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2 Kings Chapters

2 Kings 15 Verses

BNV : যারবিয়ামের রাজত্বের 27 তম বছরে অমত্‌সিযের পুত্র অসরিয় যিহূদার নতুন রাজা হয়েছিলেন|
KJV : In the twenty and seventh year of Jeroboam king of Israel began Azariah son of Amaziah king of Judah to reign.
YLT : In the twenty and seventh year of Jeroboam king of Israel reigned hath Azariah son of Amaziah king of Judah,
RV : In the twenty and seventh year of Jeroboam king of Israel began Azariah son of Amaziah king of Judah to reign.
RSV : In the twenty-seventh year of Jeroboam king of Israel Azariah the son of Amaziah, king of Judah, began to reign.
ASV : In the twenty and seventh year of Jeroboam king of Israel began Azariah son of Amaziah king of Judah to reign.
ESV : In the twenty-seventh year of Jeroboam king of Israel, Azariah the son of Amaziah, king of Judah, began to reign.
ERVEN : Azariah son of King Amaziah of Judah became king in the 27 year that Jeroboam was king of Israel.
BNV : অসরিয় যখন রাজা হন, তাঁর বয়স ছিল মাত্র 16 বছর| তিনি 52 বছর জেরুশালেমে রাজত্ব করেছিলেন| অসরিয়ের মা ছিলেন য়িথলিযা থেকে|
KJV : Sixteen years old was he when he began to reign, and he reigned two and fifty years in Jerusalem. And his mother’s name [was] Jecholiah of Jerusalem.
YLT : a son of sixteen years was he in his reigning, and fifty and two years he hath reigned in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother [is] Jecholiah of Jerusalem,
RV : Sixteen years old was he when he began to reign; and he reigned two and fifty years in Jerusalem: and his mother-s name was Jecoliah of Jerusalem.
RSV : He was sixteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty-two years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Jecoliah of Jerusalem.
ASV : Sixteen years old was he when he began to reign; and he reigned two and fifty years in Jerusalem: and his mothers name was Jecoliah of Jerusalem.
ESV : He was sixteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty-two years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Jecoliah of Jerusalem.
ERVEN : Azariah was 16 years old when he began to rule. He ruled 52 years in Jerusalem. His mother was named Jecoliah of Jerusalem.
BNV : অসরিয় তাঁর পিতা অমত্‌সিযের মত, প্রভুর চোখে য়েগুলো ঠিক সেই কাজগুলো করেছিলেন|
KJV : And he did [that which was] right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his father Amaziah had done;
YLT : and he doth that which [is] right in the eyes of Jehovah, according to all that Amaziah his father did,
RV : And he did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, according to all that his father Amaziah had done.
RSV : And he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, according to all that his father Amaziah had done.
ASV : And he did that which was right in the eyes of Jehovah, according to all that his father Amaziah had done.
ESV : And he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, according to all that his father Amaziah had done.
ERVEN : Azariah did what the Lord said was right, just as his father Amaziah had done.
BNV : কিন্তু তিনি উঁচু বেদীগুলো ধ্বংস করেন নি| তখনও পর্য়ন্ত এই সব বেদীতে লোকেরা বলিদান করত ও ধূপধুনো দিত|
KJV : Save that the high places were not removed: the people sacrificed and burnt incense still on the high places.
YLT : only, the high places have not turned aside -- yet are the people sacrificing and making perfume in high places.
RV : Howbeit the high places were not taken away: the people still sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places.
RSV : Nevertheless the high places were not taken away; the people still sacrificed and burned incense on the high places.
ASV : Howbeit the high places were not taken away: the people still sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places.
ESV : Nevertheless, the high places were not taken away. The people still sacrificed and made offerings on the high places.
ERVEN : But he did not destroy the high places. People still made sacrifices and burned incense in these places of worship.
BNV : প্রভু রাজা অসরিয়কে কুষ্ঠরোগীতে পরিণত করেছিলেন এবং অসরিয় কুষ্ঠরোগী হিসেবেই শেষ পর্য়ন্ত মারা যান| তিনি একটা আলাদা ঘরে বাস করতেন এবং রাজপুত্র য়োথম রাজপ্রাসাদের দায়িত্ব পালন করা ছাড়াও লোকদের বিচার করতেন|
KJV : And the LORD smote the king, so that he was a leper unto the day of his death, and dwelt in a several house. And Jotham the king’s son [was] over the house, judging the people of the land.
YLT : And Jehovah smiteth the king, and he is a leper unto the day of his death, and he dwelleth in a separate house, and Jotham son of the king [is] over the house, judging the people of the land.
RV : And the LORD smote the king, so that he was a leper unto the day of his death, and dwelt in a several house. And Jotham the king-s son was over the household, judging the people of the land:
RSV : And the LORD smote the king, so that he was a leper to the day of his death, and he dwelt in a separate house. And Jotham the king's son was over the household, governing the people of the land.
ASV : And Jehovah smote the king, so that he was a leper unto the day of his death, and dwelt in a separate house. And Jotham the kings son was over the household, judging the people of the land.
ESV : And the LORD touched the king, so that he was a leper to the day of his death, and he lived in a separate house. And Jotham the king's son was over the household, governing the people of the land.
ERVEN : The Lord caused King Azariah to become sick with leprosy. He was a leper until the day he died. Azariah lived in a separate house. His son Jotham was in charge of the king's palace and judged the people.
