusalem, that the breeches have begun to be stopped, then it is very displeasing to them,
RV : But it came to pass that, when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, heard that the repairing of the walls of Jerusalem went forward, {cf15i and} that the breaches began to be stopped, then they were very wroth;
RSV : But when Sanballat and Tobiah and the Arabs and the Ammonites and the Ashdodites heard that the repairing of the walls of Jerusalem was going forward and that the breaches were beginning to be closed, they were very angry;
ASV : But it came to pass that, when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, heard that the repairing of the walls of Jerusalem went forward, and that the breaches began to be stopped, then they were very wroth;
ESV : But when Sanballat and Tobiah and the Arabs and the Ammonites and the Ashdodites heard that the repairing of the walls of Jerusalem was going forward and that the breaches were beginning to be closed, they were very angry.
ERVEN : But Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites, and the men from Ashdod were very angry. They heard that the people continued working on the walls of Jerusalem. They heard the people were fixing the holes in the wall.
BNV : তারপর তারা জেরুশালেমের বিরুদ্ধে চএান্ত করার পরিকল্পনা করল| তারা সবাই পরিকল্পনা করল যে তারা আসবে ও জেরুশালেমের বিরুদ্ধে লড়াই করবে এবং তার বিরুদ্ধে গোলমাল করবে|
KJV : And conspired all of them together to come [and] to fight against Jerusalem, and to hinder it.
YLT : and they conspire, all of them together, to come in to fight against Jerusalem, and to do to it injury.
RV : and they conspired all of them together to come and fight against Jerusalem, and to cause confusion therein.
RSV : and they all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to cause confusion in it.
ASV : and they conspired all of them together to come and fight against Jerusalem, and to cause confusion therein.
ESV : And they all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to cause confusion in it.
ERVEN : So all these men got together and made plans against Jerusalem. They planned to stir up trouble against Jerusalem. They planned to come and fight against the city.
BNV : কিন্তু আমরা আমাদের ঈশ্বরের কাছে প্রার্থনা করে দিবারাত্র দেওয়ালের চারপাশে কড়া পাহারার ব্যবস্থা করলাম যাতে আমরা এই সব বহিঃশএুদের প্রয়োজনে বাধা দিতে পারি|
KJV : Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God, and set a watch against them day and night, because of them.
YLT : And we pray unto our God, and appoint a watch against them, by day and by night, because of them.
RV : But we made our prayer unto our God, and set a watch against them day and night, because of them.
RSV : And we prayed to our God, and set a guard as a protection against them day and night.
ASV : But we made our prayer unto our God, and set a watch against them day and night, because of them.
ESV : And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night.
ERVEN : But we prayed to our God. And we put guards on the walls to watch day and night so that we could be ready to meet them.
BNV : সে সময় যিহূদার লোকেরা বলল, “কর্মীরা সকলে ক্লান্ত হয়ে পড়েছে এবং ওখানে সরাবার মতো এত নোংরা আছে যে আমরা দেওয়াল নির্মাণের কাজ শেষ করতে পারব না|”
KJV : And Judah said, The strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed, and [there is] much rubbish; so that we are not able to build the wall.
YLT : And Judah saith, `The power of the burden-bearers hath become feeble, and the rubbish [is] abundant, and we are not able to build on the wall.`
RV : And Judah said, The strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed, and there is much rubbish; so that we are not able to build the wall.
RSV : But Judah said, "The strength of the burden-bearers is failing, and there is much rubbish; we are not able to work on the wall."
ASV : And Judah said, The strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed, and there is much rubbish; so that we are not able to build the wall.
ESV : In Judah it was said, "The strength of those who bear the burdens is failing. There is too much rubble. By ourselves we will not be able to rebuild the wall."
ERVEN : And so at that time the people of Judah said, "The workers are becoming tired. There is too much dirt and trash in the way. We cannot continue to build the wall.
