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Esther Chapters

Esther 7 Verses

MRV : तेव्हा राजा आणि हामान राणी एस्तेरकडे भोजनाला गेले.
KJV : So the king and Haman came to banquet with Esther the queen.
YLT : And the king cometh in, and Haman, to drink with Esther the queen,
RV : So the king and Haman came to banquet with Esther the queen.
RSV : So the king and Haman went in to feast with Queen Esther.
ASV : So the king and Haman came to banquet with Esther the queen.
ESV : So the king and Haman went in to feast with Queen Esther.
ERVEN : So the king and Haman went to eat with Queen Esther.
MRV : मेजवानीच्या या दुसऱ्या दिवशी ते द्राक्षारस घेत असताना राजाने पुन्हा एस्तेरला विचारले, “राणी एस्तेर, तुला काय हवे आहे? काहीही माग. ते तुला मिळेल. काय हवे तुला? तुला मी काहीही देईन. अगदी अर्धे राज्य देखील.”
KJV : And the king said again unto Esther on the second day at the banquet of wine, What [is] thy petition, queen Esther? and it shall be granted thee: and what [is] thy request? and it shall be performed, [even] to the half of the kingdom.
YLT : and the king saith to Esther also on the second day, during the banquet of wine, `What [is] thy petition, Esther, O queen? and it is given to thee; and what thy request? unto the half of the kingdom -- and it is done.`
RV : And the king said again unto Esther on the second day at the banquet of wine, What is thy petition, queen Esther? and it shall he granted thee: and what is thy request? even to the half of the kingdom it shall be performed.
RSV : And on the second day, as they were drinking wine, the king again said to Esther, "What is your petition, Queen Esther? It shall be granted you. And what is your request? Even to the half of my kingdom, it shall be fulfilled."
ASV : And the king said again unto Esther on the second day at the banquet of wine, What is thy petition, queen Esther? and it shall be granted thee: and what is thy request? even to the half of the kingdom it shall be performed.
ESV : And on the second day, as they were drinking wine after the feast, the king again said to Esther, "What is your wish, Queen Esther? It shall be granted you. And what is your request? Even to the half of my kingdom, it shall be fulfilled."
ERVEN : Then as they were drinking wine on the second day of the party, the king again asked Esther a question, "Queen Esther, what is it you want to ask for? Ask anything and it will be given to you. What do you want? I will give you anything, even half my kingdom."
MRV : तेव्हा राणी म्हणाली, “राजा, तुला मी आवडत असेन आणि तुझी मर्जी असेल तर कृपा करून मला जगू दे. माझ्या लोकांनाही जगू दे. एवढेच माझे मागणे आहे.
KJV : Then Esther the queen answered and said, If I have found favour in thy sight, O king, and if it please the king, let my life be given me at my petition, and my people at my request:
YLT : And Esther the queen answereth and saith, `If I have found grace in thine eyes, O king, and if to the king [it be] good, let my life be given to me at my petition, and my people at my request;
RV : Then Esther the queen answered and said, If I have found favour in thy sight, O king, and if it please the king, let my life be given me at my petition, and my people at my request:
RSV : Then Queen Esther answered, "If I have found favor in your sight, O king, and if it please the king, let my life be given me at my petition, and my people at my request.
ASV : Then Esther the queen answered and said, If I have found favor in thy sight, O king, and if it please the king, let my life be given me at my petition, and my people at my request:
ESV : Then Queen Esther answered, "If I have found favor in your sight, O king, and if it please the king, let my life be granted me for my wish, and my people for my request.
ERVEN : Then Queen Esther answered, "King, if you like me and it pleases you, please let me live. And I ask you to let my people live too. This is what I ask for.
MRV : कारण, पुरते नेस्तनाबूत होण्यासाठी, मारले जाण्यासाठी मी आणि माझे लोक विकले गेलो आहोत. आमची नुसती गुलाम म्हणून विक्री झाली असती तरी मी गप्प राहिले असते. कारण राजाला तसदी देण्याइतकी ती समस्या गंभीर ठरली नसती.”
KJV : For we are sold, I and my people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish. But if we had been sold for bondmen and bondwomen, I had held my tongue, although the enemy could not countervail the king’s damage.
YLT : for we have been sold, I and my people, to cut off, to slay, and to destroy; and if for men-servants and for maid-servants we had been sold I had kept silent -- but the adversity is not equal to the loss of the king.`
RV : for we are sold, I and my people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish. But if we had been sold for bondmen and bondwomen, I had held my peace, although the adversary could not have compensated for the king-s damage.
RSV : For we are sold, I and my people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to be annihilated. If we had been sold merely as slaves, men and women, I would have held my peace; for our affliction is not to be compared with the loss to the king."