BNV : অসরিয় য়ে সমস্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কাজ করেছিলেন সে সমস্তই ‘যিহূদার রাজাদের ইতিহাস’ গ্রন্থে লিপিবদ্ধ আছে|
KJV : And the rest of the acts of Azariah, and all that he did, [are] they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?
YLT : And the rest of the matters of Azariah, and all that he did, are they not written on the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Judah?
RV : Now the rest of the acts of Azariah, and all that he did, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?
RSV : Now the rest of the acts of Azariah, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?
ASV : Now the rest of the acts of Azariah, and all that he did, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?
ESV : Now the rest of the acts of Azariah, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?
ERVEN : All the great things that Azariah did are written in the book, The History of the Kings of Judah.
BNV : অসরিয়র মৃত্যুর পর তাঁকে দায়ূদ নগরীতে তাঁর পূর্বপুরুষদের সঙ্গে সমাধিস্থ করা হয়| তাঁর মৃত্যুর পর নতুন রাজা হলেন তাঁর পুত্র য়োথম|
KJV : So Azariah slept with his fathers; and they buried him with his fathers in the city of David: and Jotham his son reigned in his stead.
YLT : And Azariah lieth with his fathers, and they bury him with his fathers, in the city of David, and reign doth Jotham his son in his stead.
RV : And Azariah slept with his fathers; and they buried him with his fathers in the city of David: and Jotham his son reigned in his stead.
RSV : And Azariah slept with his fathers, and they buried him with his fathers in the city of David, and Jotham his son reigned in his stead.
ASV : And Azariah slept with his fathers; and they buried him with his fathers in the city of David: and Jotham his son reigned in his stead.
ESV : And Azariah slept with his fathers, and they buried him with his fathers in the city of David, and Jotham his son reigned in his place.
ERVEN : Azariah died and was buried with his ancestors in the City of David. Azariah's son Jotham became the new king after him.
BNV : যারবিয়ামের পুত্র সখরিয, ইস্রায়েলের শমরিয়ায ছ’মাস রাজত্ব করেছিলেন| তিনি অসরিয়ের যিহূদায় রাজত্ব কালের 38 তম বছরে শমরিয়ার শাসক হয়েছিলেন|
KJV : In the thirty and eighth year of Azariah king of Judah did Zachariah the son of Jeroboam reign over Israel in Samaria six months.
YLT : In the thirty and eighth year of Azariah king of Judah reigned hath Zechariah son of Jeroboam over Israel, in Samaria, six months,
RV : In the thirty and eighth year of Azariah king of Judah did Zechariah the son of Jeroboam reign over Israel in Samaria six months.
RSV : In the thirty-eighth year of Azariah king of Judah Zechariah the son of Jeroboam reigned over Israel in Samaria six months.
ASV : In the thirty and eighth year of Azariah king of Judah did Zechariah the son of Jeroboam reign over Israel in Samaria six months.
ESV : In the thirty-eighth year of Azariah king of Judah, Zechariah the son of Jeroboam reigned over Israel in Samaria six months.
ERVEN : Zechariah son of Jeroboam ruled over Samaria in Israel for six months. This was during the 38 year that Azariah was king of Judah.
BNV : প্রভু যা কিছু বারণ করেছিলেন সখরিয সে সবই করেন| নবাটের পুত্র যারবিয়াম ইস্রায়েলের বাসিন্দাদের য়ে সমস্ত পাপাচরণে বাধ্য করেছিলেন, তিনি তা বন্ধ করেন নি|
KJV : And he did [that which was] evil in the sight of the LORD, as his fathers had done: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.
YLT : and he doth the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, as did his fathers, he hath not turned aside from the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat that he caused Israel to sin.
RV : And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, as his fathers had done: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, wherewith he made Israel to sin.
RSV : And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, as his fathers had done. He did not depart from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.
ASV : And he did that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah, as his fathers had done: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, wherewith he made Israel to sin.
ESV : And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, as his fathers had done. He did not depart from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.
ERVEN : Zechariah did what the Lord said was wrong. He did the same things his ancestors did. He did not stop committing the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat who caused Israel to sin.
BNV : যাবেশের পুত্র শল্লুম চএান্ত করে সখরিযকে ইবলিযমে হত্যা করে নিজে নতুন রাজা হয়ে বসলেন|
KJV : And Shallum the son of Jabesh conspired against him, and smote him before the people, and slew him, and reigned in his stead.
YLT : And Shallum son of Jabesh conspireth against him, and smiteth him before the people, and putteth him to death, and reigneth in his stead.
RV : And Shallum the son of Jabesh conspired against him, and smote him before the people, and slew him, and reigned in his stead.
RSV : Shallum the son of Jabesh conspired against him, and struck him down at Ibleam, and killed him, and reigned in his stead.
ASV : And Shallum the son of Jabesh conspired against him, and smote him before the people, and slew him, and reigned in his stead.
ESV : Shallum the son of Jabesh conspired against him and struck him down at Ibleam and put him to death and reigned in his place.
ERVEN : Shallum son of Jabesh made plans against Zechariah. Shallum killed Zechariah in Ibleam. Shallum became the new king.
BNV : সখরিয আর য়ে সমস্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কাজ করেছিলেন সে সব ‘ইস্রায়েলের রাজাদের ইতিহাস’ গ্রন্থে লিপিবদ্ধ আছে|
KJV : And the rest of the acts of Zachariah, behold, they [are] written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.
