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Job Chapters

Job 26 Verses

KNV : ಯೋಬನು ಉತ್ತರ ಕೊಟ್ಟು ಹೇಳಿದ್ದೇನಂದರೆ --
KJV : But Job answered and said,
YLT : And Job answereth and saith: --
RV : Then Job answered and said,
RSV : Then Job answered:
ASV : Then Job answered and said,
ESV : Then Job answered and said:
ERVEN : Then Job answered:
KNV : ಶಕ್ತಿ ಇಲ್ಲದವನಿಗೆ ನೀನು ಏನು ಸಹಾಯಮಾಡಿದಿ? ತ್ರಾಣವಿಲ್ಲದ ಕೈಗೆ ಏನು ರಕ್ಷಣೆ ಮಾಡಿದಿ?
KJV : How hast thou helped [him that is] without power? [how] savest thou the arm [that hath] no strength?
YLT : What -- thou hast helped the powerless, Saved an arm not strong!
RV : How hast thou helped him that is without power! how hast thou saved the arm that hath no strength!
RSV : "How you have helped him who has no power! How you have saved the arm that has no strength!
ASV : How hast thou helped him that is without power! How hast thou saved the arm that hath no strength!
ESV : "How you have helped him who has no power! How you have saved the arm that has no strength!
ERVEN : "Bildad, you have been such a great help to this tired, weary man! You have really supported me!
KNV : ಜ್ಞಾನವಿಲ್ಲದವನಿಗೆ ಏನು ಆಲೋಚನೆ ಹೇಳಿದಿ? ಇದ್ದಂತೆ ಇರುವದನ್ನು ನೀನು ಬಹಳ ವಾಗಿ ಬೋಧಿಸಿದಿಯಲ್ಲಾ;
KJV : How hast thou counseled [him that hath] no wisdom? and [how] hast thou plentifully declared the thing as it is?
YLT : What -- thou hast given counsel to the unwise, And wise plans in abundance made known.
RV : How hast thou counselled him that hath no wisdom, and plentifully declared sound knowledge!
RSV : How you have counseled him who has no wisdom, and plentifully declared sound knowledge!
ASV : How hast thou counselled him that hath no wisdom, And plentifully declared sound knowledge!
ESV : How you have counseled him who has no wisdom, and plentifully declared sound knowledge!
ERVEN : You have given such wonderful advice to this foolish man! You have provided so much useful information!
KNV : ಯಾವನ ಸಂಗಡ ಮಾತನಾಡುತ್ತೀ? ಯಾವನ ಶ್ವಾಸವು ನಿನ್ನಿಂದ ಹೊರಡುತ್ತದೆ?
KJV : To whom hast thou uttered words? and whose spirit came from thee?
YLT : With whom hast thou declared words? And whose breath came forth from thee?
RV : To whom hast thou uttered words? and whose spirit came forth from thee?
RSV : With whose help have you uttered words, and whose spirit has come forth from you?
ASV : To whom hast thou uttered words? And whose spirit came forth from thee?
ESV : With whose help have you uttered words, and whose breath has come out from you?
ERVEN : Who helped you say these things? Whose spirit inspired you to speak?
KNV : ಸತ್ತು ಹೋದವುಗಳೂ ಅವುಗಳ ನಿವಾಸಿಗಳೂ ನೀರುಗಳ ಕೆಳಗೆ ರೂಪಿಸಲ್ಪಡುತ್ತವೆ.
KJV : Dead [things] are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof.
YLT : The Rephaim are formed, Beneath the waters, also their inhabitants.
RV : They that are deceased tremble beneath the waters and the inhabitants thereof.
RSV : The shades below tremble, the waters and their inhabitants.
ASV : They that are deceased tremble Beneath the waters and the inhabitants thereof.
ESV : The dead tremble under the waters and their inhabitants.
ERVEN : "The ghosts and their neighbors in the underworld shake with fear.