ASV : for we are sold, I and my people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish. But if we had been sold for bondmen and bondwomen, I had held my peace, although the adversary could not have compensated for the kings damage.
ESV : For we have been sold, I and my people, to be destroyed, to be killed, and to be annihilated. If we had been sold merely as slaves, men and women, I would have been silent, for our affliction is not to be compared with the loss to the king."
ERVEN : I ask this because my people and I have been sold to be destroyed—to be killed and wiped out completely. If we had just been sold as slaves, I would have kept quiet, because that would not be enough of a problem to bother the king."
MRV : तेव्हा राजा अहश्वेरोशने राणी एस्तेरला विचारले, “असे तुमच्या बाबतीत कोणी केले? तुझ्या लोकांच्या बाबतीत असे करण्याचे धाडस करणारा कोण तो माणूस?”
KJV : Then the king Ahasuerus answered and said unto Esther the queen, Who is he, and where is he, that durst presume in his heart to do so?
YLT : And the king Ahasuerus saith, yea, he saith to Esther the queen, `Who [is] he -- this one? and where [is] this one? -- he whose heart hath filled him to do so?`
RV : Then spake the king Ahasuerus and said unto Esther the queen, Who is he, and where is he, that durst presume in his heart to do so?
RSV : Then King Ahasuerus said to Queen Esther, "Who is he, and where is he, that would presume to do this?"
ASV : Then spake the king Ahasuerus and said unto Esther the queen, Who is he, and where is he, that durst presume in his heart to do so?
ESV : Then King Ahasuerus said to Queen Esther, "Who is he, and where is he, who has dared to do this?"
ERVEN : Then King Xerxes asked Queen Esther, "Who did this to you? Where is the man who dared to do such a thing to your people?"
MRV : एस्तेर म्हणाली, “तो आपल्या समोरच आहे. हाच तो दृष्ट हामान आमचा शत्रू.”तेव्हा राजा आणि राणीसमोर हामान भयभीत झाला.
KJV : And Esther said, The adversary and enemy [is] this wicked Haman. Then Haman was afraid before the king and the queen.
YLT : And Esther saith, `The man -- adversary and enemy -- [is] this wicked Haman;` and Haman hath been afraid at the presence of the king and of the queen.
RV : And Esther said, An adversary and an enemy, even this wicked Haman. Then Haman was afraid before the king and the queen.
RSV : And Esther said, "A foe and enemy! This wicked Haman!" Then Haman was in terror before the king and the queen.
ASV : And Esther said, An adversary and an enemy, even this wicked Haman. Then Haman was afraid before the king and the queen.
ESV : And Esther said, "A foe and enemy! This wicked Haman!" Then Haman was terrified before the king and the queen.
ERVEN : Esther said, "The man against us, our enemy, is this wicked Haman." Then Haman was filled with terror before the king and queen.
MRV : राजाला अतिशय संताप आला. द्राक्षारस तसाच टाकून तो उठला आणि बाहेर राजबागेत गेला. पण हामान आपले प्राण वाचवण्याची याचना करत आत राणी एस्तेरजवळच थांबला. राजाने आपला वध करायचे ठरवले आहे याची कल्पना असल्यामुळे तो आपल्या प्राणांची भीक मागू लागला.
KJV : And the king arising from the banquet of wine in his wrath [went] into the palace garden: and Haman stood up to make request for his life to Esther the queen; for he saw that there was evil determined against him by the king.
YLT : And the king hath risen, in his fury, from the banquet of wine, unto the garden of the house, and Haman hath remained to seek for his life from Esther the queen, for he hath seen that evil hath been determined against him by the king.
RV : And the king arose in his wrath from the banquet of wine {cf15i and went} into the palace garden: and Haman stood up to make request for his life to Esther the queen; for he saw that there was evil determined against him by the king.
RSV : And the king rose from the feast in wrath and went into the palace garden; but Haman stayed to beg his life from Queen Esther, for he saw that evil was determined against him by the king.
ASV : And the king arose in his wrath from the banquet of wine and went into the palace garden: and Haman stood up to make request for his life to Esther the queen; for he saw that there was evil determined against him by the king.
ESV : And the king arose in his wrath from the wine-drinking and went into the palace garden, but Haman stayed to beg for his life from Queen Esther, for he saw that harm was determined against him by the king.
ERVEN : The king was very angry. He got up, left his wine, and went out into the garden. But Haman stayed inside to beg Queen Esther to save his life. He begged for his life because he knew that the king had already decided to kill him.
MRV : बागेतून राजा मेजवानीच्या दालनात येत असतानाच, ज्या आसनावर एस्तेर बसली होती त्यावर हामानला पडताना राजाने पाहिले. तेव्हा संतापून राजा म्हणाला, “मी घरात असतानाच राणीवर जबरदस्ती करणार आहेस की काय?”राजा असे म्हणाल्याबरोबर सेवक आत आले आणि त्यांनी हामानचे तोंड झाकले.