YLT : And the rest of the matters of Zechariah, lo, they are written on the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel.
RV : Now the rest of the acts of Zechariah, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.
RSV : Now the rest of the deeds of Zechariah, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.
ASV : Now the rest of the acts of Zechariah, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.
ESV : Now the rest of the deeds of Zechariah, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.
ERVEN : All the other things that Zechariah did are written in the book, The History of the Kings of Israel.
BNV : প্রভু ‘য়েহূর উত্তরপুরুষরা চারপুরুষ ধরে ইস্রায়েলে শাসন করবে’ বলে য়ে ভবিষ্যত্‌বাণী করেছিলেন, তা এই ভাবে সত্যে পরিণত হল|
KJV : This [was] the word of the LORD which he spake unto Jehu, saying, Thy sons shall sit on the throne of Israel unto the fourth [generation.] And so it came to pass.
YLT : It [is] the word of Jehovah that He spake unto Jehu, saying, `Sons of the fourth [generation] do sit for thee on the throne of Israel;` and it is so.
RV : This was the word of the LORD which he spake unto Jehu, saying, Thy sons to the fourth generation shall sit upon the throne of Israel. And so it came to pass.
RSV : (This was the promise of the LORD which he gave to Jehu, "Your sons shall sit upon the throne of Israel to the fourth generation." And so it came to pass.)
ASV : This was the word of Jehovah which he spake unto Jehu, saying, Thy sons to the fourth generation shall sit upon the throne of Israel. And so it came to pass.
ESV : (This was the promise of the LORD that he gave to Jehu, "Your sons shall sit on the throne of Israel to the fourth generation." And so it came to pass.)
ERVEN : In this way the Lord's word came true. The Lord had told Jehu that four generations of his descendants would be kings of Israel.
BNV : যিহূদায় উষিযের রাজত্বের 39 তম বছরে যাবেশের পুত্র শল্লুম ইস্রায়েলের রাজা হন| তিনি এক মাস শমরিয়ায রাজত্ব করেছিলেন|
KJV : Shallum the son of Jabesh began to reign in the nine and thirtieth year of Uzziah king of Judah; and he reigned a full month in Samaria.
YLT : Shallum son of Jabesh hath reigned in the thirty and ninth year of Uzziah king of Judah, and he reigneth a month of days in Samaria;
RV : Shallum the son of Jabesh began to reign in the nine and thirtieth year of Uzziah king of Judah; and he reigned the space of a month in Samaria.
RSV : Shallum the son of Jabesh began to reign in the thirty-ninth year of Uzziah king of Judah, and he reigned one month in Samaria.
ASV : Shallum the son of Jabesh began to reign in the nine and thirtieth year of Uzziah king of Judah; and he reigned the space of a month in Samaria.
ESV : Shallum the son of Jabesh began to reign in the thirty-ninth year of Uzziah king of Judah, and he reigned one month in Samaria.
ERVEN : Shallum son of Jabesh became king of Israel during the 39 year that Uzziah was king of Judah. Shallum ruled for one month in Samaria.
BNV : গাদির পুত্র মনহেম তির্সা থেকে শমরিয়ায এসে যাবেশের পুত্র শল্লুমকে হত্যা করে তাঁর জায়গায় নতুন রাজা হয়ে বসলেন|
KJV : For Menahem the son of Gadi went up from Tirzah, and came to Samaria, and smote Shallum the son of Jabesh in Samaria, and slew him, and reigned in his stead.
YLT : and go up doth Menahem son of Gadi from Tirzah and cometh in to Samaria, and smiteth Shallum son of Jabesh in Samaria, and putteth him to death, and reigneth in his stead.
RV : And Menahem the son of Gadi went up from Tirzah, and came to Samaria, and smote Shallum the son of Jabesh in Samaria, and slew him, and reigned in his stead.
RSV : Then Menahem the son of Gadi came up from Tirzah and came to Samaria, and he struck down Shallum the son of Jabesh in Samaria and slew him, and reigned in his stead.
ASV : And Menahem the son of Gadi went up from Tirzah, and came to Samaria, and smote Shallum the son of Jabesh in Samaria, and slew him, and reigned in his stead.
ESV : Then Menahem the son of Gadi came up from Tirzah and came to Samaria, and he struck down Shallum the son of Jabesh in Samaria and put him to death and reigned in his place.
ERVEN : Menahem son of Gadi came up from Tirzah to Samaria and killed Shallum son of Jabesh. Then Menahem became the new king after him.
BNV : শল্লুম যা কিছু করেছিলেন, এমন কি সখরিযের বিরুদ্ধে তাঁর চএান্তের কথা এ সবই ‘ইস্রায়েলের রাজাদের ইতিহাস’ গ্রন্থে লিপিবদ্ধ আছে|
KJV : And the rest of the acts of Shallum, and his conspiracy which he made, behold, they [are] written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.
YLT : And the rest of the matters of Shallum, and his conspiracy that he made, lo, they are written on the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel.
RV : Now the rest of the acts of Shallum, and his conspiracy which he made, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.
RSV : Now the rest of the deeds of Shallum, and the conspiracy which he made, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.
ASV : Now the rest of the acts of Shallum, and his conspiracy which he made, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.
ESV : Now the rest of the deeds of Shallum, and the conspiracy that he made, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.
ERVEN : All the things Shallum did, including his plans against Zechariah, are written in the book, The History of the Kings of Israel.