KNV : ಆತನ ಮುಂದೆ ನರಕವು ಬೆತ್ತಲೆಯಾಗಿದೆ; ನಾಶನಕ್ಕೆ ಮರೆ ಇಲ್ಲ.
KJV : Hell [is] naked before him, and destruction hath no covering.
YLT : Naked [is] Sheol over-against Him, And there is no covering to destruction.
RV : Sheol is naked before him, and Abaddon hath no covering.
RSV : Sheol is naked before God, and Abaddon has no covering.
ASV : Sheol is naked before God, And Abaddon hath no covering.
ESV : Sheol is naked before God, and Abaddon has no covering.
ERVEN : But God can see clearly into that place of death. Death is not hidden from God.
KNV : ಉತ್ತರವನ್ನು ಶೂನ್ಯದ ಮೇಲೆ ವಿಸ್ತರಿಸುತ್ತಾನೆ; ಭೂಮಿ ಯನ್ನು ಏನೂ ಇಲ್ಲದ್ದರ ಮೇಲೆ ತೂಗ ಹಾಕಿದ್ದಾನೆ.
KJV : He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, [and] hangeth the earth upon nothing.
YLT : Stretching out the north over desolation, Hanging the earth upon nothing,
RV : He stretcheth out the north over empty space, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.
RSV : He stretches out the north over the void, and hangs the earth upon nothing.
ASV : He stretcheth out the north over empty space, And hangeth the earth upon nothing.
ESV : He stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing.
ERVEN : God stretched the northern sky over empty space. He hung the earth on nothing.
KNV : ನೀರನ್ನು ತನ್ನ ಮಂದವಾದ ಮೇಘಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಕಟ್ಟುತ್ತಾನೆ. ಮೇಘವು ಅದರ ಕೆಳಗೆ ಸೀಳಿಹೋಗದು;
KJV : He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds; and the cloud is not rent under them.
YLT : Binding up the waters in His thick clouds, And the cloud is not rent under them.
RV : He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds; and the cloud is not rent under them.
RSV : He binds up the waters in his thick clouds, and the cloud is not rent under them.
ASV : He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds; And the cloud is not rent under them.
ESV : He binds up the waters in his thick clouds, and the cloud is not split open under them.
ERVEN : He fills the thick clouds with water. But he does not let its heavy weight break the clouds open.
KNV : ಸಿಂಹಾ ಸನದ ಮುಖವನ್ನು ಹಿಂದೆಗೆಯುತ್ತಾನೆ; ಅದರ ಮೇಲೆ ತನ್ನ ಮೇಘವನ್ನು ವಿಸ್ತರಿಸುತ್ತಾನೆ.
KJV : He holdeth back the face of his throne, [and] spreadeth his cloud upon it.
YLT : Taking hold of the face of the throne, Spreading over it His cloud.
RV : He closeth in the face of his throne, and spreadeth his cloud upon it.
RSV : He covers the face of the moon, and spreads over it his cloud.
ASV : He incloseth the face of his throne, And spreadeth his cloud upon it.
ESV : He covers the face of the full moon and spreads over it his cloud.
ERVEN : He covers the face of the full moon. He spreads his clouds over it and hides it.
KNV : ಹಗಲು ರಾತ್ರಿ ಮುಗಿಯುವ ವರೆಗೆ ಆತನು ನೀರಿನ ಸುತ್ತಲೂ ಮೇರೆ ಯನ್ನು ಕಟ್ಟಿದ್ದಾನೆ.
KJV : He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and night come to an end.
YLT : A limit He hath placed on the waters, Unto the boundary of light with darkness.
RV : He hath described a boundary upon the face of the waters, unto the confines of light and darkness.
RSV : He has described a circle upon the face of the waters at the boundary between light and darkness.
ASV : He hath described a boundary upon the face of the waters, Unto the confines of light and darkness.