BNV : আর আমাদের শএুরা বলছে, ‘ইহুদীরা এ সম্বন্ধে অবগত হবার আগে অথবা আমাদের দেখতে পাবার আগে, আমরা তাদের মধ্যে গিয়ে তাদের হত্যা করব, এবং এই ভাবেই তাদের কাজ বন্ধ হয়ে যাবে|”‘
KJV : And our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come in the midst among them, and slay them, and cause the work to cease.
YLT : And our adversaries say, `They do not know, nor see, till that we come in to their midst, and have slain them, and caused the work to cease.`
RV : And our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come into the midst of them, and slay them, and cause the work to cease.
RSV : And our enemies said, "They will not know or see till we come into the midst of them and kill them and stop the work."
ASV : And our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come into the midst of them, and slay them, and cause the work to cease.
ESV : And our enemies said, "They will not know or see till we come among them and kill them and stop the work."
ERVEN : And our enemies are saying, 'Before the Jews know it or see us, we will be right there among them. We will kill them and that will stop the work.'"
BNV : তারপর যে সব ইহুদী আমাদের শএুদের মধ্যে থাকত তারা এলো এবং আমাদের দশ বার বলল, ‘আমাদের শএুরা আমাদের চারদিকে রযেছে| আমরা যে দিকেই ফিরি না কেন সে দিকেই শএুরা রযেছে|’
KJV : And it came to pass, that when the Jews which dwelt by them came, they said unto us ten times, From all places whence ye shall return unto us [they will be upon you.]
YLT : And it cometh to pass, when the Jews have come who are dwelling near them, that they say to us ten times from all the places whither ye return -- [they are] against us.
RV : And it came to pass that, when the Jews which dwelt by them came, they said unto us ten times from all places, Ye must return unto us.
RSV : When the Jews who lived by them came they said to us ten times, "From all the places where they live they will come up against us."
ASV : And it came to pass that, when the Jews that dwelt by them came, they said unto us ten times from all places, Ye must return unto us.
ESV : At that time the Jews who lived near them came from all directions and said to us ten times, "You must return to us."
ERVEN : Then the Jews living among our enemies came and said this to us ten times, "Our enemies are all around us. They are everywhere we turn."
BNV : আমি তখন কিছু ব্যক্তিকে প্রাচীরের নিম্নতম অংশে রাখার ব্যবস্থা করলাম| আমি পরিবারগুলিকে তলোয়ার, বল্লম ও তীর-ধনুক সহ দেওয়ালের গর্তের কাছে এক সঙ্গে দাঁড় করিযে দিলাম|
KJV : Therefore set I in the lower places behind the wall, [and] on the higher places, I even set the people after their families with their swords, their spears, and their bows.
YLT : And I appoint at the lowest of the places, at the back of the wall, in the clear places, yea, I appoint the people, by their families, with their swords, their spears, and their bows.
RV : Therefore set I in the lowest parts of the space behind the wall, In the open places, I even set the people after their families with their swords, their spears, and their bows.
RSV : So in the lowest parts of the space behind the wall, in open places, I stationed the people according to their families, with their swords, their spears, and their bows.
ASV : Therefore set I in the lowest parts of the space behind the wall, in the open places, I set there the people after their families with their swords, their spears, and their bows.
ESV : So in the lowest parts of the space behind the wall, in open places, I stationed the people by their clans, with their swords, their spears, and their bows.
ERVEN : So I put some of the people behind the lowest places along the wall, and I put them by the holes in the wall. I put families together, with their swords, spears, and bows.
BNV : তারপর সমস্ত ব্যবস্থা ও পরিস্থিতি খতিযে দেখবার পর, আমি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ পরিবারগুলিকে, আধিকারিকদের এবং সমস্ত বাকি লোকদের উত্সাহ দিয়ে বললাম, “আমাদের শএুদের ভয় পেযো না| মনে রেখো আমাদের প্রভু মহান এবং ভয়ঙ্কর!”
KJV : And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, Be not ye afraid of them: remember the Lord, [which is] great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses.