BNV : শল্লুমের মৃত্যুর পর মনহেম তিপ্সহ ও তার পার্শ্ববর্তী অঞ্চলের বিরুদ্ধে যুদ্ধ করে জয়ী হন| সেখানকার নাগরিকরা শহরের দরজা খুলে দিতে অস্বীকার করায মনহেম তাদের পরাজিত করে জোর করে শহরে ঢুকে সেখানকার সমস্ত গর্ভবতী মহিলাদের কেটে ফেলেন|
KJV : Then Menahem smote Tiphsah, and all that [were] therein, and the coasts thereof from Tirzah: because they opened not [to him,] therefore he smote [it; and] all the women therein that were with child he ripped up.
YLT : Then doth Menahem smite Tiphsah, and all who [are] in it, and its borders from Tirzah, for it opened not [to him], and he smiteth [it], all its pregnant women he hath ripped up.
RV : Then Menahem smote Tiphsah, and all that were therein, and the borders thereof, from Tirzah: because they opened not to him, therefore he smote it; and all the women therein that were with child he ripped up.
RSV : At that time Menahem sacked Tappuah and all who were in it and its territory from Tirzah on; because they did not open it to him, therefore he sacked it, and he ripped up all the women in it who were with child.
ASV : Then Menahem smote Tiphsah, and all that were therein, and the borders thereof, from Tirzah: because they opened not to him, therefore he smote it; and all the women therein that were with child he ripped up.
ESV : At that time Menahem sacked Tiphsah and all who were in it and its territory from Tirzah on, because they did not open it to him. Therefore he sacked it, and he ripped open all the women in it who were pregnant.
ERVEN : Menahem defeated Tiphsah and the area around it. The people refused to open the city gate for him. So Menahem defeated them and ripped open all the pregnant women in that city.
BNV : যিহূদায় অসরিয়ের রাজত্বের 39 বছরের মাথায় ইস্রায়েলের রাজা হবার পর গাদির পুত্র মনহেম 10 বছরের জন্য শমরিয়ায রাজত্ব করেছিলেন|
KJV : In the nine and thirtieth year of Azariah king of Judah began Menahem the son of Gadi to reign over Israel, [and reigned] ten years in Samaria.
YLT : In the thirty and ninth year of Azariah king of Judah reigned hath Menahem son of Gadi over Israel -- ten years in Samaria.
RV : In the nine and thirtieth year of Azariah king of Judah began Menahem the son of Gadi to reign over Israel, {cf15i and reigned} ten years in Samaria.
RSV : In the thirty-ninth year of Azariah king of Judah Menahem the son of Gadi began to reign over Israel, and he reigned ten years in Samaria.
ASV : In the nine and thirtieth year of Azariah king of Judah began Menahem the son of Gadi to reign over Israel, and reigned ten years in Samaria.
ESV : In the thirty-ninth year of Azariah king of Judah, Menahem the son of Gadi began to reign over Israel, and he reigned ten years in Samaria.
ERVEN : Menahem son of Gadi became king over Israel during the 39 year that Azariah was king of Judah. Menahem ruled ten years in Samaria.
BNV : প্রভু যা কিছু করতে বারণ করেছিলেন মনহেম সে সমস্ত কাজই করেছিলেন| নবাটের পুত্র যারবিয়ামের মতোই তিনি ইস্রায়েলের লোকদের পাপাচরণ করতে বাধ্য করেছিলেন|
KJV : And he did [that which was] evil in the sight of the LORD: he departed not all his days from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.
YLT : And he doth the evil in the eyes of Jehovah, he hath turned not aside from the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat that he caused Israel to sin, all his days.
RV : And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD: he departed not all his days from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, wherewith he made Israel to sin.
RSV : And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD; he did not depart all his days from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.
ASV : And he did that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah: he departed not all his days from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, wherewith he made Israel to sin.
ESV : And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD. He did not depart all his days from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.
ERVEN : Menahem did what the Lord said was wrong. He did not stop committing the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat who caused Israel to sin.
BNV : অশূর-রাজ পূল ইস্রায়েলের বিরুদ্ধে যুদ্ধ করতে এলে মনহেম তাঁকে 75,000 পাউণ্ড রূপো দিয়ে নিজের পক্ষে আনার চেষ্টা করেন|
KJV : [And] Pul the king of Assyria came against the land: and Menahem gave Pul a thousand talents of silver, that his hand might be with him to confirm the kingdom in his hand.
YLT : Pul king of Asshur hath come against the land, and Menahem giveth to Pul a thousand talents of silver, for his hand being with him to strengthen the kingdom in his hand.
RV : There came against the land Pul the king of Assyria; and Menahem gave Pul a thousand talents of silver, that his hand might be with him to confirm the kingdom in his hand.
RSV : Pul the king of Assyria came against the land; and Menahem gave Pul a thousand talents of silver, that he might help him to confirm his hold of the royal power.
ASV : There came against the land Pul the king of Assyria; and Menahem gave Pul a thousand talents of silver, that his hand might be with him to confirm the kingdom in his hand.
ESV : Pul the king of Assyria came against the land, and Menahem gave Pul a thousand talents of silver, that he might help him to confirm his hold on the royal power.
ERVEN : King Pul of Assyria came to fight against Israel. Menahem gave Pul 75,000 pounds of silver so that Pul would support him and help him gain complete control of the kingdom.