ESV : He has inscribed a circle on the face of the waters at the boundary between light and darkness.
ERVEN : He drew the horizon on the ocean, like a circle where light and darkness meet.
KNV : ಆಕಾಶದ ಸ್ತಂಭಗಳು ಅಲ್ಲಾಡು ತ್ತವೆ; ಆತನ ಗದರಿಕೆಗೆ ಆಶ್ಚರ್ಯಪಡುತ್ತವೆ.
KJV : The pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof.
YLT : Pillars of the heavens do tremble, And they wonder because of His rebuke.
RV : The pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his rebuke.
RSV : The pillars of heaven tremble, and are astounded at his rebuke.
ASV : The pillars of heaven tremble And are astonished at his rebuke.
ESV : The pillars of heaven tremble and are astounded at his rebuke.
ERVEN : The foundations that hold up the sky shake with fear when God threatens them.
KNV : ತನ್ನ ಶಕ್ತಿಯಿಂದ ಸಮುದ್ರವನ್ನು ಭೇದಿಸುತ್ತಾನೆ. ತನ್ನ ವಿವೇ ಕದಿಂದ ಗರ್ವಿಷ್ಟನನ್ನು ಹೊಡೆಯುತ್ತಾನೆ.
KJV : He divideth the sea with his power, and by his understanding he smiteth through the proud.
YLT : By His power He hath quieted the sea, And by His understanding smitten the proud.
RV : He stirreth up the sea with his power, and by his understanding he smiteth through Rahab.
RSV : By his power he stilled the sea; by his understanding he smote Rahab.
ASV : He stirreth up the sea with his power, And by his understanding he smiteth through Rahab.
ESV : By his power he stilled the sea; by his understanding he shattered Rahab.
ERVEN : With his own power God calmed the sea. With his wisdom he destroyed Rahab.
KNV : ಆತನ ಆತ್ಮನಿಂದ ಆಕಾಶವು ಶೃಂಗಾರವಾಗಿದೆ; ಆತನ ಕೈ ಓಡುವ ಸರ್ಪವನ್ನು ರೂಪಿಸಿತು.
KJV : By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed the crooked serpent.
YLT : By His Spirit the heavens He beautified, Formed hath His hand the fleeing serpent.
RV : By his spirit the heavens are garnished; his hand hath pierced the swift serpent.
RSV : By his wind the heavens were made fair; his hand pierced the fleeing serpent.
ASV : By his Spirit the heavens are garnished; His hand hath pierced the swift serpent.
ESV : By his wind the heavens were made fair; his hand pierced the fleeing serpent.
ERVEN : His breath made the skies clear. His hand destroyed the snake that tried to get away.
KNV : ಇಗೋ, ಇವು ಆತನ ಮಾರ್ಗಗಳ ಭಾಗಗಳು; ಆತನನ್ನು ಕುರಿತು ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಭಾಗ ಮಾತ್ರ ಕೇಳಿದ್ದೇವೆ; ಆದರೆ ಆತನ ಪರಾಕ್ರಮದ ಗುಡುಗನ್ನು ಯಾವನು ಗ್ರಹಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳು ವನು ಎಂಬದು.
KJV : Lo, these [are] parts of his ways: but how little a portion is heard of him? but the thunder of his power who can understand?
YLT : Lo, these [are] the borders of His way, And how little a matter is heard of Him, And the thunder of His might Who doth understand?
RV : Lo, these are but the outskirts of his ways: and how small a whisper do we hear of him! but the thunder of his power who can understand?
RSV : Lo, these are but the outskirts of his ways; and how small a whisper do we hear of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand?"
ASV : Lo, these are but the outskirts of his ways: And how small a whisper do we hear of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand?
ESV : Behold, these are but the outskirts of his ways, and how small a whisper do we hear of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand?"
ERVEN : These are only a few of the amazing things God has done. We hear only a small whisper of God's thundering power."