YLT : And I see, and rise up, and say unto the freemen, and unto the prefects, and unto the rest of the people, `Be not afraid of them; the Lord, the great and the fearful, remember ye, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses.`
RV : And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, Be not ye afraid of them: remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your houses.
RSV : And I looked, and arose, and said to the nobles and to the officials and to the rest of the people, "Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes."
ASV : And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, Be not ye afraid of them: remember the Lord, who is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses.
ESV : And I looked and arose and said to the nobles and to the officials and to the rest of the people, "Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes."
ERVEN : After looking over everything, I stood up and spoke to the important families, the officials, and the rest of the people. I said, "Don't be afraid of our enemies. Remember the Lord. The Lord is great and powerful! You must fight for your brothers, your sons, and your daughters! You must fight for your wives and your homes!"
BNV : আমাদের শএুপক্ষ খবর পেল যে আমরা তাদের চএান্তের কথা জেনে ফেলেছি| ঈশ্বর তাদের সমস্ত মতলব বানচাল করে দিয়েছেন| আবার আমাদের লোকরা তাদের নিজেদের জায়গায ফিরে গিয়ে দেওয়ালের কাজ শুরু করল|
KJV : And it came to pass, when our enemies heard that it was known unto us, and God had brought their counsel to nought, that we returned all of us to the wall, every one unto his work.
YLT : And it cometh to pass, when our enemies have heard that it hath been known to us, and God doth frustrate their counsel, and we turn back, all of us, unto the wall, each unto his work;
RV : And it came to pass, when our enemies heard that it was known unto us, and God had brought their counsel to nought, that we returned all of us to the wall, every one unto his work.
RSV : When our enemies heard that it was known to us and that God had frustrated their plan, we all returned to the wall, each to his work.
ASV : And it came to pass, when our enemies heard that it was known unto us, and God had brought their counsel to nought, that we returned all of us to the wall, every one unto his work.
ESV : When our enemies heard that it was known to us and that God had frustrated their plan, we all returned to the wall, each to his work.
ERVEN : Then our enemies heard that we knew about their plans. They knew that God ruined their plans. So we all went back to work on the wall. Everyone went back to their own place and did their part.
BNV : তখন থেকে আমাদের লোকদের অর্ধেক সংখ্যক দেওয়াল নির্মাণের কাজে নিযুক্ত রইল আর বাকি অর্ধেক বল্লম, বর্ম, তীর এবং বর্ম নিয়ে প্রহরায নিযুক্ত হল| সেনাধ্যক্ষরা যিহূদার লোকদের পেছনে এসে দাঁড়ালেন যেহেতু তারা দেওয়াল নির্মাণ করছিল|
KJV : And it came to pass from that time forth, [that] the half of my servants wrought in the work, and the other half of them held both the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the habergeons; and the rulers [were] behind all the house of Judah.
YLT : yea, it cometh to pass, from that day, half of my servants are working in the business, and half of them are keeping hold of both the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the coats of mail; and the heads [are] behind all the house of Judah.
RV : And it came to pass from that time forth, that half of my servants wrought in the work, and half of them held the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the coats of mail; and the rulers were behind all the house of Judah.
RSV : From that day on, half of my servants worked on construction, and half held the spears, shields, bows, and coats of mail; and the leaders stood behind all the house of Judah,
ASV : And it came to pass from that time forth, that half of my servants wrought in the work, and half of them held the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the coats of mail; and the rulers were behind all the house of Judah.
ESV : From that day on, half of my servants worked on construction, and half held the spears, shields, bows, and coats of mail. And the leaders stood behind the whole house of Judah,
ERVEN : From that day on, half of my men worked on the wall. The other half of my men were on guard, ready with spears, shields, bows, and armor. The army officers stood behind all the people of Judah who were building the wall.