BNV : ধনী ও প্রতিপত্তিশালী ব্যক্তিদের কাছ থেকে কর আদায করে মনহেম এই টাকা তুলেছিলেন| তিনি প্রত্যেকের কাছ থেকে প্রায় 20 আউন্স করে রূপো কর হিসেবে আদায করে, তারপর সেই অর্থ অশূর রাজের হাতে তুলে দিলে, অশূর রাজ ইস্রায়েল ছেড়ে চলে যান|
KJV : And Menahem exacted the money of Israel, [even] of all the mighty men of wealth, of each man fifty shekels of silver, to give to the king of Assyria. So the king of Assyria turned back, and stayed not there in the land.
YLT : And Menahem bringeth out the silver [from] Israel, [from] all the mighty men of wealth, to give to the king of Asshur, fifty shekels of silver for each one, and the king of Asshur turneth back and hath not stayed there in the land.
RV : And Menahem exacted the money of Israel, even of all the mighty men of wealth, of each man fifty shekels of silver, to give to the king of Assyria. So the king of Assyria turned back, and stayed not there in the land.
RSV : Menahem exacted the money from Israel, that is, from all the wealthy men, fifty shekels of silver from every man, to give to the king of Assyria. So the king of Assyria turned back, and did not stay there in the land.
ASV : And Menahem exacted the money of Israel, even of all the mighty men of wealth, of each man fifty shekels of silver, to give to the king of Assyria. So the king of Assyria turned back, and stayed not there in the land.
ESV : Menahem exacted the money from Israel, that is, from all the wealthy men, fifty shekels of silver from every man, to give to the king of Assyria. So the king of Assyria turned back and did not stay there in the land.
ERVEN : Menahem raised the money by making all the rich and powerful men pay taxes. He taxed each man 20 ounces of silver and gave the money to the king of Assyria. So the king of Assyria left and did not stay there in Israel.
BNV : মনহেম যা কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কাজ করেছিলেন সে সবই ‘ইস্রায়েলের রাজাদের ইতিহাস’ গ্রন্থে লিপিবদ্ধ আছে|
KJV : And the rest of the acts of Menahem, and all that he did, [are] they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?
YLT : And the rest of the matters of Menahem, and all that he did, are they not written on the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel?
RV : Now the rest of the acts of Menahem, and all that he did, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?
RSV : Now the rest of the deeds of Menahem, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?
ASV : Now the rest of the acts of Menahem, and all that he did, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?
ESV : Now the rest of the deeds of Menahem and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?
ERVEN : All the great things that Menahem did are written in the book, The History of the Kings of Israel.
BNV : মনহেমের মৃত্যুর পর তাঁকে তাঁর পূর্বপুরুষদের সঙ্গে সমাধিস্থ করা হয়| এরপর মনহেমের পুত্র পকহিয় তাঁর জায়গায় নতুন রাজা হন|
KJV : And Menahem slept with his fathers; and Pekahiah his son reigned in his stead.
YLT : And Menahem lieth with his fathers, and reign doth Pekahiah his son in his stead.
RV : And Menahem slept with his fathers; and Pekahiah his son reigned in his stead.
RSV : And Menahem slept with his fathers, and Pekahiah his son reigned in his stead.
ASV : And Menahem slept with his fathers; and Pekahiah his son reigned in his stead.
ESV : And Menahem slept with his fathers, and Pekahiah his son reigned in his place.
ERVEN : Menahem died and was buried with his ancestors. His son Pekahiah became the new king after him.
BNV : যিহূদায় অসরিয়ের রাজত্বের 50 তম বছরে মনহেমের পুত্র পকহিয় শমরিয়ায় ইস্রায়েলের রাজা হয়েছিলেন এবং তিনি দু বছর রাজত্ব করেছিলেন|
KJV : In the fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah Pekahiah the son of Menahem began to reign over Israel in Samaria, [and reigned] two years.
YLT : In the fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah hath Pekahiah son of Menahem reigned over Israel, in Samaria -- two years,
RV : In the fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah Pekahiah the son of Menahem began to reign over Israel in Samaria, {cf15i and reigned} two years.
RSV : In the fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah Pekahiah the son of Menahem began to reign over Israel in Samaria, and he reigned two years.
ASV : In the fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah Pekahiah the son of Menahem began to reign over Israel in Samaria, and reigned two years.
ESV : In the fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah, Pekahiah the son of Menahem began to reign over Israel in Samaria, and he reigned two years.
ERVEN : Pekahiah son of Menahem became king over Israel in Samaria during the 50 year that Azariah was king of Judah. Pekahiah ruled two years.
BNV : পকহিয় সে সমস্ত কাজই করেছিলেন, য়েগুলো ছিল প্রভুর দ্বারা নিষিদ্ধ| নবাটের পুত্র যারবিয়ামের মতই তিনিও ইস্রায়েলের লোকদের পাপাচরণের পথে ঠেলে দিয়েছিলেন|
KJV : And he did [that which was] evil in the sight of the LORD: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.
YLT : and he doth the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, he hath not turned aside from the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat that he caused Israel to sin.
RV : And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, wherewith he made Israel to sin.
RSV : And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD; he did not turn away from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.
ASV : And he did that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, wherewith he made Israel to sin.
ESV : And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD. He did not turn away from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.
ERVEN : He did what the Lord said was wrong. He did not stop committing the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat that caused Israel to sin.