KJV : Then the king returned out of the palace garden into the place of the banquet of wine; and Haman was fallen upon the bed whereon Esther [was.] Then said the king, Will he force the queen also before me in the house? As the word went out of the king’s mouth, they covered Haman’s face.
YLT : And the king hath turned back out of the garden of the house unto the house of the banquet of wine, and Haman is falling on the couch on which Esther [is], and the king saith, `Also to subdue the queen with me in the house?` the word hath gone out from the mouth of the king, and the face of Haman they have covered.
RV : Then the king returned out of the palace garden into the place of the banquet of wine; and Haman was fallen upon the couch whereon Esther was. Then said the king, Will he even force the queen before me in the house? As the word went out of the king-s mouth, they covered Haman-s face.
RSV : And the king returned from the palace garden to the place where they were drinking wine, as Haman was falling on the couch where Esther was; and the king said, "Will he even assault the queen in my presence, in my own house?" As the words left the mouth of the king, they covered Haman's face.
ASV : Then the king returned out of the palace garden into the place of the banquet of wine; and Haman was fallen upon the couch whereon Esther was. Then said the king, Will he even force the queen before me in the house? As the word went out of the kings mouth, they covered Hamans face.
ESV : And the king returned from the palace garden to the place where they were drinking wine, as Haman was falling on the couch where Esther was. And the king said, "Will he even assault the queen in my presence, in my own house?" As the word left the mouth of the king, they covered Haman's face.
ERVEN : Just as the king was coming back in from the garden to the party room, he saw Haman falling on the couch where Esther was lying. The king said with anger in his voice, "Will you attack the queen even while I am in the house?" As soon as the king had said this, servants came in and killed Haman.
MRV : हर्बाेना नावाचा राजाचा खोजा म्हणाला, “हामानच्या घराजवळ पंचाहत्तर फूट उंचीचा वधस्तंभ उभारला आहे. मर्दखयला फाशी द्यायला त्याने तो उभारला होता. तुम्हाला ठार करायचा कट उघडकीला आणून ज्याने तुम्हाला मदत केली तोच हा मर्दखय.”राजा म्हणाला, “हामानला त्या स्तंभावरच फाशी द्या.”
KJV : And Harbonah, one of the chamberlains, said before the king, Behold also, the gallows fifty cubits high, which Haman had made for Mordecai, who had spoken good for the king, standeth in the house of Haman. Then the king said, Hang him thereon.
YLT : And Harbonah, one of the eunuchs, saith before the king, `Also lo, the tree that Haman made for Mordecai, who spake good for the king, is standing in the house of Haman, in height fifty cubits;` and the king saith, `Hang him upon it.`
RV : Then said Harbonah, one of the chamberlains that were before the king, Behold also, the gallows fifty cubits high, which Haman hath made for Mordecai, who spake good for the king, standeth in the house of Haman. And the king said, Hang him thereon.
RSV : Then said Harbona, one of the eunuchs in attendance on the king, "Moreover, the gallows which Haman has prepared for Mordecai, whose word saved the king, is standing in Haman's house, fifty cubits high."
ASV : Then said Harbonah, one of the chamberlains that were before the king, Behold also, the gallows fifty cubits high, which Haman hath made for Mordecai, who spake good for the king, standeth in the house of Haman. And the king said, Hang him thereon.
ESV : Then Harbona, one of the eunuchs in attendance on the king, said, "Moreover, the gallows that Haman has prepared for Mordecai, whose word saved the king, is standing at Haman's house, fifty cubits high."
ERVEN : One of the eunuchs who served the king was named Harbona. He said, "A hanging post 75 feet tall has been built near Haman's house. Haman had it made so that he could hang Mordecai on it. Mordecai is the man who helped you when he told about the evil plans to kill you." The king said, "Hang Haman on that post!"
MRV : तेव्हा मर्दखयसाठी उभारलेल्या स्तंभावर हामानला फाशी देण्यात आली. राजाचा क्रोध शमला.
KJV : So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then was the king’s wrath pacified.
YLT : And they hang Haman upon the tree that he had prepared for Mordecai, and the fury of the king hath lain down.
RV : So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then was the king-s wrath pacified.
RSV : And the king said, "Hang him on that." So they hanged Haman on the gallows which he had prepared for Mordecai. Then the anger of the king abated.
ASV : So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then was the kings wrath pacified.
ESV : And the king said, "Hang him on that." So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then the wrath of the king abated.
ERVEN : So they hanged Haman on the hanging post he had built for Mordecai. Then the king stopped being angry.