BNV : মিস্ত্রি ও তাদের য়োগানদাররা এক হাতে তাদের য়ন্ত্রপাতি এবং অন্য হাতে অস্ত্রও ধরেছিল|
KJV : They which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that laded, [every one] with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other [hand] held a weapon.
YLT : The builders on the wall, and the bearers of the burden, those lading, [each] with one of his hands is working in the business, and one is laying hold of the missile.
RV : They that builded the wall and they that bare burdens laded themselves, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other held his weapon;
RSV : who were building on the wall. Those who carried burdens were laden in such a way that each with one hand labored on the work and with the other held his weapon.
ASV : They all builded the wall and they that bare burdens laded themselves; every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other held his weapon;
ESV : who were building on the wall. Those who carried burdens were loaded in such a way that each labored on the work with one hand and held his weapon with the other.
ERVEN : The builders and their helpers had their tools in one hand and a weapon in the other hand.
BNV : কাজ করার সময়ও প্রত্যেকটি নির্মাণকারী কোমরবন্ধে তরবারি ঝুলিয়ে রাখতো| লোকদের সতর্ক করে দেবার জন্য যার শিঙা বাজানোর কথা সে আমার পাশে পাশে থাকত|
KJV : For the builders, every one had his sword girded by his side, and [so] builded. And he that sounded the trumpet [was] by me.
YLT : And the builders [are] each with his sword, girded on his loins, and building, and he who is blowing with a trumpet [is] beside me.
RV : and the builders, every one had his sword girded by his side, and so builded. And he that sounded the trumpet was by me.
RSV : And each of the builders had his sword girded at his side while he built. The man who sounded the trumpet was beside me.
ASV : and the builders, every one had his sword girded by his side, and so builded. And he that sounded the trumpet was by me.
ESV : And each of the builders had his sword strapped at his side while he built. The man who sounded the trumpet was beside me.
ERVEN : Each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked. The man who blew the trumpet to warn the people stayed next to me.
BNV : আমি তখন আধিকারিকবর্গ, গুরুত্বপূর্ণ পরিবার ও বাকি লোকদের সঙ্গে কথা বললাম| আমি বললাম, “এই দেওয়াল জুড়ে এখনও অনেক কাজ করা বাকি আছে আর আমরা একে অন্য়ের থেকে বিচ্ছিন্ন হয়ে গিয়েছি|”
KJV : And I said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, The work [is] great and large, and we are separated upon the wall, one far from another.
YLT : And I say unto the freemen, and unto the prefects, and unto the rest of the people, `The work is abundant, and large, and we are separated on the wall, far off one from another;
RV : And I said unto the nobles, and to the rulers and to the rest of the people, The work is great and large, and we are separated upon the wall, one far from another:
RSV : And I said to the nobles and to the officials and to the rest of the people, "The work is great and widely spread, and we are separated on the wall, far from one another.
ASV : And I said unto the nobles, and to the rulers and to the rest of the people, The work is great and large, and we are separated upon the wall, one far from another:
ESV : And I said to the nobles and to the officials and to the rest of the people, "The work is great and widely spread, and we are separated on the wall, far from one another.
ERVEN : Then I spoke to the leading families, the officials, and the rest of the people. I said, "This is a very big job and we are spread out along the wall. We are far from one another.
BNV : কিন্তু একে অপরের থেকে কাজের সময় যত দূরেই থাকো না কেন, শিঙার আওয়াজ শুনলেই সকলে দ্রুত এক জায়গায জড়ো হবে| ঈশ্বর বয়ং আমাদের য়ুদ্ধে সাহায্য করবেন|”
KJV : In what place [therefore] ye hear the sound of the trumpet, resort ye thither unto us: our God shall fight for us.
YLT : in the place that ye hear the voice of the trumpet thither ye are gathered unto us; our God doth fight for us.`
RV : in what place soever ye hear the sound of the trumpet, resort ye thither unto us; our God shall fight for us.
RSV : In the place where you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us."
ASV : in what place soever ye hear the sound of the trumpet, resort ye thither unto us; our God will fight for us.