BNV : পকহিয়র সেনাপতি ছিলেন রমলিযের পুত্র পেকহ| পেকহ অর্গব এবং অরিযি সমেত গিলিয়দের 50 জন ব্যক্তিকে তাঁর সঙ্গে নিয়েছিলেন এবং রাজপ্রাসাদের মধ্যে পকহিয়কে হত্যা করেছিলেন|
KJV : But Pekah the son of Remaliah, a captain of his, conspired against him, and smote him in Samaria, in the palace of the king’s house, with Argob and Arieh, and with him fifty men of the Gileadites: and he killed him, and reigned in his room.
YLT : And Pekah son of Remaliah, his captain, doth conspire against him, and smiteth him in Samaria, in the high place of the house of the king with Argob and Arieh, and with him fifty men of the sons of the Gileadites, and he putteth him to death, and reigneth in his stead.
RV : And Pekah the son of Remaliah, his captain, conspired against him, and smote him in Samaria, in the castle of the king-s house, with Argob and Arieh; and with him were fifty men of the Gileadites: and he slew him, and reigned in his stead.
RSV : And Pekah the son of Remaliah, his captain, conspired against him with fifty men of the Gileadites, and slew him in Samaria, in the citadel of the king's house; he slew him, and reigned in his stead.
ASV : And Pekah the son of Remaliah, his captain, conspired against him, and smote him in Samaria, in the castle of the kings house, with Argob and Arieh; and with him were fifty men of the Gileadites: and he slew him, and reigned in his stead.
ESV : And Pekah the son of Remaliah, his captain, conspired against him with fifty men of the people of Gilead, and struck him down in Samaria, in the citadel of the king's house with Argob and Arieh; he put him to death and reigned in his place.
ERVEN : The commander of Pekahiah's army was Pekah son of Remaliah. Pekah killed Pekahiah in Samaria at the king's palace. Pekah had 50 men from Gilead with him when he killed Pekahiah. Then Pekah became the new king after him.
BNV : পকহিয় য়ে সমস্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কাজ করেছিলেন সেসব ‘ইস্রায়েলের রাজাদের ইতিহাস’ গ্রন্থে লিপিবদ্ধ আছে|
KJV : And the rest of the acts of Pekahiah, and all that he did, behold, they [are] written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.
YLT : And the rest of the matters of Pekahiah, and all that he did, lo, they are written on the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel.
RV : Now the rest of the acts of Pekahiah, and all that he did, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.
RSV : Now the rest of the deeds of Pekahiah, and all that he did, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.
ASV : Now the rest of the acts of Pekahiah, and all that he did, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.
ESV : Now the rest of the deeds of Pekahiah and all that he did, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.
ERVEN : All the great things Pekahiah did are written in the book, The History of the Kings of Israel.
BNV : রাজা অসরিয়ের যিহূদায় রাজত্বের 52 তম বছরে রমলিয়ের পুত্র পেকহ শমরিয়ায় ইস্রায়েলের রাজা হন| পেকহ 20 বছর রাজত্ব করেছিলেন|
KJV : In the two and fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah Pekah the son of Remaliah began to reign over Israel in Samaria, [and reigned] twenty years.
YLT : In the fifty and second year of Azariah king of Judah, reigned hath Pekah son of Remaliah over Israel, in Samaria -- twenty years,
RV : In the two and fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah Pekah the son of Remaliah began to reign over Israel in Samaria, {cf15i and reigned} twenty years.
RSV : In the fifty-second year of Azariah king of Judah Pekah the son of Remaliah began to reign over Israel in Samaria, and reigned twenty years.
ASV : In the two and fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah Pekah the son of Remaliah began to reign over Israel in Samaria, and reigned twenty years.
ESV : In the fifty-second year of Azariah king of Judah, Pekah the son of Remaliah began to reign over Israel in Samaria, and he reigned twenty years.
ERVEN : Pekah son of Remaliah began to rule over Israel in Samaria during the 52 year that Azariah was king of Judah. Pekah ruled 20 years.
BNV : এবং প্রভু যা কিছু বারণ করেছিলেন পেকহ সে সবই করেছিলেন| নবাটের পুত্র যারবিয়ামের মত পেকহও ইস্রায়েলের লোকেদের পাপাচরণে বাধ্য করেন|
KJV : And he did [that which was] evil in the sight of the LORD: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.
YLT : and he doth the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, he hath not turned aside from the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, that he caused Israel to sin.
RV : And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, wherewith he made Israel to sin.
RSV : And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD; he did not depart from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.
ASV : And he did that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, wherewith he made Israel to sin.
ESV : And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD. He did not depart from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.
ERVEN : Pekah did what the Lord said was wrong. He did not stop committing the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat who caused Israel to sin.
BNV : অশূররাজ তিগ্লত্‌পিলেষর এসে ইযোন, আবেল-বৈত্‌-মাখা, যানোহ, কেদশ, হাত্‌সোর, গিলিয়দ, গালীল ও নপ্তালির সমগ্র অঞ্চল দখল করে এখানকার লোকদের অশূরে বন্দী করে নিয়ে যান| এটা হয়েছিল যখন পেকহ ইস্রায়েলের রাজা ছিলেন|
KJV : In the days of Pekah king of Israel came Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, and took Ijon, and Abel-beth-maachah, and Janoah, and Kedesh, and Hazor, and Gilead, and Galilee, all the land of Naphtali, and carried them captive to Assyria.
YLT : In the days of Pekah king of Israel hath Tiglath-Pileser king of Asshur come, and taketh Ijon, and Abel-Beth-Maachah, and Janoah, and Kedesh, and Hazor, and Gilead, and Galilee, all the land of Naphtali, and removeth them to Asshur.
RV : In the days of Pekah king of Israel came Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, and took Ijon, and Abel-beth-maacah, and Janoah, and Kedesh, and Hazor, and Gilead, and Galilee, all the land of Naphtali; and he carried them captive to Assyria.
RSV : In the days of Pekah king of Israel Tiglathpileser king of Assyria came and captured Ijon, Abelbethmaacah, Janoah, Kedesh, Hazor, Gilead, and Galilee, all the land of Naphtali; and he carried the people captive to Assyria.
ASV : In the days of Pekah king of Israel came Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, and took Ijon, and Abel-beth-maacah, and Janoah, and Kedesh, and Hazor, and Gilead, and Galilee, all the land of Naphtali; and he carried them captive to Assyria.
ESV : In the days of Pekah king of Israel, Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria came and captured Ijon, Abel-beth-maacah, Janoah, Kedesh, Hazor, Gilead, and Galilee, all the land of Naphtali, and he carried the people captive to Assyria.
ERVEN : King Tiglath Pileser of Assyria came to fight against Israel while Pekah was king of Israel. Tiglath Pileser captured Ijon, Abel Bethmaacah, Janoah, Kedesh, Hazor, Gilead, Galilee, and all the area of Naphtali. He took the people from these places as prisoners to Assyria.
BNV : উষিযের পুত্র য়োথমের যিহূদায় রাজত্বকালের 20 বছরের মাথায় এলার পুত্র হোশেয, রমলিযর পুত্র রাজা পেকহের বিরুদ্ধে চএান্ত করে তাঁকে হত্যা করেন এবং নিজে নতুন রাজা হয়ে বসেন|
KJV : And Hoshea the son of Elah made a conspiracy against Pekah the son of Remaliah, and smote him, and slew him, and reigned in his stead, in the twentieth year of Jotham the son of Uzziah.
YLT : And make a conspiracy doth Hoshea son of Elah against Pekah son of Remaliah, and smiteth him, and putteth him to death, and reigneth in his stead, in the twentieth year of Jotham son of Uzziah.
RV : And Hoshea the son of Elah made a conspiracy against Pekah the son of Remaliah, and smote him, and slew him, and reigned in his stead, in the twentieth year of Jotham the son of Uzziah.
RSV : Then Hoshea the son of Elah made a conspiracy against Pekah the son of Remaliah, and struck him down, and slew him, and reigned in his stead, in the twentieth year of Jotham the son of Uzziah.
ASV : And Hoshea the son of Elah made a conspiracy against Pekah the son of Remaliah, and smote him, and slew him, and reigned in his stead, in the twentieth year of Jotham the son of Uzziah.
ESV : Then Hoshea the son of Elah made a conspiracy against Pekah the son of Remaliah and struck him down and put him to death and reigned in his place, in the twentieth year of Jotham the son of Uzziah.
ERVEN : Hoshea son of Elah made plans against Pekah son of Remaliah and killed him. Then Hoshea became the new king. This was during the 20 year that Jotham son of Uzziah was king of Judah.
BNV : পেকহ যা কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কাজ করেছিলেন সে সবই ‘ইস্রায়েলের রাজাদের ইতিহাস’ গ্রন্থে লিপিবদ্ধ আছে|
KJV : And the rest of the acts of Pekah, and all that he did, behold, they [are] written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.
YLT : And the rest of the matters of Pekah, and all that he did, lo, they are written on the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel.
RV : Now the rest of the acts of Pekah, and all that he did, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.
RSV : Now the rest of the acts of Pekah, and all that he did, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.
ASV : Now the rest of the acts of Pekah, and all that he did, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.
ESV : Now the rest of the acts of Pekah and all that he did, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.
ERVEN : All the great things that Pekah did are written in the book, The History of the Kings of Israel.
BNV : রমলিয়র পুত্র পেকহর ইস্রায়েলে রাজত্বের দ্বিতীয় বছরে উষিযের পুত্র য়োথম যিহূদার নতুন রাজা হলেন|
KJV : In the second year of Pekah the son of Remaliah king of Israel began Jotham the son of Uzziah king of Judah to reign.
YLT : In the second year of Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel reigned hath Jotham son of Uzziah king of Judah.
RV : In the second year of Pekah the son of Remaliah king of Israel began Jotham the son of Uzziah king of Judah to reign.
RSV : In the second year of Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, Jotham the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, began to reign.
ASV : In the second year of Pekah the son of Remaliah king of Israel began Jotham the son of Uzziah king of Judah to reign.
ESV : In the second year of Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, Jotham the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, began to reign.
ERVEN : Jotham son of Uzziah became king of Judah. This was during the second year that Pekah son of Remaliah was king of Israel.
BNV : য়োথম যখন রাজা হন তাঁর বয়স ছিল 25 বছর| তিনি 16 বছর জেরুশালেমে রাজত্ব করেছিলেন| তাঁর মা ছিলেন সাদোকের কন্যা য়িরূশা|
KJV : Five and twenty years old was he when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. And his mother’s name [was] Jerusha, the daughter of Zadok.