ESV : In the place where you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us."
ERVEN : So if you hear the trumpet, run to that place. We will all meet together there, and God will fight for us!"
BNV : অতএব আমরা সূর্য়াস্ত থেকে সূর্য়োদয পর্য়ন্ত জেরুশালেমের দেওয়াল বানানোর জন্য কঠিন পরিশ্রম করছিলাম যখন কর্মীদের মধ্যে অর্ধেকরা হাতে বল্লম ধরেছিল|
KJV : So we laboured in the work: and half of them held the spears from the rising of the morning till the stars appeared.
YLT : And we are working in the business, and half of them are keeping hold of the spears, from the going up of the dawn till the coming forth of the stars.
RV : So we wrought in the work: and half of them held the spears from the rising of the morning till the stars appeared.
RSV : So we labored at the work, and half of them held the spears from the break of dawn till the stars came out.
ASV : So we wrought in the work: and half of them held the spears from the rising of the morning till the stars appeared.
ESV : So we labored at the work, and half of them held the spears from the break of dawn until the stars came out.
ERVEN : So we continued to work on the wall of Jerusalem, and half the men held spears. We worked from the first light of the morning until the stars came out at night.
BNV : আমি নির্মাতাদের এও বলেছিলাম, “প্রত্যেক নির্মাতা এবং তার সাহায্যকারী রাত্রে জেরুশালেমের ভেতরে থাকবে যাতে তারা রাত্রে পাহারাদার এবং দিনের বেলা কর্মী হতে পারে|”
KJV : Likewise at the same time said I unto the people, Let every one with his servant lodge within Jerusalem, that in the night they may be a guard to us, and labour on the day.
YLT : Also, at that time I said to the people, `Let each with his servant lodge in the midst of Jerusalem, and they have been to us by night a guard, and by day [for] the work:`
RV : Likewise at the same time said I unto the people, Let every one with his servant lodge within Jerusalem, that in the night they may be a guard to us, and may labour in the day.
RSV : I also said to the people at that time, "Let every man and his servant pass the night within Jerusalem, that they may be a guard for us by night and may labor by day."
ASV : Likewise at the same time said I unto the people, Let every one with his servant lodge within Jerusalem, that in the night they may be a guard to us, and may labor in the day.
ESV : I also said to the people at that time, "Let every man and his servant pass the night within Jerusalem, that they may be a guard for us by night and may labor by day."
ERVEN : At that time I also said this to the people, "Every builder and his helper must stay inside Jerusalem at night. Then they can be guards at night and workers during the day."
BNV : অতএব আমি বা আমার ভাইরা, আমার লোকরা এবং প্রহরীরা কেউই স্নান করার জন্য বা কাপড় কাচার জন্য পোষাক খুলতে পারতাম না কারণ আমরা যখন জলের জন্য বেরোতাম তখনও আমাদের হাতে অস্ত্র থাকত|
KJV : So neither I, nor my brethren, nor my servants, nor the men of the guard which followed me, none of us put off our clothes, [saving that] every one put them off for washing.
YLT : and there are none -- I and my brethren and my servants, the men of the guard who [are] after me -- there are none of us putting off our garments, each [hath] his vessel of water.
RV : So neither I, nor my brethren, nor my servants, nor the men of the guard which followed me, none of us put off our clothes, every one {cf15i went with} his weapon {cf15i to} the water.
RSV : So neither I nor my brethren nor my servants nor the men of the guard who followed me, none of us took off our clothes; each kept his weapon in his hand.
ASV : So neither I, nor my brethren, nor my servants, nor the men of the guard that followed me, none of us put off our clothes, every one went with his weapon to the water.
ESV : So neither I nor my brothers nor my servants nor the men of the guard who followed me, none of us took off our clothes; each kept his weapon at his right hand.
ERVEN : So none of us took off our clothes—not me, not my brothers, not my men, and not the guards. Each of us had our weapon ready at all times, even when we went to get water.