YLT : A son of twenty and five years was he in his reigning, and sixteen years he hath reigned in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother [is] Jerusha daughter of Zadok,
RV : Five and twenty years old was he when he began to reign; and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem: and his mother-s name was Jerusha the daughter of Zadok.
RSV : He was twenty-five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Jerusha the daughter of Zadok.
ASV : Five and twenty years old was he when he began to reign; and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem: and his mothers name was Jerusha the daughter of Zadok.
ESV : He was twenty-five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Jerusha the daughter of Zadok.
ERVEN : Jotham was 25 years old when he became king. He ruled 16 years in Jerusalem. His mother was named Jerusha, the daughter of Zadok.
BNV : য়োথম তাঁর পিতা উষিয়ের মতোই প্রভু নির্দেশিত কাজকর্ম করেছিলেন|
KJV : And he did [that which was] right in the sight of the LORD: he did according to all that his father Uzziah had done.
YLT : and he doth that which [is] right in the eyes of Jehovah, according to all that Uzziah his father did he hath done.
RV : And he did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD: he did according to all that his father Uzziah had done.
RSV : And he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, according to all that his father Uzziah had done.
ASV : And he did that which was right in the eyes of Jehovah; he did according to all that his father Uzziah had done.
ESV : And he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, according to all that his father Uzziah had done.
ERVEN : Jotham did what the Lord said was right, just as his father Uzziah had done.
BNV : কিন্তু তিনিও মূর্ত্তি পূজোর জন্য নির্মিত উঁচু বেদীগুলো ধ্বংস করেন নি| তখনও পর্য়ন্ত এইসব বেদীতে লোকেরা বলিদান করত ও ধুপধূনো দিত| য়োথম প্রভুর মন্দিরের ওপরের দরজাটি তৈরী করেছিলেন|
KJV : Howbeit the high places were not removed: the people sacrificed and burned incense still in the high places. He built the higher gate of the house of the LORD.
YLT : Only, the high places have not turned aside -- yet are the people sacrificing and making perfume in high places; he hath built the high gate of the house of Jehovah.
RV : Howbeit the high places were not taken away: the people still sacrificed and burned incense in the high places. He built the upper gate of the house of the LORD.
RSV : Nevertheless the high places were not removed; the people still sacrificed and burned incense on the high places. He built the upper gate of the house of the LORD.
ASV : Howbeit the high places were not taken away: the people still sacrificed and burned incense in the high places. He built the upper gate of the house of Jehovah.
ESV : Nevertheless, the high places were not removed. The people still sacrificed and made offerings on the high places. He built the upper gate of the house of the LORD.
ERVEN : But he did not destroy the high places. The people still made sacrifices and burned incense at those places of worship. Jotham built the upper gate of the Lord's Temple.
BNV : য়োথম য়ে সমস্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কাজ করেছিলেন সে সবই ‘যিহূদার রাজাদের ইতিহাস’ গ্রন্থে লিপিবদ্ধ আছে|
KJV : Now the rest of the acts of Jotham, and all that he did, [are] they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?
YLT : And the rest of the matters of Jotham, and all that he did, are they not written on the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Judah?
RV : Now the rest of the acts of Jotham, and all that he did, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?
RSV : Now the rest of the acts of Jotham, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?
ASV : Now the rest of the acts of Jotham, and all that he did, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?
ESV : Now the rest of the acts of Jotham and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?
ERVEN : All the great things that Jotham did are written in the book, The History of the Kings of Judah.
BNV : তাঁর রাজত্বকালে, অরামের রাজা রত্‌সীনকে এবং রমলিযর পুত্র পেকহকে প্রভু যিহূদার বিরুদ্ধে যুদ্ধ করতে পাঠিয়েছিলেন|
KJV : In those days the LORD began to send against Judah Rezin the king of Syria, and Pekah the son of Remaliah.
YLT : In those days hath Jehovah begun to send against Judah Rezin king of Amram and Pekah son of Remaliah.
RV : In those days the LORD began to send against Judah Rezin the king of Syria, and Pekah the son of Remaliah.
RSV : In those days the LORD began to send Rezin the king of Syria and Pekah the son of Remaliah against Judah.
ASV : In those days Jehovah began to send against Judah Rezin the king of Syria, and Pekah the son of Remaliah.
ESV : In those days the LORD began to send Rezin the king of Syria and Pekah the son of Remaliah against Judah.
ERVEN : At that time the Lord sent King Rezin of Aram and Pekah son of Remaliah to fight against Judah.
BNV : য়োথমের মৃত্যু হলে তাঁকে তাঁর পূর্বপুরুষদের সঙ্গে দায়ূদ নগরীতে সমাধিস্থ করার পর তাঁর পুত্র আহস নতুন রাজা হলেন|
KJV : And Jotham slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David his father: and Ahaz his son reigned in his stead.
YLT : And Jotham lieth with his fathers, and is buried with his fathers, in the city of David his father, and reign doth Ahaz his son in his stead.
RV : And Jotham slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David his father: and Ahaz his son reigned in his stead.
RSV : Jotham slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David his father; and Ahaz his son reigned in his stead.
ASV : And Jotham slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David his father: and Ahaz his son reigned in his stead.
ESV : Jotham slept with his fathers and was buried with his fathers in the city of David his father, and Ahaz his son reigned in his place.
ERVEN : Jotham died and was buried with his ancestors in the City of David, his ancestor. Jotham's son Ahaz became the new king after him.

